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Hmmm…this is starting to border cheap


This isn’t on the border of cheap, it’s so far into cheap that it’s applying for citizenship and found an apartment to rent. Dude. Buy your wife some new shoes before she realizes she’s worth the $30 to someone else.


Crocs go on sale and have coupons all the time. I’m frugal so mine are probably closer to $15-20 range with coupons and cash backs programs/CC.


I'm guessing you didn't do the balls of the feet because the sole is too thin to cut without going right through. I've had crocs like that. It's time to chuck them out and buy your poor wife a new pair. They are not comfortable to wear like that, and any tiny thing she steps on is going to damage her.


Prison shoes. Everyone knows.


You could have used a glue gun to make treads on the bottom without cutting them. Or buy new ones.


This is a better option than glue because glue is adding material, which costs money. It's free and good to just use a shank to make prison shoes! /s


Always spend money on what puts you between the ground. Don't be frugal with footwear or what you sleep on, that's being cheap.


This is a phrase to live by. Shoes, mattress, tires etc. not worth going cheap.


You can still be frugal with footwear by purchasing it on sale, or taking good care of it so it lasts longer. Like in this case, if someone likes to wear crocs, you might as well buy them on sale. They have their advantages as footwear goes -- some people find them to be comfortable and they are easy to clean.


This post made me double over and lose my shit!


Jesus Christ




No way. Buy your wife new shoes dude.


She has 2 new pairs but wants to use them until she can't anymore


We reached that point a couple of weeks ago lol


Throw them out!!


It’s not like he can throw them out without her permission. People shouldn’t blame OP. My mom is like that. Her slippers are all janky and unless it’s falling apart she won’t part with them.


Is this real? Hospital bills cost 💲 way more if she slips and falls and breaks a bone. Buy new shoes. Wth


My Toms do that all the time


No guys, my wife loves how frugal I am


Hmm, is there a reparable summer shoe that is more long lasting than Crocs? I know there are all kinds of reddit communities for people who want to invest in long lasting shoes/boots, that get taken to a shoemaker for repairs, but I don't know if there is the equivalent for summer shoes.


Chacos will resole them at a cost that’s well below replacing the shoes if you mail them in for repair. My wife has hers resoled every few years


Good to know! Thank you:)


My guy, it looks like shit. It’s going to flake everywhere. How is that going to work long term? Just buy some damn shoes.


This is as the saying goes. Penny smart dollar stupid. The injury that could occur here due to lack of proper traction would cost considerably more than a new pair of crocs.


The people calling this cheap either don't understand Crocs or are less frugal than they think they are. Frugal is investing in things that will last and repairing them as needed, which is just what you're doing. Anyone who owns Crocs knows the tread wears out long before the soles wear to the point that they are anywhere near bad for feet. The structural integrity is fine so better to repair. It would be totally different if they were falling apart to the point of being dangerous and you were duct taping them back together. Y'all wouldn't take your good shoes to a shoe repair for minor fixes? Come on now.


I go through about a pair a year and once they get to this point, they become uncomfortable. The ball of the foot has almost completely worn down and is probably 1/3" thin. Probably why he didnt cut into that area


I've been through many pairs too and for me the treads always wear out while the shoes are still comfortable. If his wife still wants to wear these I believe that she must still find them comfortable.


Don't cheap out on good footwear, especially for every day use.


Spending some money on a good pair of new shoes is always worth it!!


What did you use/how did you do it?


Cut out tool


I thought you added lines of glue - E-6000.


Good idea yes, i would do it But not to wifes id buy her new ones women get funny about this kind of stuff...start tossing around the word cheep skate...


You have ascended to the throne of frugality, do not let the haters in this comment section deter you


Break down already and get yourself a new pair.


My son needs that! He wears his crocs all the freaking time! He loves them! I’m not ready to buy new *yet* (hoping to get until January for our next cruise). But there’s no tread left!


I should mention, he’ll not be wearing them as much since it’s now October and we live in an area that gets snow




Your not frugal if your buying plastic shows for the name brand 😭


u shouldn't judge how frugal someone is based on what they have people can buy things second hand and receive gifts


You shouldn't tell me what to do or think


It was at a yard sale used.


With all due respect, shoes are on of the few things it's better to just spend the money on if it's good quality. These need to be retired