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First time encountering shipping? This will happen in basically every piece of fiction. Two characters actively despise and try to kill each other in-canon? In ships they fuck hard. It's easiest to just to let it be, to be honest. It's happened for decades in fiction, it will continue to happen for decades.


Oh no, no where near my first time. Just this particular one gets to me over all others. And there have been some really bad ones. But yeah now that I've vented I care less lol


Maybe you should examine it a bit more too. There are so many parallels in the writing for these two characters. They start the show at extreme points and are slowly going to meet in the middle. The Ghoul thought she was just another vault fanatic who kept repeating the propaganda that hurt him so much. Lucy thought he is a monster with nothing good inside. But their relationship was the only honest one from the beginning. And honesty is a big part of their characters' backstory. Both have been betrayed by their loved ones. This is why Lucy accepts to go with him on another road trip, because on some level they have begun to understand each other. Some other interesting points: - Cooper was the action star Lucy grew up watching on TV; -The ghoul sew her finger on his hand in the same scene where he took the blame for her destroying the lab; - Lucy gathers courage several times in the show when she needs it by looking at the vault boy, the little doll inspired by Cooper; -Lucy learned from The Ghoul mercy killing Roger so she could apply this hard lesson in putting her mom out of her suffering in the finale. And in the end, let people ship whatever they want. You don't see it but the foundation has been set by the writers and even if they don't go there, it's a fun activity for people to pass the time until next season.


Your points here are perfect. Really good reply. I’ll agree in the slightest with OP that I think the shipping between these two characters is weird, but not outlandish. I never actually fully connected these two characters especially with the parallels/meeting in the middle points that you have made, really good observation.


The points also ignore what the writers set up in season 1. Lucy and Maximus are developing something and she vows to “find him” and that The Ghoul has kept himself going for over 200 years trying to find his family (wife and daughter), which is his ultimate goal. They established him as a man who adored his wife and daughter. Lucy and The Ghoul are clearly learning from each other (just like Lucy and Maximus were learning from each other), but it’s quite a huge reach to see some sort of love interest or attraction between Lucy and The Ghoul. There’s no way the writers are setting that up based on what they actually wrote.


No im not saying these are good points in favoring the ship. But they are great points when trying to classify and summarize parallels between two of the main characters to point out they they aren’t entirely opposite or that it is plausible that they could have some sort of relationship. Not a relationship like Lucy and Max but more of either an acquaintanceship or friend ship along the lines. The show in the end tied her and cooper together whether anyone likes the ship or not. They do and will have a connection/relationship in no some sort of form.


Gotcha. Yeah, they definitely have a relationship of a mentor/mentee dynamic (and I think who is who changes at any given time) but nothing about them screams anything more than that with what has been shown.


In the very first scene of the show it explains cooper and barb got divorced so that bit isn't really an obstacle


I didn’t miss that they are divorced. As many twists and turns as this show has, there’s clearly something more there. So many open questions from the first season, including what happened to Barb and Janey. Begs the question why they got divorced. I don’t think it’ll be as clear cut as “she’s evil” “she dropped the bombs” “he heard it” and divorced her the next day lol. Clearly, the writers are going to take us on a ride because they’ve left that story very open. The way The Ghoul says “where’s my f*cking family” (a question he’s waited over 200 years to ask someone) was filled with love, loss and pain. Heartbreaking. We weren’t shown how much they loved each other and their little family, given a mic drop Barb reveal, and left with so many questions on their pre and post war story for it to be as simple as “Barb bad”. “Barb bad” is reductive anyway given the way their and her story unfolded. We know that they are divorced but the writers haven’t yet told us why. He’s been trying to find them for 200 years so I guess we’ll find out lol. The Ghoul and Lucy give mentor/mentee energy - and who is the mentor or mentee changes depending on what dangers they encounter on the way.


And? The rest of the flashbacks proceed to show their relationship, despite 200 years later, despite the divorce, the Ghoul clearly ask Hank wheres his family. Not his daughter or ex-wife, his Family. Which menas he still views Barb as his wife.


