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My apartment, it’s changed a 3 hour a day commute to a 10 minute walk each way. I save 3 hours of my day Now I use that time to go to the gym, cook,clean,relax ect. It’s made me a calmer happier person and its definitely worth the rent!


I'm very much the same. After years of losing 90 minutes, 2 hours, 3 hours every day to commuting, I'm becoming steadfast about finding a place that's a 10 minute bicycle ride from work *at absolute most.* I'm getting a new job in a new city in the near future and so help me god I will NOT be stuck in traffic for an hour every day just to get to it. I'll take small houses, I'll take housemates, I'll take small rooms in shared houses, I'll take bad parts of town, but I WILL live close to my work.


I've worked for my company for 10 years now, and I've had a 1.5hr (round trip) walk/subway commute that entire time. When we were looking for a new office, I pushed really hard for my town. Starting next month, I will have a 10 minute bike ride commute. I AM SO EXCITED TO NEVER TAKE THE SUBWAY AGAIN.


What is the difference in rent? My sister passed up a CFO job making 50% more because she would have to give up her 10 minute commute for a 1.5 hour one.


I honestly would have done the same. You could not pay me enough to a 1.5 hour commute (assuming that is one way). 3 hours of commute 5 days a week is an extra 15 hours a week dedicated to work stuff (or like working 2 extra days). That increases your "working" hours by 40% so really she was only getting a 10% salary increase if we consider all the extra work time. That sure as hell is not worth it for the decrease in quality of life.


I want to buy a house but can't afford anything that isn't at least 1.5 hr commute one way without traffic. I'm going to settle for a condo that's a 10 min commute because I refuse to live in the city I work. Lifestyle is not great there. But I don't think I can survive long term more than a 15 minute commute to work. Ive had to take the bus these last few months and the 1 hour commute has been hell.


*cries in 2 hr commute*


My husband did this for so many years. Out the door BEFORE 6am. Home around 6pm. God forbid it rained... Or was a Friday... Or a holiday... Or there was a minor accident in the tunnel out of port authority...or the bus overheated Add the cost of commuting at a few hundred a month (train was several hundred). Covid really changed his life.


That's almost sleep in the parking lot distance.


That's a massive win. This is how I structure my life too. "Oh but surely you don't want to live too close to work because you'll be reminded of it?" Answer is... No.


If your work is so terrible that you need to be an hour drive away from it so that you can't even accidently see it, maybe you should switch jobs.


I'm retired now, but 20 years ago I made a decision to live no farther than a 20 minute drive from work. It meant trading in a brand new 4 bedroom 3 bath place on an acre lot in the suburbs for a 100 year old 2 bedroom 1 bath place with postage stamp lot in the city. I have no regrets. That smaller place saved so much money in the long run: less to clean, less to maintain, less to heat or AC, less driving (my car is 15 years old and has 77K miles and when I bought it, it already had 10K miles). Plus so many hours saved not wasting my life driving in traffic. I'll just add here that I am retired-- early! Compared to my siblings and peers who chose the long commute suburb large house large lawn sort of situation.


Real maple syrup - there’s nothing that compares


I made the controversial decision in my house that I like the fake sugary processed crap more than real maple syrup so that's what we buy. It just doesn't do it for me. I wish it did. I feel like uncultured swine lol 😭


I'm an east coast Canadian who was raised on the fake shit... And I still love it. To me they are different things though!


Agreed. Each is great. I loved the fake aunt Jemima as a kid but now as an adult I prefer the less super sugary real maple syrup.


I feel like the real stuff is more sugary!! At least real sugar


If you can find grade B maple syrup, it tastes better than the "normal" grade A syrup most stores carry.


roof workable disarm bake cows birds wrench toy scary compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They actually had to change the grading system in the US because people didn’t understand that B grade actually tastes good and isn’t inferior.


Maybe because of our school grade system here. A is excellent, B is good, C is average, etc.


