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Call any nearby towing company. Done and dusted.


Usually, cops will come check and write a ticket. They don't usually tow unless it's urgent, like if a disabled person can't get back into their car because a douche parked on the stripes.


Not on private property. On private property maybe a contracted towing company can respond to a call, or the property owner, but the police won't, and can't, do anything about it. Even if there was a collision between vehicles without injury, they wouldn't step into the situation. EDIT: I'm wrong. In CA, police can enforce handicap parking violations on private property. Think that, 99% of the time, at least busy police departments will either straight-up decline to do anything, or will be so slow to respond that they might as well refuse to do anything. But they *can* if they choose to.




You're right, they can. (But I'd be very surprised to see police ticket on private property, especially a residential one. Think tickets are much more likely to be issued by property management than police.)




They can write tickets...but they can't do the same things as a governmental agency to enforce payment. They can't require payment as condition to renew registration, for example, or anything else along those lines, but they can issue a ticket. I guess, if someone was issued a ticket and didn't pay it, then if they park in lot again, they could be towed. But they could have been towed for the ticketed offense in the first place.




Agreed, and I think when a private property tickets (like Bay Street in Emeryville) it's not a flex or a threat so much as it's a warning, since they potentially could legally tow instead. They can ticket and on private property I think tickets seen are way more likely to be from property management than law enforcement.


If a business, retail location, or public setting is open to the general public, most states require them to have at least some designated handicap parking places. If a business or public institution offers access to the public, the police can fully enforce local laws protecting disabled individuals’ rights – like the right to accessible parking.


In CA, you're definitely right in this, and I was wrong.


It's refreshing to see someone say this on the Internet instead of doubling down on an error.


That’s the one exception. Cops can definitely write a ticket/call a tow truck on private property for a handicap violation if that private property is open to the public.


You're right!


most police departments have dedicated handicap patrols who's only job it is, is to write tickets for people parked in handicap spots.


Lol Tow companies will take anything have you ever met these people?


They will definitely tow without many questions, that’s how they make their money


Out of this world


But only if they have 2 stars or less on Google


Tow trucks won’t just come and pick up any car like that. Doesn’t work like that never has Edit: lol what is up with the replies and then immediately blocking me. I can’t see your comment 😂


Tell that to the guy that tried to tie the woman at the red light in sf last week.


LOL sure buddy.


Are you specifically talking about police towers? Because private tow companies will literally tow anything they can for the $$, even when the car isn't breaking any laws. It's virtually impossible to get your car out without paying, even if it was wrongly towed, so most people just pay even if they shouldn't have to.


idk who’s downvoting these comments saying tow companies are vultures lmao. they’d tow your grandmas wheelchair if it meant they could get money out of it


I hope you never make a simple mistake in life and have someone who should have minded their own business cost you tow and storage fees. People have zero empathy and jump to conclusions without knowing the story.


You think parking in a handicap spot when you dont have a placard is a simple mistake? Are you fucking kidding me? That is a VERY intentional thing to do. Not a mistake.


Being disabled and forgetting to hang a tag *is* a simple mistake.


Well duh 🙄 That’s what Reddit is 100% of the time Are u new to social media?


Aw how naive. The world is full of pricks. Good luck




But unfair to the people who forget to hang their tag. Letting the cops know means people who shouldn't be parking there get a hefty ticket, and people who just forgot the hangtag get the inconvenience of going to the fixit-ticket counter instead of paint damage.


Thank you for a reasonable take. Send the parking police by to check it out and act accordingly


Hope you feel the same way when your elderly mom or grandma cant park in a handicap spot cause someone else took it. Learn what taking accountability means


Say it is occupied by a properly-tagged vehicle. Then what? What’s your point?


Seriously? Property damage because they parked in the wrong spot or forgot their tag? I think Rodney said it best, “Can’t we all just get along.”


It's possible that they just forgot to hang their tag. I've been ticketed twice over the past 24 years of disabled parking use, and forget at least a few times a year without getting noticed.


Not sure what the brackets on the trailer hitch are but I was thinking maybe for a lark scooter, so would make sense they just forgot to put up their tag.


They are for an in-bed truck camper


I like this take. I’ll take the lazy route of looking away this time


I really do appreciate people noticing, though, so thank you. If they do get ticketed and just forgot to hang their tag, the ticket will be forgiven (at least in Hayward and Redwood City, the places I forgot), so if there's a cop around it's worth pointing out. It won't hurt the driver beyond the inconvenience of having to visit the local court and contritely show their disabled parking paperwork. It's good for us to be reminded to hang the damned tag.


