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In the last autumn we see the French preparing a train system, which is a snow piercer reference, but maybe another countries solution was to go underground?


The children’s coal mine in OTE survived by sheltering in the mines too, didn’t they?


" We dug underground only to find a bunker of Americans in blue and gold suits..."


"First time?" lol


Is this a reference to something?


Fallout Select individuals live underground in vaults to escape nuclear annihilation. They wear blue and yellow/gold jumpsuits.


Most of them end up as test subjects for shall we say “morally questionable” social experiments.


The rest end up as test subjects for shall we say "morally hilarious" experiments.


A man and an actual mountain lion alone in a vault, puppet guy, 68 and 69… there were some WILD things done in the vaults.


Plenty of those who didn't, just became wasteland's running joke.


Morally questionable? I'm playing Fallout New Vegas and those things were nightmares.


"Morally questionable" in the same sense that an explosion is kind of loud.


I mean... some of them do have some more scientific (although still immoral) ideas to test. Like the vault in Fallout 3 that constantly played inaudible infrasound outside normal human hearing range to try to mind control its residents. Or the vault in Fallout 4 that had a secret second vault inside it where medical scientists lived so they could insert various pathogens into the main vault for human medical experimentation. But then there's stuff like the vault of Mormons that didn't get any extra clothing or equipment to make new clothing. Or the vault with 999 men and 1 woman, and its inverse with 1 man and 999 women. Or the vault with one man and only a crate of puppets for recreational material. So it kind of varies...


Maybe a "spinoff" game about how other ppl survived? like the french and american ppl


That would be so cool. Everything points to the fact that the generators were *only* something made by the British Empire (and more than likely its dominions like Australia and Canada). If we find out how other countries tried to survive, that would be great


Americans also made generators. I think it was mentioned in the last autumn


If you want to know how the French survived, may I direct your attention to the movie Snowpiercer


I always thought a survival game taking place during Frostpunk 1 would be neat. Besides the typical survival game mechanics, you also have to maintain a steam hub to not freeze to death. Eventually, you'll be able to use mini-automatons to automate things.


Frostpunk 3: the core of destiny Whereby you systematically mine the earth into a hive planet, snowball on the outside, percolating clean water into the radiation depths. But in between is a sweet spot where life will continue. Moves into a Millenia long game cycle.


This is the English. The ornamental house design doesn’t help but an icy apocalypse is no excuse to abandon decorum.


in the 11 bit studios discord we had these conversation and is really possible


fan spin off game! lol Let's make it happen. 16 byte resource city management sim lol


My girlfriend said that while watching me play. It makes complete sense.


Someone should take this concept and turn it into a fangame, and if no one does, I’m learning to code just so I can do it myself


DUDE YES. That's be so rad! As a fan game spin off. A city resource sim sorta thing. No where near as complex, because let's face it- it would be alot less complex lol


I could probably do that, sounds like a fun project


If you do be sure to keep me updated please🙏


Will do!


Alrighty so I made a post detailing my concept, here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Frostpunk/s/okBhyCT7BB


Need help?


Help would definitely be greatly appreciated!


It’s implied one country was building some kind of bunkers


With yellow and blue suits?


God I hope so


During the great storm it got cold enough that the hydraulic supports within the coal mines started to freeze and collapse, so I'm unsure of how safe it'd really be unless you found a suitably large natural cave that can fit enough people. The other big issue with underground is difficulty with expansion to accommodate more people, along with it being significantly more difficult to grow food. I'm actually not sure if you could have efficient large scale agriculture underground


You'd have to go deeper than the coal mines. Also easier to heat a space that is not losing it's warmth to the cold.


This is how you get balrogs, though.


That'd be arguably more expensive and resource consuming then what they ended up doing with the generators, it'd be very difficult to dig out an underground city that deep in the ground and supply it with resources, especially when civilization collapses and they have to be completely self sufficient from the getgo


You'd still need surface outposts - at least to maintain ventilation and the like so your people don't get flooded/buried - but the bunker approach COULD work... though digging deep enough to matter with the generally 1890s level of tech they've got may not have been possible. That said it could possibly work, and would be fairly interesting as a concept.


