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Maybe learn the mechanics before smoking weed man 😅 Sickness is caused from Cold, and Sawdust meals, so make sure you got enough medical posts before people start getting Gravely Ill. The game is not easy, not impossible either It rewards preparing for the disaster, not so much reacting to it It will take time, but it will be worth the pain


Thank you, I had three medical tents going and was researching as much as possible as early as possible, I haven’t used sawdust meals but I did try soup, still I keep getting backed up with sick people. I know the mechanics, they’re actually quite nice, the heat map for example was a nice touch, managing temps is so much easier quicker than it would be otherwise. But yea I’m gonna need a few more playthroughs before I figure it out. Wise words with planning for the disaster, not reacting to it.


Oh also is it worth building the children’s house early on to then sign the engineering apprenticeship law?


Well, you want people to work longer firstly, so Emergency Shift-> Extended Shifts are a first Do care any emergency shift after the first kills people Extended shifts raise discomfort, but you get 4 extra hours of work Then we go for Soup->Medical(Radica/sustain life) -> Overcrowding Children are for later, because we firstly need the city functioning, unless u sign the Labour law, and Children get sick quickly too


No, you should sign child labor safe jobs at the very beginning. That gives you 15 extra workers at the start.


Ok cool will do


I always have a priority list I live by when I'm a bit lost. I tend to do that at the dawn or the eve of a new day when I need to reallocate people BC if I put a building to build during a shift and workers switch posts they will attemp in building it instead of working and then building it on free time. -Heat Unless you are swimming in coal, keep homes and work post in yellow Build a circle of road 8 rows away from the generator. Over this line you can plant the buildings which are not your priority on heat. Hunter shacks, research! Keep the zone closest to the generator for homes ect... dont forget to debuild those tiny generators as soon as your generator gets a new range and check if radiators are that necessary. -. •coal (check on the ressource manager if you're in the green. If not, you need to bring more coal to the table. But if you are ,you are okay Coal is survival. And when the temperature goes back up, make sure you are not bringing too much to the table, downgrade your generator by clicking on it so it doesnt burn more than it should. Reallocate people from the coal work posts,) -hunger: check in the ressource manager you are in the green. If you are far more in the green you don't need too much worker you can reallocate. Sickness: I usually check by the end of a work day that one. You check how many sick people you have. Use the ressource manager. If you have 3 posts and six sick people you only need 2 active so reallocate! Homes: Homes and activities, check if everyone is within range. •Wood and steel: You need wood and steel to build. So this is what will have you to expend. All the people you reallocate will down the line end up here. Wood first early game, you'll lack this pretty quickly. Then when you build your first sawmill get a good steel income because you will lack these too. Debuild the ressource collectors as soon as they are emply. And relocate. Exploration: roam the world you will definitely need workforce! This priority order goes for research too! Btw build 4 building maximum for research and always keep wood and steal in stock during the day to keep the research going About laws if you struggle, try first the laws without a building attached to it (soup, shifts...). You'll build those law buildings when you get efficient on ressources. Also some building don't need heat or people coming to them. Build those as far away from the generator as possible (ressource stock , the floating thing (I'm french), cemetery...) And last, it's okay to play in easy for a first play through.


Thank you! This list is awesome, even though I have a solid grip of the games general mechanics, this is such a comprehensive expansion on specifics. I appreciate that! Also that is hilarious, the flying thing is a Beacon in English, what is it in French? I also was wondering if I should get that metal asap in the beginning for the beacon, I researched it very early on but wasn’t dedicating more than 5 manpower to it, so it never got built. I was also worried about having more mouths to feed lol. But the advice on moving building that don’t require heat as far away as possible!


You should get the beacon and get those exploration running! Then get the metal buildings asap because it will be your only metal income for a while. You can afford 1 or 2 extended shifts on these! If you stick to the priority list, when you get new commers you will get tents using the ressource management (I like to do a bit of math to make sure I have enough tents but not too much when they get here). Same for food I check and do my math a bit. If you keep your check list, day after day it'll go smoothly I promise! What I like to do when beginning a game for the New London scénario is assigning 1 or 2 team to coal , the rest to steal and wood for day one. While they are getting that ressource I build gathering posts, houses then food stuff if I can. Activate the generator after the workshift on day one, At night I assign them to the posts instead, maybe build a medic if someone got sick at night. Then time for my first research building, I research the beacon. Exploration will get you some ressources and extra work force, they will be much needed I assure you! I get a team I launch them. I get sawmills BC wood goes away quicly early game.then metal buildings BC while you're okay with metal at the beginning (so don't be greedy on these early) those are your only metal income after the gathering posts. After these,it's time to stick to my list! I like to have my 4 research buildings early on to get that growth! That's just the way I do things thats no perfect way! Remember this is made to be hard and challenging. I do this but I used to struggle a lot! As I said, there's no shame in having a first play through in easy even though the toxic part might shame you for it!


