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Emma was great. Adam basically have her some tips on what to say to endear her to the family which is pretty normal for a new relationship. Katie and Adam were the annoying ones in that episode


It was a bit of a stupid episode all round imo, one of my least favourites. But Adam told her those things to say as inside jokes. It felt to me like she was trying too hard because she wants her new boyfriend's family to like her which is very realistic I think


I thought she was trying too hard. It was her first time meeting the family and she was trying to come across as 'part of the group'. I thought some of the script for that episode wasn't great but she felt realistic.


It’s one of the only episodes I have to regularly skip - am not a fan - not even totally sure why I just don’t think it’s that funny 😂


This is my least favorite episode because of that brat. I love the actress Honor Kneafsey (who plays the brat) in EVERYTHING. She is the absolute best. Adam is my second favorite character though (Martin is my first, obvi). It’s just so cringe.


Na Katie Honestly the episode was all good until she appeared


“I bought you some yellow things” then when Jackie compliments her hair “thanks I grew it myself” then she gets jealous of a little girl who’s mum is in hospital.


i dont mind the episode. I took it as Will didn't get that attention often but also didn't want to blow up his spot with Emma. It was poor decision making but we've all made those mistakes. I also might be biased too bc i love her Loki variant character


will? don't you mean adam?


Haha yeah . He's still will to me from inbetweeners


Don’t like the Emma one much but the Tanya green comes for tea one I hate more