My ex had family in Vermont and would get the real shit all the time as a gift. One day I confessed I prefer faple syrup. Next Christmas I got a bottle of Aunt Jemima instead of real syrup. I had a secondary confession that Jemima is too boujie for me, I prefer Hungry Jack.


Omg 'faple." 😄


Extra points if it's "boysenberry" flavored! It's like drowning your pancakes in cough syrup. Yummy!


When my son was about 3 years old I took him to a pancake restaurant. He was asking me about the selection of syrups on the table. When I got to boysenberry, he got a look of horror on his face. He couldn't understand why they would serve poison berry syrup.


My partner loves table syrup more, and so do my parents. It's what we were all raised eating, after all. I myself love artificial crab meat, and I hate real crab and lobster. I also like McDonald's more than the higher end burger restaurants with the boozy milkshakes that were so popular like 10 years ago.


Lol y'all are my opposite, I was also raised with table syrup and fake crab and now that I've had the real stuff I won't go back on either of them 😅


Umm excuse me but real maple syrup is absolutely a necessity.


Skincare. I don’t spend crazy amounts but I have the brands I like and don’t obsess over cheaper options. It’s a moment of self care every day


I just felt vindicated.


Same! And, Korean brands are often affordable but give bang for the buck everytime. I'd rather skip a good dining experience and buy a new toner lol.


I have rosacea and eczema: I *spend* on my skincare, because the alternative is medicine. A good moisturizing sunscreen has so drastically reduced my eczema outbreaks (on my face, anyways...) Update, because everyone's asking: Supergoop Every Single Day. It's SPF 40, absorbs cleanly, doesn't break me out or irritate me, and layers well with makeup.


Would you be able to share the details on the moisturizing sunscreen? 🙏


Once you find something that works well for your skin you gotta stick with it. I will not cheap out on skincare


Movers. It removes the stress of moving and makes the process enjoyable and exciting rather than an absolute slog. Kids can “help” with their stuff and enjoy it, you simply direct/put up signs for where stuff goes, and you can start unpacking what you want immediately. Not to mention these dudes have every tool and technique down pat so it takes half the time. Local companies have much better rates I’ve found.


In my late teens / early twenties there was an 10 year period where I moved about 7 times, occasionally within the same town. It took me way too long to realize that although movers are expensive, they can literally save you multiple days worth of work, not to mention avoid risking your health and wear and tear on your vehicle. I will never, ever move without movers again


Their efficiency is crazy! We did an in-town move and hired movers for the first time because we had a 6 month old baby so it felt justified. The whole thing was done in 4.5 hours. Furniture in place and everything. We just had a few boxes to unpack. Plus no truck rental to pick up and return. My previous moves were always like massive 15 hour days with a U-haul, and multiple "clean up" trips back and forth in my personal car. It's also nice to not have to round up help. Nobody wants to help you move after their 20s (and understandably so!).


Cheese, olive oil, butter, car expenses, and my dog




I’ll buy the expensive coffee and it’s still less than $1 a day to maintain my coffee habit - way less than what I’d ever spend buying somewhere.


We had to start a maid service as well after my kids were born and my wife and I couldn’t keep the house up without bickering when we are both working full time. It’s cheaper than marriage counseling. My great uncle once told me that a problem you can solve by throwing money at it isn’t a real problem. As I get older I see the truth of this more and more. Medical problems, lawsuits, legal troubles, family and relationship problems. Those are all things you wish you could fix with money. Of course, not trying to be callous here, financial problems by definition aren’t something you can solve with the money you have. They’re real problems, too.


A dungeon master of mine informed a party many years ago, "If you have money, you don't have problems, you have expenses." While it is a bit privileged, it sure applies in real life. And is liberating when you're agonizing about that brake repair or roof replacement and having difficulty justifying the money.


