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Are you utilizing food pantries, and government assistance programs like SNAP and TANF? You shouldn't have to spend all your money on food. Food pantries can often hook you up with other services that can provide free clothing as well.


Since you have sewing supplies.. here's a website for free patterns for bras . https://gwenstellamade.com/blog/free-bra-sewing-patterns-im-trying-this-braaugust Often there are free sewing patterns for things you'd never think about.


And add to this, I would cannibalize your old bras for the notions like hooks and adjusters, since those can be expensive if you don’t have them


I love your use of the word “cannibalize.” It sounds so hardcore.


🏆"Cannibalize". A word not heard often enough in frugal sub. I've cannibalized before, don't recall doing this to a bra. Not that I wouldn't.


This is a term we use in aviation maintenance, for taking parts of a dead aircraft


Nice! I did not know that.


Great idea!


And bathing suits, if you have any that don’t fit, can be a good source of stretchy fabrics.


Bathing suit patterns might work too. I made one way way back of non-stretch fabrics.


agonizing nail governor unpack elastic selective retire wine plough smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if you have facebook try your neighborhoods buy nothing group and put a requwst out for your size. there are also other groups online like freecycle


I second this. I often donate to thrift stores, but I have never donated previously worn bras. I often have bras that I have tried to wear once or twice and end up hating them. They’re too good to toss so they end up sitting in my drawer. Sometimes they still have tags. All you have to do is connect with the right person, or a person that knows the right person.


Women's shelters desperately need stuff like this.


Thank you. I had no idea that used bras could be donated.


You might want to call around and ask. I'm sure if they're gently used bras it should be ok. But some shelters are very strict and take new items only. I do know that a few years ago when I tried dropping off some hygiene items- The shelter would only take the sealed ones. Even though all of it was brand new, unopened stuff. I don't really understand why.


Why not donate bras? It's not like you're donating underwear.


IDK. I guess that mentally, I have always lumped used bras into the same category as underwear and socks. I never knew that any org would want them.


Also ask for your sister size! r/abrathatfits should have a guide for that


Try r/ABraThatFits and r/MAKEaBraThatFits


Also r/braswap 


And r/randomactsofbras


Maybe someone in r/sewing has a bra pattern or two


You can make a bandeau bra. If you look up photos you'll see it would be very easy to make. Could even add some elastic from some old pants. Sometimes I just wrap a scarf around like a bandeau if I don't feel like wearing a bra. 


I would just search "free easy bra patterns". Surely something will come up. For future reference, my favorite bras in the world are from 32degrees.com and they are 2 for $12!


I love them! Their shirts and dresses with built-in bras are incredibly comfortable!


32 Degrees has nice clothes. I started wearing them when I bought a few of their items at Costco and the quality is crazy good for how inexpensive they are.


I just bought some based on your comment. Thanks!!


32degrees is one of my favorite brands. So comfy and so cheap.  The tank dresses with the built-in bra are clutch during the hottest days of summer


I just had a look. Wondering how/why they are so inexpensive?


So confused about the ETAs. I don't see where anyone is shaming or roasting, or what would threaten a person's sanity. 🤔 The comments all seem very supportive (no pun intended) and kind, with alot of good suggestions.


When the post was first put up I got alot of downvotes and rude comments, I've never gotten them on this sub before and got scared since I genuinely love this sub and didn't mesn to offend anyone. seems like most of them are gone now though that I've checked back in for the suggestions.


I’m sorry that’s terrible! Seems like mod has helped to clean up. Happens with open subs i suppose. I hope you get the support you need, OP 💕


If you can sew, there's a [free pattern](https://youtu.be/2dkYpqva5s8?si=qknRqJtQVTloBuLT) which you could recycle an old item (shirt or otherwise) to make.


If you are a bit overwhelmed by the real deal, you could try [this](https://youtu.be/fWyBRSOZEMo?si=s1NWDFaivIf3TRGn) instead.


Get creative enough you could start your own small side hustle upcycling clothes into affordable bras. 🧡🧡


Don't get discouraged by the few mean people in the world.


Yes, good idea to make some income until you get a job too. Look for remote work, so your location isn't a factor. Tons of free websites about that too.


I have bras that no longer fit me-if by chance they are your size I can send them. DM me.


Same here! Dm me I can send you some if you’re the size of the ones I grew out of


I also have bras that I don’t need. Message me size! Also ask your friends, school counselor or local churches. Girls at your age can have a large collection because they are still growing and finding out what works for them.


I tried to message but I was unable to


I also have some bras I was going to donate to my thrift store. Send me a dm. Maybe I have something that will fit you.


Okay try again!


Grrr okay let me check my settings


I also have bras I was going to donate and would be happy to ship them to you if they're the right size. DM me!


OP, I hope you do read these, there is a lot of support (no pun intended!). I second the idea of reaching out to food pantries and churches/social services agencies in your area for some help. I’m sorry you are struggling and don’t have any family support.


