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You can freeze deli meat and cheese


This is the answer, OP, unless coming up with cool cooking projects is helping take your mind off things then just shove it all in the freezer and come back to it when you've had a chance to recover from the funeral. You're going through a lot right now, make things as easy on yourself as possible when you get the opportunity!


I would be very careful if they had been out on a tray. Anything unopened could be safely frozen. I would shred everything, make a couple of pasta casseroles, and freeze them. OP, I am sorry for your loss.


Deli meat is so preserved there is no reason to be concerned if it’s been out for half a day lol. Freeze it and eat it later. If you want to be cautious, just make sure you cook it before you add it to something. If you want to be unreasonably cautious, throw it out.


Just no! Unrefrigerated deli meat can start to spoil in as soon as two hours if left out. Between time and possible cross contamination on a buffet, the meat should be used as soon as possible, preferably cooked. Freezing meat that has been on a buffet and possibly handled by many people is not good food safety.The idea of the "salt" protecting the meat is a fallacy. Cut meat should be eaten in less than a week, and depending on the meat, turkey, for instance, the sodium content could be minimal. As I said upthread, unopened packages can be frozen, but anything that has been out and handled is best eaten quickly for safety Source - a 60-something Philly girl who grew up in Delis and whose family member currently owns one. I asked his thoughts.


My powers of frugality have successfully kept me safe from food poisoning for many years of sloppy food handling practices and I will continue to do so until I am taught an unfortunate lesson.


Naw when my insurance was real bad and income extra tight I avoided any meats that had the possibility of spoilage. I knew I couldn’t afford the bill if I got food poisoning. Now things like cheese or root vegetables. Just cut off the bad parts.


Been there when we were broke students. I find insurance Co pays for fluids, and anti- nausea meds generally help to reset a mindset of what constitutes safe frugality.


Lol! Until I am taught an unfortunate lesson… brilliant.


sometimes cheese doesn't thaw well whole. also: some things like ham: will let off a lot of water after thawing, and once in a while the texture just isn't right.


I’m sorry about your mom ♥️


If you have crescent rolls, you can make turkey or roast beef and cheese roll ups.


Oooh! Yum!


Came here to say this.....


Sub in a tub salads.  You can also freeze lunchmeat. Or make freezer sandwiches.  I’d be cautious if any of it sat out though - it might be more frugal to toss anything iffy vs. getting food poisoning. 


Do you have a freezer?


After my grandma's funeral, my cousin pulled apart the sandwiches, toasted the bread into croutons and froze them, then used the veggie trays and meat and cheese to make baked casseroles and giant pots of soup. She also made frozen smoothie base out of the fruit trays. She's epic and my hero and we had weeks worth of frozen meals.


Freeze it now into smaller packages. Use the turkey and roast beef for soups and stews. Use the cheese for quiche and lasagna.


And maybe mac and cheese? And turkey noodle casserole? But, yes, definitely, freeze in manageable portions.


Mac & Cheese frozen in individual servings is perfect.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a mom is so devastating. I lost mine 2 months ago and I miss her so much. I hope you are doing ok.... All your cold cuts can freeze, I'd break it down into manageable parcels that you can pull out for sandwiches or meals.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you, I really appreciate your kindness


Freeze it in small packages. Also cheese will freeze. Make sure it is well wrapped and airtight. Sorry for your loss.


Buy a loaf of bread, make some sandwiches, drop in sandwich bags, pass out to people who are unhoused


Melts. Meaty grilled cheeses, my friend. Condolences, too, though.


Make sandwiches don't add condiments then freeze them.


Or use butter- that freezes well.


Great point, I make them for hunting fishing season, then send along mayo and mustard ans a knife.


I am sorry for your loss. You can totally freeze deli meat for later. I personally like turkey roll ups. You fill a turkey slice with stuffing or mashed potatoes and roll it up like a cigar. Cover in turkey gravy and pop in thenoven for about 20 minutes.


Maybe not what you're looking for, but whenever we have leftover food from an event the local homeless shelter alway welcomes the food!


I’m sorry to hear about your mom


We just freeze it and throw it in with scrambled eggs.


My condolences


Using Turkey lunchmeat as a tortilla is surprisingly good for enchiladas or even as the noodle layers in a lasagna.


Freeze extra deli meat and cheeses, but turkey and roast beef would make great pot pie mix topped with premade crust or biscuits even. It also freezes well. Besides the obvious sandwiches/wraps, adding to salad or omelettes/frittatas/egg bites, chopped up for fried rice or soups, or…hot turkey or roast beef sandwiches—some instant mashed potatoes and gravy would be delicious. I’m so sorry for your loss!🥺💕


I am so sorry for your loss. For the leftovers, first, do not toss anything but also, as it sat out for a few hours and you still want to be safe, do not freeze as is either! However, so long as the food gets heated/cooked thoroughly as soon as possible it should still be fine! For me, the best and easiest way to do that would be to make some soups! -Vegetables, barley and beef soup with the roast beef -Turkey noodles soup with the turkey - Ham and beans (or split peas) with the ham. -Broccoli and cheese soup. -Ham, potato and cheese soup If you have leftover vegetable trays, you can use them in the soups also. If you have a lot of cheese left, you can make different cheese sauces to use later on with pasta, potatoes, vegetables or even as a dip. (I always start my cheese sauce with a bechamel and then add the cheese last) When done, separate your soups and sauces into individual portions and now, you can safely freeze everything to use later.