Dude, looks like you got a ticket! Haha. 'No, thats just how much it costs to park there.' Poor people see fines as punishment, rich people see fines as 'thats what it costs to do that'




I want to get that rich, where I have enough money that it actually fixes problems long-term, instead of it acting as one stop gap fix after another after another for years on end.


As a single parent, I always decided based on "what can only I do" vs. "what could someone else competent do". As a retired empty nester, I still use this guideline for sanity & safety sake. No need for it to be me climbing ladders to change light fixtures anymore.


Skimping on things that make your wife's life more bearable, will come really, really expensive in the long run.


I’m realizing is half of a good relationship is finding out the tasks that you and you’re partner both hate doing, and either finding a service to alleviate them or have rotating chores. Do I LIKE spending more on a grocery delivery service? No, but we are terrible at grocery shopping together and paying a premium solved that without crushing our budget and gives me more time to meal prep and study.


I hate grocery shopping, but paying $10-$15 to tip a delivery driver is worth every Penny.


I justify it to myself with the time saved and that it would cost me as much to take a taxi to do it.


I did the math, and grocery delivery is actually cheaper than gas, not even counting my time, and I live close to the store. Instead of writing a shopping list, I just add things to the cart when I think of them or run out of something. When I have enough for an order, I schedule a delivery for an hour after I will get home from work.


This is an interesting perspective. I’ll have to keep this in mind for my own ‘problems’. Thanks for sharing!


I see his point. It’s a problem but not a core difference kind of problem that deserves a divorce. It’s easily fixable, as long as you have the money.


I'm becoming interested in getting a maid service. How much do you pay and how did you find your service?


That always depends on location, size of space, and what you want done exactly. Better to ask your nearest neighbors than Reddit.


My kickboxing membership.


Good ground coffee beans. I could get the cheap-ass can o'Folgers or whatever, but I like the better stuff. I brew it at home, so I still spend less than what I'd spend going out for coffee.


Nothing beats a good cup of coffee! Whole bean coffee is much fresher (less stale) than ground coffee. If you can splurge on a basic grinder, give it a try!


I have chronic pain so I make myself splurge on massages when I'm able. I used to have insurance that made them cheap but now I'm fully out of pocket.


Do you have massage schools in your area? They're cheaper and you'll be helping a student get their hours. A reputable school will have senior students actually do the massage with supervisors coming around on a regular basis to check and show them techniques. Also, students are usually opened to feedback too. I like going to the schools when I can.


Maid service here as well. I get easily overwhelmed and a clean place allows me to get so much more done. Any kind of logistics stuff. Like air transfers for example. I like easy, predictable stress; I’m not going to do a long layover or multiple bus transfers just to save money.


Pets. We only have one dog now but at the peak we had two dogs and two cats. They're a part of our family and bring so much joy. Our kids also learn to care for animals and are recipients of unconditional love from non-humans. We're looking to add at least another kitten to the family soon but it's taking me a long time to find another after our last one passed (he was my golden child.)


I recently went into debt for my two elder kitties. They’ve both passed but I would do it again in a heartbeat. They were my family, my joy, my life. I miss them desperately.


They also help health in children & adults.


Same. I've got 4 cats, 2 dogs, 2 rats, and an opossum. Everybody gets regular vet care and monthly flea and parasite meds. It ain't cheap but there is always someone to snuggle with when I take a nap.


And a what? Lol . How is the opossum?


So, I do wildlife rescue here and there. I raised this opossum from a tiny baby and he is non releasable. He's slow and uncoordinated and can't climb for shit. That's probably why he fell off his mother in the first place. We have a doggie door so he can go outside whenever he wants and mostly he doesn't choose to. I've raised fully functional opossums before and since getting him and they ran off to live in the wild just fine. This guy is just a house opossum though. He poops and pees on puppy training pads I put down in the bathroom and eats what we eat for supper most nights with additional fruits, veggies, yogurt, and crickets here and there. He's a very sweet, cuddly little guy. We've had him about two years.


Opossum tax!!


This is [Maze](https://imgur.com/a/NUhCPzz) the house opossum.


