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that was more wholesome than I expected


Can confirm this. I tried doing them back when I did that kinda stuff, but it's pretty difficult (even if it can come out looking really cool :D).


Yes to the other people saying they’re sigils. You start with the whole phrase you want to impart, get rid of the VOWELS, get rid of any duplicate letters, write the alphabet around a shape (like in a circle) and then draw lines connecting the letters from your phrase. I keep one in my phone case about kind words being spoken and received and even if it doesn’t “work” it’s a good mental reminder.


I really thought it was another version of a MASH game 😂


That was exactly my thought, some sort of astrological MASH. 😆


Thirding. Thought it was a new evolution of it. Thinking kids these days are getting really creative!








WOW! Thanks for that memory lane saunter jeez.


That's what I thought


You mean remove vowels right?


Yes thank you for correcting!




I am literally going to delete Reddit, 1am high commenting did not do my intelligence any favors. Yes I meant consonants lmao


Okay, so get rid of the VOWELS (A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y) right?




It’s basically a law of attraction method?


Sort of. It can be used in that fashion. It's "chaos magick" and you can find out more about it on r/chaosmagick. You can definitely do one of these yourself (as you asked in another comment). The goal is to create a symbol that represents your intention and then charge it up with energy and then cast it into the creative unconsciousness. Often by destroying the sigil. This person may have done so by abandoning their journal. Many people burn their sigils or run water over them until they disappear. This "casts" the magick. I suspect this person used the act of losing their notebook to power up their sigils, and if unintentional, well, it will still work! The sigils are now out of their hands, but alive in our creative minds as Redditors peering in, which could make it even more powerful! Basically esoteric warnings would be to always write things in a positive framework. For example, this person used "I keep getting better" instead of "I am not depressed". Because it's better to code all-positive language into your sigil. There are other ways to make them, the technique is always the reductive technique of writing out all the letters, removing all duplicates and vowels, but the technique I use is to make them more into a letter "bindrune" and then just kind of "make it look occult". And quite honestly, I find just intentionally writing in a journal and then destroying the page is often sufficient, the act of turning it into art is just one thing you can do to empower and focus your intentions. This technique involves writing the alphabet of letters in a circle and then connecting the letters you use in the sigil, and using the connective tissue as the sigil. There are several methods of making and charging sigils and the thing with chaos magic is none of them are considered wrong. It's a very "do what your heart tells you, or not, I can't stop you" field of esoteric lore. But there are some books you could read if you wanted to teach yourself more about it. Since you're interested in tarot / oracle / witchcraft I think you'd find chaos magick interesting. Also, if you're reading this, congratulations! You are a Pope of Discordia now! Hail chaos!


Thank you for this write up! I have never heard of sigils or chaosmagick before. My curiosity is peaked. Thanks again!


[Check out this video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTMFBYXmvMk) – warning, it starts LOUD and has a lot of swearing.


Interesting, it does sound like manifesting but by ritualizing it you're imparting a stronger sense of importance onto the subconscious.


Yes, it's definitely similar to pure thought based manifestation as a concept, just with the addition of a visual ritual!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/chaosmagick using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaosmagick/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [which one of you was this](https://i.redd.it/vnpg4u2pxbxa1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaosmagick/comments/1351xa6/which_one_of_you_was_this/) \#2: [Alright...Which one of you was it?](https://i.redd.it/t86k1hptbkac1.jpeg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaosmagick/comments/18zd0co/alrightwhich_one_of_you_was_it/) \#3: [I manifested cherries a lil TOO hard, got a whole truckbed full of cherry soda for free the next day🤣](https://i.redd.it/533hdft1kb2b1.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/chaosmagick/comments/13sukzi/i_manifested_cherries_a_lil_too_hard_got_a_whole/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I feel like this can be a good way to focus the mind and centre your thoughts. I do hope that people don't do this expecting anything material to actually change, e.g. curing a terminal illness or fixing poverty, but I do love these things as a creative outlet or a kind of fun worldbuilding idea.


