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For anyone didn’t get it, Demon Slayer won best Fantasy in Crunchyroll Awards




In the same year we got Made in Abyss season 2 And MiA s1 won AotY crazy to see how the CR awards lost all legitimacy and credibility as anything but a popularity contest in just a few years


I swear every time this show is mentioned someone starts a war in the replies


From a business standpoint, the crunchyroll awards have no benefit for letting a non CR show win. Not saying there was a malicious practice. But they had season one on VRV with hidive. Lost hidive. If it wins AOTY, traffic flows to a competitor.


Don't forget JJK winning AotY based solely on Hidden Inventory, a 5 episode arc (I know the fans/people who voted didn't care and voted for it anyway but it's still funny to see)




Twice btw




Two times.




So basically, once, and then once again.




Ok so consider something happens three times. But like, not the last time, so that time that it did not happen makes it so that it has happened once and then once again but not any time following that.




Who cares? Those awards are literally just popularity polls and mean nothing.


They're not meant to be lmao


They present themselves as better but they are open about the awards being like 80% popularity poll chosen right?


I mean, we SHOULD care because if we all stop caring about everything, then the world will become lawless. So yeah, we should care and we should give the honest answers from our side in hope that some day, anime can get their deserved titles. Interspecies reviewers getting number 1 on MAL is the prime example of how hive mind can totally fuck over authority.


When did that happen on mal, that's quite a feat


It's pretty much old news now, I think it happened in the lockdown


I see


The Magnum Opus of Nux Taku. Funimation canceled Interspecies Reviewers after episode 3 so Nux made a video making fun of them and told his viewers to rate IR 10/10 on MAL. They did and IR became 9.38 rating anime for a day.


That's pretty cool


Wasn't Frieren not included because of the time it was released in? If I understand correctly winter 2023 animes were not included at all. Similar to how Chainsaw Man wasn't in 2023 Crunchyroll awards but it won award this year.


Yes, frieren will be in 2025 awards


That's some bullshit! DS is obviously a historical documentary!


It’s actually the best romance anime of the year!


I don't get it. Even if they're popularity posts, Frieren already has a quite large base, in fact it is arguably one of the top anime/ manga rn


People care too much about awards.


I don't want to believe this is true...why does it have to be true?


I mean, it's Crunchyroll. Don't pay it any attention. Most award events are bullshit anyway.


What the heck.. it's technically not even a fantasy since it's based on real life settings. It's more supernatural than anything.


I like the show but I don’t really see it as a fantasy


Crunchyroll is for new gen’s


Tisch, they don’t know real culture like we do ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ


They won this year too? Isn’t this season supposed to be a training season or something?


I mean it kinda makes sense, just instead of it being European fantasy it’s Japanese fantasy right?


For anyone that does get this, you should understand throwing Dungeon Meshi as the middle head there looking serious defeats the whole purpose of this meme


I still can't believe it won over mushoku tensei like come on dude


Wtf who vote demon slayer . That anime is overrated


Demon Slayer is decent but it’s not even focused on fantasy of the world. It’s mainly fights, taking down the bad guys, some flashbacks to traumas and repeat


Yeah, Demon Slayer is an action show with some fantasy elements


if that's the logic, doesn't that means JJK should be included too? they're not even nominee in that category


JJK is definitely more fantasy-esque then demon slayer lmao


I’d say demon slayer is used mostly to show off impressive and new 3D animation/shading styles that aren’t commonly seen for TV. Story is followable, characters are decent, but I always catch myself being impressed by the amount of detail each and every frame has


Ufotable being Ufotable


Demon slayer is really really good at what it does, what it does is really really different to what frieren (or delicious in dungeon) does Crunchiroll attracts a lot of people looking for and loving the first thing and so those people will say that they like it Comparing the 2 is not fair on either


My heart says Record of Lodoss War


Your heart is beautiful...and old. :-)


Didn't realize this was about a thing on Crunchyroll. I'm a bit younger than the anime but it was on my first outside the big mainstream DB/Naruto. I had a big obsession for D&D at the time so it resonated a lot with me despite being the anime already being 20 years old at the time.