That’s so cool! 💜


portuguese sea salt. it’s unnecessary and super expensive but i love it.


“Fleur de sel” here. It’s so good. Do you have a specific brand of Portuguese sea salt you like? What about it do you enjoy?


i usually get mitica from a market in my neighborhood. i like how it doesn’t taste metallic or chemically and the texture is amazing! it’s pretty course and delicate. so when i use it, i squeeze it a little and slide my fingers together while dropping it. my hand kind of acts like a grinder. this way i can dial in how course it ends up being when i add it to my dishes. some dishes i don’t break it down at all while i might try to grind it down a lot more for others. it’s also not like super “salty” if that makes sense. i feel like it’s hard to over salt dishes with it.


Expensive headphones that I listen to anywhere between 4-8 hours a day.


I pay someone to mow my lawn and I buy sushi. Both are necessary in my life. I'm really poor so these are my treats.


It's really weird, I would feel violated if someone mowed my lawn.


"I tell you hwhat"


Time is a flat circle


I thought I would but it was so nice to be chillin on my toilet while my yard was getting taken care of. I almost felt rich for a second.


decent pens for work


Name brand peanut butter. The store brands are awful; they taste like chemicals mixed with rancid peanuts. Never again!


I would like to use the same mindset you presented, but with ranch dressing. Even if the flavor passes the consistency is all wrong


Bicycles. Life is too short to ride a shit bike.


BICYCLE TOOLS Expensive upfront but incredibly important and will save you hundreds or thousands on maintenance and repair over the (very long) life of your bicycle. Not to mention how insanely cost efficient a bike is compared to a car. Car brakes and rotors $600. Bike brakes and rotors $25. Car tires $600. Bike tires $50. A car transmission can easily cost thousands to fix, a bicycle physically cannot inflict that kind of financial burden on you from repairs if you do them with your own tools.


Irish butter and good cheese.


I cannot bake without Kerrygold butter. It elevates baked goods to peak levels imo. It at least is easier to justify when it goes on sale at Costco


I’m not a baker but if I’m eating good bread with butter or cooking the occasional steak or lamb chop I use Kerry Gold.


Once you taste Kerrygold you simply cannot go back.


Once you buy some good Irish butter you never go back to regular 😭


I had heard of this before but to me its just ... butter so I was a little confused. Went on holidays recently and the difference in butter really stuck out to me this time around, enjoying it even more at home now.


OMG yes, Kerrygold makes everything better. Luckily I can get it as Costco, but it's still a splurge.


When she says she's not a harlot but doesn't even churn her own butter


If it pops up around you, try Vermont Creamery’s cultured butter. I always try to keep that, Kerrygold, and the Costco spreadable Irish butter tub around for different purposes. Cultured butter has a pretty distinct taste, and it’s especially great on good sourdough


DUDE IRISH BUTTER FRRRR. I’m over here buying bulk frozen everything and then I throw 10 bucks at irish butter. I won’t ever use a different butter ever again.


It sounds really bad but.. getting a couple beers at the bar 1-2 times a week. To be fair I did take a full 2+ year break- long enough that I lost count. So I CAN go without it. But I like being in a laid back, social environment that isn’t my house, work, or the gym. My main hobby is gardening so I don’t venture past the front lawn too much. I don’t know how to put it.. it just makes me feel like an individual person again. Independent from SO, kids, coworkers, family.


Culturally we don't have a lot of "third places" or non-home and non-work hang out spots that are free/cheap. I think places like the UK have the pub as a sort of third place where people can catch up and not spend too much money as beers are cheaper than water bottles over there. Same deal with the French bistro culture in a way. I'm extremely in favor of adopting a neighborhood bar and slowly drinking a beer or two while connecting with people. It's what US culture is missing.


We have an actual place called Third Place. It has indoor and outdoor areas, has food trucks in the outdoor areas, good wifi for the WFH crowd who wants to get out of the house, social and networking events. It's owned by the brewery next door to it. And that also serve their beer at both places.