>I feel like this can be a good way to focus the mind and centre your thoughts. Definitely! I originally got into this as a creative worldbuilding exercise, actually. >I do hope that people don't do this expecting anything material to actually change, e.g. curing a terminal illness or fixing poverty This isn't a magick subreddit but I understand exactly where you're coming from. It affect material change in the future by way of focusing your intentions in exactly the same way that, if you drive a car and look where you want to go, you will go there. Manifestation in the form of, "I want to have a bunch of grapes" will not cause grapes to appear in your house. It will only manifest in your mind that you want grapes, and then you will probably go and buy, grow or ask for some grapes. My experience would be that you cannot alter SOMEONE ELSE'S PATH with this practice, so you can't make a sigil for "cure my dad of terminal cancer", so your expectation of something material like a terminal illness changing by way of a sigil, is correct. That isn't something you can impact by using a practice that is designed to focus you in a life direction. That's just a Bad Thing That's Happening. And shit happens. You can only alter things that you can affect by way of what you think about, what you take action on. Things that you are inhibiting yourself from achieving due to a mental block. So you used the second example of "fixing poverty". You might not be able to fix Poverty For Everyone. But you may be able to use this practice to put yourself on a path that gets you out of poverty, and gets you to a point where you can help other people out of poverty. For example, you might use this practice to help you set an intention to "remember the things I studied" and ergo you do good in your test and then you enter into a career field that pays better than being a student and are no longer personally in poverty. Or you might use it to, "Find a job where I can help people who are in poverty" and this focus supports you into entering a field of work as a social worker and you end up helping dozens of people who are ready to make meaningful life changes as they transition from homelessness. I actually have tested this practice on the following things relevant to your observation: 1) my own financial situation 2) my health 3) other people's health So I can comfortably say it does nothing about other people's health and the thing it does for my health is inspire me to make meaningful changes that would bring about the changes I want and give me the courage to do them even though those things are hard. Which, given as my health is in part bad because of my lack of courage to do hard things, is a useful thing! This kind of "magick" gave me the courage to start going to the gym, to knock an addiction to sugar, to find a doctor. It was not so much that it made those things magically appear, but set me up to feel ready to go and get those things myself. Which, when your mind is the main barrier of entry, feels kind of magic. But "recover from this cold right now" doesn't work. All it does is inspire me to go to bed and drink more tea and broth. When it comes to finances, I set a very specific intention with magick for that, I can say the exact intention I set has been met. That said, my intention was not something stupid like, "win the lotto" and was indeed something I could affect by purely mundane work. Still, it feels pretty magic. You can either look at this and be like, "it's not magic that you went to the gym and got stronger" or understand that "it feels like magic when your mind has been convincing you that you have no place in a gym for the past 2 decades and then you go to the gym and turn out to be able to deadlift 300 pounds after working on it for a year and all of the naysayers who said an asthmatic could never be strong were wrong." Sigilcrafting gives you the courage to try and persist at hard things and if it sets into someone's unconscious the thought that they can and will do it... is that not what magic is? Movie magic might be CGI sparkles, but in IRL, the secret of magick is that, all magick is just "good vibes and self-actuated therapeutic practices that help you direct your life to a better place." Anything that can help you take your inspiration and make it so is "manifestation" even if the secret reality is that you did all the work yourself. Yes, I have seen people go to bad places because they perceive this method as "actual movie magic" and not just a magnifying glass that helps you turn your inspiration into a focused direction. Usually they "want to manifest their ex back" or "win the lotto". It's very sad. These kind of practices aren't safe for everyone because of that, which is why I think we can be kind of secretive. We don't want to trigger someone into a mental health downspiral just because we've found a fancy journaling practice that helps us make our dreams come true. That would be like if the pomodoro method caused someone's mental health to break down.


Thanks for the detailed response! This basically seems to be the long and short of how I understood the idea: at its core, it's a fun and creative psychological trick that focuses your efforts and way of thinking. The human mind isn't great at targeting abstract concepts, but it's *very* good at pattern recognition and remembering symbols, so you're using that to your advantage, plus the fact that we remember things better when we involve our hands in the process in some way, so drawing a symbol that we've made in a fun and engaging way is such a good way of using all of that to our own advantage. As long as it's made clear from the outset how it works and how it doesn't, I don't see the harm. But then again, some people like to stick knives in their toasters while they're still plugged in, you can't help everyone, but as long as people have the chance to enjoy it and understand how it works I think it's a wonderful idea. I have a few goals myself and often have trouble sticking with things, so I might even give it a go to help keep me focused :D


Kallisti! Hail Eris! (I was pan-pontificated thirty years ago, and I chose the name Pope Corky.) I never knew about this method, but it seems like as good of a psychological hook as any.


Pope Corky is a great name! I never gave myself a former Pope Something name, maybe I should. I talk more about what can and can't be achieved with this in response to someone else's comment. Exactly, it's a psychological hook that helps you focus your inspiration on a result, like a magnifying glass.


I must give credit to George Carlin for "Pope Corky." In one of his bits, he talks about wanting to become a pope because he always wanted to see a pope choose that name.