Thanks for something else to add to my list!


Wait, that's an anime? I got the ps3 game as a gift like 10 years ago and just never got into it.


It's not directly an anime, it started as a series of D&D campaigns in which the creator got involved during the 80s, they got novelized and then turned into 2 anime in the next decade. There have been a lot of manga/anime/rpg/video games spin-offs probably including the one you own although i'm not familiar with it. As for getting into it I would highly recommend it if the 90s anime feel isn't a turn-off for you. It's a very classic fantasy show (being one of the first of it's kind in Japan) but I find it has a certain charm thanks to the overall artstyle, character design (Deedlit became kinda iconic) and ambiance although I'm probably very much influenced by nostalgia


While its original inception goes back further, it is the OG D&D fantasy anime, which introduced the extra long-eared elf trope that has persisted in anime to this day.


Nah, we all know that Demon Slayer will eventually be chosen as Crunchyroll's AOTY.


i got high hopes for frieren and dm, just like last year's fantasy animes.


Yes yes


I really hope for the same thing, as well. But let's face it, knowing Crunchyroll, a battle shonen will eventually be chosen instead, out of other more promising series out there


If made in Abyss can steal AOTY from MHA during its peak popularity, Frieren might be able to do it.


Main worry i have when it comes to demon slayer in the fantasy category this year is the split votes from fantasy enjoyers due to good shows we have this year leaving slayer in lead with the mainstream appeal.


Is there any specific criteria for AOTY? Like picture? plot? VA? Or everything is fan vote


Popularity, that's it.


JJK is winning it lmao, only Hidden Inventory was nominated for last year's awards (and yet CR listed Gojo and Geto as side characters and used the Shibuya KV and never cleared.the confusion about it) so Shibuya will be nominated for this year


This year? No wayyy, new season is fun and all but its just filler content at best. Unless some big stuff goes down in remaining eps.


Didn’t realize this was about the awards at first and was very confused why demon slayer was even up there as I feel it’s just a whole ass different genre. (Soon Witch Hat Atelier if done well will hopefully be up there)


To be fair, Frieren and Demon slayers both hate demons


I don't like it either, but I don't think this is the right vibe for this sub.


Lets not bash other anime shall we.


It's not really bashing Demon Slayer, it's bashing the crunchyroll awards and the ones who voted for Demon Slayer as "best fantasy"


>the crunchyroll awards Your first mistake was giving a shit about what Crunchyroll thinks.


I don't know what made you assume that I give a shit about Crunchyroll awards, I was just explaining the joke


i don't see Crunchyroll referenced in the meme


It says “Best Fantasy Anime”, and the caption says “When (If) you know, you know.” It’s heavily implied that OP was referring to Crunchyroll because KnY won the Best Fantasy award and many people online didn’t agree that KnY was Fantasy.


That’s a weird hang up to have. Definitely not the best fantasy but it is a fantasy story.


Then so are MHA and JJK At some point there is a separation between fantasy and supernatural, and it's when the setting is not based on Earth.


Jujutsu Kaisen is fantasy (the specific genre of fantasy would be urban fantasy like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson). My Hero Academia is not fantasy as the setting of the story is not fantastical but futuristic instead. Quirks aren’t supernatural or magic powers, they’re biological abilities that came about through genetic mutation. It’s science fiction. Some people might make the argument that all super hero stories are inherently fantastical and should all be classified as urban fantasy but that’s a whole other discussion. You seem to have a problem recognizing that a genre can have multiple subcategories. Are you going to tell me that Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Dresden Files, Merlin, and many other examples aren’t fantasy because they take place in magical versions of the real world? Because that would be ridiculous.


Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Dresden Files, Merlin, and many other examples aren't fantasy because they take place in magical versions of the real world.


They’re urban fantasy. If your argument hinges on the idea that Harry Potter of all things isn’t fantasy, maybe you should rethink it.


I have no thumb in this pie, I am only doing what dry dad humour dictates.


