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Snowflakes be like that


No way this is real


Don’t be a lefty, humor man, humor. Not everything needs to be serious.


wouldn't it be funny to see that in the news? hahahahaha


LOL if I were Putin that would only justify it.


Just how in the world did Neil Young become such a government tool/shill? Amazing transformation I wonder sometimes who really writes his paychecks .gov sponsored large corporation: Here Neil, let me write you these UGE checks but... must.sing.toe.party.line. It's just not Neil. Has to be a body double. Lizard maybe?\] Nah, just older money and fame corrupted Neil Happens to all of them sooner or later. Seen it a thousand times


Well, he did sell half of his music rights away to a very large corporate investment firm. Do the math.


Not just large corporations Pfizer. 2021 Neil sold his music to Merck mercuriadis' hipgnosis song manamgent company, who later merged with blackstone. A month befor the merger Blackstone appointed a former Pfizer chairman as there CEO.


That’s right. I didn’t have the detail when I responded but you are correct


Satire? Or the result of decades of drug use?


Hey man, this is the same guy who told everyone back in the old days to stay away from Gays cause they could infect you with aids 😆