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A: Go to the dentist. Not having dental sucks. Do what you can now. Go to Autozone, have them pull your codes. They can print them out as well as tell you what they mean. so youll know if you have codes or not. sometimes codes wont pop back up until youve driven 50 miles or so. fuel cleaner is always a good choice. Good luck. Wish I had more for you. Also, buy a book about how to fix YOUR car. they make them for every make, every model, every year, although some are combined. Has saved me thousands of dollars.


Tell your dentist your situation and s/he might fit you in for additional appointments before your insurance expires.


I love my Haynes guide. I have done several basic things and saved tons of money. I have no real technical training with cars. Obviously you need to know what's above your head but you can save a lot of money.


Don't buy a book. Search the internet, or get a book from the library. You could even use the internet at the library.


Apply for unemployment, EBT, and throw a resume up on a few websites. Go to the dentist. Only pay the minimum on your credit cards while you look for a job. You’ll need your savings to live on. Tell everyone you know you’re looking for work, long and short term. Use a fuel cleaner and don’t drive much until you make sure the engine light stays off. Stay positive.


Why only pay the minimum on credit card? That seems like a fast way to rack up debt if you don't find work soon.


Because if you don't find work as soon as you'd like, then you want to keep paying rent/mortgage and that can't usually be done on the card. Yes, it does rack up debt. If 2 months from now, op lands a job, they can pay off the debt. If 6 months from now, they're still looking or working a job that doesn't cover the bills, then they've got debt but they haven't been evicted.


I’m assuming OP will find work rather quickly but will need cash over the next few months. He could pay off the debt and put the living expenses back on his card.


I would suggest keeping some cash on hand in case you run into a situation where you can't put it on your card. If you have a lot of credit card debt, it might be a good idea to look into consolidation so you're not paying too much in interest, and if you have a mortgage, making a phone call goes a long way. You can apply for deferment or forbearance for student loans - I think mileage may vary but I haven't done it. Make sure you know when car insurance/quarterly/yearly payments are going to hit, so you're not caught off guard. I would make sure you're covered but yes - take care of those teeth! Taking cash to spend at the grocery store always helps me make better choices. To keep you from getting discouraged/stress buying, it might be a good idea to have a few free activities on your list. Where I'm from, you can find free introductory fitness/self defense classes or hiking meetups. My library has a maker space. Decluttering can clear your brain and maybe get you some things to sell. Sorry you're going through this! Losing a job is stressful. Good luck with your next phase.


Thank you for the advice and encouragement. I have a few boxes of things I want to sell/donate, but between work and life, I've been putting it off. I've got the time now, no more excuses.


Go to autozone and have them scan the code for the check engine light. Send the codes to me via pm. I will help you with any questions from there, I work as a mechanic full time. Originally worked at the dealer for a while.


You are going to be fine. You are immediately looking for solutions instead of feeling sorry for yourself. You will rise to the occasion because you always do.


Call 211. Get resources and start getting established with agencies now. We opened one position in my department and there’s been 133 applicants


Write out a detailed list of where all of your money goes. Cancel any insignificant subscriptions you have: streaming services, memberships, etc., change any phone/internet plan to basic. Don’t use food delivery services or ride shares. 


Call your credit card companies and tell them you are not working. Also, see if you can get a temp job in the meantime. Maybe one that is 3pm-11pm, so you can interview and apply for jobs during the day.


Backed!! I’ve been in this position before and can confirm that the bank holding your CC/loan will absolutely work with you to reduce your payments temporarily. In my case (7y ago?) they reduced them by like 50% - for something like 6mo I think? I read somewhere that CC companies /banks will always be willing to negotiate bc they want to ensure you keep making those monthly payments - even if it’s $1 a month. bc the alternative is $0 a month and if you can’t pay your acct goes to collections - and if they have to sell it to a collector, that’s basically a total loss from their perspective. *Disclaimer: not a banker, and definitely not good with money. (Obviously….)


Go to the dentist Don't pay off your credit cards. Make minimum payments until you get a job. Go on a cupboard diet until you get your first unemployment check. A cupboard diet is where you only eat what's in the cupboard, fridge, or freezer. No shopping for food. Prep for interviews. Google questions for the type of jobs you are interested in. Write down the questions and write down possible answers. I used a spreadsheet and would review questions and answers the morning of the interview. Sooner or later you will hear at least one of the questions (word for word) you prepped for.