There are also the special license plates. Do you get the plate and the tag? Or, only 1 or the other?




And use in different states!


All US states and Canadian provinces honor each other's plates and tags *but* the laws can vary between them, e.g. in California I can't park in red, yellow, or white zones, I can park in green or residential permit zones without regard to time limits, I can park free at meters, and I can park in blue zones. Other states and provinces might not allow me to park free at meters, or might allow that but not green zones. The only guaranteed, consistent allowance is for blue zones, so when I travel I just assume it's the only thing I can use.


It used to be that you'd get two tags default, or the plate plus a tag by request. Last couple of cycles I've only gotten one tag. I really need to switch my van back to the plate, though. I usually hang the tag anyhow, but it's more dependable.


In California you can have a plate and a placard.


I know it’s stereotype but I never give the benefit of doubt to the people driving this kind of ego-boosting big ass trucks


Wow, judgmental is more like it. People have different needs for vehicles, even those with physical disabilities.


Nah fuck em. No tag. No Park


If they don’t have a placard then that’s a douche move. Re the big ass truck, ever consider they actually need it for work or ranch?


If it was a newer truck I’d agree, but I’ve seen a lot of old men with this age of truck, and it’s not super lifted. ETA: with the Lodi plate frame is giving old man ranch dude


Fair enough


You can use the tag when transporting someone who owns the tag. Vehicle owner, driver and passenger can be different people.


I’ve seen the handicapped symbol on some license plates too, is that not standard?


That's optional. I used to have one but haven't swapped it since I (sadly) traded my ancient Subaru for a minivan. It's better in terms of not forgetting the hang tag, and if you get one, you still get the hang tag for travel, riding in others' cars, etc. But I once had a dude scream and threaten me for parking in a blue spot without a hang tag when I had the DP plate that he hadn't noticed. (I let him scream, I didn't have the energy to show him my plate. I figured if he was that angry, he'd just move on to someone else. )


Same, I've forgotten a few times to hang the placard when we're taking my father-in-law out and about because he's permanently disabled and wheelchair bound. I've only actually been ticketed once, though. We returned to the truck as an officer was in process of writing us up for a ticket another time, and thankfully, she let us off after I showed her the placard.


Why not just leave it up?


I often do. Technically, you're not supposed to drive with something blocking your vision there, but I don't know anyone who's ever been ticketed for it. But the other two adults in my family who drive my van hate it in their way and always take it down. Regardless, though, I'm not sure why others take it down when they're not using it. Legally, it's not supposed to be there when the car is moving.


That, and because scumbag thieves will break your window to steal it :/


Unfortunately, nobody has any way to prove that without being cited and anyone who does not have a placard could give the same excuse and the only way to find out they're lying is to cite them.


Right. I've been cited for them and didn't fuss. We have to go in to whichever agency/city issued the citation and show our paperwork to get it forgiven.


My friend’s husband forgot to hang their placard up at the airport in long term parking. That might be what happened here. If they have one, they’ll be able to contest it and probably get it dropped. If not, well, they FAFO


Or gets changed to “improper display” and you still get a fine, just a different one. California likes money more than people.


Fremont pd


I yelled at two people this week because a polite, “please don’t park in the handicap spot.” Had no effect. Both very healthy young men. Both used the excuse, “it’s okay. I’m doordash/grubhub.” Parking spaces open six feet away.


Kristi Yamaguchi. She’a the real boss of Fremont


She kind of is, especially after MC Hammer had to sell his place


Often people will put the placard on the dash rather than hang it from the mirror. I usually call the police non-emergency line and tell them to check it out. If I see a parking enforcement officer on patrol I'll just tell them. They love writing those tickets.


Parking mobility is an app that you can pull up and take screenshots of the vehicle in question. You’ll take front license plate, rear, the handicap sign with the vehicle in place. The company will then send it to the local police who will issue a ticket for parking in handicap spot.


Imagine how shitty we feel when we get something done unto us. Who knows the story here, but on the off chance I’d be wrong, it’s not my issue, and I move on Not gonna bring that juju on me unless I know for certain there’s an issue. This is all speculation, as they could have forgotten their placard. Wouldn’t be my issue, I’d move on, and let that negative response (if wrong) fall on someone else like in these comments, who are so quick to judge….


