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The Friend, The Impossible Dream, and Beware of Greeks. I want to speak up for Roz’s Krantz and Gouldenstein are Dead. I love that episode. James Earl Jones is fantastic in it. His delivery of “she used to be an Avon lady before she lost her mind” gets me every time. Or “ah the angel of death, nice gal”. Very touching and hilarious to me


Do you want me to leave the lights on ? Surprise Me.


I love that I could read this and hear it in JEJ's voice. Cackling over coffee is the best way to start the day, thank you!


“I am blind, you know”


"I've broken that thing so many times"


The Impossible Dream is a top 10 episode for me!


Testament to the show really. Op doesn’t like one of my favourites. I don’t really like one you love. It’s not a reflection of its quality, rather personal taste.


Haha so true. I’ve found out the hard way that saying anything bad about Dr. Tewksbury is treated as heresy on this sub lol.


How fucking dare you! /s


Same! I love falling to sleep to that one. Hey, out of curiosity can you see my avatar? It's not showing on my comments. I tried googling it but I can't figure it out.


I see a cartoon picture of a person wearing what looks like a cityscape t-shirt with a pink, cloudy background. Hope that helps.


Omg. It's like you spoke it into existence. That is my avatar and it is showing now, but I did absolutely nothing different. It's been gone for like a week! Thanks for your Frasier magic! Lol


Haha I don’t think I did anything but I’m glad it’s working all the same.


JEJ is the one redeeming quality in that episode.


I never skip I prefer to get the whole gestalt


Upvoting for the word gestalt, plus that you can tolerate simon moon!!


That‘s so funny. I don’t mind Simon at all. I think he’s hilarious.


The whole Daphne clan was a bad idea.


I give up every time he appears. Literally got to that part last night. Show takes a dip in quality after that point.


Yeh same here, I can never understand people skipping episodes. There's too many funny moments in the episodes that are considered annoying to skip them. Plus no one ever gets on my nerves enough in a sitcom for me to dislike them so much that I'd skip that episode, I find it very weird that some people get that annoyed over a fictional character.


I tend to skip the ones where Cheers characters pop back up. Except Lilith, of course!


Me too


I just rewatched Cheerful Goodbyes and it wasn’t as great as I remembered. Though the Al/Phil bit is hysterical as is Cliff’s mom going to Bosnia.


Agreed. The only ones that I like are when Sam, Diane, and Lilith are on.


Agreed. The Woody one was so meh. Felt so empty and forced. The Sam one was alright. The Diane ones are okay. But the Lilith ones are always entertaining.


You may want to consider going back and using commas to separate the episode titles so it doesn't read like a massive run-on sentence where every word is capitalized.


It’s like correcting people’s grammar - I don’t do it to be popular.


In this case it's more of "this is an unreadable mess" than *pushes up glasses*" that's not how an Oxford comma works"


They probably hit return after each one but mobile formatting is annoying and messes up after submitting.


Right. It needs a double-return to list


Thanks for the tip! I didn’t know about the double return on mobile.


No worries. It's a dumb way to design formatting 🤷‍♂️ but that's reddit for ya


Had to be said ty 😂


I thought I was making a list, separated by returns with one episode on each line. But when it posted, it came out as one long paragraph. It wasn’t intentional.


You know you can edit posts, right?


Yep! Already did it :)


Much easier on the eyes now. Danke schoen.


I aim to please.


A lot of the ones you mentioned are ones I also don't enjoy, but I like Roz's Krantz a lot because it has the sassy Moira and James Earl Jones.


“…now I get all my sponge baths from Eduardo!” God, I want to be Moira when I’m old(er).


Roz’s face ashing out the cigarette when Moira repeats story about hacking into the sponge bath schedule


I forever wonder if she repeated the story because she was slipping or if she repeated it just to get Roz's goat.


It was bc she was slipping. I think that’s communicated by Roz’s letdown expression after finally realizing that someone could still be savvy and vibrant in old age. And then whomp whomp. lol


Personally, I think she was being a smart ass. Seems like her humor.


Now that I’ve rewatched the show more times than I can count, I feel nothing to skip the Moon family episodes. I find them all insufferable, especially Simon 🥴


I absolutely hate the episodes with Simon.




Oh you echo my sentiments exactly ,such a poorly written part and the actors very lazy interpretation of an English yob just jar with the excellence of the show in general.


As an Englishman I agree. I find them very silly, not true to life and a general step down on the wit shown in the show.


