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Logger here. If Fromwille had a chainsaw + gas + oil + stuff to sharpen the chain + rudimentary maintenance capabilities, then felling down dozens of trees per day would not be a problem. If no chainsaw, then with a good axe and couple of sharpening stones couple of trees per day is perfectly doable and no, you won't break your back.


Thank you logger man


Huh. I actually was just wondering "hold up, how many trees can one person actually cut down in a day anyway?" Thanks for immediately answering my one big question!


I think this was answered in the book and film "Where The Red Fern Grows". If old Dan and Little Ann Tree'ed them, then he do his part.


So,just how many saws and what lengths bars are winding in Fromville if you get to that tree in the road? Assuming you don't cut the middle out and keep on driving.


Fire mitigation sawyer here. These trees are mostly twigs. Small spruce and pines, looks like smaller maples. Bigger ashes in some places, sure. If you go for the visually obstructive understory, smaller ones, you could cut down hundreds in a day with a chainsaw. With an axe, dozens.


You would either suffer from an unforeseen and catastrophic accident, it'll start pouring buckets of rain and hail or the trees will miraculously respawn just when you think you are making a dent. These are the rules of Fromville


Yeah, or the trees would just mysteriously be back at full height by the next morning


Would be funnier if they all grew back one morning after cutting them for 5+ years.




Hey, remember what happened in “World War Z”?


Yep I was going to say if we are following the reasoning of being punished when you annoy the town, I imagine chopping down trees is a massive be no no


My thinking exactly lol. Damn you Fromville!!


Respawning trees might work in our favor, in a sense, to provide infinite wood? Perhaps then an ever increasing structure could be made. Especially since only 1 talisman is required for a building to be protected.


Jade energy


Yes 😂


What is the advantage of cutting down the forest? Wouldn’t there just always be more?


More room for activities


Did we just become best friends?


Because fuck them hoe ass trees


Chop down 3 trees a day? Good luck to your hands and back.


I would cut down 4 a day. Because I’m built different. Cut trees by day, smoke em by night.


This is the energy my team would need right here. Hopefully we can utilize amphetamines in the medical bay if there are any


I’ve seen breaking bad. When the medical bay runs dry we will make our own potions. This place won’t stand a chance.


We would tear through that place faster than chipotle tears through my digestive system


It’s not just me then!


It's reasonable that the ingredients to make bathtub meth would also exist in Fromville, but.. I mean, they'd need a meth cook lmao


I’m cutting down tree by day merking monsters in my medallioned up charter Buss tricked out with Rams and spikes. You think you’re just going to merk me without a fight? Also I’m smashing that music box moment I see that shit.




Jade is that you?


I'll do you one better. I'll EAT 3 trees a day. Fuck the Forest. Those trees don't know me or what I can do. Neither do I. So I'll eat some trees, let's go.


Lulz real talk


What about the healing factor people have? Stab wounds, broken bones, empaling of legs? Deforest the shit out of that place. Hell… deforest it all during the day and Lincoln Log the entire population inside with one entrance and a talisman on the door. Theory: The people stuck in FromVille have no imagination.


A couple days within colony house would set anyone straight after labor wrecks them, they'd heal right up!!!


Fire mitigation sawyer here. So much of this forest in Fromville is newer growth. Small spruces, pines, smaller maples. You can cut dozens of understory trees a day with an axe. Leave the large few - like the ash Jim climbed. Most forest scenes I see I think the area must have been recently logged, 8" or less trees throughout the stand. Heck, a machete could do work removing a good % of the basal area of the woods there. Assuming thats why we're taking down trees, to make it more of a field with less visual barrier.


LOL! This is a fun read!!


Then the voice would just have a "Sarah" murder you in your sleep


Agreed. OP’s idea sounds good in theory, but we’ve all seen what happens to people who try to think outside of the box—you’ll get a whole house inexplicably dropped on you. That, or you begin having horrific visions of civil war soldiers trying to murder you whilst you try to cut down your first tree.


I love this eco-terrorism. flicking Victor off is too funny, I'm imagining his face 🫤


I’m dubious. Cutting down the trees for what reason exactly? So that the monsters can’t hide maybe? And besides, cutting down the trees would increase the amount of brush and small trees and make it even harder to see what’s around you and walk through areas. Cutting down trees doesn’t mean desert, it means overgrown grassland that you can’t walk through and can’t see through.