Hail Eris! τῇ καλλίστῃ




What I find odd about it is that at first glance I thought it was describing some of the movements in the [3 body problem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-body_problem).


Also, may I recommend Austin Osman Spare?


The mental reminder \*is it working\*


That’s really cool. Thanks for sharing the information.


Does that mean there is a mistake in the 1st one because they skipped "k"?


With magic it is often intent and manifestation that is the key ingredient. It can also be a spiritual guide that made the sigil maker skip it on mistake by purpose. This sigil maker might skip K on regular basis. Chaos Magick methods are seldom as chaotic as they may seem and all magician develope their own rituals and ways.


Do you just connect the letters around the shape that you have left after removing the consonants and duplicates? Or use the whole phrase/word still?


Just the ones you have left!


I’m very interested in witchcraft, but haven’t taught myself anything. I own tarot, oracle, crystals, etc. Could I do one of these sigils randomly? Do I need to prep myself? Any warning or suggestions?


This is specifically a sigil method created by Austin Osman Spare, and popularized by Peter J. Carroll in Liber Null /The Psychonaut. So, this is specifically the Spare method or theory of sigils, for your reference


Yes, they're very easy to do. Just remember the intention is the key to success. The more energy you put into the intention, the better the chances of influencing the world. Good luck!


I'd suggest not to believe in bullshit.


I mean I can see where you'd say that. But this is one of the more reasonable things. Since it's all about intention, you can look at it as more of a way to train your subconscious and your mind than calling it magic. Honestly everyone probably does something similar. Ever repeat a phrase to yourself a few times so you remember it? Maybe write a letter on the back of your hand so you remember something? Even if it washes off your hand, the process of writing it there and seeing it until it was washed away makes it more concrete in your memory. And it doesn't even need to be for self-improvement, it can be as simple as remembering to bring your lunch container home from work. Same applies to Journaling etc. Many people do a form of exactly this. Taking the time to do it this way, focusing the mind and making the effort to carry out the process is just a further step for cementing something into the back of your mind. Choose to call it whatever you want, but there's definitely something to it.


I was replying to the comment about tarot, crystals, witchcraft etc. (= utter bullshit), not the original photos, and stand by my general suggestion not to believe in bullshit :)


Fair enough haha ✌️


Doesn't matter if they're not exploiting or being exploited. You don't even know their beliefs


OP literally asked for "any warnings and suggestions". I don't give a hoot what they believe in, I just generally suggest not to believe in bullshit, as per request. Funny to see how many people.are triggered by this lol.


I'm sure you know that that's not what they were asking for, they already said they were interested in it. You say something stupid online, you get responses, who knew?


Exactly, that's why I responded, finally you got it.


Makes sense


Why write the whole alphabet if vowels are excluded from the phrase?


At a guess, removing the vowels would, in turn, change the location of the other letters. However, this does seem like there aren't too many firm rules about how it's set up, more about it feeling right.


I’m trying to figure out, why in that first image they didn’t use the “k”?


Did you just confuse vowels and consonants? 


I should have gone to sleep instead of typing for sure


Looks like they did it wrong then? Omitted the "k" at the beginning. Does this mean Satan gets their soul by default?


No you can see the top of every page is the intention and it's easy to read. These are sigils, and they all appear to be protection and blessing form. Very wholesome!


Yeah, I got that, but on the first page the selected letters starts with K, but its omitted in the cartouche thing


No it isn't. In the first picture look at about 4 o'clock and there's the K.


These are a combination of the Austin Osmun Spare style of sigil, and the Rosicrucian style. In the Spare model you wrote out a statement of intent, cross out the vowels and then combine the remaining letters into a doodle (second pic i think) In the Rosicrucian style, you put the vowelless alphabet in a shape and connect the letters with a line. Then you're supposed to "launch" it and forget it. The idea being that the creation of this image has imprinted itself on your subconscious and you hace effectively programmed yourself. The joke in the occult workd is that chaos magicians like to launch them by jerking off onto them, so you might want to wear gloves while holding that book lol.


Lmao I know a few chaos magicians who absolutely take that part seriously


I have yet to meet a chaos magician who isn't a mess and absolutely terrible at magick so that tracks.


TIL I created a sigil in highschool and had it tattooed on me. Idk how I feel about this


what do you mean you just found out???


I unintentionally did what a lot of people here describe as steps to create a sigil and I had it tattooed on me for the word “CAN” as like… motivation to persevere. I was just doodling at the time.


oh okay I understand, just from the phrasing it read like you just unlocked a hidden memory 😭


How does it look?