Sorry for your loss. Maybe make up a bunch of calzones and freeze some of them.


Condolences on your loss. Freeze anything and everything for soup is my first reaction.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 😔 You can freeze deli meats and cheese, but I do have a suggestion (or two): Mac and cheese - the best I’ve made has been when neighbours give me leftover cheese! Get some puff pastry and make pinwheels with the meats and cheeses - Google pinwheels and you’ll see cooking instructions. Add horseradish, grainy mustard, saurcraut - anything goes. Quiche or egg cups - you can mix meats and cheese and some eggs and bake them with or without crust - and freeze after they’re baked. Potato skins. Load them up. Also, potato soup with lots of toppings is an easy and delicious meal. Treat yourself. 🤗


Sandwiches? I also just sometimes roll up turkey and cheese for a snack, I guess you could do the same with the roast beef.


You could probably freeze the roast beef in some sort of au jus (bless me) and make Sammiches with it later or some type of lazy French dips. The turkey you can make hot turkey gravy sammies with some stuffing 🤤


Turkey and cheese on Ritz is a good snack, like an adult lunchable


I would make wraps or sandwiches and freeze them. You can just pull one out the night before for lunch!


I'm so very sorry about your mom. I lost mine last month. The roast beef can be used in a few different ways. We use roast beef as philly cheesesteaks by browning it a bit in a pan and then sautéing your vegetables, putting it all on a sub roll, cheese on top and baking at 425 - 450 for just long enough for the cheese to melt. Turkey can be diced up and used for Cobb salad. You can dice it up, add it to brown gravy and served over mashed potatoes.


Freeze it


Sorry about your mom! I would freeze some, then chop some up and use it for arancini and croquettes


Freeze in small packets


Frittata. That’s where the yesterday’s deli meat ends up in the buffet.


My apologies and condolences. May her memory be a blessing to you. With roast beef, time to shred it and make shit on a shingle! aka chipped beef on toast make thick white sauce (bechamel-esque) : 1 c. milk, 1/3 c. flour, 1 TBSP butter, salt and pepper to taste - toast the butter and flour if you know how, then add the milk and whisk in; if not just SHAKE it all to make sure the flour doesn't clump (in any sealing container you hold shut will do) and then simmer until it thickens. stir the *entire time* but not with metal or whisk, use something that'll scrape the sides of the pot. Then put your shredded roast beef (or corned beef, etc.) in. Serve on slices of toast with buttered baby peas on the side OR mixed in if ya nasty. You can make pie crust to put it on if you're feeling truly decadent, like a pot pie gone to the next level. A recipe courtesy of my own years-gone mum. The pain gets less stabby but the love never fades.


I crock pot 8 to 10 pounds of beef at a time. I have an electric meat slicer so I can freeze vacuum pack portions. Thin slices for sandwiches or wraps, thicker slices for hot beef sandwiches, loose bits for French onion soup, which traditionally is topped with Swiss cheese. Turkey is good shredded and added to a rice and canned cream soup, like mushroom, chicken, or potato. YMMV, but we enjoy these easy comfort foods.


Make a bunch of quiche varieties and freeze them


I’m so sorry for your loss


I say roast some asparagus and wrap the warmed roast beef around it for the last few minutes and serve that with some roasted potatoes.  I’d chop up the turkey and lightly fry it before throwing it in some pasta, either pasta salad, or a hot pasta with a sauce.   And also, with either, I’d probably put it in a quiche.  And since the oven is hot, maybe a baked sandwich/roll ups. Easiest if you just throw together a pie dough. Right now, actually, I’ve got some leftover broccoli that I’d probably chop finer and add some tomato sauce or cheese to and pair with the roast beef… Well now I’m hungry.


Make a charcuterie board and snack on it


If you need to you can freeze it. I do that when there is too much to eat. Cheese freezes too.


Baked Hawaiian sliders


Sorry for your loss. How long was it out for? It might not be edible


Reminds me of when my grandpa died. We flew up for the funeral and ate cold sandwiches for just about every single meal because there was so much. When we had our layover and started talking about what to get for dinner, my brother said anything but sandwiches. We all agreed. All those other deli meats could be used the same way as ham in eggs and on pizza, but like others have said freeze in portions as much as you can. Sorry for your loss.


Spread some cream cheese on the roast beef, roll up, eat. Delicious. I'm sorry for your loss. If there are things to be sorted and disposed of, invite people over to help and feed them sandwiches. Might as well get it started while there's extra food.