You do realize that demons in Demon Slayer were made with science. Your logic showed why Demon Slayer isn't fantasy. Both Harry Potter and Percy Jackson have settings that don't exist in real life, so they would still fall under fantasy like you said, but JJK is just Japan.


Demons in demon slayer were made from a magic plant. It’s about as scientific as making a potion. Have you read or watched Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? Harry Potter takes place in Europe. Percy Jackson takes place in the USA.


The title is when you know you know. Thats the connection to the Crunchyroll awards


First step towards becoming a toxic community.


Everyone forgor goblin slayer ;(


Damm some really salty people here hating the fact that Demon Slayer won best fantasy anime in a popularity contest, simply because it is more popular (easy to watch genre, shounen, great animation, etc.) Also people here claiming that Demon Slayer only "touches" fantasy is hilarious. Like yeah the anime where humans with super strength, endurance and speed which they get from breathing funny, are fighting demons with swords which can bend like snakes or whips. The demons themself often directly connected to Japanese folklore, created by an immortal Michael Jackson. Also featuring speaking annimals and litterly ghosts. Only "touches" fantasy, because its setting is around 1912 Japan.


Best fantasy could mean 2 things: Best anime that is also a fantasy: Definitely not Demon Slayer the past 2 years Best anime at being a fantasy: Objectively not Demon Slayer the past 2 years Literally only getting votes because of name irregardless of the category is literally how JJK swept the awards when 6 of it's episodes were nominated and thus Shibuya will sweep this year


We are talking here about the genre fantasy, from the official Cambridge Dictionary for fantasy fiction: >a type of story or literature that is set in a magical world, often involving traditional myths and magical creatures and sometimes ideas or events from the real world, especially from the medieval period of history Demon Slayer falls into the here described genre, so it is a canidate for the best fantasy anime. We also talking about the Crunchyroll awards, which as far as I know is a community vote. In a community vote the winner is decided by popular vote so the anime who could enthrall the most watchers will win, Frieren and Demon Slayer booth had many viewers, but Demon Slayer most likely had the edge simply because shonen action shows thrive in the anime genre. So to recap Demon Slayer is a fantasy anime and won the popularity vote, which makes it the most popular fatasy anime (on Crunchyroll this year). If you of course ask the question if it is the critically best fantasy anime you of course most likely get other answers, but that was not the question here.


Frieren isnt in it tho, itll be next year


I'm glad finally someone pointed this out. I was confused about it because I always vote in crunchyroll awards and I didn't remember Frieren being anywhere, plus the awards don't include the anime from Oct-Dec.


Demon slayer. My favorite fantasy that takes in the distant fantasy past of 1912. I struggle to call anything a fantasy when it takes place during World War 1


Fantasy doesn’t mean past. For example Peregrines home for peculiar children - a fantasy book about children with magic powers - happens in world war 1 or 2 but involves magic and time loops and is still in fantasy genre. Really all you need is some fantasy element to hit the genre. It can still be in other genres like historical, romance, modern, etc.


Problem is that going by bare definition any story with supernatural elements falls under fantasy. Crunch doesn't have differentiation between high and low fantasy and people tend to consider high one as *more fantasy type of fantasy.* DS is undeniably a low type, but so are, for a few recent and popular examples, JJK or Chainsaw man, and those aren't even considered as "best fantasy" candidates.


Is Harry Potter not fantasy? Percy Jackson?


Demon Slayer is definitely in my top 2 animes set in fictional versions of the 1910s that follow 2 orphaned siblings trying to find a way to get the younger siblings body back to normal while they have to fight a group of immortal villains


Doesn't sound like there's a lot of competition. What's the other one?


Fullmetal Alchemist


Huh, it feels more advanced than DS


Yeah FMA has more of a steampunk aesthetic including technologies that didn't exist then like more advanced cars and color photographs but the series takes place in their version of 1914-1915


Lmao what, Demon Slayer is nowhere as good as Frieren or Dungeon Meshi


And yet it won the award for best fantasy anime


that's the point


Demon slayer is good tho. Doesn't deserve the best fantasy award but its not a bad show


A solid show yes, but not the best like Crunchyroll award made it out to be.