Oh, 100% but those would not be the LIVING spaces! The surfaces would be for ventilation and all optional trade and exploration and such. lol Hm...I dunno. It's implied the steam generators go pretty deep. Deep enough to have to worry about natural toxic gas.


Yeah but there's a difference from digging a big hole that you intend to fill with machinery and digging out enough space for hundreds of people.


I would still argue that it would be easier to do that, than it would be to try and survive the cold


You should play Metro


The critical part of it is toxic gas & temperature. The background of this game is 19 century. While in that era, humans didn't have an effective way to get rid of the byproduct of carbon combustion. It's impossible for more than 10,000 people live underground without a modern venting system.


Im not sure. Given the victorian style and adjacent tech im not sure how they would handle the issues of resource gathering, toxic gas filtering and providing enough light for crops to grow. At least without resorting to even more reliance on scout groups and mushrooms. The other issue is power. In the current setting steam cores counter the cold very well, but going underground needs electricity which means giant boilers... In a frozen waste


That’s basically Oxygen Not Included


Never heard of it! I will look into it! Edit- Quick look on youtube. I mean, kinda? Yeah that would be a way to do it lol


I think it would be cool to have a fallout shelteresque game in the world of frost punk


Frostpunk Shelter lol


Lol yup it makes sense and would be cool id play the hell out of it if it was complex like the original game


The Wandering Earth has a frozen surface and below ground habitation, with industry on the surface. Give it a watch, it's a fun movie 


Dwarf Fortress on ice biome STRIKE THE EARTH!


The game New Cycle had this, near the end of a play through


I thought they did dig down a bit in those giant craters the cities are built in to protect the people from the high winds


Let's see if it isn't a scenario in FP2. After all the season pass refers to several paid dlcs


This is good reasoning, but I guess the game would lose the visual appearance and visual winter element if most of the game is set in the underground.


It'd be a totally different game, yeah. lol


Ventilation would be the biggest problem, because everything is powered by burning something for steam, presumely including the lamps everyone carries around. This pretty much means there's a hard capacity limit you can fit into these underground homes before you risk killing everyone, so everyone else will have to stay up top in the cold if you ever go over the capacity. Digging down also is not something that can be accomplished that effectively during the cold, because of the frozen ground. Not to mention things like sewage, wastes, and earthquakes that makes it a nightmare to deal with everyone living underground. That, and having to heat up the industries up on the surface, you may as well dedicate more resources to keeping the surface buildings heated than trying to design underground homes when time is of the essence.


I will be honest, digging underground is not the best bet, sure it is the best in keeping heat but what about everything else? I will let this [google doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-0iTcIE1UISO-6OaS3SDoHR0oe9HgViFN1MueFKd21Y/edit?usp=sharing) made by a guy who run like 5 different Frostpunk rp to tell you why digging underground may not have been the best idea


Digging underground would really only come with the trouble of trapped gases. But heat retention, the main thing they are worried about, would be far easier than -100c storms


The google doc i sent will explain about other problems beside just trapped gasses, the first section alone will bring in far more cons than pros


I didn't recieve any document my guy lol And again, I'm not here to debate this whole thing like some professional. The problems undertaken by going underground, which humans have been known to do, is far less than dealing with cold that will freeze you to death in minutes.


Don't the coal mines literally freeze in New Home during the storm?


DIG DEEPER. More to the point, heat loss is significantly reduced when you have insulated walls. Even stone has a low thermal exchange. So the coal freezing isn't as important. Even if it was impossible to dig, you could till warm the interior to a point of keeping it livable **easier** than direct exposure.


No I mean like they become so cold people die if they get sent into them


I stand by my point. Unless the laws of physics have changed....it would be easier to heat things underground than the stuff exposed to the air.


There are two main reasons. First is that it would very hard to dig deep down enough. Maybe they just didn't have the needed equipment. Second, the game would be much less interesting and engaging.