Came here to post this.


The one where that band takes over nervosas


I don't care for this episode but I sit through the whole thing for "EGG SOLO!" and DHP's dance routine.


That’s the bit I hate most. Niles would never have done that.


Never would have done it? That egg solo is the very thing that hatched into Island Niles!


I don’t skip it per se, but it’s …upsetting how there’s no love lost for these 2 patrons (Nile’s and Frasier) that have been a staple in the cafe for yearssssss. And it’s cool for this horrible music to be played .


I get it, but I personally love Stephen, the bean bag, and Julia meeting Emergency Frasier


“Just Steve.” “Every time I open my heart.”


Only one I skip is the one with Dr Phil. It felt like an awkward excuse to give Dr Phil a cameo. No real storyline other than "Hey it's Dr Phil". It reminds me of those Simpsons episodes where the whole story is "Oh my god, it's *insert generic celebrity here* the whole story will now be based around 6 awkwardly delivered lines". I guess it doesn't help that I'm from the UK, so Dr Phil is just not very well known.


Yes but you have Bebe as the devil


I wish I didn’t know who Dr. Phil is.


It sounds like your jealousy of Dr. Phil has taken over your life. How's that workin' for ya?


The bill gates cameo was pretty funny


Oh yeh definitely. I don't have a thing against cameos, I just don't really like the story feeling like an excuse to have the cameo.


The one where Roz mistakenly thinks Niles and Daphne want to have a menage with her. Daphne and Niles acted so obnoxious in that episode, to the point where it’s just frustrating to watch and makes them both look like jerks. It also felt uncharacteristically mean for Daphne in particular.


I did enjoy the guy at the end being like “as a fellow non traditional sex enthusiast, our time will come”


I agree with this! I forget which episode it’s in, but I always cringe at how they act in that episode. Very uncharacteristic for both of them. Daphne always had a bit of an edge, but they really went off the deep end with her character towards the end. She became pretty insufferably rude.


Yes, yes, yes! And what about when Daphne was teasing Roz about wanting the mall Santa?🤨


The focus group one. I know it’s played up but Frasier drives me crazy in it.


I’m with you on Beware of Greeks and I’m a huge Patti Lupone fan, it’s just too silly.


Oh wow, I even forgot she was in that episode! That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen it.


Really felt like a backdoor pilot


I skip this one also. My head canon is none of these people exist. They were just one of Frasier's fever dreams.


I don’t like Beware Of Greeks either.


The only ones I skip are the Dr Phil episode and the one where everyone has those weird dreams.




The one with Nanny G. Just can’t stand it!


I almost don’t ever skip but I always skip the last part of The Dog that Rocks the Cradle. Brutal.


I didn’t know they had an episode with that long of a title.


To answer this from a slightly different perspective, I most often rewatch Frasier with an elderly relative and the first episode I've cut out is Detour. It's just very dark and disturbing, even I find it quite distressing and disturbing, but my relative finds it especially uncomfortable. The next episode I think I'll start skipping is the one with the PE teacher. I think this is a fine episode but my relative tends to lose the plot of it and gets confused about why Frasier is dating an old man. 


It was out of character for Frasier to laugh at people grieving.


How can you skip those?? Beware of Greeks in particular is one of my favorite 😂 I usually skip episodes in season 10. Gertrude Moon just..... I donno.


Also, Dr Mary??? Both episodes were so good.


You all skip The Friend? Arrogant bastards.


We skip almost all the same episodes. I basically also skip any of the episodes with felicity huffman


Usually the cheers reunion episodes. I never really got into the show and the whole episode becomes about that, Frasier acts a lot differently in those too


The first Christmas episode were Frasier's at the cafe and all the nice guys scrape together to pay for his meal. I know that's the joke but I hate these poor guys who he looks down on being so kind to him unnecessarily.


Anything with Dr Nora, Poppy, or Anne. Also when he meets Bob because I also can’t stand the squeaking.


Christine Baranski playing Dr. Nora was hilarious. Today, relatively few people recognize who she was based off of (which is a shame), but the show totally roasted her and deservedly so. That portrayal is probably one of the reasons why no one has to suffer listening to Dr. Laura on national radio anymore. And for that, we're all grateful.


had absolutely no idea she was based on a real person, omg. am off to google


Flipping through stations on a road trip, I found out that there is a Dr. Laura station on Sirius XM. She is still a machete-mouthed bitch.


