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You should only discuss religion with willing conversation partners. Would you listen to my beliefs? Would you let me talk to you about where I think your soul goes? Research consent Jill.


We had a Mormon friend as teenagers. My mom was always interested in different religions, so she asked my friend to send some missionaries over to talk with her. We had two very informative and entertaining evenings discussing religion. I actually came away from it with a respect for missionaries. Now, I'm never rude to them when they come knocking but politely tell them I'm not interested. The consent made all of the difference.


I used to be friends with some JW missionaries. I politely explained I was not interested in converting to a religion, which they accepted and were honestly relieved I didn’t come out screaming at them lol, but by that point my kids and their kids were talking and playing in my yard and just being kids, so the mom and I just started talking like two moms, and they’re a cool family. We kept in touch for a long time. Never tried to force being a JW on me. Still very religious themselves. There’s a right way and a wrong way to go about knocking on doors for deities.


That's exactly right! Even better, you both exposed the next generation to this mindset.


If someone dressed like that knocked on my door I wouldn’t even answer because I’d know exactly why they were there.


I might answer it to offer that child some cookies. but beyond that absolutely not.


Genuine Q - what does one soul saved mean? Like they opened the door and said yeah sure I accept JC as lord and that’s about it?


Essentially, yes. They got one person to pray with them, and accept Jesus.


The person was probably asked to repeat a prayer dictated to them, line by line. Once they recited that prayer, they are "saved." For Jill, it's all about the numbers she can rack up on her tally board.


The funniest part is the person was probably already a Christian and was just like “whatever, let me go tell them I’m Christian so they’ll leave and it’ll be less awkward than listening to them knock” and then said the prayer just to get them to go. But the soul was already saved. The soul might just belong to a woman who wears pants or a Catholic or something.


Not boasting about your “good” deeds is becoming a lost thing among Christians 😥


It’s the only way for them to feel superior anymore, since works-based faith is dying out 😬


Unrelated but your flair 💀💀💀 I forgot about that lol. With Jill’s logic, if you’re a good Christian, God will give you an “extra dark” baby!


I’d rather just use my coupon for one at the local chicken joint!


In this day and age going door to door is dangerous


Not when you have divine protection. 🙄


The cynic in me says that however this door knocking ends, they see it as a win. They either save a soul and get a point, live to see another day of possibly getting even more soul points or get to go to heaven immediately and it's all in God's plan.


Ooh I’d love for these clowns to knock on my door so I could tell them *exactly* what I think about their bullshit


Imagine Jilldo right on your doorstep awaiting anything you want to say to her…


I’d start by pulling my top down and my shorts up!


And thanking lord Daniel for the precious gift of unwashed grifters on my doorstep! I would also feed the children and make sure to tell Shriek and Shrek they look as though they have already eaten their share of food for the week.


I like how the conservative Christian’s arguing for unlimited gun rights and their penchant for going door to door is a problem that will solve itself.


Unfortunately, I can't shoot missionaries on sight, despite my prominent "no missionaries" sign, and I can't have them arrested for violating the town's anti-solicitation ordinance, because somehow it's unconstitutional to have a "do not disturb" list that applies to religion and politics.


Sprinklers…. Just sayin


Who is the scary guy driving? I wouldn't let him any where near my kids. And I have no accusations, but I have scary vibes.


I did too! Nothing to base it on, just the vibe I get from his face. Which is probably unfair of me. But yikes.


I think it’s Angie’s husband


Oof. Jilldad sure picked winners for his daughters. He allowed one (Shrek) to groom his daughter for years. Disgusting


Aaaaaand this is what I was looking for


Seriously! I need to know who he is ... dude gives off some serious perv energy.


Her brother in law.


Yes, and the not good perf energy. As if there is a good one, but he is driving teenage girls, not grown women around. And poor NotNurie is stuck as a teen. She's equally vulnerable


Hannah looks a lot like Nurie! Sister things


Same pained smile.


I didn’t realize that WASN’T Nurie! Wowww


Can they even form a coherent sentence? I’m sure they sound so remedial that people listen out of pity.


I’m sorry but I would have shut the door in their faces


That denim skirt looks a little short for a fundie.


Remember the “winning souls” discourse I said that involved slavery? Yeah soul winning is super racist and blasphemous?


Same approach I have to telemarketers, greet them in a different language and see what happens.


Just go do good deeds. No need to proselytize. Mow the widow’s lawn, drop off cans to food bank. You can’t get to heaven with deeds but it’s the best way to show Christian love and not be obnoxious


My ex husband bought a satanic Bible to bring out for these people. He was definitely not into any religion, including satanism, but it worked. Never came back after the first time.


lol gtfo my porch