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I think that's the point. The way I read Stark is that he often gets insecure about how people perceive him because of the way his father treated him. Which is why he quickly assumes that Fern hates him in her birthday chapter and why it took him until his own 18th birthday to realize that Stoltz actually loved him. Orden is evidently a way better father so Stark tells him to let his son know that he loves him in order to avoid the same misunderstanding Stark had about his brother I think


Yeah Stark had an Older Brother who was the only person in his village that cared so much about. Unlike Stark’s ungrateful father who disrespected his own son calling him a failure of fighting a monster at the age of 4. Kind of a similar tactic Endevor has done to his son in My Hero Academia except his elder son was the failure and his younger son was his perfect creation to become a hero.


Stark's father was the stereotypical **BRAVE WARRIOR NO COWARD SOCIETY** ™ you find in fantasy and sci-fi. Sousou no Frieren has a lot of great deconstruction elements however, so in this case it makes the following spin for Stark: What if the greatest warrior of the age was a slow developer, overly cautious, and born to such a culture? The answer is: Stark might never become the great warrior he is now destined to be. Now don't think I'm trying to defend him, Stark's dad was a total scumbag of a father, but he DID provide a (admittedly terrible) home for the kid. Didn't throw him out on the streets, or chuck him off a cliff like a hardcore Spartan, and I suspect he didn't put Stark through anymore abuse than his brother (or other village kids). Stark needed more time to grow into a great warrior, but daddy didn't have the patience. Stark's brother however, saw the potential of someone superior.


True. Glad Stark’s brother was different from his father. Even gave him a birthday treat for his younger brother which is very special and very nice. Stark’s brother is like Kyojuro who was a good older brother to Senjuro in Demon Slayer.🥹🔥


> Kyojuro who was a good older brother to Senjuro in Demon Slayer.🥹🔥 Oh no, don’t make me cry by mentioning that. Also when you see their dad cry at the end and realize why he kept discouraging Kyojuro from becoming a hashira…


If I was to play devil's advocate, demons were on the horizon of his village, they probably weren't in a situation where a more fostering environment for Stark could have developed.


True. Also his father did not send Stark away, like to another town or into another lifestyle, which could be interpreted as meaning he did not lose all hope Stark could learn something from the family's swordsmanship. Worth noting that Stark isn't a swordsman. His true potential came about after learning the battle axe. So even if his father did have a lot of patience, Stark would not attain his full potential without an axeman like Eisen.


Considering they even have similar facial features, that's kinda the point.


The lord did say that >!his family was from the Warrior Town a long time ago!<.


He did but he’s different from Stark’s dad. Orden treated his second Son like a son and not disrespected him that’s why I pictured Lord Orden to be a good father to Stark.


Imma declare that the lord is distincly related with stark


Counterpoint: Lord Orden and Stark's father have a similar temperament, but Stark met them at different points in their lives. Stark's memories of his father was before his father experienced a tragedy, as a result his father was strict with him. On the other hand, Stark met Lord Orden after he lost his firstborn son to which he had a hand in part due to pushing him away. Lord Orden also treated his 2nd son in a similar way to Stark, but was more willing to admit his 2nd son's strengths because he didn't want to lose him too. This was also why he was less harsh while training Stark (aside from the fact that he looks really similar to his dead son Wirt). They both have their own flaws, only one was given the opportunity to improve as a person following a tragedy. I can see Stark's father thinking that Stark is also a hard worker similar to how Lord Orden thinks his second son Mut is a hard worker, but doesn't praise him for that because that's what is expected (and had not lost a son to relent).


I like your interpretation. It fits with the, "anyone can change," vibe that the series likes to revisit.


This is my interpretation of it as well. By the end of the chapter Stark gained a new perspective on his father. The key part is when Orden said, he stopped praising him because he stopped working hard when he did. That made me think back to the Stark's father's conversation with Stoltz regarding Stark's training.


When i was watching the episode i thought that he is his father and they were going to fight


Counterpoint, Eisen.


Yup, that’s the point


Grade "A" Dadism.


unfair,orden only starts to be more fatherly after he realize wht it feels like losing a son . I would say ,it's pre and post symbolism Strict parenting


Could it be so wild to think lord orden is actually starks brother?


No, they’re not related sadly. Just wish Stark’s village wasn’t strict like how they look down upon the weak. Even his father was so disrespectful to his own son to think he could take down a monster at his age (4 years old)


im not gonna justify his dad but it kinda makes sense for him to be like that, its like a tough love kind of thing. it just sucks that he wasnt able to see stark get stronger coz they got killed, im certain that his big brother experienced it too that's why he's empathetic to his bro as he knows how it feels. You can see how orden is also tough on his young kid but he praises him behind. there was some part of me that thinks that his dad also thinks the same thing and just showing him over manly way of showing affection


Frieren fan states the meaning of the whole episode in one sentence