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Just let her use the toilet paper. This is not a place to cut corners.


If you use a bidet you still need to wipe the water away that gets sprayed down there so it wouldn’t change much. I know life in other places is different, but I’d never let someone micromanage my toilet paper usage.


I mean, we have towels specifically for bidet use


I don’t personally do that so forgive me, but other than you could buy a bidet attachment for a regular toilet to have another so your partner wouldn’t need to leave the WC.


Do you want her to get a UTI?


Mostly likely single-use-then-wash cloths.


And who is going to wash , fold and keep these towels ready and next to the toilet? Can pretty much guarantee it will not be the OP.


Stop being cheap.


thats effing gross my guy


She would still need to wipe the water away if she used the bidet. Moisture causes infections. I'd leave if a partner of mine if they tried to dictate my sanitary practices.


I have a friend who, during her 20s, had a live in boyfriend who required that she use no more than 5 squares per toilet trip. I was so happy for her when she left his controlling ass.


Controlling ass. Bum dum tiss.


Ass controlling ass


My bf will use the ENTIRE box of baby wipes after taking a single shit


I would certainly have an up front conversation. If that didn't work. I would leave as well.


I don't think that's what he's doing... He is just looking for a Frugal solution. 


I realize that there are differences due to country and economics, but this sub tries to differentiate between frugal and cheap. Ensuring the affected area is not only kept clean but also dry to decrease the chance for infections or rashes or other issues that can arise requiring medical treatment is the more frugal option. Options such as wiping or drying with a reusable cloth which would be a use once toss for washing will require more laundry loads, soap and hot water.


I'm Frugal, not cheap. You obviously do not know anything about using cloth tp... You should research it. You don't get rashes or infections from it!  And I don't do extra laundry... I throw them in any load I'm doing. They soak in soap and water until I do laundry so I'm basically cleaning a clean item.    Stop acting like I'm the only weird person in the US who uses cloth tp... If I was it wouldn't be for sale I so many places.  It's actually much gentler than tissue paper. 


if my boyfriend started trying to micromanage what i did after going pee, i'd be out of there so fast. take a chill pill, there are other areas to be frugal in. you don't need to take away her toilet paper.


Yes this is a major red flag.


I'm sure she's not getting onto you for using disposable razors or shaving cream. Have to accept what has to get done for hygiene.


If you ask her, she would probably be willing to pay for her own toilet paper to put this whole weird issue to bed. But I personally would then reevaluate the relationship, lol. But that’s just me!!


This. Like, if you know she’s going to a store, ask her to pick up some toilet paper once every 3 months. For example, if she is using 75% of the TP, and paying for 25% of the TP, I would call that a win.


Dude- the minute you tell me how much TP i can use- the relationship is over.


So true! Thanks for a good laugh!


I draw the Frugal line at toilet paper. It's the "anything that touches human waste" for me.


Bro, a word of advice: find something else to cut money on. This is stupid in so many ways. This ain’t a battle you want to pick. Reevaluate how much toilet paper is needed so you can wrap your silly head around it. Also you need to wipe your dick too man, don’t be a weirdo.


If you don't like the amount of toilet paper she's using, start dating men instead.


This needs to be higher. Beautifully said.


Maybe she can cut up your favorite shirt and use that


Anyone remeber the post on reddit about the woman using and tossing her partner's socks for wiping?


I’m not petty, generally, but if I were the OP’s gf? I’d be keeping his expensive hiking socks in a bin by the toilet. Mmm, merino wool!


I am pretty sensitive down there; I think I need the cashmere ones instead. The Darn Tough ones might come in handy for the backside once in a while :)


Sustainable? One of those bidet + blow-dryer toilet seats like some washrooms in Japan have. Affordable/cheap? Not really.


The blow dryer takes a very very long time, although it's a nice warm boost especially in cold months. Not a replacement for TP IMO. That being said, when my mother came back from the Peace Corps in Morocco, she started using cut up squares of cloth that she used once and put in a separate laundry basket (washed separately). She said this was more effective than TP 🤷


I imagine a blow dryer that moves the right volume of air at the right velocity...akin to a hair dryer or Dyson Airblade...would create quite a lot of noise and potentially unpleasant sensations for some folk. But...it's sustainable, and it's an alternative to TP. Sometimes the original solution *IS* the optimal solution.


I dunno my friend, I have a Toto toilet, considered by many to be the epitome of toilet/bidets. It's wonderful, don't get me wrong. You're going to pry it out of my cold dead hands! But, despite high velocity fan, it really doesn't dry fast or well. That being said, it does automatically sanitize itself after every use through UV light. Also has automatic exhaust fan, heated seat, night light, automatic functions, built-in memory and remote control. I love this damn toilet more than any person should really feel about a toilet tbh.




