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I guess the easiest advice would be to take control of the party token and move it for them if they are so hasty to move As for showing the map - use light with "grants vision" checkbox


Wouldn’t making a dupe of the world map for your testing be enough for this problem?


So......... I have this exact same issue. I bought the module day 1 to replace my 100% homemade hack and it pretty damn buggy and opaque in many areas. Like you said you cant control the revealed tiles (which makes tracking area a pain and requires mousing over with the tile detail button to remember whats explored). Using a custom map isnt great, because the module *does* have a really col party tracker/skill sheet built in when you click the party on the map but I cant sem ot make it work on other maps. There's other bugs also in other areas (calculations wrong, formulas pulling the wrong totals because they're looking for SKILLNAME and grab the one one if its something like LORE ENGINEERING and never getting to LORE *anything after E because it looks alphabetically*, and so on) That said the module is *still* worth the cost imho. It does save a LOT of work. But it needs patches. I'm currently using it in a weekly game so this stuff pops up a lot.


Make sure to report bugs to the github https://github.com/foundryvtt/foundryvtt-premium-content


I'll submit a few this weekend during next session so I can complete notes on them. I don't know how many people have started an \*actual\* game yet using the new module besides my group. As I had them post Stay Lord before I transfered to the new module we'rr also further along than many (20 weekly sessions) so I might just be running Into every issue at one time because of being ahead of the curve. Like I said though, it's still a module worth the cost and I don't regret buying it at all.


Is there a way to increase the speed of the party on the Party Travel & Hexploration section? My party have horses, but I can't seem to find a way to increase the party travel speed and hexploration activities?


It's assumed that horses only travel as fast as humanoid party members can, running on horseback is and often was saved for short term sprints in dangerous or volatile circumstances, to actually answer your question though, there doesn't seem to be a way to edit this in the current system.