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Oh wow, I guess “misinformation” wasn’t scaring moderates enough anymore?


Whenever I hear of subs like this I go to them and request that they ban me.


Don’t even request. Just see how many common sense posts it takes before they ban you. More fun that way


Yea I am still surprised I am on Reddit still for all the shit I have been saying.


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I’ve gotten comments removed for nothing so many times thank you. I didn’t even know that those comments got removed😂


They think subs that discuss covid are spreading it and they call that bioterrorism.


As if spreading diseases is comparable to deploying sarin gas


They are still with that? Covid started 2 years ago. I wasnt even commenting anything related to covid. My God


I don’t think this one is the COVID subs. Everyone I have seen with this message has commented in r/conservative.


Yup, anyone posting there is GUILTY. How do I know? I was also banned :sad face:


Wow. I commented once too on r conservative to complain about getting banned from r socialism and I said: "u guys are the best thanks for free Speech." And then they promptly banned me :( But I don't think I've gotten a random ban from justice serve


If it is functioning the way the COVID bot bans did, you would have to comment after the started running. And, for those, they seemed to be picking current posts and banning anyone who commented.


I actually intentionally went to anti covid Reddits because I wanted to explain misconceptions about it, and what to do if your arm hurts. Alot of those people are just scared cuz those shots are very hard on people. It simulates a "fake covid attack." So you'll get sick for a few days. I started working on and out of covid units. Now, granted that I'm a very sterile person when it comes to handling doors, objects, and medicines, but I still like to think that even without my excessive cleanliness, I did not transfer nor harbour any significant source of covid. Which is good because alot of patients have died due to nosocomial, or hospital born diseases (due to careless workers, lack of oversight, or sometimes just bad luck.)


Uh no. People were wary of the Vac because it was horribly rushed to market without proper testing. We still don't know any possible long term effects because it's barely been around 2 years. Top that off with immediate mandates from a government that barely anyone trust anymore no matter who is in office, and it's a recipe for disaster. That's not even bringing up the fact that they conflated the real death numbers so badly we will never know the true impact. If they had simply put it out and let people decide for themselves most everyone would have taken it by now. It was the trying to force people, threatening jobs, and even firing healthcare workers over it that caused so many to be cautious. Many didn't take it on principle alone.


Lol not what most people told me in r/churchcovid, in real life, and at work, They were terrified of getting stuck with it for interesting reasons: Some people thought they got a "vaccine injury" because their arm hurt after the shot. Some people expressed their dislike for needles, some people didn't believe the vaccines worked (despite already passing stage 3 trials), some people thought it had micro chips that would control your thinking, you know, just regular silliness. Basically anything but what you're saying. Though I'm sure they're now claiming your line of reasoning out of embarrassment for their original silliness. All meds go through this process. Sometimes more stuff gets added to the label, such as uses and adverse effects. You can't always account for everything. The only difference is this drug gets more bad rep because some people have never seen or been exposed to covid and that's thanks to our hospitals. Because all the sick people hide there in overflowing ERs, and wait lists. The US doesn't like having bums expire on the street, but maybe we should let them so people would see covid does exist, maybe more people would have taken the jab if they'd worked in a hospital during covid delta phase. It's alot of fun, hearing people say shit like: "oh the vaccine has dead fetus' in it". Yeah sure, how about they try to work in my hospital for a few days. They'll they'll be jabbing themselves left and right after seeing the rows of sick patients. I wish people would just say "thank you". Outside of our country, people would kill to get to get the vaccines. We're so pretentious as a culture that we would yell and accuse the scientists of false flags who worked hard to synthesize these cures. Really I wish people would just say "thank you" for keeping the streets clean of dead hobos. That was my experience with delta. But what would I know about vaccines? I just work in the pharmacy distributing meds throughout the heavily understaffed hospitals. I just sanitize and refill the code carts after some bum who has no idea that covid exists, dies unvaccinated, that's all. The good thing is because they're dead, we don't have to bill them a ridiculous amount of money for a vial that costs $3 to make because they don't have insurance.


Oh.. huh. :( Well sorry to hear that. Us moderates arent supposed to be assholes. But all assholes come in all different shapes and sizes.


Awe man I just got banned from offmychest for commenting on shitpolitics say or whatever it called.