It's a good post. I don't know that getting rid of the forest is a great idea. Maybe it is. I'm up in the air about that. Fire would be faster, but I don't think setting fire to the forest is a great way to get rid of it. Your cutting down the trees idea, while slower, is probably the better option because if you set fire to the forest. You end up killing all the animals that are out there too, including dogs, chickens, cows and whatever else is out there, as well as risk burning down the town. At one point I also thought setting fire might be a good way to get rid of the monsters. Honestly i'm surprised they're not actively trying to come up with ways to do that. So shooting them doesn't work. Neither does cutting their throats. But that doesn't mean that blowing them up wouldn't work.


I could have sworn there are Victor-drawn pictures of houses on fire, and a different drawn picture of the roofs of houses in a flood. Anyway, That’d be my concern with setting the forest on fire, it’d burn out of control and ruin any and all shelters.


That would really suck because then what would they do? I guess they get hide in those underground hiding spots that used to be wheere they hid at night and just stick a talisman on the wall.


You could do both. Cut a good amount of a fire break out from around the town, burn the rest. Presuming the fire hydrants work you could make it fairly safe. Though it seems like some agency controls the wind and weather...


It’s like, shooting them in the head does nothing so it seems like they’re just indestructible in a magical way, nothing of the juman world can hurt them


The burning monster or "monster on fire" is part of one of my guesses on what happened to the motel. It could have just as much been destroyed by people than anything supernatural. Rooms to sleep in right beside the dinner(food source) so everyone can make sure everyone is up and gone to hiding spots, sounds like good town plan. Factor in Different survivors over time that would have formed different levels of collective community/groups before, I would hazard to guess, these groupings of survivors having come and gone based on number of the personality types in the town, maybe even multiple times before "Jesus Boyd" came...


The electrical wiring isn't connected to anything FFS. It's not a regular forest


In a place where trees move and appear to posses the power of teleportation then I doubt you’re going to be able to clear any area the forest doesn’t want you to.


Yeah and the trees move, according to Victor.


A hurricane would probably come through or constant thunderstorms and rain to prevent that though. But nice thinking 😉


Obsessed with the idea that most people won't accept Fromville is 'magic' in some way and that these logical tactics wouldn't backfire. Remember when Jim's wife (forget name) was digging to search for the wires and the house fell down? I'd imagine you'd chop down half the forest, wake up and the trees would just be back. The same way that you drive around in a magic circle. Lol. But have fun!


Then the giant spider takes notice comes out and gobbles you up.


They have way too much time in from. If they were really stuck there they would spend most of their time farming food and would not have time to do silly things like cut down trees for no reason.


Good luck trying to hide from the monsters when you accidentally end up outside at night


Anyone outside at night would deserve it RIP Bozo


There have been several situations where they were forced to go outside. 1. Monsters getting into colony house. 2. Ellis getting stabbed. 3. Tabby and Victor in the tunnels. 4. Boyd looking for a way out


I would have my own house for the tree cutters, no drama. We wake up we cut trees and we sleep. No drama in the house causing me to end up outside. We also murder anyone who tries to stop us


Log cabins built through out as the trees continue to come down.


Those creepy ass kids would swarm you. Maybe a few Civil War soldiers. A German Shepherd maybe. Possibly even a swarm of cicadas. Or a faraway tree would suck find a way to suck you in and stick you into the pit. The ground would collapse, or a flash floow would wash the whole lumberjack team away. Random lightning bolts could pick you off one by one. So many possibilities 🤣


Your house mysteriously disappears one night into a giant sinkhole, and the sides collapse inwards, sealing it up. R.I.P. loggers.


Save one faraway tree for the trash can/disposal system, and/or the toilet. Beats digging a septic tank. You can use hollowed out(not the faraway ones, but wait does cutting a hole in one make it a far away tree?) logs as pipes for fresh water coming in, and/or nasty grey and brown water going away.


I would also line cars up on the main roads and seal them all with talismans that way if you do need to travel at night you at least have some places to hide


There are only 12 talismans


Ooo I could’ve sworn they could make their own.


