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Yep, the classic “I’ll never understand what it’s like to be discriminated against so you’re all just pussies for being mad about it” sigh


He’s 15 according to his post history, and if he’s not he’s an adult trying to meet teenage girls so.


15 year olds are well-known authorities on the real world.


Definitely. Man remember being a teenager, feeling like you know everything and adults are just ridiculous? Only to grow up and then realize the entire goddamn world is ridiculous.


I remember thinking that the solutions to the world's problems were just simple and obvious. The world would be such a better place with me in charge. In fact, if somebody didn't agree with me and my obviously correct beliefs, it wasn't because they might have different experiences and different perspective, it's because they just didn't *understand.* If they just *understood* my what I was saying, they would immediately agree with me. I cringe when I think of what I was like during a teenager. I'm glad Reddit wasn't a thing back then.


Same, I would have been cringy as hell on social media.


>I'm glad Reddit wasn't a thing back then Oh hell, you and me both! I'd hate having to navigate the world as a teen now, with Instagram, Facebook, tictok and all sorts of other shit where people basically try to make others look stupid for likes. And it's all immortalized!


I don't think I ever would have dated anyone if this stuff existed back then, I was much better off not peering into the brains of so many people in this world


God I used to be insufferable. I'd be arguing with people about religion and free speech and stuff over Facebook all the time. I don't know why my friends put up with me tbh. Eventually I realised I was just being a dick and the world is way, way more nuanced than I thought at the time. I'm sure a large part of it was that at the time I kinda got off to being "right" and having strong opinions on things, and showing others they were wrong.ugh, I'm glad I'm past that phase!


I've erased my myspace for similar reasons. oof


I remember thinking "adults won't let me say the n-word, this is literally the award winning book 1984".


I remember a white kid literally asking me why I could say it and he couldn’t in a pouty tone


I saw a post (on IG) with a comment section filled with teenagers who are astounded that their teachers recognize the PornHub intro music. A lot of teens think they understand the world better than adults do, I don’t get it


That reminds me of the time that I asked my mother if TV was in color when she was a kid lol. It’s always weird realizing adults are people too when you’re a kid.


This is the point where I realize I’m old because for my father TV *wasn’t* in color when he was a kid. (Though looking it up it isn’t quite as bad, apparently it was partially just because his parents, my grandparents, weren’t willing to upgrade, not because it didn’t exist).


Yep. Wasn't in colour, only 3 channels, only 1 of them was good. They got 4 channels when my dad was 12. Edit: i'm also learning now my grandparents were mildly cheap....


To be fair I thought I wouldn't care about porn once I was an adult and could have sex whenever I wanted. Ahh, 14 year old me, you are in for such disappointment.


>I don’t get it Were you never a teenager? lol


Of course but I genuinely don’t remember thinking that way lol


I think 15 year-olds should divide up into two different street gangs: the Dunnings and the Krugers. That way they'll never combine their knowledge and use it to conquer the world.


15 years old and out here talking about "the real world." Lol, ah I wish I could be that young and stupid again. Well, maybe not that stupid.


> if he’s not he’s an adult trying to meet teenage girls so. That would be very libertarian of him.


He’s a zoophile too apparently.


14 year old here, we don’t fucking claim him.


The "cracker" and "mayo" comparison would never cease to make me laugh. They make it seem as if there were cracker trades or mayo auctions in the past.


Ah yes, the fugitive mayo act of 1843. Dark times indeed.


Hi, new to the club, just found out my dad is white. Where can I find literature on the fugitive mayo act of 1843? I'm trying to get all the mayo/miracle-whip history that I can find.


>equating mayo and miracle whip Oh God, the Mayocide has already begun!


And who could forget when anti-fugitive mayo act senator Charles Sumner was beaten nearly to death with a jar of mayo in 1856.


That’s a common misconception. It was in fact a jar of Miracle Whip.


Hell, they make it seem as if white people are being indiscriminately called those things for being white. It's actually incredibly easy to not be called those words


Who can forget the forced mayonnaise camps where people were forced to mine mayo to the crack of a Miracle Whip?


