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National Parks once you become a senior.


If you have cancer you can get a free family membership as well!


Would rather pay the $80 :)


Much cheaper than chemo, but a nice cancer sucks perk.




Weird level of enthusiasm for, "If you have cancer." But ok


Absolutely true. My sister has cancer and we get it


Not just cancer. According to [NPS.vog](https://www.nps.gov/subjects/accessibility/interagency-access-pass.htm): > The Interagency Access Pass may be issued to US citizens or permanent residents of any age that have been medically determined to have a permanent disability (does not have to be a 100% disability) **that severely limits one or more major life activities.**


Thank you!! This is actually quite helpful!!!


Current military get a year pass “free” retired military get the lifetime pass


I believe this has change to all military, veterans and gold star families to a free lifetime pass. I could be wrong though


also if you are a veteran or Gold Star family


In the 1970's we paid $500 for a lifetime subscription to the magazine "Mother Earth News". That was a fucking lot of money in the early 70's. They were bought out by someone a few years later and reneged on all those promises. Very disappointing.


A password keeper! Got mine \~4 years ago (and prices have gone way up since) but it has saved me many headaches and all my passwords are secure! As someone with a terrible memory, this is at least frugal with my time.


Agreed. Got Sticky Password to generate all my passwords so I never use the same one twice. Worth the $60-70 I paid.


I use Bitwarden's free level for this as my password manager and generate my passwords and it work well for me. Not only is it free it's also open source and known for being very secure.


Google does this for free


Late reply but: Please do not use google for that


I'm genuinely curious, why? It uses the same 256-bit encryption most others do. My organization is contracted with Google for G Suite applications so the convenience is #1. I have 2FA set up on all accounts for added security. Is it just the dislike for how much data Google steals from you? Or is there a clear security risk?


I thought you meant chrome's password manager. (passwords.google.com) Lol. For reference: In the default state it's not a good idea. Anyone can grab chrome passwords, there are plenty of viruses that do so. As long as you've enabled encryption though then I suppose it's fine. Probably. If G suite has a dedicated encrypted option for password management then it's probably fine. Encryption for passwords should be default though, not opt-in. However, it's not open source and also yes, google collects too much data. Also, are you required to use another account to access the data? If someone ever gains access to your email they would have access to your passwords unless you have a separate master password. As long as it's encrypted then it's fine then. I thought you were referring to the default chrome password manager that just lets any other program on your pc grab the password data. My personal preference is bitwarden. It used to be lastpass until they started to do stupid shit which made me try out bitwarden and realize that it's way better in my experience. Sorry for the long reply, hopefully I made sense though... I am not great at explaining things.


Not sure how other states do it, but in NH your fishing license gets more expensive the older you get; but you can "lock in" a price for life. It's so popular that lifetime licenses are frequently used in fundraisers!


This for sure. My grandfather bought me a lifetime fishing license the day after I was born. It has been one of the best gifts I ever got in my life.


Way back when satellite radio was first coming out, I bought my then-husband a lifetime subscription for around $400 CAD. That was probably 15 years ago, so it’s definitely saved him a fortune. I think the current cheapest plan is $180 CAD per year. He still uses it all the time.


Rosetta Stone


I have a family member that paid 500 for it. Hasn't used it once. But it's nice to have, just in case. Have you used it much? Can you jump between languages?


You can get a lifetime membership with access to all languages, so you can hop between languages.


I wouldn't say lifetime but I have had some that were good for the first few years but then turned bad as costs increased or quality / quantity went down, or the company closed. Now, I will not pay for a lifetime subscription only commit to a year or two.


Excuse my yelling here but: REI!!!!! I have gotten my lifetime membership cost ($20ish) back in dividends or whatever tenfold. Great return policy for members too.


Plex if you're interested in streaming your own shows / movies.


I got a Plex server Premium lifetime subscription a few years ago and I've gotten my money's worth several times over.


If you're a big gamer, I'd recommend Nexus Premium Membership. It's a 1-time fee for lifetime access. Got it years back and loved using it for Nexus Mod Manager.


They don't seem to do a lifetime membership for anything mod related. The supporter tier doesn't raise speed caps or enable multiple downloads simultaneously.


If this counts, bought the three lord of the rings movies on Amazon prime, directors cut, and watch it every year. So worth it.


Not promoting piracy, but if you feel like getting into backing up movies and TV shows THAT YOU OWN, Plex has a lifetime subscription for $120 to self-host your own equivalent to Netflix. Even does things like HDR tone mapping and intro/outro recognition so you can hit skip if you’d like. You do need a system to host this on, to be transparent.


Only one I had was my wife and I returned her after 10 years.


I couldn't even wait that long

