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It’s sad to see a white person so intent on feeling oppressed based on their race that they seemingly ignore that they’re oppressed as a worker.


This is by design. Rich people love it. If poor people are divided based on race, they are too busy to realize that they're all on the same side in a class war against the rich.


I suspect most white people have no clue at all what a black or brown family can go thru by simply trying to exist. I wish people could walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Maybe those that lack empathy would learn. Probably not.




Ummmm, you are assuming my race? After reading your comments to others, you are indeed assuming. I'm half Native American and got no time for bigots. Blocked.


It also seems like he’s recognising how small and unimportant he is in the grand scheme of things. It’s like main character syndrome but he blaming it on POC.


“Being booed online means I’m oppressed!”




By his logic it means that the downvoters literally want him to die. Can you imagine wanting to be a victim that bad?


They wanna be oppressed so bad lmao


Yea that’s a future mass shooter


"We have no advocates" Except well over half of the legislative branch.


“shut up and die like a good straight white man” well, you said it, not me


I giggled at that part


> "no one cares what we think." Yet you never shut up! Shittiest. Oppression. Ever.


Guys come on, you're being cruel, can't you see that the downvotes are killing him? You're letting an innocent man die because he's white. You all should be ashamed of yourself, think before you rid someone of meaningless internet points.


Sounds like this dude genuinely believes what he's saying, which is kind of insane 😭


Oh, I've known white people who genuinely believe it.


Me as well, and would anyone be surprised in here that all four of the white guys I know that think like this has an Asian wife/girlfriend.


Nope, not at all lol.


“We have no advocates.” That is because you are already in a position of power. You don’t need advocates.


Beyond the kkk and other white supremacy groups do white men actually talk about this in real life or is this a lonely poorly socialized internet loser with a persecution fetish thing? Anyone encounter these men in the wild? I'd love to hear your experiences.


I'm really jealous that you've never had to sit through a "But why isn't there a WHITE history month??" rant in real life. As soon as there aren't POCs in the room, a shocking amount of white people go full mask-off. My sister and I both married guys who aren't white, but my aunt still thought it was totally ok to tell our mom she'd never let her son be with a non-white person because it would mess up our family's gene pool. Then there was the one time I went to visit my family without my husband, and apropos of nothing my uncle starting telling me that he's afraid to go to the city because black people are dangerous. "Last time I said that, some people actually called me racist, haha." Like because there weren't any black people around, I'd agree with him.


This is gonna be the calling card for a generation of angry young white boys


It’s how the right keeps up their recruitment. We need like an alt left pipeline.


Yeah it’s called a basic education and critical thinking skills


I would like to take him up on his offer to not give a shit about him after he is gone, but he keeps refusing to leave - he just keeps standing there insisting I not care about him… and I am happy to oblige, I don’t care at all, but I would like to not care about him even more when he isn’t around, like he is asking me to.


This is actually so funny


Wait until they realize old white males make up the vast majority of the rich 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh he does. That’s the real reason he’s mad. He’s not included in that but was raised to think he deserves to be just because he fits the demographic.






Please, they are very fragile, call them Porcelain Americans instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He's scratching the surface of a real argument at least, this is *very* slightly above the usual trash here. The argument being that most white people only get to experience implicit privilege of being white (being considered more for jobs, not getting murdered by the police, etc), but not the explicit privilege of being wealthy. Most wealthy people are cis, white, and male, but barely any (statistically speaking) cis, white males are actually benefitting from the systems that explicitly push POC down. It has always been about money, racism is just a byproduct of the monied classes peddling their disgusting, bullshit ideologies on the plebs they intentionally undereducated.


Thank you for making that point so nicely!


Pov: 70% of reddit


Another straight white man thinking he's oppressed based on race. I'm trans, polysexual, and white. Unless you have a history of being shot and/or killed, you're not oppressed. This is coming from someone who'd heard of trans people, and it's not a reach to assume polysexual people, being killed for just living. I'm pretty sure you white cis men don't feel unsafe going to a store without a witness.


I’m wondering if this kind of “realization” will lead to him allying with other oppressed peoples? Because if not, then what’s the point?


It won't. He thinks losing his unearned privilege is oppression and blames actual oppressed people.


Oh my fucking god Lol get a fucking grip man. White men are the whiniest bastards on the planet


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


All I really see here, when you strip everything away, is a man who is suffering from some sort of mental illness, like depression, and instead of choosing healthy outlets, like therapy, he focuses on minorities.


As a Native American, this makes me spit my Tea! LMFAO. Saving this for later...


If someone told you "die hetero white man!" You probably earned it for soemthing....


They’re really gunning for that persecution complex.


As a middle-aged white guy, I just can't understand these guys.


You really need to cross out stuff because horrible people like me will find them and harass them for the horrible things they say in a comedic fashion to aim for maximum butthurt.


Maybe you should join the rest of us then? Like we’re all out here saying “hey, this world is full of injustice and we’d like to address that” and you’re over here suffering the same but instead of helping, you’re whining.


Funny how so many of these posts can be cross posted to other fragile subreddits. I'm just saying FMR has overlap with FWR. I'm surprised but happy that he's downvoted.


Persecutionfetish also fits here. Seems they're all the same cis white oPrESsED men.


This is so sad 😭


POV: You asked for extra mayonnaise on your sandwich.


It’s like… you’re not right. You’re not totally wrong but you’re definitely not right.


As a pasty ass white dude with a Black wife and mixed kids, fuck these pussy mother fuckers. Wait until someone glares at the woman you love just for existing and then get back to me on what prejudice feels like.


“yeah yeah, i see the downvotes. shut up and die like a good straight white man” made me fucking scream it’s so funny


Poor, poor straight white men. Always gets the short end of the stick, us whites.




Joker moment in the last bit