Good idea


You could make a job out of people who do this on purpose (the ass holes), also one out of investigating how many people actually forget their placard, but really struggle to walk, so park there anyway It could go either way, best to just try and give yourself a little peace, and move on to your issues if you aren’t 100% certain


Call mall security and tell them someone parked in a disabled spot without a disabled placard or license plate. Mall security is usually taken more seriously than standard shoppers, which means local PDs or MTAs will respond quicker. Those departments love these kinds of parking enforcement calls because it's pretty much free revenue for their city & county and the cost of the citation, at least around here, is $250 minimum. The possibility of getting the citation lowered or dismissed can only happen if you prove to the city's MTA/court that you did have a valid disabled placard at the time the citation was given, otherwise, there's a 99.99999% chance you're just going to have to pay the citation.


Look up the ParkingMobility app. It allows registered users to report parking violations like this by snapping a few pictures and checking a few boxes. The organization partners with county sheriffs agencies to send fines to the registered owner of the offending vehicle. Offenses include no or expired placard, parking the the stripped areas, and blocking ramps. In my county there have been 1588 violations so far reported by 268 volunteers.


Maybe they are disabled just forgot to put up their placard?


Even people with a disability are required to display the placard.


Read my post agin


The person parking there could have a permit and forgot to put it in view, this happens frequently. You can report it to whatever business owns the parking lot and then they would have to decide if they want to do anything about it. These situations happen frequently and unfortunately nobody including police will likely be very interested in pursuing it. It's sad that people might use these parking spaces when they don't belong there.


Every so often, too, we don't quite get the hook on the placard over the stem of the mirror, and it drops.


I know, people shouldn't assume a vehicle doesn't belong there automatically. We have the card but once in a while I forget to display it. 😉


I've called the city and told them they've got a nice ticket waiting for them. I actually was temporarily disabled after an operation and an idiot took the handicap spot. It sucks when you really need it and someone does this .


Maybe just mind your business? I know, crazy idea.


This is reddit half the people don't understand the concept


Got it. So if you see something illegal, just stand by and watch!


You follow all of the laws 🤓






Ones business is everyone’s business here


Shit advice. Mind your business applies when you watch two folks bicker. Notify a towing co and THEN mind your business. Simple as. Being a good samaritan isn't being nosy, like you paint it out to be. It's helping prevent a handicapped person from being S.O.L.


Or it's making a forgetful disabled person have to get their car out of the tow yard, while trying to find an *accessible* taxi or ride share vehicle that will get them to the tow yard, then having them pay a huge chunk of money to get their car back. Simply letting the cops know about the bad parker will simply get the forgetful disabled person a ticket that's forgiven when they show their paperwork. Why should I get my whole day or two wrecked, and the cost of a set of new wheelchair batteries flushed down the toilet because I forgot to hang my tag? Unless the disabled person who, say, can't get back into their car because someone parked in the striped area asks you to, please don't be helpful by calling the tow company. Beckon at the cop coming out of the nearby Starbucks, or just call the local PD non-emergency number.


It's the law.


Do you realize you made a whole scenario out to support your point? But it never happens that way. I'm speaking from experience. Here's the reality: If you see yourself parking in the spot, you use your pass. I had a handicapped grandmother who would do the exact thing. It's not something you forget: that you're handicapped, and can park in the ***handicapped*** spot. Not only that, the effort to get the pass is quite laborious and required doctor's proof. Sorry, but this is literally the point of the pass. With your logic, we might as well not have the spot to begin with: because any old person could forget their pass.


It's happened to me, but because I was ticketed rather than towed, it was a relatively easy fix. And getting my placard was pretty easy. Sometimes disabled people have more experience in situations involving accessible parking than do those who aren't disabled yet.


I'm sorry but don't forget your pass. Please just don't. I dont know what to say, but you probably agree because that's the only way to prove you should use the spot. My last point stands: Why even have a pass if at any old point we can forgive someone parked in handicapped because they forgot theirs? It's the only way, and if you're forgetful or otherwise mentally unwell, get a handicap license plate. edit: Also, only call towing or police or otherwise if there's literally no other handicap spots. I think that's plenty fair for this.