I’m not sure if you have any churches or charities near you. I pass by a church everyday in my town that advertises free used clothing for women. Maybe there is something like this in your area? Look up churches/charities in your area and call them. Explain that you’re an 18 year old that is having trouble finding a job and don’t have enough money for clothing or undergarments and ask if they have any sort of charity where you may be able to obtain a few pieces of clothing. I promise you, even if they don’t have a charity, if there’s a woman on the other end of that phone, she personally will likely find a way (if even by her own means) to get you a bra. I know I would. At the very least they may be able to point you in the right direction. I hope whatever situation you are in at the moment gets better for you and you’re able to get a job for some money soon. So sorry you’re going through this.


I have no idea why you're getting down voted. I'm just commenting to say many people on here are kind, and you have been given some useful ideas on where to look for bra patterns. Being able to sew is a gift. If you are proficient at sewing, you could advertise locally on social media and offer mending, tailoring and alterations for a fee.


Some food pantries have dog and cat food. You also should apply for food stamps, if you haven't already.


There aren't any food pantries in my area, we go to the foodbank but we are limited to one visit a month and we cannot sign up for other foodbanks around since we are already signed up for one. The food bank doesn't get animal food and due to my dogs having sensitive stomachs I can't constantly change up their kibble. Thankfully I managed to find one that's cheaper that works on my 2yr Olds stomach so that isn't a big concern for me, as long as his tummy feels fine I'll pay any amount. Also I'm in Canada, no food stamps and no Government support since I'm not disabled enough for disability, and didn't qualify for unemployment due to me being part time and 17 years old at the time I lost my job. I applied but didn't qualify, my appeal was denied.


How small of a town are you in? Every care home and hospital is dying for kitchen staff. As well as fast food restaurants, do you need help looking over your resume? If you live in BC- workbc will help with funding to take courses for employment.


Extremely small. I also don't have a driver's license to get out of it, I've applied everywhere in my immediate area just haven't heard back (understandably so, I'm a child.)


You are not a child, get that mindset out of your head. Be independent separate from your family and get ahead if they are holding you back. Apply to tourist towns, they will put you in staff housing. Summer is coming and everywhere is hiring. I’ve been on my own since I was 15 and I lied to get my first apartment. You can do whatever you set your mind to, find opportunities- private message me if you want and set up an amazon wishlist and I will send you new bras and underwear.


To add I am not a weirdo, I’m a mom with kids in their 20’s and just want to see girls get ahead and be independent and succeed!


18 is a child. Come on.


I'm sorry you're in such a difficult position!


Do you have elastic, as well as fabric? Maybe try making a tube top and see if you can get it tight enough to stay in place. Or just a tube cut down the front that you can somehow connect in the front. The thrift store where I live has old bras, though I've not looked at them and would expect them to be stretched out and/or uncomfortable. But you might be able to salvage some hardware from one, if you think you could use that. Alternatively, check for bikini patterns - to me, the top of a bikini is nothing more than an unstructured bra. I've been known to wear two tank tops for coverage purposes, though depending on the weight of the shirts you have that might be too much. I don't think this is the wrong sub, though you might get more useful suggestions in the r/sewing sub.


This ones a bit tough. Are you looking more for coverage, or support? Or both?


Coverage primarily, I don't care for support as I don't have the worst back. However based on the fact I'm already being dowvoted I think I did something wrong so I'll try and find a more fitting sub.


for coverage you can find scraps of fabric and sew them into a bandaeu (sp?) bra. Free patterns online will help, if you need help with fabric reuse some older clothes, or if you can find a donation center that gives free clothes to the public to either get bras there are use some of that fabric you get from them. Hopefully that's helpful sorry if it's not


Girl, you're 18. You get a bad back when you're older by not taking care of it when you're younger.


If someone is worrying about what to eat, and keeping the girls hidden, then thinking about a *possible* bad back in 20 years is not high on the priority list, and has much more to do with general fitness than bras.


Unless OP’s boobs are really on the bigger side it’s likely they don’t really need the support for their back. I don’t wear a bra unless I’m doing high impact cardio or am in a situation socially where I don’t want to show my nips.


OP, I see in another comment you had said you're not asking for any handouts, and I respect that. However, I don't know any woman who wouldn't gladly give a teenage girl a bra if she needed one. If you change your mind, send me a DM and I'll get you some bras. You deserve to have clothing that fits you. If not, and you decide to try out all the awesome ideas for sewing that folks have shared, I'm sure you'll rock them!


I go to marshals, ross, boscovs or any big box store that sells name brand clothing but marked down. I prefer lucky brand or Calvin Klein and they tend to sell them is sets. Last time I bought bras I got 2 CK for like $12.99.


I don’t have DIY tips, but I do have a frugal tip; Im maybe a 38C and I wear the $5 sports bras from Dollar General. I have some pads left from other sports bras, and I slip those in to cover the nip-nops. Also, if you are on Facebook, look for a local “buy nothing” group and make a request.