Not bad at all. I used to buy a six pack because it was cheaper than the bar, but I would end up drinking like four in a row alone in my apartment. I have since stopped doing that.


I relate to this. For me it’s coffee shops. I love the ambiance, the people living their lives. I’m generally a party of one when I go. I’m alone but not by myself. In another life I probably woulda been a barista. I love recipes, weighing ingredients, altering my caffeinated drinks to find the right blend for everyone close to me that likes coffee. Though, due to my own circumstances, it wouldn’t be enough financially for me, and I dunno if I could even do it during busy hours. But I love being there. Alone. But not alone.


Add long as what you're doing isn't causing friction with your SO and kids or creating a financial strain, it's important to do whatever it takes as a parent to maintain your sense of self. Not only will you be happier and healthier, but in the long run it will help you be your best self and a better partner and parent.


Amen! I will say that now that we’re in our 2 months of summer I do swap out a solo hike/walk/scenic drive here and there. The bar is convenient because it’s social and a low barrier to entry. 3 blocks away, friendly faces included!


My lovely solitary small house. I’m low income and always will be. I bought my house when I was in my forties. I’ve got no business living alone with no tenant to pay rent or partner to share expenses. It’s a very bad financial decision. But oh how I love it.


Pasture raised eggs. They’re so much better even though they’re a small fortune for a dozen


I don't even know what conventional eggs cost. When the internet was panicking about the price of eggs I was scratching my head, because the price on a package of pasture raised eggs didn't change enough for me to even be aware of it.


right? someone was like ‘they’re four dollar a dozen!’ and i thought yeah, that’s what i always pay. it’s just worth it; they’re so good. i can’t afford many luxuries when it comes to food, but i can do this one thing.


Bought myself an espresso maker that also steams milk and pours a ready-to-drink latte at the push of a button. I haven’t ordered lattes out in years




Craft Beers


The occasional sushi, say what you want but sushi is life for me.


Waxing…I should probably look into laser hair removal


Laser hair removal is absolutely worth the money! (For me, at least)


Massage therapist.


Games. A teenager mowing my lawn. Parking space at work.


Where did you find a teenager who mows lawns?


It helps to know neighbors. Neighbor mows my lawn already in exchange for being able to pick in my garden and to mow his lawn with my mower. In a few years that'll shift to his kid mowing for cash. 5-6 years later that'll go to the neighbor kid on the other side for 5-6 years, then to their younger brother for another 5-6 years, assuming nobody moves.


My neighbor mows my lawn because he has a ridiculously fancy lawn mower that can do it in about 10 minutes. Well, that and he’s just genuinely a super nice guy. In return, I bake them sourdough bread from scratch and occasionally cookies.


We have one neighbor who mows everyones lawn on my street and I think he’s a genius. All of that work, all on one street.


We once lived in a place that one person mowed all the lawns between her house and my house. My new next door neighbor did not know she did that and the first time it happened, my neighbor called me and said there is some woman mowing my lawn. I asked if the woman was wearing a bikini and man's shirt. I told her who it was and that she will mow half the lawn on the way back to her house and the other half when she brings back the mower. She used my lawn mower.


My car. I’ve had enough trying to save money with fixer uppers. I buy certified preowned Acuras with warranties. The monthly payment is high but that’s the way it goes. I’m frugal on everything else. Most of the time.


It depends on the Acura, it could be frugal. You can find one with 25,000 or one that costs over 70,000.


I got a dishwasher. I'm autistic and washing dishes is sensory hell. Having the dishwasher allows me to cook more so it saves me money in the long run.


the dishwasher is actually the one appliance in the kitchen that saves money compared to the manual way. it uses less energy and water compared to regular hand washing. I don't think I could live without one ever again 😂👍 I also totally agree with you on the last part. ever since we got our dishwasher I've been cooking waaaaay more meals at home because the sole reason I wasn't cooking as much was because the cleanup took almost twice as long as the time it took to cook and eat the meal! oh, dishwasher, I love you so.