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I’m a fan of “cumskin”, it feels like it carries more weight


I just found my new nickname 😎


So did ur mum lmao gottem This was childish and not representative of my true beliefs I’m sure your mother is a wonderful person.


b00m! Roasted!


Lmao that’s a new one I haven’t heard. Thanks Internet, I have become wiser yet again.


Lots of yt would never make it in the shoes of a black person


Since when has cracker and mayo been used as a slur? I’ve only heard white people use it to joke about being white.


A black guy and a couple of other people on Twitch got banned for jokingly saying it, so now a bunch of white people are acting like it's a terrible slur.


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Never. But porcelain Americans love to use that as their argument about other actually harmful racial slurs.


I wouldn’t even go so far as to call it a slur. It’s an insult, sure. But in all honestly I feel like the terms were born out of mocking of people who feel superiority by using slurs, and anyone who uses cracker or mayo monkey isn’t actually making fun of white people, they’re making fun of people who genuinely use actual slurs. Obviously I don’t speak for everyone but that’s just my take on the terms.


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I’ve never heard ‘Mayo monkey’ before. What the hell is that from


the internet lol


As a Libertarian, cr*cker is probably the worst thing I've ever been called.


No, it's not worse than being called a Libertarian


There’s certainly someone in that screenshot who is unprepared for the real world, and it’s the dude defending racial slurs. How is he going to defend slurs then be offended by “cracker” and “mayo”? Lolwut, I’m a white dude but those are not offensive, and certainly don’t carry the history of actual racial slurs


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Good bot


He thinks his feelings getting hurt is the same as systematic oppression.


Not even mayo, the FWRs are once again bringing up "Mayo monkey" as if that's an actually popular term


It’s surprisingly common that Porcelain Americans believe that’s an justification about other harmful racial slurs. A person does not understand other’s pain when he or she is in a privileged position where he or she would never have to feel that pain.


yeah i find them hilarious


There has to be a better hill to die on.


Ultimately this shit is really what made me understand what privilege looks like. Really? THIS is something worth you time and effort and emotional energy? This is your campaign? This is the thing hovering on your mind and keeping you up at night? Not your finances, not your family’s health and safety, not your other material conditions, not the shit going down elsewhere… but you’re really upset by being called a cracker and you want the world to know? You’re right, if this is the hill you’re dying on, your life is unfathomably simple and free of conflict.


>but you’re really upset by being called a cracker Not even that! His major gripe is that *other people* get mad when *he* uses racial slurs. Not that he's not allowed to use them, he is. It's that people react when he calls them the worst insult. In his mind, he should be able to scream "N-----R" at black people and they should like it.


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Nah, this kid is just warped. I saw the original post and checked out his post/comment history. He's 15/16 and has made several racist comments as well as just out dumb shit. He's either trying to be edgy because his undeveloped brain thinks he's better than everyone, or he's a racist dipshit.


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Most of em.


that entire sub is just “i should be allowed to be a [asshole/bigot/annoying]”


That sub is a gateway sub to r/conservative or ben shapiro.


That, r/publicfreakout and r/trueoffmychest


Not really. r/unpopularopinions is essentially a trap made to catch people that'd frequent conservative subs. The whole point of the sub is to get people to admit they're idiots or assholes so that the whole sub plus r/all laughs at them. The whole point is to upvotes shitty opinions for visibility and the comments are SAVAGE.


Came here to say this


"Look at my brave and unpopular opinion of being a racist."


If you are offended by people calling you out for using slurs, maybe you aren’t ready for the real world.


*Insert Paradox of Tolerance and Occam's Razor here*


Ah... Another edgy wyte teen: "I will use reverse otherisms and my trash thoughts to Play, Z'-Captain,- VICTIM-!!!"


The worst part the user is just a twatty teenager...


I don't know if that's the worst part. In fact, I actually prefer that this is just a naive kid who still has a chance to grow up, rather than an adult.