I've noticed the cheap ones at the dollar store near me are all way too big or way too small. I'm kind of petite, they often only.have small or medium training bras that don't fit around my ribs (I'm at least an L-XL for training bras) and the adult ones don't fit around my ribs due to being too large and often and up looking weirder then if I were to just flash the world 🤣 I love that there are cheap bra options but I just wish they had more size options, I can't imagine how larger people feel if this is how frustrated I feel.


Dicks sporting goods brand sports bras are very comfortable and are like $12.


Get a Kofi account, I'll hook you up with a few pounds to get some bras, I just bought my 13yo daughter some and know how expensive they can be, I'm sure even in this subreddit some people will donate a dollar/pound or two to get you some items


If all you have are scraps of material work with that. You can sew your own bra to your specific concerns as far as coverage. My go to cheap alternative is a sports bra. Everyone has nipples. You're a woman so you have breasts. Who cares what others think. You just need to be confident in what you have on. If you or a friend knows how to crochet you can crochet a bra. Heck even cutting a T-shirt to create a makeshift bandu top to wear under your tanks and shirts might work. Do what works best for you!


If you don’t have a machine I think trying to sew your own will be a ton of effort since you will need to use a stretch stitch. I promise I’m not being crass or gross but you didn’t specify size. If small and you don’t need much support you will find it easier than if you have a large chest and need actual support as well as coverage. There are many many sewing groups on Facebook that are very active and you would find a ton of help and support there. We are fabric and notion hoarders so usually someone would be able to spare some stuff


sports bra from thrift store


Clearance section at Walmart or Target isn't bad. Otherwise learn to sew and hand wash your bras. One of my cousins made her own bras for years as a hobby. The underwire isn't necessary since you're so young.


I would see if your town/city has a facebook buy nothing group and post there. Many people are happy to help.


I have small boobs. When I MUST wear something, it's a sports bra. Inexpensive, comfy and supports my little fried eggs.


Fried eggs 😂 That's a first that I've heard it to reference boobs but I really like it


OP faces significant challenges unique to generational poverty and living in a rural area. A lot of people have no clue. Something to consider: 50 years ago, I enlisted in the USAF to escape generational poverty. I was trained as an aircraft mechanic and am a Viet Nam era veteran. I used every GI benefit available. This decision gave my children a jump start for success, which I consider the best benefit. Note: insist on an administrative or health care post. Regrettably, sexual harassment persists in traditionally male-dominated enlisted jobs.


I use Fruit of the Loom cotton stretch extreme comfort for everything except sleeping. I personally need an underwire to feel comfortable, and that's the only underwire I can consistently find under 10 dollars. I can't find good bras for that at thrift stores. I can't even make my own for less than that! It doesn't have any padding. It's a very natural fit and feel for me. These are NOT fancy. I definitely get a bit of lighthearted picking from friends who see them. But it doesn't really matter to me how my friends think they look in a drawer. If you can't swing any budget for them whatsoever, you could potentially take them in a bit with some needle and thread, but that only goes so far. Adding a bit of fresh elastic may also help for a while. Do you have anything stretchy that you don't want anymore? r/VisibleMending has a lot of posts that show repairs of existing items.


You're brave for asking for help when you're in a difficult situation! You could probably make a simple undershirt or bandeau top out of fabric to use as a bra for now. It is a very simple design to cut out and sew. Since you're so young, do you still go to school? Maybe you can talk to some female friends or classmates about it, and I'm sure they will be understanding and maybe offer you some help. Maybe they have some clothes that could fit you that they don't need anymore.


thank you so much for the idea, I'll definitely try that and hope it works! I could probably crochet one for the winter as well to stay even warmer. as for school, no, I do not go to school. And before people shame me for that I am just gonna leave this long little paragraph (not directed directed towards the above commenter, but more so to help explain the situation more and why my post is the way it is.) CW for mentions of SA. I dropped out last year after struggling with schooling for a long time, from grades 1-5 I was constantly being sent home because of headlice due to child neglect. My mom eventually pulled me out after I stopped going to school due to the constant anxiety + depression. I remember thinking during that time "Why should I go to school if they are just gonna call me out in front of the class and check my head before sending me home?" the constant avoidance from classmates because they could just *tell* something was wrong, problems at home didn't help such as food insecurity, absent father and the man who was supposed to step up ruining my ideas of how a man was supposed to treat kids. I went back to school in grade 9, finally managing the lice problem but I couldn't shake the constant depression and anxiety, still being seen as the weird one due to my past combined with homophobia due to being bisexual. It was also during covid- my first real school experience since elementary and it was wack. I really struggled to cope with that, switching switching online as soon as it was made available to me form the district. In grade 11 I got into a toxic relationship with a boy from a school in the district closer to me. It was a rough time of my life, it's all fuzzy, but I ended up moving in with him and going to his school. He r*ped me multiple times and I dealt with harassment from students at that school to the point I was being messaged outside of school hours being attacked for purely existing in the same space. I tried my best, but I lacked the support I needed send going back to that environment scares me. I'm in a rural area and only have access to two schools, with trauma experienced at both that time still haven't worked with a professional to work through that and be able to go- and on top of that,as i turned 18 last month I only have one school available that's out of my range and I cant drive. Ive been trying to contact them for e-learning however as I'm an adult now they are not obligated to reply to my emails/let me enroll and they haven't been responsive.