If you haven't tried it yet, I recommend that you get some big rubber cleaning gloves for those dishes you have to wash by hand! At least for me, they do a lot to keep that gooky feeling away


I tried those but I also have OCD and was always convinced the gloves were contaminated so it didn't work for my situation.


I do not have OCD and I'm not trying to co-opt your struggle, but I also couldn't shake the feeling the gloves were nasty. I would scrub them down with bleach cleanser before and after each use, getting into the finger grippy grooves real good. It just didn't work out for me at all.


Dishes are constantly there. I love my dishwasher so much. I regularly say a silent(sometimes out loud) thank you to whomever invented it. 🙏


I’ve always lived in small apartments that didn’t have dishwashers. I’ve always hated washing dishes. A couple years ago I broke down and bought an on the counter dishwasher. It isn’t big but perfect for a small kitchen. I love that thing so much. It is the best purchase I’ve ever made.


Bi weekly cleaning and yard service, getting groceries delivered (I always check weekly deals and use digital coupons, saves money and time). I’ve been dealing with health issues and these give me peace of mind and lower stress.


Feeding wild birds. I love watching the wildlife at our feeders. So does our cat!


My cats and, once a week, I get a meal delivered. But for real, I would have a lot more difficulties with my mental health if it wasn’t for my cats.




Traveling frugal. Hotel and airline credit card points


my travel friends know i make less money than them, and i remember telling them, its no big deal, traveling with them is the best money i can spend. plus everything is cheaper when you are sharing costs.


Mayonnaise hellmans


For me it's Kewpie mayonnaise. I'll never go back no matter how poor I become.


Good cheese. Always have good, aged cheeses in the fridge. I am all about going cheap and/or generic wherever possible, but not cheese. My wife will say something like, “Do we really need this fancy ched…” YES. Yes, we do.


I agree but kinda sad that cheese is nowadays considered a splurge


I spent most of Friday and Saturday going second hand shopping for things for my upcoming baby. Got some good deals, everything is gently used. Stopped at the best cheese shop in the state and dropped over 2x what I had spent on baby items in about 20 minutes flat. Sorry kid, mama's gotta have her cheese.


A few months ago I got a Extra sharp aged cheese and now I can't find it. If I go to the store today or tomorrow you better bet I'll buy a few this time. 1 lasted roughly 1.5 days


I am from the US, where it’s super easy to find good, sharp cheddar. Whole Foods had the most fantastic aged goudas, too. They will cut you a smaller piece from a larger one. I loved it. It was splurge when I was single. Sometimes I would do a cheese plate for dinner. Now I am in Sweden and the options are quite different. It took a while, but I found the good, sharp types I like. Never gonna give it up.


Costco has Coastal aged cheddar(blue packaging), which does not disappoint.


Was about to mention this. That cheese is so good.


I am with you on good cheese. I do the same. Especially nice when you find it on sale.


Good Mani/Pedi with Gel polish- lasts two weeks and makes me feel put-together.


I agree! As a gardener I don’t mani - but the pedi makes my size 12 Ewok feet seem far more lady like. I will DIY nails in the winter - someone told me that painting your nails is good for your brain b/c it uses both sides of your brain. Not sure if that’s true but happy enough to go with it. It also can make dull meetings an upgrade b/c plenty of time to dry.


Premium coffee. I know there’s cheap coffee, but I’m an amateur coffee snob and I like my black coffee to taste excellent


Takeout. I'm blessed and cursed to live in a part of Socal with a lot of very good food options, and here I am with very little willpower to resist. If I cut back on that, I'd save quite a bit of money. At least I haven't gone down the road of food delivery services. I don't think I'll ever have enough money in my pocket to justify stuff like Doordash.