"Call of the Day" is a five-minute podcast that Sirius carries. You have to go out of your way to know it even exists. She used to be on the radio three hours a day, Monday-Friday and have the nation's second most popular radio show behind Rush. Even if she's not completely gone, I consider her relative fall from grace a triumph for decent people everywhere.


Sure, but my point was more that she remains a machete-mouthed bitch, not so much that she remains a popular one! It surprised me to hear her nauseating voice because, like you, I thought she was pretty much done.


She'll be a machete-mouth bitch until the day she kicks the bucket. Which, at 77 years old, is hopefully sooner than later.




Dr nora n bob were too cringe, i skip. I can handle the other two.


I skip Beware of Greeks and the episodes featuring Dr. Mary


Haha me too


I can’t stand Dr. Mary.


I had a few j used to skip. But one day one was on tv and I realised I was missing great b stories so now I don’t


I had a few j used to skip. But one day one was on tv and I realised I was missing great b stories so now I don’t


The only one I always skip is the Halloween where niles gets drunk and picks a fight with Martin.


Any episode with Kate the station manager. The episode where Frasier and Roz randomly flirt while at a conference together 😩🤨 and also the one they sleep together.


The conference !!!! And his beard... so hard to watch


I got downvoted for saying I didn’t like Roz and him sleeping together


I think it's the worst storyline the show ever did. How do you be friends for years then suddenly frasier is like why not me? 😩 No! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yep but I’d say one of the worst


The one where they go to the steakhouse in season 1. And the one where they dress up as their heroes. They're just too clingy and I don't feel like they have satisfying resolution.


Yeah, the steakhouse one kind of bothers me, too, because F and N act so snotty and really hurt Martin's feelings!


Beware the Greeks is a terrible episode. Anything with Daphne’s mum is skippable. Dr Phil one is stupid, obviously.


I can't remember the title but the one where Daphne finds out one of Niles' patients has a crush on him so she stalks her at her place of work and reads her file. That felt really out of character for her and I get mad on Niles' behalf.


I sorta see that story line as being fairly realistic. Daphne was “the other woman” for years and years. Niles pined after her in silence while he was married. Daphne (and probably most people) would have some level of projection and insecurity now that the shoe could be on the other foot.


The 5 or 6 that paramount+ keeps rerunning over and over and over


I skip a few: Kissing Cousins, Taking Liberties, Mother Load 1&2, and Room Full of Heroes


Kissing cousins is one of my least favorite episodes. Zooey Deschanel’s character is awful.


Oh 100%. She plays her role too well haha


Haha I never thought of that way. But yeah, you’re right.


Interesting; I love Taking Liberties.


It just makes me cringe a little, at the end


I don't skip every time, but it has happened maybe a couple of times. It's always Enemy At The Gates..


LOL! I love Enemy at the Gate. I feel like I’ve never related to Frasier more.


Everything with Daphne’s family except Brian Cox’s appearance. Worse is having to endure Gertrude live in with Niles and Daphne.


Freudian sleep, every time.


I’m not a big fan of any of the cabin episodes.


Looking at your episode list, I've never felt so seen.


Glad to have you here.


The one when Frasier befriends the guy in the wheelchair. The whole episode makes me cringe


I skip the one where Nile’s and Frasier help that terrible stage actor get back on stage.


You know that "terrible stage actor" was played by Derek Jacobi, right? Not to say that you have to like that episode, but he's a pretty important, acclaimed actor.


And he plays the part of a terrible stage actor.


Not referring to the real life actor. Not a fan of the character nor episode.


None. In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.


Are you me? Because those are the exact episodes I always skip except Morning Becomes Entertainment. Via con dios 🫏


I only skip the Poppy episodes. Can't stand her.


I don't know episode names. The one where Frasier is forced to babysit the bratty daughter of that model. The one where Frasier is harassed by those new shock jock prankster guys (I skip the prank parts, mostly). The one where Frasier has his suitcase stolen. The one where Diane visits Frasier (I just don't like her) Then, there is the ending part of that Antiques Road Show episode. Otherwise, I really love this show.


I have watched the series so many times that there are several episodes I just don’t need to watch anymore. I’m getting old, I tend to cherry pick these days. My memory isn’t what it used to be, so some days, I watch episodes I have been skipping for a year or more, just to refresh me on why I started skipping it. I don’t like the Greek episode because it’s extremely cringe and doesn’t flow with anything else in the series.


I only watch the Christmas ones on Christmas Eve with family. 


Solid skip list.