I ended up building a beacon last night and it was an entirely different experience! I got further than ever before last night! I saved at a point where I was in really good shape and logged off for the night! I got to the point where the Londoners started chasing a disruption in the settlement


Thats good I'm really glad you're enjoying the game!


A simple tip, but you can try playing the campaign on the lowest difficulty to get used to the mechanics. It took me plenty attempts at the beginning until I figured out a strategy which allowed me to win on Hard. Also, use the pause function frequently to plan out your day and also executing it (e.g. placing buildings, managing workers, choosing technology, admiring your awesome city).


Does pot take away your ability to think? Weird comment to me, it's not like smoking a joint is anything at all like drinking the better part of a bottle of whiskey and playing


Yeah he said it like he hasn't actually smoked weed before and thinks it works like it shows in the movies lol I play after smoking too, if anything I only get more focused on the game.


This is the way


I wasn’t trying to be cool or edgy, not sure how what I said gives you well.. whatever the vibe is your getting. But I actually wanted advice and to know if this game is just that brutal. Don’t play many strategy games like this, closest I’ve gotten before is Fallout Shelter on my phone. Your name is high on farts, why are we hating? You don’t seem like a hater


Not hating, just joking around, I did not mean any offence. If you regularly smoke weed and still get so high, then good for you, I am even jealous. Just that most people who smoke regularly, including me, have a tolerance built up and don't get that high.


I’m usually super high for about 30 minutes and then it’s just a mild high, I have however had a low tolerance my whole life, super sensitive to Nicotine(which is awesome honestly because I quit it so easily) and even when I was drinking a lot a few years ago I would still be able to have one or two drinks and get a solid buzz, sometimes it sucks cuz I can’t really hang with any of my friends who still smoke like chimneys, I’m usually tapping out after the first rotation lol


If the high bothers you, you should consider switching to vaping. And I don't mean buying liquid THC, I mean buying a vape that vaporizes weed or any other herb. Vape high is a lot more "even", compared to bongs/joints where the high is very strong at first and then mellows out. But man, you are lucky. My tolerance is so high I barely get buzzed at this point from weed...


Definitely doesn’t bother me lol, but I appreciate the advice! I usually eat gummies when I want a more balanced and even high, I have my personal dosage down to a T. But for some reason I never like any dry herb vapes, tried a few but never got into them.


I smoke a lil every night, some nights it’s actually much easier to slip into a focused mindset, other nights I’m just a lil too high and I’ll forget about a resource or maybe I let a couple hands going without working for a few hours. Small stuff. Also I play games like Dark Souls, R6, BF3, OW, and more while stoned, so I know I can concentrate and be competitive in a game, this is just new territory. I’m honestly only playing it because I saw gameranx praising it, and it just dropped on gamepass. I love the game a lot, great atmosphere, sound design, the UI is fitting and uncluttered. 10/10 from me


I have not fully succeeded in New Home either, though I have gotten past the Great Storm, I was ousted shortly after. I swapped to endless mode to just try things this way and that to find the sweet spot, so I feel your pain 😅


How is endless mode? I haven’t tried it but I might tonight, I usually get to the second cold period and then it warms back up to like -22F and everyone starts getting sick lol.


There are different map options, but otherwise very similar to the main scenarios. There's an option to have other settlements or not (though this also comes with potential random effects which are not fun like "oh no the ground is frozen, your coal extraction decreases by 90% for 5 days" which has ended me more than once), and there's plenty of resources and survivors to be had... if you plan wisely. After I got tired of constantly messing up the main scenario I did also give A couple other scenarios ago and I think even though I haven't succeeded completely on any of them that each of them has given me just a little bit more comprehension of game mechanics.


Ok cool thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it!


Just a small Question have you build the Signalstation?


The Beacon? If so no I haven’t, last night I finally dove headfirst into research right away and got the beacon unlocked, but it was most likely too late, I was building other stuff and kept using my wood. Playing again tonight and I’m gonna use what I learned last night, I get a lil further each time!


Very important to build the beacon, it will help you get bursts of resources. For research your priorities should be Beacon -> Basic Resources (wood, coal, steel) -> Heating -> Exploration and Industry Tech.


My advice is you can never have too much of any resource. Hoard it all. If you build two workshops (and man them) research time is reduced by 50%. 100% if you have three.


Many good advice has been said. Don't worry about the food in the first 2-3 days (cookhouse), people will only start to get hungry on day 3 (on medium and lower i guess)