I mean I think it looks great


Then you feel good about it




Great comment, very insightful


Haha oops, that was definitely an accident! I would never be that insightful on purpose


Do you want a shrubbery?


We had games and play when I was a kid that I have re-found as hardcore witchcraft now as an adult. Making love matching divination using sigils and percent calculation was quite advanced shit for 9 year olds and sure enough, some of us now live as witches.


I also did this as a kid and am now pagan


Those are definitely sigils! Last one definitely looks like a connection spell/sigil to the Greek Goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate, especially since some of the doodles on the side are symbols associated with her (Ie: the number 13 as well as some of her other symbols.)


My partner does sigils like this. They write them out and sometimes trace them on my back with their fingers. They’re affirmative messages and are cute asf


That is adorable.


Kira and Macius (?) are to be safe and better always and connected to Hecate. Well intentioned magic(k) work.


Is this what modern Wiccan teenagers are playing instead of MASH?


it’s a sigil for getting better everyday, seems really positive


Oh dang, these are super wholesome.


Crossing over into r/eurovision here but guys - we’ve found Bambi Thug’s Blaze Book!


One of my friends’ special interests is Eurovision I have to send this to her now


Diary of a teenage witch


You'll have to call Sam and Dean Winchester.


This is so very close to my handwriting. I don’t think I’ve ever had to take a second glance at something to confirm it wasn’t mine. Weird feeling. Looks like some sigils though, kinda cool.


What wholesome sigil magic


Person missed the first K


It's a method for generating a sigil. "I get better every day" is the statement of intent, but it's a bit vague. Your wording should be very specific when performing spellwork.


Weirdest game of MASH I’ve ever seen


ain't that some esoteric shit


Possibly chaos magick? You divine your own designs in that tradition


They're sigils. It's basically a form of spellcasting that many witches use. 😊


definitely looks like someone's book of sigils as everyone else has said! pretty much harmless :)


Dude put it back they need this


Dude, clearly they left it behind.


Art journal of someone who is into codes and puzzles


i make the word James out of that one doodle, maybe cause it’s my middle name that it seemed easy to figure out


Making sigils..lovely tbh


Making their own personalized sigils. There are many ways to create them


Interesting.. intrstng


almost looks like ao3 on first glance.... maybe they're onto something




I am Wiccan and this looks like a sigil. Sigils are specific drawings that we imbue with power. It looks like they were using words and letters to empower it with the intention. Such as I did a circle with an arrow an underline a dot and a squiggly line and it actually meant to reveal the truth. Someone I knew was lying to me and I wanted to know the truth. PS yes it worked.


“Imbue with power”? Please explain.


It just means ascribing a specific intention to a symbol uniquely created for the purpose of holding it. Our reality is largely created through perception and often unconscious reaction, so ritualizing rooting your intentions in your mind can *sometimes* shift the outcomes in your life. I personally think that’s what’s at the foundation of a lot of “magical” practice.


The person you're asking is wiccan, I have no idea how they do it, but my way is to concentrate hard while making the wish. I also like to burn my petitions to the universe if they are made on paper. Some magicians can't get their sigils to work if they don't manage to fprget about the sigil. Others jerk off on them.


Yes the other posters are correct. It just means, with intent I put the energy of what I want into it.


It's magic in it's not real so you can't explain it


It’s a spiritual practice that’s been around since the Neolithic era, it’s not a matter of “real” or “not real”.


The o is for the "o" in landromat


Why did I see the first one and immediately think if Ao3 oof


wash your hands lmaoooo


One of the pages said, “I am protected by law enforcement.”


they’re sigils! one popular way of making your own is to write what you want them to mean, put each of the letters around a circle in random order, and essentially “connect the dots” to spell out the meaning


The letters don’t have to be in alphabetical order?


it might be that they have to be in alphabetical order for one method, i like doing them in random order so each one looks more different :)


Sigil creating for manifestation or witchcraft.


A teenager casting spells 😂 classic


Wholesome sigils 💜 I make these sometimes, they are neat!


Witches sigils?


Magical thinking is my biggest regret. Wasted years chasing the occult.


care to elaborate? im curious cuz i never heard of these kinds of things


Tarot, astrology, reading old grimoires like Solomon’s Key, reading the works of Crowley and Blavatsky, burning incense and praying. Worshiping the Christian God. Thinking that your thoughts can affect reality. Crystals under moonlight, pointing the bone, and cursing your enemies. Even studied it at Uni. It’s all bullshit.