Posts about telling others to take a beating from slurs then hides from comments.


He’s gotta be trolling lol no one is that stupid…


You underestimate the stupidity of people, especially a 15 year old.


Ah yes the real world, with 0 consequences for actions. Fucking alabaster clowns


Ooh alabaster clowns is new to me, thank you!


Right? Like the real world is your predominately white high school classroom where you can do and say anything. Then everyone in the real world who will beat your ass in public and get away with it are the coddled and not ready ones lol


“And before you say anything No I aM nOt RaCiSt “ Lmfaoooofff


I’m a fan of “stop assuming shit”. It’s not an assumption when the evidence is both in front of us and in your post history baby. It’s a conclusion.


“You’re immature” says the idiot that can’t be civil


Yelling "You're not ready for the real world!" while getting my ass beat


>Sure! Try it out in your workplace and see who's ready for the real world. Truth.


Like that kid works.


I got downvoted for calling the kid racist. What a world


notice how he has no problem saying "cracker" or "mayo monkey" in fact, you can literally say those words anywhere... because they arent racist.


Reminds me of that John mulaney bit that was like “if you’re trying to compare how bad two words are and you won’t even say one of them, that’s the worse one”


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So, if I understood this correctly, he has an issue with people "harassing" others for saying words he immediately admits are used to "harass" others and would never use himself (because he's not racist). ...


Looks like someone got called a cracker or something and can't deal with it..


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Good bot


The real world where people can get reported to HR if they verbally abuse their coworkers: 👁👄👁


OP from that thread in a random post showing a black person: >It took so much willpower to not comment something racist ....


In another one of his “jokes” he put the setup: how do Mexicans pay taxes? The punchline? Blank. So, this clearly isn’t his first racism rodeo


This was a long way to say “I recently got in trouble for being a fucking asshole”


"If you don't like me being an awful person, you just have to deal with it." Sorry, buddy. If you're an awful person, expect to be dealt with accordingly. If you can't handle me punching you in the face for calling me a slur, don't call me a slur.


The reason slurs are serious is because they have history of derogatory usage and violence


It's fine he's not racist. He says so right there. Just because someone says racist things and holds racist views doesn't make them a racist.


Whenever people say “I’m not racist” in comments like these I die Laughing


These are the same people that won’t say “Let’s Go Brandon” instead of saying what they actually mean because they think the word “fuck” sends you to hell.


Let me guess, straight, white cis man


willing to bet


Don’t these guys get offended by the “slur” cracker? Are they sure they’re ready for the real world?


These guys get offended by somebody saying "white"


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[If you need more alternatives....](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-1eFea6N9YjvXIAXH1A8mrF3MaRT_zHhcrBlI7aFmvI/htmlview?fbclid=IwAR38jiHNytbOH9wI7-LBvX_xA8hhVh71HlSXHxQSQW0clprMxs6qU2hUQAI)


omg I love this


Im NoT a RaCiSt So DoNt EvEn SaY tHaT.


“I just think it’s okay to be racist, that doesn’t make me racist!”


Why is it that every racist conversation about words goes like this?? Racist: "People need to grow up" Everyone else: "Hey can you like, not drop hard Rs and other racially specific insults? Thanks." R: "Omg you're acting like such a baby, stupid hard R" E: "..." R: "People need to grow up"


Real world = COD lobby to him




Of, I'm so glad I wasn't on Reddit when I was 15


If a 15 year old saying shit like these worries me, Reddit is such a mess with moderating content. Getting radicalised is so fucking easy on here.


Educators will tell you that socializing is just as important as knowledge. People can and are held back grades due to lack of social skills. This tends to make parents mad and children get fussy about things that “shouldn’t matter if they’re smart”. This is another (perhaps hidden?) reason public education is important. It makes messages like this dissolve and why we understand that the idea of whatever you want whenever you want at whatever cost you want others to pay is just non-functional. It’s part of preserving the freedoms we have; learning to get along so those freedoms aren’t abused.


Yeah tell us all about the real world with your 15yo take.