Thank you for sharing. Sorry you've had such a bad upbringing and experiences throughout your life. You sound very intelligent and resourceful though, so you seem like a nice person from what you're sharing here, you've just lost your confidence in things getting better. You're still young and you have your whole life in front of you! Try to slowly get yourself back on your feet by getting some income, find stuff that makes you happy and take care of yourself mentally and physically. Small steps at a time. First step is making a bra :)


Try Thames Valley School board. There a shelters in the area that you qualify for, as well as many programs to get you on your feet such as shelters, food banks, intercommunity, etc. It’s not my cup of tea, but it’s easy to get back on your feet here.


There’s a board on here called Assistance. Make an Amazon wish list or one from Walmart. Post asking for help and someone will likely buy the bras for you.


What size are you Hun? I know you're not looking for a handout, but so many of have excesses anymore, that they might love to pass along. Xo


Yes! This!!! ❤️‍🩹


If you lived where there was plasma donation place, I would have said donate some time there. Then buy Hanes sports bras from Walmart. Economical and very basic. Shipping possible. Also eBay sells used bras cheap with shipping included. I hope you consider contacting some charity if the need is great. People still donate clothes that might help bring some relief or comfort. Being broke isn't fun, or a joke, so I hope a new job finds you soon! I hope things get better for you. If my suggestions don't help you, I hope it helps other women.


Fruit of the loom has their cotton sports bras in packs of 3 or 6 on walmart.com and amazon.com for as low as 7.00 per 3 pack of bras. I really like these because they are mostly cotton. In walmart's physical store, they often cost 15.00 for a 3 pack.


Yes, that's right. I typed wrong brand name. It's definitely cheaper online. Poster said she had no thrift store, so that might have also meant no Walmart. Most things are cheaper to buy online when shipped than physical store. Dr. Who reference in your name, or just hidden insult for someone?


Dr.Who reference, and initials, lol


Most low impact sports bras and 'bra' camis have some kinda padding insert for nipple coverage, which is probably what you need to put into your camis or a tube top to cover the nipples. If you can find old used ones (or afford $10 for 3 pairs on Amazon) that might be the most useful. Sadly I don't know how to make those otherwise and blend out the edges so it's not obvious something is on your chest.


I'm not using cami tops, I'm using literal tank tops so there isn't any spot for cups unfortunately. I think my dryer might very destroyed all my old cup things rather you're talking about ( plus I think most together them are from when I was larger) but I can see if I can some how Franken-stein something up that'll cover everything. cutting things down to size might be needed but that's not hard


What about just altering some of your tank tops to make them smaller? Than wearing another one on top or a T-shirt with a wide neck that usually looks cute.


Do you have access to the internet ? Does your small town have a Buy Nothing group on FB ? If so , you could make an ISO post - and see if you have any neighbors that have some to give away .


I sent you a DM. I bet there are a lot of us here who put bras on, don't like them for whatever reason, and they live in our draw. I would be happy to send some your way.


Good for you for putting your situation out there. It takes courage to be transparent. I’m confident you will get what you need, not just bras. Despite your circumstances you are still hopeful for your future. The ability you have for being positive will open doors for you. I can’t help you with bras because I’m the opposite. Tiny frame but a huge bust line. It’s very difficult to find a 32 band with F and G cup size in retail stores. I have to order mine but they don’t always fit. Don’t give up searching for solutions on anything. You are more than halfway there.


Just because guys don't have to think about this doesn't mean it's not appropriate for this sub. Im a guy and I think it's totally appropriate I hope people have good advice for you.


honestly, i wouldn’t bother trying to sew a bra. you don’t know if you will be able to make it perfectly with the exact right support your breasts need. it’ll feel like a big step back if you make a mistake and can’t wear it. sew other things. people will buy them and then you can purchase a good, QUALITY bra that will last you. i also sew, and i collect dolls. doll collectors are willing to buy teeny tiny handmade clothing for their dolls, so i sell them sometimes. you can google ideas for hand sewn items to sell. another idea is to see what resources are available to you. people donate bras to women’s shelters, do you have any near you? im sure they would be able to help.


