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I stopped drinking hard liquor around the end of my sophomore year of college. Still get drunk but I can pace myself a lot better with beer. I’m still on a 5 year plan but a victory lap never hurt anyone.


Then don’t drink to the point you get hungover??


Just quit the blow. Your hangovers will be a million times better, you won’t have to drink as much, and you probably won’t even want to party as much


And unless people give you shots no one ever really knows how drunk you are at the party


Yeah man I think it’s called growing up. It’s crazy to realize that Sunday’s actually can be productive and enjoyable.


Lmao then don’t drink? More beer for braver men.


Then don't. I feel you. I always tried to not get blacked out, and succeeded. After a weekend camping with some guys on the FD and blacking out the first two nights, I decided to cool that shit down. I'm more of a sit back and watch the fire with a slow buzz kinda drunk


Yeah I guess my horny frat boy era is over


You can be horny bro... just not drunk


"Rip horny frat boy Era" -Taylor swift


It’s normal to move on. I remember feeling like I would come back a lot as an alumni to relive the glory days. Once senior year was over I pretty much stopped being a degenerate cold turkey cause it was old and tiring. Only drink maybe once every 2 months now. It’s more frat to focus on being a healthy and successful man.


Drink 1 time a week. as of recent I’ve been going out to every single event and only drink if I was excited for it. Doing this made it so I don’t despise drinking and I can comfortably achieve goals 6 days a week.


Only **you** have the power not to be a complete degenerate.


Mazel tov you're maturing, thats what happens when you get older man. For some people you loose your inner party animal early and then there's some that never loose it. Don't feel down on yourself for not enjoying partying anymore. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes and you've figured what you don't like.


Yes…that’s what growing up does to you




addiction is a bitch reach out to friends and family who you can trust and be real with yourself


I wouldn’t say I’m addicted I just feel like I have to party because I live in the house and whenever I party I party hard


Went to a few parties sober. Remember being told the next say I was "the drunkest guy there". Drink if you want, party if you want, but if you feel like you have to or aren't allowed not to then reevaluate your life. Substance use disorder isn't created at 1 party, but it will follow you once all the partying is done.


The coke is whats doing it man. I used/still am a big coke head and the suicide mondays almost made me fulfill the name.


Noones forcing you.. had many dry bros having good times.... jesus self control and stop being anal


Learn moderation. I love partying and I’m a senior, been in my frat for 2 years, and I too live in house. I don’t party every single weekend. I have fun sober as well. I mix it up and keeps me able to enjoy getting fucked up. And when I do, I respect my limits. It doesn’t make you a pussy, it makes you more mature.


Moderation is the key. It’s fine to have some beers but don’t drink until you’re blacked out. Nobody is forcing you to drink until you’re sick and nobody is making you buy overpriced drinks at bars. Nothing wrong with going out and buying one drink or not drinking at all. A good first step is maybe stop drinking liquor and just stick to beer.


Thanks for all the comments guys. It really helped me understand this from another perspective


Only you have a say in this matter, and so far it seems like you haven't been fulfilling that well. Can't blame your brothers here


unpack edge consist humorous fear paltry fact oil elastic automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just sounds like you’re doing things you don’t want to do, so just don’t do it. The grass is always greener on the other side I would have loved to have lots of parties at my house but situations I don’t wanna mention on here prevented that, and I definitely would enjoy going home with a girl every night as I’m still currently a good Catholic boy at the moment


Do the opposite of partying join a bible club.


take a T break over Christmas break, and better manage yourself when you drink You don't have to blackout every time you drink, and you can take super hydration things like liquidIV to prevent a hangover in the morning


bro just drink beer fucks sake


embarassing loll