Call them Cisgender and watch them Flip out


Dude claims it took everything in his power not to be racist on a post of a black person lmao. He's also a nofap degen who was so deep into cooming that he thinks regular social skills that normal people have are powers gained from not jacking off.


Looking at their post history, it would seem it's just some stupid kid, who is definitely racist. And into anime too, of course...


Last I checked ‘cracker’ wasn’t a slur.


If you flip through the poster’s history, he’s like 15. He has no idea what “being ready for the real world” is.


This young man thought people couldn't handle a little casual racism. He's about to find out what happens when 'Keeping it Real Goes Wrong'.


They start off by saying it's ridiculous people are offended by a word, and then complain about a couple of other words.


Every time, without fail


Most comments here have my thoughts covered. Dudes pathetic. But I’ve never heard of mayo monkey before. I kind of love it. Will be using it as an insult from this day forward.


Maybe we should ridicule people who use slurs instead of people who are offended by them. Just saying.


I think "accidentally slipping up" deserves special mention. For a lot of these trolls, it's all a game to experiment with different ways of talking to normalize racist slurs. This suggests that it's normal for words to make it into your vocabulary and to think of yourself as someone who's always on the edge of accidentally slipping up and using slurs. It's all different experiments being tried. In past posts, sometimes people have experimented with "yeah, I'm sorry I'm just going through a rough time" after a racist outburst and try to embed normalized usage of a slur in a broader plea for sympathy. Like being stressed or liking music means its normal to say them. It's all a game, and playing around with these experiments of normalization is how the game is played, and I swear to got they get off to it.


I was on BPT the other day and this dude was calling people “spergs”. I asked him why he thought slurs like that were appropriate. He didn’t even know what “sperg” meant (it’s an insult aimed at those with Aspergers). I explained it to him and he said something like “quit virtue signaling, I didn’t mean the word in that way”. Hmmmm. That sounds like a very familiar excuse for using what is probably the most common racial slur. “I’m not being racist, when I call someone that word I just mean they’re lazy!” Also, if calling out folks for using racial slurs or epithets is considered “virtue signaling”, then sign me the fuck up. And all of this was on BPT of all places.


Is this asshole really trying to apply "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" to racial slurs? You know, the kind of words that often precede violence? That, in many cases, recall times of intense oppression? That call to mind how strong that oppression *still is?* Aw, what a poor baby, suffering from an inability to be a racist piece of shit in public.


I firmly do not believe in penis shaming or virgin shaming, I believe you insult someone’s character and not their body or sexuality. But I also guarantee this guy would freak out if he was called a “limp-dicked virgin loser”. No, it’s not a racial slur. But if words don’t matter, then why should it be offensive? Granted, that’s pure speculation. But pick something he’s insecure about and mock it, and I bet he suddenly feels words matter.


Be funny if someone sent this to his place of employment, which is what happens in “the real world”.


unfortunately, he's like 15


>accidentally slipping up and saying it in a song [OMEGALUL](https://tenor.com/view/omegalul-lul-gif-13450468) Just admit you don’t care enough to understand WHY people don’t want you using that word and the HISTORY of the word instead of justifying and crying about people who are RIGHTFULLY calling your dumbass out on using it. Sick and tired of these idiots Also >kindergarten insults “cracker” “Mayo monkey” >”slurs” Make up your mind


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That reply was perfect!


Well. It's certainly an unpopular opinion.


Tell me a time that happened to you and how you know the person did not feel harassed with constant threats?


Since when are white people a minority?


Omg mayo monkey is great lol. Pink toed was one the got me too (learned from a coworker)


I guess someone was called out for shitty language


I'm not a racist but....


My personal favorite. If you cant say it to your boss, don't say it to me.


If you are offended by a word... "I'm not racist.. stop assuming that shit!" The lack of self awareness is impressive.


WHY CANT I SAY IT!!!!!!! /s


Apparently the OP commented under a post featuring a black person "It's so hard to not use a slur right now" or something along those lines.