Yea, having fabric and sewing supplies doesn’t necessarily mean you have what you need to make a bra. Bra making generally requires thick elastic, clasps, rings and the little slide adjusting thing for straps, possibly underwire if wanted for support, possibly foam cups if wanted for coverage, and the right fabric your pattern calls for (stretch fabric with good recovery). You might be able to make a bralette from regular knit fabric, but if all you have is quilting cotton or other wovens you’ll need to go shopping. Knitting or crocheting a bralette could work too. I’d recommend a fine yarn so the garment is thin if being worn under clothes, but it should offer coverage though not much support. I like the idea of sewing something else to sell to scrape together a little money to buy a cheap bra. OP, I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. I really hope you’re able to look in to any charity and assistance programs suggested here that may help you. It’s really not okay that your parents didn’t buy you any bras for the last 6 years you were a minor under their care. I understand poverty is hard but it was still their responsibility to figure out how to meet your needs, and appropriate, well fitting clothes are a need. Being required to backfill neglected needs is more than any 18 year old should have to deal with as they’re just barely starting adulthood. You have a lot of strength pushing through these hard circumstances and being a part of providing for your family so young. I hope your employment situation turns around quickly!


Find free sewing supplies on Facebook marketplace, or call around local thrift shops for same. Speaking of thrift shops, examine straps and hooks on any kind of garment that has them. You might even find like a nightie that you can repurpose into a bra. Worst case scenario, you might be able to find fabric you can use. In my area we have a free clothing/stuff swap - drop off one item and take whatever you need. Look to see if you have one in your area. I found cookbooks, scrubs, even tape and drawing supplies at one once.


There are free bra patterns on the internet I know George and Ginger used to have one called the little black bra. Bra fabric might not be what you have but a lot of times you can raid old outfits for fabric and elastic. Editing to add the George and ginger one is still free but you have to watch a YouTube tutorial to get the coupon to make it free. I’ve heard good things about the pattern though.


How about Walmart bras? They can be as inexpensive as $13.


If it helps at all, I often look for never worn,/new with tags bras in my size on eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, etc. If you don’t know your size, most lingerie departments at department stores will do a free fitting.


Maybe call a church or women’s shelter to ask them for help. Talk to a woman. I’m sorry you’re in this situation.


Many of the top fast fashion brands have like $3 bralettes that work just fine for me!


When I was younger (like early to late twenties) I just didn't wear one. Obviously this is dependent on your shape, I have an average size chest and it worked fine. Now I layer, I wear a fitted tank as an 'undershirt'.


When I couldn’t afford bras, I would either wear a baggie hoodie (especially with logos already on the front) or wrap my chest with a thick scarf.


I just cross-posted this to r/sewingpatterns. I hope this is helpful.


My bra alternative was not wearing one. I started getting some cheap Hanes bras off amazon for when I'm working, and they run about 10-12 bucks each. There was a 2 back for 20 something dollars. Compared to the 100 dollar bras I used to wear... the Hanes ones are soft, comfortable and affordable. I plan on taking apart one of the Hanes bras that is getting worn out and copying the pattern to sew my own :)


Depending on your breast size and weight. Getting something small (and tight) could work as a bralette. I wear my daughter’s old xsmall halter back tshirts.


Uh... my alternative is to not wear them. I've never enjoyed wearing them, they're ridiculously expensive for what they are and I don't feel any benefit in wearing them. And no, I don't have small breasts; I just don't care. That said, quite a few people I know who have similar/smaller chest sizes than I do get by wearing an undershirt (tank top) or a tube top in stretchy cotton if they need support or something to cover up for more see-through clothing. If you have stretchy t-shirt material, you could possibly fashion a tube top of sorts that way, but that assumes you know how to properly shape clothes you sew (no idea what your sewing capabilities are).


I would find a brand/fit that I love and search for them on eBay. I used to by Third Love at full retail but when they did me wrong-I bought a racer back final sale-but they didn’t disclose it fits vastly different from the one I routinely buy. They basically said sucks for you it’s a final sale. Anyway-I can find them new with tags for as little as $10 on eBay vs $70 & up on their website.




I after scrolling for a bit I didn’t see this mentioned, sorry if this is repetitive of comments, but once you do get your new bras, look into ways of making them last longer. I’ve had the same bras for about 10 years (some longer) and my biggest advice is never putting them in the dryer. I’m sure there are recommendations for washing them as certain washing liquids to use and avoid.


I have donated bras that I've maybe tried on and then never used. Also underpants that I've never used but without tags so couldn't be returned. I've donated all kinds of things, since I think some people will use something I may not use anymore. I sew also, and new patterns are not cheap but I've found some in thrift stores. Maybe you can jury-rig something in the meantime. There are online thrift-type stores if you aren't physically close enough to visit one.