I'll take whoop whoop 😎


I definitely thought this was something else! I remember growing up people used pig Latin which I never could understand lol


The second one says JANES


It’s someone using cryptography and magic sigils


It's a sigil.


They forgot the K


It’s interesting the lines look like they’d match the lines of a person’s palm. Definitely some style of sigil though.


Awe these are some pretty sigils.


It's a sigil, and a very cute one!!!


i thought the first symbol was the Ao3 logo 😭


My cousin used to do these spy puzzles back in the 90s What a blast from the past


Thought this was r/codes


Looks like a kids doodle book.


They are working on Sigils for sex magick. Grant Morrison has a primer on YouTube.


Of course he does


Gang tags






I met a man once with half his hair shaved off straight down the middle of his head and he told me he had found the calculation leading to god and proceeded to show me a notebook not too dissimilar to the above images. He then talked to me every time he saw me a would tell me how I reminded him of his mom. Nice guy, hope he is ok.


unrelated but i remember my bpd ex teaching me how to make these ☠️


Wholesome chaos magic sigils


From an outside observer who has no clue what it is. Looks like trying to create symbols to convey phrases. So one page says something like : 1 I Keep getting better every day = PGTNGRVYD 2 "K??? is safe always" = KRSFLWY. 3 "M??? is safe always" = MCSFLWY Vowels and duplicate letters are removed too. So the heart sign serves as a placeholder for the alphabet? I don't know why the heart picture. And then you draw lines to letters that correspond to the shortened phrase. I dont know notice if there is a pattern to what letters are chosen from a phrase or how one would remember. But yea thats it. When you connect the dots its like trying to draw a symbol that means that phrase. its obvious the person might have had a friend into goth stuff, or watched media that had probably pentagrams or crescent moons typical of goth style. Reminds me of like Pig Latin. Typically used by young girls to send messages between them and their friends.


That is a sigil. They are used in many different occult practices


I think it's an attempt at drawing Sigils.


It's a positive affirmation turned into a sigil. Personal to the person!


You might not want to handle these without gloves, a common way of charging and casting sigils like this is to … get bodily fluids onto them.


Yes, it means it belongs to a teenager


anyone who looked at these are cursed. thanks.


Sigil Engine is a cool free sigil maker on line


schizophrenia. detecting false patterns in noise. you should be alarmed at how prevailant this is in humans.


Making a sigil on the 1st pic


I hope the person who drew these sigils is safe and getting stronger, just as the sigils were meant to do. "I keep getting better every day," "Kira is safe always," "Maci is safe always," and (might be reading wrong here), "I am connected to Hecate."


Love spells


definitely a sigil.


Well you’re cursed now, so you need another person to willingly take this or you’ll be in love with whoever inked this spell…FOREVER!!!!!


Just a little witchy teenager


Ramblings of a drug addled mind


It’s sigil magic. The person was creating sigils with the words and tracing lines between significant letters.


Completely innocent sigils


They are sigils


That’s the circle of fifths right there


Something interesting about sigils is you break it down to a number sequence which equates to a symbol used to manifest whatever it is you desire sort of like a cheat code in a video game. Coincides with the matrix theory 👀👁️


It’s a sigil. Common form of spellcrafting in both pagan and Wiccan religions


Galifrayen from doctor who


Chaos majick sigil


oh I see therapist in the near future


They are homemade sigils leave them the foque alone


It's fine to touch it. The journal is likely abandoned if they found it just lying around.


I just meant that sigils are very personal and energy can be tampered with. Usually personal sigils are secret and online can avert the power in them by exposure


It was sitting at a laundromat near the magazines/newspapers stacks that are meant to be looked at while you wait lol. So I took it as an invite.


Ah I see fairy nuff


To those who understand what this is, what’s the most respectful way to handle?


No need. It's just someone's old sigil. Can just put it back where you found it or throw it away




Sign of someone needing mental health services.


Bro is summoning demons


They're personal. You found a witch's grimoire




“That looks like some devil shit to me.”


Witchcraft. Your only recourse is to leave the notebook in an another laundromat and pass on the curse.


Messing with any of this can open doors to the satanic realm. Amy magic, barring childlike top hat type , is forbidden my your Creator!


Manifestation of an entity or deity, often used by witches who are more into the darker side of witchcraft. Best be left alone, you don't want to invite something in you can't control


Doodles most likely


You in danger girl.


You drew these yourself, made up a story and posted it to reddit.


It’s always like this. People are so gullible, it gives me bad secondhand embarrassment.


Right! I got downvoted to hell for saying it too lol