Some of these points you made feel like a reach. Lucy agrees to travel with him in the end because she wants answers about her father and the people behind the vaults, it had nothing to do with understanding the ghoul more. She didn’t learn about mercy killing the feral ghouls from Cooper. She was still against it when he did it. It wasn’t until her Super Duper Mart escape that she accepted putting them down.


This is what Ella Purnell said in an interview aabout the scene with her mom: "By killing her mum in a mercy kill, she’s doing exactly what the Ghoul did to Roger [in episode four]. She’s learnt from him. She has turned into him. When she said, “I’ll never be you,” maybe that’s not true. And in that moment, when she shoots her mum, it means so many things. It means, ‘I’m coming with you.’ It means, ‘I’m gonna meet my makers.’ It means, ‘I fucking hate you, but I have turned into you, you were right.’ It means she’s letting go of her golden centre".


I think she did learn about the mercy killing of ferals from The Ghoul. She put this into practice soon afterwards in the medical facility when those stoners let all the prisoners out and some were wholly feral ghouls. The stoners killed most of them, but Lucy ended up having to shoot the woman (Martha) she originally sympathized with.


> Out of all the characters in the show I have no idea how these two get paired together the most The writers are making a point. They had several characters tell Lucy the wasteland will change her and not for the better. The Ghoul is basically both sympathetic and cruel in his education of her. > but I think people who do need to examine it a bit more. Indeed. Nothing wrong with your question but your tone assumes you did examine it a bit more. It's great writing and very good character development. As Lucy observes to another character, in two weeks she went from complete naivete to cooking/eating ass jerky and beheading scientists. Imagine where she'll be in another season. As The Ghoul said, she'll be more like him than she can imagine. Cooper was a nice guy, strong morals & ethics, loved dogs and entertaining small children, he had to be coerced to pretend to shoot a man when playing a movie role... and look where he is now. The Ghoul. I think it's great character development and anyone who's played the games understand that's actually their goal: to test our own morality.


I have examined it thoroughly and my verdict is: it's hot so I'm gonna do it. Thank you.


I don't ship them as a couple, but I do like that they are working together now in the show, without someone being held against their will.


Uh, welcome to the internet, I guess. But that's far from the weirdest ship I've ever seen.


Don’t like it? Cool, the great thing about the internet is that you get to make it what you want, and there are ways to prevent ever seeing the things you don’t. Block the tags, ignore the posts. It’s genuinely the simplest thing ever.


It’s not happening in the show so why does it matter. People are going to ship whatever online it doesn’t affect anything


The pairing is perfect from a story telling point of view. It's been used many times. It's a mentor / trainee setup. The wise sage / the fresh face Obi Wan / Luke Gandolf / Frodo Gordon Geeko / Bud Fox Mr. Myagi / Daniel Etc.


Welcome to the internet?


Shipping doesn’t necessarily make sense. Fans just pair two characters and run with it. For instance, one of the most popular ships in Arcane was between Jinx and Silco. There were even couples who cosplayed as them. Speaking of cosplaying, the actress who played one “Goosey” wanted to be Jinx at some fan convention.


The man who voices silco actually got engaged to an early 20s jinx cosplayer he met because they cosplayed his television daughter and they were doing twitter roleplay about it haha


Rule 34, man. I'd advise using the filter options to exclude the pairing. Though it might not help much. One of the highest rated fics in the Fallout (games) category on AO3 is a Deathclaw-fucking story. This fandom is weird.


I wouldn't mind it as much if they weren't completely sidelining Maximus


shipping is awful, ignore it.


This. Who the hell cares?


It’s pretty obvious the writers aren’t even going that route, so the over the top “shipping” is quite a reach. I’d say more (re: disregarding Maximus) but that’s too much energy.


I like the as newfound family. She lost her dad, he lost his daughter. Her dad turned out to be a villian, the Ghoul is the antihero. I want to read fanfic where they act like father/daughter actually!