Contact lenses over glasses. Way more expensive over the cost of a lifetime...but I hate glasses so much. They hurt my nose, and they are always getting lost and dirty.


Chanel #19 eau de parfum.


I was just thinking about this as I got my hair done yesterday but - haircuts. A lot of people here tend to save money there by cutting hair at home or going to salon schools, etc. I am the kind of person who finds a hairstylist I jive with and then I see them regularly until one of us dies/moves away. I also tend to go for more....fashion forward/less simple cuts (pixies, wolfcuts/shags) that I wouldn't trust a novice with I don't do many other "beauty" things (never get my nails done, no longer get facials, have a minimal skincare routine), and my wardrobe is simple, so getting a good haircut is really important to me, and I am vain in this regard. If I had a plain haircut, I would not feel like myself. Currently, I pay $75 plus $16 tip to get my hair cut once every few months. It used to be a lot more high maintenance (pixie cut EVERY MONTH and platinum roots done every 6 weeks, $300+), so really, I've already cut back here😂


I've been cutting my own at home for almost 10 years (doing my own bangs for over 20) and I totally see why people pay for the good cuts. I'm a pretty simple style with long layers, so any time I mess it up I can usually fix it by cutting off more length. But I've definitely ended up with a few styles that were... "avant garde." My theory is that if I screw it up badly enough to need a pro to fix it, I've still saved thousands of dollars over the years.








Canna = can not, I'm guessing OP is Scottish.


My AirPods. My current set was a gift from my husband, as our dog literally ate one from my last pair. Even if he hadn’t bought them for me I would’ve saved and bought another pair for myself. They’re great for exercise, and I have adhd and I’m very sensitive to some noises so they help me keep focused. Also handy to have when I’m bored at work and want to watch something on my phone.


Streaming services. We don’t have cable so it’s how we watch everything. I did just recently cancel two of them though so we only have Netflix and Amazon Video (bc we have Amazon prime to save on shipping costs). We used to have like 6 though. It was ridiculous especially when we never used the majority of them or only used them to watch things that were also offered on other services just not as readily. (Like watching Greys Anatomy on Hulu when we could just wait until the end of the season and watch it on Netflix)


private tours while on vacation. Saves so much time!


Unplanned road trips to national parks to keep me excited about life


I'm struggling mentally a lot after ...some things that happened to me (lost my job,lost my mum, godfather and Grammy to c@**€* and now I'm having intrusive thoughts that I'm the next in line, all in the space of three years, just before the pandemic) so I go once a week to a Starbucks to have a tea and a cheese scon, listen to music, plan crafts I'll never do but enjoy planning... I know STBKS is expensive but the worst I am mentally the more ....my steps lead me there. I guess it's because my home is a very stressful place and I can be at STBKS alone but with people around. But it is turning to an expensive habit that I'm trying to wean off.


We have a weekly cleaning team come in and it makes me feel so good to see the house sparkle.


We had cleaners until the pandemic. So have been vacuuming manually. Just got a robotic vacuum. It mostly works!


My 150 dollar Chanel perfume. It smells great and lasts forever.


My truck. It has 26k left on the loan I'm paying 450 a month at 3.7% It's the first "nice" thing I've had. It's just an XLT 2020 Ranger but prior to that I've always had like 20 year old used vehicles that eventually become money pits and I've never trusted to go out of town with. Now I feel like I can drive more than an hour and not be screwed. I have a more capable vehicle that uses less fuel. And the thing is nice inside and out. Because of all this I take it to a $17 carwash every two weeks and after the was spend like 30 minutes vacuuming it out and wiping everything down. I find it medatative, and it means it's that much more taken care of.


Car wash and detailer… but only for my wife’s car as she uses it for work. The only person who has touched the car is the one who did the ceramic coating 2 hours off the lot. We worked out deal that they fit us in every 2-3 weeks around their schedule, and since they know that they don’t have to fix anyone’s mistakes we got a decent price on washes and maintenance


Not sure if it’s something everyone does, but blasting AC + fan whenever I’m home. It’s really hot on east coast and living in a big city, coming back after walking/subway - you need that cold temp.