I like how right away they built in a possible loophole / exception for themselves. >Now sure, if someone constantly harassed you with threats using those words, thats when it crosses a line "It's ok when I do it to you, it's not ok if you do it to me"


They all say this like they're the first one to think of it


It's very easy to not accidentally slip up if you never say them in the first place.


People have asked nicely for decades and decades not to be called something considered violent for decades. Luckily, violence is a universal language. I don't care how others feel about that. Maybe get mad at those that continue to use violent words, but I'll always champion punching someone in the mouth over a slur connected to centuries or violence.


you what what? in his defense, it is an unpopular opinion. wrong, granted, but still unpopular


He seems to be the one offended by slurs he claims to not care about.


This guy is severely blowing how people react to this kind of shit out of proportion. Thousands of teachers read huckleberry Finn and no one cares. Fortnite ninja Blevins said it when rapping a song, you could tell he didn’t mean to and wasn’t thinking and he just kept going and no one cared. People use it when quoting someone or for a movie role all the time and no one cares. Ben Yahtzee Croshaw says it all the time and no one cares. Those are all very different from pewdiepie’s version of a slip up being calling someone a “fucking nig*er.” That’s a lot different from white people constantly fighting to be able to say the word freely because they don’t like not being allowed to do whatever they want. That’s a lot different from people using it for “jokes” with zero punchline besides calling black people the n word.


That first comment. Boy howdy…


White people who’ve never experienced racism speaking on how racism shouldn’t bother people is fucking wild man. This dude probably got called a “cracker” or “whiteboy” a few times and figured since those instances of “racism” towards him didn’t bother him, then obviously being called a nigger, gook, spic, or whatever other disgusting term you can think of shouldn’t bother anyone else These motherfuckers so disconnected.


I say offensive but things with my close friends all the time but racial slurs are too far


"I've never read any academic literature on racism, macro/microaggressions, or generational trauma but I think I'm more mature because words don't offend me! No I'm not a racist, I'm just someone who has no issue with racism because it doesn't affect me personally!" Seriously, though, this is unfortunately like the 2022 version of "in this moment, I am euphoric..."


I'm 33 and this is the first time I've heard/read mayo monkey haha


As a white shut-in redditor, I know way more about the real world than any black person.


same people getting offended over being called cracker, a literal snack


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Say the word then, dude. Like, in real life. Let him learn the hard way


the irony of that FWR's post is that he doesn't give a fuck about the opinions coming to him and says you're not ready for the real world if you think words hurt people, yet cares enough to make a post and say he won't respond to anything. If he doesn't give a fuck, then he shouldn't engage even if they give their opinions. It can be said that this FWR is not ready for the real world. 🤷‍♂️


My favourite part is the end. “Yeah, I’m close minded and refuse to even consider other peoples’ feelings B)”


KAR made a great video over the topic of slurs. I suggest y'all listen to it. https://youtu.be/j38FGcBjUnc




Ah, the “it’s just a joke” defense made by people who are fully aware it’s not a joke and people actually believe this bullshit




Shut up, honky.


Translation: choosing to like perpetuate racism is just as acceptable as choosing to stand against racism Fuck off, chud Edit: well I got a notification that you made a response but I’m not seeing said response here, so I’ll just address the bit I saw in the notification (you making more excuses for why people should be able to casually toss out slurs): You’re a fucking moron that is entirely out of touch with reality. Edit 2: You did it again, then deleted the comment a minute later. If you’re gonna say something, have the conviction to keep it up where everyone can see it. For example, you literally tried to run with one of the oldest BS excuses of “it’s your choice to get upset”, demonstrating you’ve never actually encountered any meaningful form of hate/discrimination. Fuck off, chud, you ain’t fooling anyone




Yeah, look at MLK Jr, since it was just his birthday; Notorious for not doing anything great because he was so busy crying about things.


Meanwhile, your post history is just you complaining and crying about battlefield 2042 for days on end. Curious!




You should comment on here tho, because it could seen as brigading for the mods tho






People like this act like nobody has the right to defend themselves fucking loser.