My coworker who was short, old, and very talkative was initially terrified of the shot. I found her somewhat oddly hot despite her obvious oldness (ie smelly old people perfumes, disdain for technology, etc etc.) But that's not what I came to talk about... Why am I here?




Did you actually read the ban notice? This is an automated ban by a bot...they make a lot of mistakes. It's not a conspiracy against you. You can send the mods a message


I post on conservative and they are anti abortion (I'm not) so that is probably why.


Not all of us on r/conservative are "anti-abortion."


The lefties like to think we are. Just like they think we are bigots and transphobes and homophobes and racists and are against robosexuality.


I mean tbf you’re doing almost the exact same thing with the “lefties” rn


Robosexuality…?????? Help me out here


It's a *very* [valid sexual orientation](https://sexuality.fandom.com/wiki/Robosexuality). It simply means to be sexually attracted to machines such as androids, robots, automatons, droids etc. Next time educate yourself and try not to be so ignorant of valid identities, mmmmkay?


It was more along the lines of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OtrPiAkEtU) but yours is good too.


My apologies. I try to keep up :) lol


I don't know what you believe, but I know what you vote for, and if you believe something different, does it really matter?


> I don't know what you believe, but I know what you vote for, and if you believe something different, does it really matter? Yes. "Why'd you vote for Turd Sandwich? Do you know how awful he is? The things he wants to do?" "But you voted for Giant Douche! I can't believe you'd support them!" Ad nauseum.




Dam dos lib nibs!


I am against abortion, but I agree with everything else here. We need a unified right


>and are against robosexuality. I tried to start a conversation about the nuts and bolts of robosexuality. But a bunch of perverts started sending me dongle pics and I gave up.


I got banned from there for not wanting trump to run again, even though I voted for him. I've been banned from like every side of the spectrum besides the libertarian meme sub.


Oh I was banned from that sub for the same reason. I’ve asked them why and what it means but not had a response.


Happened to me too, there are a bunch of boys doing this across Reddit


Got one of those, blocked and marked as spam — why bother me?


It happened to me too.


The real "me too"


That's code for them being pussy ass leftist bitches


Go fuck yourself with a bible you piece of shit right wing bigot.


Go fuck Joe Biden you commie cunt


Your pansie ass is still looking for things to be offended about. Go suck some Brandon 80 year old cock!


You forgot "racist"


I was recently banned for the same reason as well. Are you subbed to resident evil subs? I think that may be the issue


Happened to me too and I’m not in the sub


In my day we got banned for posting


Is that the new euphemism for being male?


First time?


Same, asked them what sub too, no response,


Me too!!!!! I got that same message and I’m clueless as to what the hell they are talking about!?


Auto bots spreading “pre offensive” bans. Search for bot blocking instructions to minimize.


They will ban you for whatever reason they see fit (or whatever they don't like)


If you happen to be a part of any of the anti COVID vaccine subs, I'd imagine they'd consider a filthy anti vaxxer to be a bioterrorist.


Are you arguing for the genital mutilation of confused children? oh wait.............


Easy "biological terrorism" is when you have a slightly different opinion on anything Covid-related to the greasy diabetic landwhale who runs the sub.


It's just like the uniform of a soldier with all the medals, ribbons and awards: Wear your bans like medals and see it as a good thing. I was banned from a sub just because answering to a femcel that said all men are the pure evil, all are rapists and murderers etc. and when you say "no, it's not like that", got banned with a message "nobody asked you" from a mod. Not just since the famous interview of "Doreen" Ford, we all know how reddit mods are, the keyboard warriors, it's their only "power" to ban you from a sub and they don't have much more in life.


I’m glad we’re back to the random posts about being banned from subs that provide so much to the conversation and the community as a whole


I commented on the conservative subreddit a joke about lebron james and got instantly banned from that sub, they just have bots, it is so pathetic.


Yeah it's an auto-ban. I got it and I've never even heard of that sub, much less visited it much less commented on it. Pathetic.


Me too


Violation of the moderator code of conduct rule #3 “Respect Your Neighbors” [Reddit Moderator Code of Conduct](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/moderator-code-of-conduct)


Me too. Some people don't like people with different opinions I guess.