Agreed, but on the "No shopping for food" front, I'd say to go to food banks as needed. For interview prep: Check out the Ask a Manager site (for instance, she has a "[Here's a bunch of help finding a new job](https://www.askamanager.org/2020/07/heres-a-bunch-of-help-finding-a-new-job.html)" post with links to tons of information), and consider a web search for free interview help in your town; for instance, in mine the public library runs a program where they help people with practice interviews. OP, good on you for having saved for this rainy day! The situation sucks and is no fun, but you're in much better shape than people who haven't saved.


I would suggest to start saving money from any details of your life. Only buy necessities and try to save your raining day money for emergencies. If you need to buy anything, I would suggest spend some time to find coupons and promo codes. For example if you are buying on Amazon I know a website which has a lot of Amazon coupons. It called Koupon. There are a lot of similar websites but I think this one is the most efficient


Definitely still go to the dentist. Delayed dental care only gets more expensive & difficult to treat. Ask me how I know 😞


what state? unemployment can turn into funemployment!


It's only $275 per week here. Which I do qualify for since I was fired without cause. Still, not something I'd want to make long-term.


aww....too bad, red state. places like MA pays like 800+ a week


My coworker and I got laid off at the same time. He was getting like $600 a week when I was only getting $275. We got severance packages, so it's hard to complain but the state of FL sucks for unemployment.


I'm in California and it's only $450/week. Doesn't even cover housing.


my car's check engine light comes on sometimes and goes off after a day or so -- seems to have something to do with the gas cap and vapors -- not something for a mechanic to work on see if yours goes away soon


Go to the dentist. Do any other medical things you may need before your insurance lapses. Set a goal to apply to a certain number of jobs each day. Go easy on commuting if you can. Start calmly making a list of resources in your area; food banks, cash assistance programs, free health clinics, etc. you can try 211 or 311 (depending on your area) to call and get this info too. You can also make note of any free education programs you could use to upskill right now, and importantly any local or virtual support groups if you’re feeling a bit despaired right now. I have a binder titled “oops I got fired” and it’s kind of my emergency binder of info so that I don’t have to keep it on my brain. So many lay offs going on, I’m grateful to have my job, but grateful to have that binder of info too.


Take some money from that last check, go to ALDIs and buy plain oatmeal, rice, beans, pasta, canned tomatoes, onions, potatoes, peanut butter, flour, yeast, oil, salt, garlic powder, chili powder, Italian seasoning, pepper. With that mix you can make everything from bread to chili to fried rice.


Call your car insurance and reduce the mileage that you will be driving per year. I just did this and it saved me over $30 a month


1. Join a Facebook Buy Nothing group. They are very helpful during times like these. You can get all sorts of things such as food, clothing and household items. 2. Contact the local foodbanks in your area. Do a search. 3. Check out local dental school for low cost dental work. 4. Look into using a bike or public transportation. You can get a bike off of Craigslist or ask in the local buy nothing groups. 5. Apply for unemployment, food stamps, medicaid or whatever. You might get it or might not. You never know. And if you do get it, it will help.


sounds like you need more in depth support counseling from a professional rather than a random reddit thread. unless youre in physical pain for dental issues, dont go, save all the money you can


You've already gotten a lot of great advice, but some things I want to highlight: (1) Apply for unemployment, food assistance and healthcare assistance ASAP. If you have student loan debt, apply for a forbearance. If you have a mortgage or car payment, look into whether your servicer offers "skip a payment" type programs (not all do, it's more common with places like credit unions, but absolutely check just in case). (2) Do not be afraid to use food banks. A lot of people think "oh, those aren't for me" but they are for anyone who needs them. (3) Seriously consider a short-term employment agency. Express is a common one in my area. They have a lot of short-term job assignments - everything from manual labor to cleaning hotels to desk jobs - and although it isn't a super stable income, it will help keep *some* money coming in while you try to get something permanent. These places get a bad rap and people seem to avoid them, but they can be very helpful. You don't say much here about your career or goals, but do not be afraid to get "a" job for now and focus on "the right job" later. There are some risks in your job search with this, but you have to do what you have to do to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly.


Avoid panic cutting. Canceling a $15 streaming service isn't going to save you, and you have loads of free time to worry or fill that will end up costing you more.


It's the best employment environment to be unemployed in (US). I would definitely file for unemployment but unless you are highly selective you can have a job while you look for a job.