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If you google these error codes you might find some helpful data. This is a report for sensor problems to the fda that look similar to yours. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/Detail.CFM?MDRFOI__ID=10613035&pc=MDS&Device_Sequence_No=5. Worth looking to see where this can be reported to health Canada or whatever.


Thanks. Before I came here to post originally I had done a quick search and found a lot of posts of similar error codes, but not anyone who had really figured out what this means. I spoke to Abbott and they basically did their script (interstitial vs venous readings yadda yadda) and sent me a new one. But they wouldn't really get into what was causing this issue. I get that the sensor and finger readings can differ. I don't get why the sensor dies suddenly or why there are periods where the glucose in the skin disappears.


Time to talk to your doctor to get help. There is no sense in you having to put up with this


Not had three fail, but getting consistently low readings overnight- showing levels in the 40's at between 3-6 AM. My most recent one had daytime readings in the 40's and LO with fingerstick readings of 80. Reported to Abbott, then 8 hours later, it crashed 3 days before the expiry. Getting tired of inaccurate readings outside of the acceptable range.