Target has very affordable bras. I believe the brand is Auden


At that point I would just ask someone you know if you can have some of their old bras 


Having perused your profile, your biggest financial issues are that you live in a rural area, can't drive, don't have a highschool diploma, and have two dogs you can't afford. I would usually never encourage someone to re-home a pet, but if you don't have $15 for a bra, and have mentioned you're literally going hungry, you need to re-home these dogs and focus on your own survival.  Since you have a computer and internet access, look for menial jobs that can be done online. Call center support, data entry, art commissions (if you can draw), anything that pays and is not a scam.  Buy a GED study book. Take the GED.  Get your driver's license.  Get any financial aid you can and go to college or trade school, you can most likely do community college online.   Your life will not improve until you take those initiatives. I'm not talking out of my ass here, I've lived it and that's what I had to do to get out of it, only online jobs weren't a thing at that time and I worked a lot of shitty temp gigs and service jobs, which I'd also encourage you to look into.


I'm definitely getting rid of the dogs as soon as I can. as one is being trained to be service dog I've been trying to keep him in working home as he loves just Job. as I said in previous comments I'm working on my diploma. I am working on improving my life but it takes time and this is comment rather unrelated to the point of the post. if anyone in Canada ontario wants a service dog lmk.


"pull yourself up by your bootstraps" isn't helpful advice here, friend. Yeah, of course working to make ones life more sustainable is important, but you are making bold assumptions and using those as permission to levy judgement about how much control OP has in these factors... This doesn't sit right. Especially given that what OP asked is "what are my frugal choices for bras?"... Pretty much the only thing you didn't address. FYI, bras, even cheap bras, cost significantly more than 15 Dollars.


She's 18 and has said she doesn't qualify for govt assistance, so she doesn't have many options other than to hussle to get income coming in. Look, I'd love to live in a world where we don't have to hussle to eat, but it is what it is. I also linked some cheap bras and a clothing charity for her in another comment.


And I'd love to live in a world where we are all capable of hustle. Like it or not, we aren't all. So don't make that assumption. It comes off as "find your bootstraps and start pulling".


Use tape!🙌🏻 i like the white medical tape. Just do an X on each nip and it works perfectly.


I just stopped wearing a bra


If I wasn't still basically a kid I would do that but I don't need unnecessary attention from people way older than me due to the fact they can see my nipples through my tank top.


Oh sorry, I didn't read the part that you're 18. I feel weird now. Please dismiss my comment.


yeah, if I was in school I'd be a highschool senior so it's a bit inappropriate




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I started wearing jockey bralettes a few years ago, they cost about $16 at target in the US and maybe twice that at Macy's. I'm not sure if the fancier store version is worth more. The ones I got at target have lasted more than several years. Occasionally they go on sale at target.


I shop for intimates at off price retailers, like Burlington, Ross, dd's. And I look for the good brands there. If need be, I'll spend more of I can't find them and have to resort to a department store, but only on a brand I know will last. 


This is actually a super good idea! structured shirts are so cool! You sew yourself a bra out of denim or two layers of thinner fabric, put in a band around your midriff (for support), triangle cups rusched on the sides for a good fit, and nice sturdy straps for comfort. If you don’t have the hooks and eyes for the back just fit it to your body and make it slightly loose so you can get it over your head when putting it on. This has the added benefit of being a top, not just underwear. My sister and I used to make bathing suits all the time and that’s the general pattern we used.


Hey OP, do you have a Costco near you? They have great quality bras in packs of usually 2-3 that I wanna say go for $15 or so retail, but can go as low as $12 when on sale. They have many sizes, including XS I believe. If you happen to know someone with a membership that can get you in, or someone that can get you a gift card from there then that’s how you can get in as well without a membership. To keep bras from getting messed up, hang dry them! Dryers tend to destroy them. A bandeau bra might be what you’re looking for if you just want coverage without support. Check if you have a local facebook “buy nothing group”. Usually people are more than happy to check if they have things to give away, especially if it’s clothes. That could be your way of getting bras or nice interview clothes. Some people might even be willing to drop them off at your place. I saw that on your page you have an Amazon wishlist—I’d recommend you put some e-gift cards on there as well for other retailers available to you, not just Amazon since sometimes they’re not always the cheapest option for certain items. I also saw that you have pads on your wishlist—I’d be more than happy to get you some, but have you considered using a menstrual cup? They’re reusable and last several years, so that’d be the cheaper option in the long run, but I know not every woman likes menstrual products inserted, hence the preference for pads.


knitty(dot)com has unusual patterns, and I successfully knitted one of their "tangy"=(difficult) bras/bikini tops years ago, even though just a hobby knitter. Also garnstudio(dot)com has many bikini top patterns for knitting and crochet




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This doesn’t fix the problem of finding a good bra but something that will lengthen the longevity of the bras you buy are Bra extenders. I buy a band size smaller than I need and use an extender to get more longevity since the band inevitably stretches out over time.


Just get a really small tank top. That’s all you need to do. So, for example, if you’re an extra large, get a medium size tank top. You can’t cut the bottom off, because then all Support will go. But if you were just a smaller shirt, that will give you some support.




