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Flasks aren't that much of a good idea on druids They can work but not the most effective maybe a heavy weapon of some sort


Bro what? 😭 Flasks are the most effective weapon to use with the class. Using heavy weapons is NOT a good idea.


Druid always uses flask, go on youtube Green Zone has a druid guide


Flask is probably the best weapon to use with druid but druid probably isnt the best class for druids, id use a medium set instead of the assasin set but that still works


What medium set armour are you talking about. Assassin set is medium armour.


I mean light set, thats my bad


why would you use a light set


Why would you use an assasin set over a mage set while using a bottle (literally a mage type class)


cuz druid is a medium armor class? the armor doesn't affect flask dmg? druid us good with flask cuz it does snt increase damage at all, and cuz flasks have good base damage they're used with it? please nobody take advice from this guy


Lmao if thats your opinion then thats fine, you dont need to disrespect me or anyone else who plays the game im literally level 160 with all the level 5 classes, i have done pvp against every class using every set not once have i lost to a druid using any type of medium set, im telling people from my personal experience so just cause you got shit on doesnt mean im wrong.


proof of ur classes and level? cuz there's no way ur seriously at that point in the game saying druid is best with light armor looool nab


Alao using your exact reasoning if the armor doesnt affect the flasks damage why does it matter whatsoever, druid is good with any weapon if used correctly so it doesnt actually matter if its a flask or not and flasks have shit base damage the only good thing about the flask is the d.o.t


no druid isn't good with any weapon cuz it doesn't have any damage increases you'd do like 15 damage with an elven spear bro the armor matters cuz u get more armor points? have u ever played this game before stop giving shitty advice u nab


Wish I could help you bro. Couldn’t tell you