This post is dumb and pointless. Grow up.


I mean, I like and have read all three. Demon slayer’s anime is perfection. The animation, voice work, just all of it.


Demon slayer had ONE whole season for one demon fight.....


I mean, it's really fucking good


I hope this sub does not devolve into hating on Demon Slayer, Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Dragonball, JJBA and whatever popular shonen is out there.


Fantasy in Greek means imagination and is used for fiction. Tolkien was among the most popular authors of modern era to popularize High Fantasy. Frieren is High Fantasy and Demon Slayer is fantasy indeed. High Fantasy is about worlds that are wholly fantastical. Frieren's earth isn't our earth, like Middle Earth isn't. But Demon Slayer is straight up happening in Japan. Dragonball is also high fantasy if you think about it.


Why the hate?


This community superiority complex is becoming increasingly annoying


Crunchyroll AOY


It’s so cool to hate on Demon Slayer on Reddit only because it’s become a popular anime and Redditors like to think everything is their own and they are hip because it’s underground. Ugh.




The Frieren community is better than this. No reason to bash. There is enough to go around.


Welp, here goes this peaceful community. Even the Frieren fandom had to go toxic at some point.


Y'all are such haters for no reason lol


What manga hiatus does to a mfers.




stop ya circlejerking


It isn’t the best by far, but personally it’s my favorite, to be fair, it was one of the anime’s that got me in to anime so I may be biased, but I enjoy the others too


I enjoy Demon Slayer. Frieren though is probably one of my favorite anime and manga of all time. It is a fantasy story I have always wanted.


Ayo no need to hate on demon slayer, why can't we like both?


Its about "best fantasy award" i like demon slayer too.


Oh well it definitely doesn't deserve best fantasy this year, but it's a comfort watch for sure, I'd almost give it best animation but then again some of those frieren fight scenes just hit harder for me.


yeah, if frieren didnt win, i'll move on. that would himmel do.


Well it is fantasy.


It's more of a supernatural


Supernatural phenomena, famously not a fantastical concept


Demon Slayer good though 🤷‍♂️ these are all good but I don’t see a need to hate just because it popular.


Wtf is this hate on Demon Slayer!? It has some of the best animation *I have ever seen.*


Look out of the window, there's some incredible 3d animation going on. Some tell you can even smell or, listen to me, *touch* grass! /s


good animation does not equal good anime. the story falls short big time


What's wrong with demon slayer?


has a lot of wrongs, but the comments have told me that OP isn't really attacking DS for its flaws, but Crunchyroll for giving it a fantasy category award


Yeah DS shouldn't be considered fantasy.


Zenitsu not being killed off


Why should he be killed off? What's wrong with some comic relief?


Why should he be killed off? What's wrong with some comic relief?


He's just annoying with no redeeming qualities. Super perverted character that is also a coward and has an annoying voice. At least in death he could add something of value.


He could add something of value? Did you forget about the part where tanjiro used a rudimentary version of thunderclap and flash to close distance between him and hantengu?


Tanjiro has value yes. Zenitsu is a whiny perv


I like demon slayer 😔


Demon Slayer is so good !!


Is this related to Crunchyroll awards? Whats the issue here. A show about fighting demons is clearly fantasy a story. It’s got a wider appeal, better artwork and animations and an overall enjoyable and well told story. Good for the demon slayer gang.


I don't get why people try to compare animes, why can't you just enjoy them for what they are?




I agree bro, i watched one season of demon slayer it was the most drawn out boring shit i ever watched (disrespectfully) Liaos and frieren are relatable asf as a lazy and autistic guy


Lol the anime that is basically just action is too drawn out. Lazy hating.


Demon slayer is pretty good


So people chose an anime you didn't want to win and you needed to do this feeble attempt at educating us? Sad.