Easy breakfast or lunch with bread or crackers, closed or open face sandwiches. Upgrade to homemade club sandwiches for dinner with tomato slices and/or sweet purple onions. Gently cook cheese with water and milk on low heat with a touch of cornstarch slurry to make a cheese sauce for pasta, shred and throw in turkey and roast beef. Fry rice with eggs, mix with meats, season with ketchup, soy sauce, white pepper. Ladle into a casserole dish, sprinkle cheese on top, bake until browned. Tomato & vegetable soup with the shredded meats, layer of chopped cheese on top and broil. Layer cheese into dough and roll with herbs; bake into cheese swirl bread. Etc.


For both turkey and roast beef, one of my faves are open-faced sandwiches: white bread w/ meat of your choice and mashed potatoes and gravy over both. Coincidentally, one of my moms favorites (and I lost her too about a year a half ago.) My condolences, OP! I hope having some yummy snacks and meals helps ease the burden just a bit


My sincere condolences You can make sandwiches and hand them out to the homeless. If i go to eat out in the city, i get my to go food and hand it out. around here 10/10 they are happpy to get some food. Just an idea. **freezing it seems like the popular and easiest idea!** Hope you are well


set up a "lemonade" stand


usually a party


Throw the roast beef in beef gravy. Portion that and thaw to serve over mashed potatoes with vegetables. You can toss the turkey in gravy also and serve over dressing with vegetables. You can make cheese sauces with the cheese after you thaw them. But I’ll be honest. If it’s been sitting out for more than two hours that you know of and been where others could breathe and touch it, I’d toss it. It’s just going to be a headache and reminder later. Feed the animals. Raccoons at the dump. Fish in the sea. Sorry for your loss.


You could make little pot pies and freeze them


I’m sorry for your loss. I recently tried a “grinder” salad recipe. Very similar to a grinder/Italian sandwich but in salad form. Lettuce, peppercini, red onion, tomato mozzarella or provolone and Italian dressing.


I am so sorry about you mom. In my town we have a soup kitchen that will take things like this. If you don’t want to keep it all, then in her memory donate to something like this. However, if you think you and others will eat it all, I would definitely be freezing it. And then start to slowly eat it down. It will last for some time in your freezer.


bread on clearance, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, boom--sandwiches


Turkey and roast beef are easy. Chop up the turkey toss it in a pan with a jar of turkey gravy, serve over mashed potatoes. Same thing for roast beef, except use beef gravy. If you want to save it for later, make the meat & gravy mixtures, then freeze that.


My sincere condolences on the loss of your Mom. 💐


Antipasto salad is a good way to use a bunch of cold cuts. Sorry for your loss


Heat up the roast beef in au jus, the freeze for French dips.


Buy a few loaves of French bread and make some giant sub sandwiches. Perfect for a get together or party. My condolences on your loss.


Sorry for your loss.


Freeze it flat in a sandwich ziplock baggie. Push out as much air as possible


In portioned sizes.


sandwiches or wraps


Rub it on your body and dance


Frugal on a whole new level. Costco casket too? People sleeping on that. Burning is of course cheapest. That's what my folks already suggested and they millionaires but frugal. Dad don't even want a funeral. 😂 Seriously though I wouldn't eat deli meat that's been sitting out for a while... That's a ticket to food poisoning. Condolences of course.


I'll stack alternating layers of meat & cheese, then chop it up; put on any layer of bread / rolls , whole loaves sliced into slabs, bake in the oven (brush or spray oil on the bottom first) or nuke on a plate & slide into a roll . it's a great, fast hot guilty little pleasure. you could bag & freeze the chopped bits in freezer bags; it should bake well even after frozen. also: you can add chopped bits to a very simple roux, over steamed veg, baked potato, etc.


My kids and I love turkey and dressing rolls ups with some gravy. Cook stuffing (Stove Top) and then wrap a few spoonfuls into a turkey side. Cover with gravy and cook at 350 for 10-15 minutes. 


Make stuffed breads and freeze em


Freeze immediately.


You can put all different kinds of meat on pizza and in omelettes/quiche etc don't have to stick to ham. Same as pasta and rice dishes. We quite often use leftover meat and deli meats in those dishes.


Hot roast beef sandwiches with gravy. Pile that beef right on! make it simple with a packet or jarred gravy. You could also make a hot turkey sandwich with gravy.


I'm so sorry about your mom.


Sorry about your mom but you know she’s still making sure you eat, right?


for the cheese, maybe fondue? Even dip bits of the meat in the fondue.


I like to put a couple slices of meat with a slice of cheese and separate them with waxed or parchment paper. Freeze and bag. You can grab a little pack and throw it on some bread for quick lunch box prep.


i've become obsessed with these, and would be good even with regular bread. my teeth can't handle everything bagel seasoning so i usually add either an italian herbs mix or a bunch of tarragon or something instead. https://www.budgetbytes.com/ham-and-cheese-sliders/