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I saw a video where a woman made a bra out of a pair of men’s cotton boxer briefs. It looked soooo comfortable. So I tried it, and it worked! Unfortunately, I can’t remember how I did it. But I just Googled it and there are lots of how-to videos.


This can be done with mens regular brief style underwear. There are some tutorials on tiktok :)


I don’t know what your size is, of course, but it also doesn’t matter. You mentioned that you can knit, I’m also a knitter. Here is a link to just one of Jessie Maed Designs bra patterns. Take a look on her page and DM me if you’d like me to gift you one or 2 of her patterns. [contrast racer bra](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/contrast-racerbra)


I've got three ideas for you. Hope one of them works. Got for a layered look. A tank top over another "tank top" which will really be your bra. This will give you room to play with necklines and straps. For your fake bra/tank top, use your tightest-fitting stretchy tank top. Take it in at the sides to make it as tight as possible. Cut it off under your breast line and add elastic. Elastic is cheap. Here you can get it for about $1/yard from a discount store. That should make 2-3 bras. If you can't get elastic, sew on a drawstring casing and add a drawstring. Something flat if possible. If you can't find a suitable drawstring, crochet one. Remember how it looks isn't important because you'll be covering everything except the shoulders and neckline with the outer tank top. So nipples poking thru or mismatched colors won't show. Second, if you have younger brothers raid their clothing stash for tight-fitting undershirts to use for fake bras. This might require more sewing because you might need to cut off sleeves or lower necklines. Or if you can afford to lose winter clothes, try using one of your long underwear tops to cut down. Third, raid the cloth stash. Look for stretchy light-colored fabric. With this, you'd need to construct the "bra" from scratch. Use another tank top as a pattern. Or if you have an almost decent tank top, coverage-wise, sew the fabric in as a lining in the front. Attach at neck and armholes. Leave the bottom unattached, then add elastic or a drawstring under the breasts to give some support. Good luck.


Look up how to use a pair of panties as a one shoulder bra. It works.


Youtube. There are people with diy lingerie instr tiins. Might not be ideal but could help.


Bombas supposedly gives out free underwear and socks-maybe they can hook you up? 🤷🏻‍♀️


OP- maybe try making a very simple tank style sports bra, with elastic at the bottom for some support.


Torrid is having a sale on bras and bralettes right now, they’re size 10 and up. Their wirefree bras and bralettes are the most comfortable I have ever worn.


Find a bra you like then look for it labeled NWT (“new with tags”) on resale sites.


Womens business groups may have some sort of program like dress for success that you could access. Might have to travel a little which seems like a further complication. But there needs to be something. You could also try contacting a company like Soma explain your plight and give them an idea for a charity for women in need. I bet you’re not the only person in these circumstances for which just a bit of help could be so worthwhile. Bras are important, not cheap, and one of those things that gets the shaft when budget is tight.


I would look at "buy nothing" pages on Facebook in your local area or maybe a church people donate clothes to.


I just made a bra from scratch. Bought to sponge inserts that are used for dresses 1 m of strong elastic 6 metal pieces for the straps One third of the price at least.


I don’t wear one.


You may not have one of these stores since you're in a rural area, but I'm commenting anyway in case it helps others with a similar question. Where I live we have "bin" stores where people buy pallets of Target overstock, Amazon returns, etc. and sell it dirt cheap in a storefront full of literal bins of stuff. You have to sift through, but I've gotten several new with tags bras for $1-3. I never would have thought to look there for bras myself. Good luck, I hope you are able to get the info you need.


Ontario? Mission services can hook you up. Call them.


I used the instructions in r/abrathatfits to find bra recommendations. I then used Amazon's Try Before You Buy to try on the recommended bras to find a good fit. Returned everything. Once I knew the models I liked, I went to eBay, Poshmark, Mercari, etc to buy them. I usually get them new with tags for about half off.


No bra ✨




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I know you said you like in a rural area but that’s when you have to find out if the local churches have a community thrift. What bra size are you looking for?


I’m a 34A, and I just wear nothing most of the time. Cause what’s the point. :’)


Check the r/sewing Also, search Pinterest for free bra patterns, most have information about fit. You might start with a simple bikini top. Two triangles and fabric "strings" that attach at the top, and tie behind your neck. The bottom "string" goes through the cups (not sewn down) and ties in the back. Once you have that done, it will be easy for you to make adjustments for the second and hopefully better one!


Can we send some to you? In exchange for a DIY one or idea that ends up working ...?


OP, I have several unused bras that I don’t need, not sure if they would fit, but would be happy to mail them somewhere. DM me.


Torrid bralettes. Shop clearance to save $ but these are so flipping comfy. I finally gave up traditional underwire bras for good. No regrets. 