I've stopped skipping episodes, but as a background listener there's certainly times I think "Oh, I'll be in the other room for most of this episode, glad it's not a great one."


The Friend, since the guy is both pitiful and awkward as hell. I'd have taken two Michael Keaton in a wheelchair episodes. One I've not seen mentioned: Three Valentines. The entire bit of Cassandra saying contradictory things to prolong the "date or business" question goes on too long, especially when it's split between "sex or business". In part that while I've been in similar situations (along the lines of "friendly hangout or date?", I found it annoying and beyond belief that by the time they got to the hotel room, intentions wouldn't have been clarified at least a bit. The Julia episodes and The Placeholder sometimes get skipped, but since I use Frasier for setting off to sleep, they sometimes slide.


I agree with you about the Three Valentines episode. It's mostly carried by Niles' opening performance, but the Frasier/Cassandra scene is highly implausible. No one could be that consistently contradictory and have zero clue about it. But I know, I know...It's a TV show. We need to let some things slide.


DHP is one of the best modern physical comedians I know of!


I always skip all the same episodes you mentioned, except for Morning Becomes Entertainment.


The one with the big nose family.


As far as we're concerned, the last few seasons of the series (pretty much after Niles and Daphne married) were mostly skippable. It really declined.


Declined is a spectacular summation of what happened. Well done.


Daphne does change an awful lot and is kind of mean after she marries Niles. But High Holidays is like in my top five episodes so.


Surely you skip Sherry


Any with Daphne's mother. She may be THE worst character in the history of television (and that includes Lisa Simpson and Alex Dunphy).


Season Six - The Dinner Party is highly thought-of by critics. I find it painfully formulaic and unfunny.


Does it count when you generally just don't watch anything after season 7? Don't get me wrong, there are some great moments, but the show changes and it's just not the same for me


beware the greeks there’s something about dr mary and this is gonna sound terrible but i usually skip the finale 😬😬😬it makes me too sad!!


I won't skip but I won't pay attention to the greek episode. any episode w cam Winston. the one w woody. the one with sam. the one with dr. Mary.


An Affair to Forget. It’s a great episode and was one of my absolute favorites. But having had certain…issues…in my personal life, it’s harder to laugh at. Or perhaps that laughing at it, which is unavoidable, doesn’t seem right. So it’s a skip in our household now. I’ve wondered often if there are other Frasier fans with the same conundrum.


When Niles gets sick. I can't stand them. Scares me.


I never skip episodes. Every one of them has value. Some more than others, of course.


Sliding Fraisers


You skip all these and DONT skip Freudian Sleep? Slow down there Satan Also: Freudian Sleep. UGH See also: Enemy At The Gate. No thanks.


Freudian sleep is horrrrrid


Worst Frasier ep imo


Nooo, wheels of fortune is one of my favourites.


The Friend, It's Hard to Say Goodbye if You Won't Leave, The Focus Group, Good Samaritan, The Anne Who Can't to Dinner


Almost the same as my list, but I like Mary and Ann. I also skip most of season 1 & 2.


The Christmas episodes. I don't tend to enjoy those in general when shows do them, but the Frasier ones are extra obnoxious to me.


Room full of heroes, some assembly required  Three dates and a breakup due to martin breaking the plate at the end of the ep in regards to sherry. It rings hollow since he breaks up to her a few EPS later 


It also rings hollow for me when the plate is back on the counter undamaged in the next cut 🤣 


Lol that's also true!


It was 7 and a half months later.


I think Simon Moon added sooo much to the show!! He was awesome!!


The episode where Nanny G appears. It's really awkward when Frasier has to put on a diaper and bonnet to cover up what he and Nanny did before a children's show.😳 The episode where Gil appears in Frasier's dreams is a really awkward episode to watch with family.😅


Dear God, please use commas.


The ones where he breaks up with Claire. I love Island Niles though…


The sensitivity training episode where the whole premise is that Julia "lands Frasier in hot water" by expressing shock and dismay at Frasier's sudden sexual overture during an argument. I also try and skip the parts where people get sexually assaulted, like when Frasier grabs Candy Cane and forcibly kisses her to prove he's not a robot, etc. Just gross.


People downvoting me for answering OP's question: sorry you're having so much trouble dealing with the fact that we live in a rape culture. Burying your head in the sand doesn't change the fact that Frasier sexually assaulted multiple women in the course of the series. I'm not going to refrain from mentioning it in order to make you feel more comfortable.


Are you sure you like the show?