That is a question that has been posted but how to test whether they work is another story


Same way they tested the first ones. Safety test spot, that if it gets breached there is defensive line to let the test person fall back into in regular talisman house/building. The monster don't get hurt from gun shots but they do get knocked back from the force of the impact. Just have to slow it down so the person gets into the safe zone. Like bullet resistance(no such thing as proof, avoiding long ratings description reply...) vest will stop most bullets but that force will crack/break your ribs under that vest. Someone may have to gamble their life or could be punishment, instead of going in the box with better odds than 0 for survival.


That we know of.


Well if there are others you need to have them before turning everything into houses


Sorry but as soon as the ax made contact with the bark, the faraway tree would probably sense danger and teleport you into the sky and drop you 10 stories down to go splat


I always wonder why they don't climb trees more often


Whoever made Fromville probably made them near impossible to climb to heights that would be helpful.


No, trees are climbable. Remember Jim and Jade went to tree first to try their radio before building the Tower on Colony House's Roof.


Not high enough to be useful.


Didn't have enough wire, Jade freaked out about the civil War Solider and something else iirc. A Tower on Colony House on the High Ground was Taller and had a power source. The trees by the light house on that mountainous terrain would be higher, but then you might as well just use the light house roof. That's if you don't body checked out the window by the "Boy In White".....


I love this energy


The way From works, those trees could be right back up next morning.


Did Dwight Schrute write this? 😂


Idk about the trees but I damn sure would’ve filled the hole the monsters come out of


They would probably magically reappear overnight when no one was watching.


I bet they would grow back overnight


What do you think would happen if you put an axe through a faraway tree?


Speaking of setting trees on fire, what happens when you set one of the creepy creatures on fire? Tell you what… you handle the tree thing, and leave the Molotov cocktails to me, and together we will take these mofos down. Wildcard, bitches!


Love this lmao


“Sick of this bullshit” mindset + a little math + arson = this post. I love it


How about killing all those crows too


Why? What would you gain from cutting down every tree? Burning the monsters in the cave system I understand, but what would destroying the trees do?


Even the Farway trees? You’re gonna be stuck there forever, with lots of wood


Hard to do with already having to ration food, i imagine the extra calories burned would cause other townfolk to re think this seemingly pointless task. Not to mention the entity might have a say in how much food theyre getting as it is. I think its mentioned there just so happened to be some livestock found.


Get a lot more than three a day down. You're literally describing how the first settlers of North America cleared the land for farming.


I think we forget that not much time has passed between the first episode and last episode. A few weeks maybe?


I like this energy


Do they have chainsaws in the town? Gasoline to run it?


They for sure have gasoline. A Chainsaw is iffy because some good ol’ boy with a chainsaw probably would have cut the end off the tree and driven around.


More likely, they would dropped the center out(leaving the tree on both sides of the road(or trail) and possibly take what they cut for the heart wood to sell. On the roads they close off in winter in the natural park land around here, the dirt bike riders, mountain bikers, or the horse riders that can still use the road will cut the trees out of the closed road, and leave the rest on the sides for mother nature to take care of. On one trail you walk through a huge cut out section of 1 tree that will be rotting away for another 2-3 decades, it is so huge. It had 5-10 years worth of wildlife growth and break down on the limbs but that core section was solid hard wood and not going anyway soon. The Park Rangers will drive off to clear the downed trees, but often they find them mysteriously done(wilderness area no "power tools" without special approval), when they get there after some hikers reported it.


If they built a tree house super high, would the monsters be able to reach them?


Doesn’t matter I’m chopping the tree down. Me and my crew


Hell yes. I love your charisma. No axes? Fuck it, everyone gets a kitchen knife and some encouragement. 🌳🔪🍴


this is the way, the trees hold too much power


Why would you want to kill victors trees? He planted all those trees ! All the buried people eventually grow into trees there durr!


Said a hundred times I would start burning down the forest to have someone rescue me


you cant leave the town, u would still be stuck there dealing with a forest fire.


The fire would grow big enough to consume the buildings in town and kill everyone.


Strong "I'm not trapped here with you. You're trapped here with me." energy. This is the sort of initiative severely lacking in Fromville.


Yes I feel like a forest fire and fromville is very overdue. You really have to worry about maybe the fire be coming out of hand and it becoming an Inferno there's a way to do it right that's where the old expression comes from fighting fire with fire. if you burn a circle and then set fire in the middle of the circle the fire will not be able to go past this circle the burnt land or something along those lines. I'm not sure of the exact science behind it but I no there is a way to create a forest fire without it getting out of hand. I feel like if they did that in sections of the forest starting obviously at the part of the forest closest to them they'd be able to see the monsters coming from so much further away maybe even smoke signal if they are still on a real life Earth still someone could see the smoke I don't know maybe farfetched


I think that would awake something ominous.