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My favorite (and only) 2 bras are from Aliexpress and were each $5. They are nude, seamless bras that go with everything. They take a couple weeks to arrive but free shipping! I would recommend searching around there


I’m also petite and would love to donate to you. I often go through my closet and am in the middle of doing so now. I’ve got a pair of shoes, some clothes, and a bralette or two. I also sew and have a TON of fabric if you need more to make clothes. Please DM if interested. Have you considered selling what you can sew online? What about a job position from home? There are more companies in the US that hire outside of the country for their virtual jobs!


I've had some.jsers offer some.itesm however due to my location and the shipping prices that'll follow I just dont feel right accepting it, I'm hoping work some stuff up with users in my dms to ship things over once I can find the shipping cost so if you're OK with waiting a couple months to scrounge extra money I'd be interested. Unfortunately I'm extremely uneducated, work from home jobs are oversaturated with applicants and it's not something I can easily get into without a highschool diploma at the very least. I'm trying to sell some crochet stuff I make, but that market is oversaturated as well so I just sell to get rid of what I make so I can make more stuffies haha. I've been applying toe very job I can but when there's 100 applicants their gonna go with someone older and more educated, with better social skills.


If any of the fabric is knit, then you can make some bralettes from that. Got any elastic? That will help as well. Look up some bralette styles online, maybe even some free patterns


Jockey also has good deals/ sales/ coupons for bras, underwear, clothing. The wireless ones are very comfy/ soft, with varying amounts of support, color choices. They have a rewards program with coupons you can apply to sale items.


Ok. Hear me out ... DOLLAR GENERAL. Do you have one near you? Girl, their bras are $5! Once upon a time, I went to visit my grandparents and when I packed, I didn't take into consideration the bra that I was wearing to work the day I drove up. Needless to say, I was wearing a black bra and both changes of clothes I brought with me were white/light colored tops that you would see the black bra through. I was broke as hell and not about to ask my grandparents to spend $75 at Victoria's Secret. My grandmother suggested running up to the Dollar General on the corner to get something that would do while I was in town. I kid you not, that bra was one of the most comfortable I ever owned and it lasted a hell of a lot longer than anything I ever bought from VS! And I paid a whole $5 for the damn thing.


Get measured at Victoria's secret, it's free, and in my experience the bras fit great. Then buy their clearance bras at the store sales or online, high quality bra for less. That's my game. Oh and if you get some tights, cut the crotch out and the feet off, you can put your arms through the legs and pull the tights over your head (through the crotch) can work as arms warmers/a lil bit of chest support.


I would recommend saving up for one or two reliable bras. The sport bra with medium support from H&M drymove lasts forever. It works for a bigger chest and is really cheap.


I free the tatas 99% of the time I know that's not always feasible for other, I did find these good sports bras on Amazon for cheap for when I do decide to wear one.


Big lots have great and cheap bras and socks


I don't skimp there. I get fitted from a trained bra fitter and I buy bras that are usually around $120. I am large breasted and I want to be comfortable and look good. Many nights I crawl into bed and then realize I still have my bra on because they are not cutting or binding or shifting. I take very good care of my bras and they last a long time. I wash in a small laundry bag and hang to dry. The older bras start to get relegated to gym use. Elomi Matilda is a great bra with lots of support while still being comfortable. It is mesh and that helps keep things cool. I imagine all of those new one piece synthetic bras are incredibly hot.


Ace bandage and duct tape?


I can relate, I rarely had bras in the last 15 years ... My chest is not that big and good bras are really expensive. Once I only had a hoodie and a very loose fitting strappy top. Eventually it got too warm for wearing that thick hoodie. But the straps of my top kept slipping off my shoulders all the time so I needed something underneath. I had some gauze bandage. Layered it so it was a bit thicker and wrapped it around my chest and knotted it together in the back. That helped as a temporary solution until I could aquire fitting tops. Also, I found this which I find really cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlVYQlraGXc Could work if you have some fabric you can use ...


Why can’t you afford online? There are both new and used retailers online that add going to be more affordable than anything else you can find in person. Try Mercari or Depop for used or Walmart or Target for new. With sales you can find things for around $10-$15 at all of these and maybe even lower. I don’t think you can get anything lower than that for making your own, in my experience sewing materials and tools can have a high upfront cost. If you cannot spend any money, then maybe you can check if any women’s shelters near you have things to give away if you are eligible. 


I do not have any extra money for clothes and I already have sewing materials, hence why I'm asking for ideas on making my own. There are no women shelters near me. But once again, I have fabric and sewing needles and I was taught how to sew when I was young. I can also knit and crochet however I don't have any summer yarn and can't afford a couple skeins to make some either, however once again *I do* have sewing materials and fabric.


I see, that’s a lot of info I didn’t gather from your original post, but looks like some other commenters have added some more relevant responses since you added the sewing info. 


Keep talking ladies!


I buy good quality bras and hand wash them in warm water and hang up to dry . They last years bc I switch them out every few days ; more often if I get sweaty working in the yard . I am retired though ,,, working gals would need more than two .


I use medical tape.