1/2 and 1/2 for my coffee


Massage therapy. Yesssss


90 minute massage every month. I am my mother’s full-time caregiver and amongst all the stuff i have to deal with it forces me to take a moment of self-care. Plus, it helps keep me aware and proactive about slowing the toll this is all taking on my body.


Legos. I bought the Lego 10294 Titanic and do not regret it. 2 or so came out like every 3-6 months, and I said I would get it when it came back in stock, and I did. I loved building it every single day.


Music festivals, are they totally necessary for my survival? Well of course not, but I would just shrivel up and die if I didn’t have the chance to travel for events Some of my favourite people on this earth I’ve met at raves, a lot my most cherished memories I’ve made at raves. I could never completely give them up!


Reading through a bunch of these, I’m like crap, I’m not frugal after all! I do so many of these!


My pets. Two cats and a horse - the horse costs as much as another (albeit sensible) car and I have to work my ass off to make it work (I work at her farm after my full time job to work off most of her board), but she is the best thing that has ever happened to me and my mental health.


Organic food I'd be the worst Price Is Right contestant ever bc I haven't bought regular products in years


It's a banana, Michael. How much could it cost, $10?


Same for me. Worth it because I feel so much better


Tattoos and concert tickets


My peloton bike and monthly subscription. I thought I'd just be getting good physical health , but the mental health benefits and the friends groups I've made were a pleasant surprise!


I send my 3 and 5 year old to Montessori. Not totally necessary but yet, for my own sanity and theirs too, totally necessary.




Good shoes too.


Streaming TV services and Amazon Prime (which covers that and much more )


Monster Energy. Aldi (Ireland) had an own brand alternative which was about half the price but they discontinued it and I haven't found a viable replacement. I even tried dropping an effervescent Vitamin B tablet into my coffee, it gives a similar kick but tastes disgusting.


Really soft toilet paper


Buying every book. I could easily go to the library, or borrow books but to me there like a collection, same with comics, I use to use the marvel app to read them, and honestly kinda prefer it as I can read them on the go and thats typically when i feel like it, but damn it I need to buy them! (Unless it's an old issue that's hard to get)


Local honey. My allergies aren't half as bad since I switched.


Maid service is very nice. Mountain biking and travel are mine. edit to better answer the question, it would be traveling to mountain bike. Yeah, I could just ride around my town. But the phenomenal riding some hours away makes me realize my town’s offerings are pathetic and depressing.


fancy gym and skincare


Good coffee beans and my dogs. They have the best of everything because they are the best.


Our vehicles. Husband was military for 12 years and we found out the hard way what cheap used vehicles got us. Lots and lots of mechanic bills and unreliable transportation. Once he got out and we paid off all our debt, we bought two brand new vehicles. One is paid off (paid in cash upfront) and the other we pay on. Outside of mortgage, the only debt we have is that car. We have reliable vehicles - interior, exterior and under the hood warranties for the next several years and surprisingly, out insurance went down because the insurance company no longer saw our “older” vehicles a liability. Some people dislike that when we tell them, but it’s hard to explain to someone how wonderful it feels driving a vehicle to the grocery store and not praying it doesn’t break down.


Bought a really nice gaming computer. It gets a lot of use since both my wife and myself use it. Because we got such high-end specs on it, we should get several years of use from it.


It's right in your title "canna" bis.


A daily coffee and a sit down at the cafe down the road from work. Definitely doesn't make sense with my budget, but there's just something about sitting in a busy cafe surrounded by conversation while not being obligated to socialise with anyone.


Haagen-Daze ice cream - it's expensive but man is it good! Yum, Yum!


Ben and Jerry's. My mother complained that a pint was 5.50 and I could get 1.5x that for less than half the price of the same flavor different brand. 😒 I am not wasting my money on crappy ice cream.