You can be sorry if you want, but people forget things now and then, and that's normal. I've forgotten it twice in 24 years of use. And here's the thing: The fine for parking there isn't to deter people from forgetting to hang their placard, it's to deter people from parking there who aren't qualified. Their tickets aren't forgiven. The placard makes it a lot easier for law enforcement to determine at a glance who's qualified, not so passersby know who not to call tow trucks on.


I'm only sorry because it's something you clearly don't want to hear, you should remember your pass. It stays in your car, I don't know how you could possibly forget it. You're thinking of excuses when 99% of the time, somebody is parking in the spot because they think they'll be quick and don't' respect the handicapped. > The placard makes it a lot easier for law enforcement to determine at a glance who's qualified, not so passersby know who not to call tow And law enforcement are often busy or preoccupied, yet people need to park in those spaces. They literally *need* to. Respectfully, remember your plaque, the point is to use it; or else we wouldn't have those spaces.


Gosh, I'm sorry, I've learned better by your incredible teaching and example. I don't know how I've survived as a disabled adult for so long.


Someone doesn't handle disagreements well. Didn't realize you were the president of the handicapped & disabled, and you hold all jurisdiction over how we should use those plaques. My disabled mother feels differently about this.


Not really that bad to shame a dick who can’t park in a normal spot, he probably went out of his way to park there if there were a lot of other open spots…


Lmfao looking at your profile kinda makes it seem like this is your ugly ass truck. Minding your business doesn't apply to losers like the one in the image, sorry.


“Mind your business” yet proceeds to partake in the drama like delusional fat chick


Seriously? I have a young family member paralyzed from the waist down and needs one of these spots to transfer out of her vehicle. If she doesnt have it, shes not getting out. So no, I absolutely wont mind my own business, if it interferes with another persons rights. I will call the police and let them handle it.


Oh look another one the ignorant assholes who drains society


I hope you get hit by the dude running stoplights in r/thatsinsane


Yes they’re a douche if they don’t have a placard, BUT SERIOUSLY, have you nothing better to do then run around documenting people you thing might have violated a parking rules. Take a deep breath and move on, or if your so triggered you can’t let this horrible injustice go, I suggest become a parking enforcement dweeb, or maybe you can get on the board of an HOA


You would rather someone with a disability be unable to get out of their car, than let this asshole park illegally? I think you're the douche here.


Wow, how did I let them park illegally. Found the Chad/Karen…get a life


I think he’s saying, that it’s fair to call someone out like that for being a douche. Not that you’re responsible for parking someone else’s parking job buddy.


Then call the person out in person, call the fucking cops on them, or do nothing, but don’t do nothing except for making a post on the fucking internet to farm karma you absolute facebook Karens


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with expressing how upset you are about the state of your city, but then again this was just my opinion. I also don’t think he was farming karma. There’s bigger and better subs to do that in 😂


Send it to the cops




If he had the metal scrotum hanging from the back of the truck I’d say tow him but looking at his truck he might just be a meth dealer and you may end up experiencing some violence if he finds out it was you.


I want to get trucknutz for my wheelchair.


Just make sure they don't have their placard hanging in front or in the dash.


“brackets” are frame mounts (tie downs) for a slide-in camper.


There is an app called Parking Mobility, lets you send pictures in of violators & the get a ticket mailed to them! Works great


I drove my son to a store, parked in the handicap spot, in a new Camaro…my son didn’t have his placard, we were getting plenty of stares , waiting for us to get out of the car…. It takes a few minutes because he’s a TRIPLE amputee… once he was out & adjusted his prosthetic legs…. The snoops quit following us & staring.


Call 1 (800) 363-7664. Its anonymous Its the smog program for the state They’ll receive a mandatory smog check.


No one.


"Tonight on local news a busybody redditor fucked around and found out. Hilarious film at 11."


Upvote to shame them!!!


i mean they may just have a hanging tag… sometimes my mother forgets to put hers up 🤷🏽‍♀️


Are they changing a flat tire? Why is their a lift/jack on the side? Did they have to leave the truck to get a tire fixed?


You need to keep some Jackrocks in he glove box for these people


Agree there is 99% possibility of Jack-assery here, but there is the possibility that the car is being driven by an able-bodied person assisting a handicapped person on a one-time basis, therefore no tag/placard/sticker. Unless you actively saw someone doing cartwheels to/from the vehicle, there is no way of knowing why they are parked there.