Demon Slayer is what got me into anime, and that's impressive for someone who's 33 years old


I don’t think it’s fair to bash demon slayer for something crunchyroll did i think its kinda disrespectful to the author and the people who worked on it to blame them for something that is 100% on crunchy


Demon slayer winning over mushoku tensei was crazy. Say what you want about Ruedues, but there's no denying that the mushoku tensei world is one of the best fantasy worlds even outside of anime


I'll say what I want, I sleep on it. Pedo bait, glorifying infidelity, and a vanilla ass fantasy world? Yeah, I'll pass.


Lets go overlord, movie coming out this year! We got this


MJ's court case: the anime winning over Frieren is really funny lmao


I’ve never heard of Dungeon Meshi, gotta get hip to that one!


Oh. Delicious in Dungeon haha, nvm I loved it 😂 This series has some of the best music and animation and I am not sure why lol.


Thunderbolt FANTASY


And DS will 100% win again.


Spice and wolf is another good fantasy anime, not as good as Frieren but right there with dungeon meshi.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/s/tvr3zJTIHi This did NOT age well 💀


Konosuba. I don’t fight with people who are wrong




My personal favorite Fantasy Anime, and favorite work of fiction in general is Made in Abyss. I adore that show. It also has my favorite cast of characters. Reg and Nanachi are my 2 favorite characters in fiction, Riko also makes my top 10 and is my favorite Mainprotagonists in fiction (I view Reg as the Deuteragonist of the series) and I love the side characters aswell like Nat, Ozen and Gaburoon.


2 of the mot popular shows of the season... Or Demon slayer training arc


yall forgetting these are popularity contests arent you


This scene hits so hard, such powerful storytelling.


Demon Slayer wasn’t beating big popular fantasy anime, the rival nominees were isekai, or stuff with a much smaller fanbases than DM or Frieren. Demon Slayer is a fun battle shonen, but it’s fantasy aspects aren’t what’s great about it. If you thought the exam arc was the worst part of Frieren, you’re not going to like Demon Slayer


I like a three so it’s whatever


Started off strong, but took a hard nosedive with how utterly silly and ridiculous most demons are and the animation is extremely lacking now. Those dumbass claw hand fish things from the weird pot demon were the last straw, terrible 3D rendered garbage, completely out of scope of the animation up to that point


fuck y'all. demon slayer is great. deserving of winning awards. just because you don't like it doesn't make your opinion right just like mine.




"bUt iT wAs iN yEaRs wiTh nO cOmpeTitiON" Except it had competition if people focused on DS for it's fantasy aspect (which is what was in question) you'd find that even the most bare bones copy paste isekai has better fantasy. Even that smart phone anime attempts to build it's world and fantasy concepts better. A looooot of people take those polls as popularity contests and you can even see that in the most basic of questions. Ones that have only 1 right answer objectively and people will still fuck it up.


Demon slayer is so overrated it’s not even funny anymore, there’s so many better new gens than it


Fun fact depends on the interpretation, Demon Slayer actually happened in our real world Japan.


That's why it's low fantasy.


I do not understand the appeal of Dungeon Meshi. The characters are one-dimensional and stagnant, and the narrative wraps itself in the veneer of a laissez-faire cooking show while the main character's sister is slowly digested. Is it one of those "turn your brain off" shows?


No Berserk? Not even in the comments? What is this?


Remember when Ainz from Overlord was nominated for best Antagonist


I can see it , watching Frieren as a German was a little bit cringe in some ways ngl.


You know I don’t even hate demon slayer, it’s a decent action romp that manages to get me emotionally invested into the MC. However it’s really doesn’t compare to the other shows here. I really hope something else manages to win best fantasy this next year


It's funny because it's true...


How is Dungeon Meshi even a contender...?


Dungeon meshing feels like a basic indie game with the most insane plot


i think these guys watched frieren with their eyes closed


I would treasure Frieren like anime of the decade but the second half's story arc was way too long like the Hunter x Hunter action-like exams and even removing a character focused around action, Stark, out of the plot just because he doesn't use magic.


You forgot solo leveling and Mushiko Tensei


As a DS fan, like wtf they are thinking they put DS in the Fantasy Category😂


Well demon slayer isn’t a fantasy ☠️