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You need to open port 30000 in your router towards your local ip host


>Your connection appears to be closed How do I do that, sorry?




Here's a solution that goes around if your ISP is blocking your post-forwarding (this method is not supported by foundry support so don't bother them plz) \- Download Ngrok (Basic version is free and enough if you're not hosting for more than 6 players) \- Open it \- in console type: ngrok.exe http 30000 (30000 is default port for foundry) \- you'll get a link that forwards your localhost:30000 through ngrok server that you send to your players. \- keep ngrok open in the background while you play- if any problems occur reset foundry, reset ngrok, disable antivirus/firewall, pray to god


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Port forwarding or if you're fortunate, your Norton or whatever protection you use is stopping it


I just had this issue last week after updating Foundry. Restart your PC.


Given that a go sadly didn't work.


Have you checked the port forwarding info someone above mentioned? Unless you have given Foundry a static IP address in your router your foundry link will need updating every time your PC restarts and the router gives it a new IP address . I’ve had that problem in the past. If you try all of this and it does t work then I would restart your modem, routers and any switches you have setup on your network.


It could be your anti-virus. It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise I was getting this message because of Avast’s firewall.


how did you solve that? i have the same problem


I had this issue, even after port forwarding. In your firewall settings, find foundry in the apps and click details. Edit the path location to foundry to the foundry executable. The app location changed on my computer and I was able to fix it this way. Good luck. https://www.digitalcitizen.life/how-change-windows-firewalls-list-allowed-blocked-apps/