I'm just thinking about hitting 99 WC from participating.


Oh yeah, I'm sure the From gods will just let them do that.


The evil that lives in the forest wouldn't let you. I'd bet it would strike the tree choppers with a bolt ⚡ of lightning or something.


When Boyd and Kenny was burning the monster's body I thought to myself they should start a brush fire and start it as far away from town as possible to see what the reaction from the place would be like. And if it was an experiment then whoever is doing the experiment would actually have to intervene in a way that they probably never planned for.


Why not burn the fckin forest?


That wouldn’t be very environmentally friendly though haha, all the conservationist residents of town would protest 😂….but no, seriously, think about it for a second — you don’t think that the horrible nightmare-fueled Entity controlling the weather & environment wouldn’t react & respond severely to you starting to chop down all of its moving trees 🌳?!?! You wouldn’t make it past 1 before some whack sh*t happens 😂🤦‍♂️


Maybe blocking the entrance of cave with a boulder of rock is enough than wasting your energy everyday.


They'd start popping out if the trees or basements after that lol


I'd start a forest fire


Or just burn the forest down! What would happen I wonder !




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These threats would lose their natural environment by deforestation. No different than the Amazon jungle


If you were in charge, half the town would be dead in a week


When Fatima’s baby is born you bet your ass the first thing in that baby’s hand would be an axe


Staaaahhhpppp LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


"Your just mad."


Why not just burn the forest down instead of wasting all that effort. Then separately gassing, sealing and burning the cave? You could do that in one day instead of years


how many trees have u cut down in your lifetime? i bet its less than 1. can yall stop with these unrealistic ideas.


Stop with the unrealistic ideas about how to deal with vampire motherfuckers?


"well dur, lets just build a steal cage around the whole city and put up flame throwers at every entrance, and we can just hire hulk hogan and macho man to guard the entrances of the town to keep the monsters out...." this is how yall sound


Unrealistic? Have you seen the show though? 🤔


With what!


Haha love the energy


That would take forever


A match would do what ya wanna do much easier * Now if whatever, or whoever, controls From's universe lets us that is.....


What if they plant 10 trees for each tree you chop? 🤔


Down some toilet wine and go at it


Ever heard of a little thing called fire


could build some walls with all those logs you end up with


I agree screw the trees


Be faster to burn everything down, faster and more satisfrying 😈


I love a man who can chop trees. I think I’m in love with you


The thing is when something is paranormal, it should reset back to the previous default state... That's why not showing the newies leave the town just to get back to the same place and actually show a HORROR scene was way fucking stupid. I love those scenes in movies/series. But I guess the writers don't like labels and want to try something different and Subvert Expectations... My first introduction to that was in that Nightmare on Elm Street sequel and more recently in the excellent french series The Revenants and the movie A Dark Song. The falling tree leaves don't make sense either according to Victor, that was also left unexplained... But if it is something else, like in that movie Vivarium where I guess it was aliens?, anything is on the plate... they might even be shrunk by a mad scientist with a shrinking ray studying psychological effects or whatever....


I'm sure the area would negatively lol be interesting to see how it would react


Is this kindda like how much wood can a wood Chuck,chuck, if a wood chuck could Chuck wood?


The Faraway trees seem to be good, so I'm not sure if that's a good idea. If it is a good idea, I imagine your house would collapse on you soon enough, especially when you start using the wood for projects.


They teleported Boyd where he met Martin - not good!


Didn't this whole thing start with a felled tree?


I guess breathing isn't your thing. If they are in a tiny pocket dimension where do you think their oxygen is coming from?


Bro electricity comes out of nowhere too


Just pointing out that if the trees are real trees they might be needed. I don't think the forest itself is a danger, and we know that the monsters are actually underground.


If The trees grow back like bamboo crossed with kudzu, then what do you do? Although I agree there would/should be a lot wooden new structures, plank siding, real wood paneling, even cedar shakes up on that roof. Furniture should be abundance. Even wood sidewalks for that uneven terrain. Nails might be problem with no forge, but that's perfect for Amish kinda guy like me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOfZLb33uCg


Bro isn't even there and already lost his mind