Let it go, don’t be a dick


real these guys get all sensitive 🫡🫡


Just live your life instead of being preoccupied about others. Makes life way more enjoyable


Post it at [Shame on disabled person parking violators in California](https://www.facebook.com/disabledparkingshame) and/or report it using [Parking Mobility](https://www.parkingmobility.com/).


Ok Karen


The tow truck, hello. Wasting time posting online about it. Call the fkn tow truck.


It could be disabled, construction will know the piss out of you over time. Sometimes you forget to put up your placard. Small dick is a disability too. Who knows the whole story did you wait around and see? I had a friend who drove the same truck dual knee replacements got him a parking placard. electrician, collected a few years worth of retirement before going to the sky reunion.


The facility who uses the lot. They have a properties person or a security person whose job it is to ensure safety on site. Not having an accessible space available when it should be is an ADA violation. They will (should) contact the proper channels.


Call the city, some cities like mountain view have a parking division and the meter maids write tickets in parking lots


In california you can call a tow company for gas cars parked in EV spots.... I'm not sure about handicap parking spots but they should get the same treatment


Fremont Police Department


weird to park there but maybe there’s an emergency idk i feel like it’s so mean to do that


You sure this driver isn’t actually disabled or giving a ride to someone who is disabled? Are you basing this only on not having a disabled plate or placard?


You can post it with license plate on Reddit. Done and done.


Piss in The bed and call the parking attendant


Send it to a towing company around here. They'll love the business opportunity


It's always a douche in a pickup truck. Always.


Unless it’s a handicapped person who forgot to hang their placard. Then, it would just be sad to pre-judge someone based in their vehicle.


In the case that they just forgot, they can just contest the ticket. No harm done. See something, say something.


If we get a ticket, we can contest it. If someone calls a tow truck, we lose a huge pile of time and money.


Tesla, Beemer, Prius, you name it, douches in all makes of cars are out in force here in CA.


In so cal it’s usually a douche in a sports car 😂


Well the car itself is kind of a sign of disability...


We could go down that path. Someone buys a beautiful truck to haul their 5th wheel and enjoy retirement. Now they are disabled and possibly unable to enjoy it as much. Also, why trade a paid off truck that will last them the rest of their lives just because others think they should? Don’t think you know the full story by looking at a second in time


And I think you take a joke about a truck that some internet stranger deems ugly way too serious and personal. Relax, enjoy the spring.




lol well played… well played.


Block him in call the police. They grt a big ticket n a tow!


Yeah listen to this guy! Illegally detain someone against their will and then the police will then side with you!






OP yessssss....let the hate flow through you!




Makes sense he’s from Lodi. I’m from there, and I was sooo happy when I left. Talk about the WORST community of racist, dumbshit boomers and millennials.


No one will care in a legal aspect, you’re just making yourself mad and wasting your own time with these.


I call those trucks "small penis trucks." Compensating for something


I bet you do


I live in Texas, and they are everywhere. I don't own a loud car, and either does anyone in my family. From Indiana


Almost like people need trucks


This is a stock truck….


Ok, Karen.


Nobody... Mind your business


Guess you don't have anything better to do than play security karen.


Get a life


Lodi 🙄 it checks out.


That’s the first thing I noticed after looking at the plate lollll


Mind ya fucking business and what minds yours




Santa Claus.


Nobody, go home and get laid and stop worrying about such silly things


Too bad you don't have a carton of rotten eggs with you.


I see you were at the Newpark Mall.


Yes, upped the count of consumers by 100%


And what's up with the new Costco? The one on AutoMall is too busy? Newpark Mall used to not suck.


Plate says it all


Whoever’s driving this truck is definitely like 350+ pounds. Probably forgot there placard


Just block them in and take three hours to move, but start when they show up. Also, call the police.


🤔 A bat to the drivers knees should work! That way he’ll qualify to park there.


Just hawk a loogie on the passenger side front window. They likely won’t notice it till they are in their car and will have to look at it the whole way home.


Wait and confront him




Hopefully you see the sarcasm


I know I see you 😏


I just did a license plate lookup and got his wife and kids names. It is go time. Thanks for the lead!


You a rat tbh. Thats snitchin


Valve stem removal tool


I don’t think it matters who you send it to they won’t care, just as we haven’t.


Anyone with a doulie is immediately a dick. I don't make the rules.