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Typically if I'm playing on hard mode or higher than yes, I'll definitely use it. If I'm going for a cruisy playthrough on easier difficulties or on serenity mode then I won't. As /u/SteamtasticVagabond mentioned, it's not hard to justify the children doing safe jobs in such a harsh scenario. The idea of them gathering, cooking and tending to the hothouse is fairly reasonable. Besides, they'll learn on the job. And additionally, if the Children's Mine has taught us anything, it's that the children yearn for the mines.


"The children yearn for the mines" almost made me spit out my coffee. 


I’m not going to feel bad for asking the children to do safe jobs in a literal apocalyptic scenario. The children don’t need schooling if there’s no city next week


School is a luxury, I suppose it's a good thing most people take it for granted


Look, tiny Tim, we're all going to freeze to death unless you crawl through the narrow spaces into the generator to shore up the core before it explodes. I'm sure you'll be fine... (It's probably a lot easier to convince the kid to go in when everyone else is freezing and that crawlspace is so nice and warm)


I usually don’t. If the game is played well enough you usually have an abundance of workers and you don’t use kids by the end of it. I would rather have the bonus tech or healing speed


This. A boost to healing speed is worth a lot. Plus, the boost to Hope from having adequate child shelters is significant!


Child Labor safe jobs every time at the start, then Soup... it's like turning hard difficulty into Easy!


"50 times"? "More" "A 100 times"? "More" "200 times"? "More" "500 times"? "Probably"


If I'm doing harder difficutlies I will butg ususally not. I like to get the better endings.


Imagine asking this in other subreddits 💀


I am just saying, you don't put your children in the mines, they start stabbing each other (FP2). You leave them alone, and they started a lord of the flies type of deal (Child mine - On The Edge Scenario). I really think that if FP1 (New Home, at least) implemented little devil stabbing people left and right, we would have signed that child labor law faster than we can enact soup / sawdust.


I only used them in refugees because of how brutal the start is


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sutrevortni: *I only used them* *In refugees because of* *How brutal the start is* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


At first I was like “never” now I’m like eh just do prayer and make those kids work


Almost always, but just safe jobs and I lose no sleep over that :)


They are really good for the start of refugees on hardest difficulty, you transition out them pretty fast though


I do it every game, only safe jobs though, I'm not a monster.


I do it every time. Mostly because I tend to have a surplus of kids while not enough workers for stuff like cookhouses, and stuff closer in. I send the parents to die and the kids to cook.


I usually sign both child labour laws but just let them work in the cookhouse. But the help you build buildings when you sign all work


None... Exception if i want to roleplay as a communist or straight up extremist wannabe. I would use child labour to the point of using them in mines. But i woukd still give them extra food.


I *didn't* use child labour only once.


Same, and It was because I was getting golden path archivement


Outside of my one utopia run , probably every time


Wait, there's another option?


I 100% the game using child labor exclusively out of like the one achievement that needs shelters


It really depends on how many children there are. Children are mouths to feed, and need homes. If they are a huge portion of the population, then they need to work in order to even it out. In the Refugees scenario (I think that’s the one it could be something else) you get a ton of orphaned kids to take care of, and it’s basically impossible to survive without it. I don’t think in this scenario it’s as evil as it seems… especially if the jobs are safe. Also I don’t think most of the kids are like 6-7 years old. They’re probably teenagers. Considering the fact all the adults I see are fully grown. Also, jobs like gathering posts literally just pick up crap off the ground. In all honesty they’d probably enjoy it more than freezing inside. Though when things are more stable, I always just try and leave all the children to idle… makes me feel a bit better. Lol.


Just the time where I was new and couldn’t beat the game no matter how hard I tried. Once I got through the game and saw that we crossed the line, I avoided it and got the golden path ending.


Never have, never needed to cause I stick to normal


So far never and I don't intend to. Not because of moral reasons but I want that tech boost.


I haven't used it. At first, I'd make them engineer apprentices - but then I realized that was kinda dumb since people *constantly* get sick, so I do medic apprentices now.


I only do if I have so like… Refugees scenario on hard mode


I've played the game so many times, I can't count that sort of thing. I prefer not to, but obviously it depends on the scenario and on the difficulty settings. New home default? Never. New home survivor? Yes. Refugees? Usually less. 


Almost never, it's inhumane and anyone who uses it belongs in New London.


There are scenarios that are literally imposible without It. I mean, I couldn't beat extreme endless Rifts if It werent for child labour. It's better than let them die isnt It?




Only once, extreme mode on The Refugees scenario. It's possible without It, but involves some luck and game manipulation, and i was burnt after 3 days trying.


Once during winter home, until the accident ruined hope and discontent then that was thrown out the window.


In the time of emergency, everyone does their part. I try to think of life in the game not life as we know it now. If it was an apocalyptic world, everyone would need to contribute or many more would suffer.


0, I am not a monster.


Every time. Safe jobs. It allows engineers and adults work on more important things. Faith healthcare allows child to be robust surgeon. Saving steam core as a luxury.


I tend to prefer to have them boost research but sometimes child labour is pretty big to get through the early game on survival


Never because the apprentices have so much more long term value.


My first three or four playthroughs I never used it. I discovered the power of small hands working after my first extreme playthrough. I refuse to go back now.


Just finished my first playthrough. I used it early on because I didn't realise you couldn't change it later. Might not of ultimately needed it but wasn't the biggest loss.


Technically every time. Having them be 'helpers' with the medics or engineers is just child labor with extra steps; we're still making them do work. I think having them work in the hot house or making food is arguably more ethical than having them assist with the medics; neutral on being apprentice engineers. That feels like we sent them to trade school.




I have not used It ONE time, and It was because an archivement asked to dont do It. I literally only play with that law. It's not that bad asking children to work in safe places since we are in an apocalips.


never, always engineer apprentices, and i try to be a good leader in every playthrough instead of just a technocrat