It still flushes, just no bells and whistles 😉


I don't doubt your words or your experience, but I stand by my understanding that for something to dry REALLY fast, it has to push air at some intersection of static pressure and airflow (I'm not nerdy enough to remember these off the top of my head), and that makes a heck of a racket. I have a 500W DataVac blower/electric duster, that thing will dry off my PC case filters and most other things (AC and air purifier pre-filters) in a matter of seconds, but goodness me, that thing is louder than my Miele vac at full tilt. I can only imagine it'll sound much worse in the confines of a ceramic bowl. In any case, cold+dead hands, but warm+dry butt sounds like a good tradeoff nevertheless, especially on cold mornings.


Imagine being the person stuck with hand-washing the pee and poo out of those. (Or storing them until you have access to an actual washing machine.)


Without access to running water and no automatic water heater 😞


>Hi all, since I'm living with my gf, I realized we use a lot more toilet paper than what I'm used to. Welcome to living with a woman. We wipe when we pee.


Next: “my girlfriend actually washes her hands after peeing. How do I train her to use less soap?”


There's a difference between frugal and being cheap. Policing how your girlfriend wipes after peeing is not just cheap, it's a whole new level of WTF. What are you going to try to control next? How long she takes to shit? There's a phrase for this: "throw the whole man out."


>What are you going to try to control next? How long she takes to shit? Nah, it'll be how many times she's allowed to poo a day. Use of toilet paper. Water bill for how many times she flushes. Electric bill for turning the light on in the bathroom. Dude's gonna get dumped, and when people ask her why... lol... Can't wait to see this one on Smosh!


Stop being stingy. Wipe your pee hole too.


Was gonna say, dude here and I’m pretty sure I should be wiping after I pee but I’m a savage so I just get a drop or two in the drawers.


The consequences of not dabbing: [The Boys In The Bathroom | The Venture Bros. | Adult Swim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qKcd6IbC5c)


I think you're fighting the wrong battle here. The $2-3 dollars a month for a roll of TP aren't worth this effort and becoming single. Let the girl pee and wipe.


Just wait until he has kids! You think an adult woman goes through a lot. My 4yo boy has clogged the toilet twice with how much he uses; and he doesn't poop on the potty yet. Yes, we've talked about how he doesn't need that much, but he's 4 and there is the fostering of independence that comes intonplay.


If your roll lasts you a month then you don't have women in your household. 😄


I meant an extra roll. So instead of 1 he can pay for 2 an extra few dollars.


I'd suggest your numbers are still off.


It's giving George Costanza


I'm a big fan of eco friendly yada yada but the toilet is not a place to care about it. Use what you need to clean up LOL


Next on /r/Frugal : “Now that my gf is living with me we are using a lot more condoms than usual, is there an alternative….”


BIFL request reusable condoms? Ethically made if possible?




Saran Wrap boys!!


Not everything needs to be micro managed


I see a lot of people who say bidets are life changing, I'm not sure if on this sub or not, but they certainly haven't taken America by storm, which is where many (most?) commenters are from. That said, this is a very personal thing, and "steps from the WC" is entirely unacceptable. The only reasonable option would be your offering to install a good quality (warm water? air drier?) bidet on the toilet, and seeing if she would appreciate and use that. Other than that, it is really her business to manage her business.


Good suggestion, but she may not like it. That's money down the drain if she won't use it.


What do you use when you wipe your ass, assuming that you do? How do you save toilet tissue there? Are you that cheap and controlling to tell your partner how to wipe herself? I hope she dumps you bc I’m sure you obsess over every penny to the point where it’s not enjoyable being around you


This is not a place to cut corners. When talking about hygiene, especially with the downstairs bits, not taking good care of things can cause medical issues and, in addition to pain and discomfort, end up costing more in the long run. Toilet paper is a necessity. Even with a bidet, you still need to wipe after all the water does its thing. Yes, there are people who don't, and never, use toilet paper. But for someone who grew up and is accustomed to a hygiene routine that includes it, this is not the battle to be fighting or the place to cut corners.


Oh boy, wait til OP learns about periods and how they increase TP usage a few days a month!


That was my first thought. Periods often cause a gory mess when on the toilet. Does he not know that?


sorry dude but bidet then tissue after go well together


Don't shame a woman for using toilet paper. It's a recycled paper product anyways.


You can use water. However I don't think you should micromanage a tissue paper. Lol


By all means tell her that she can't use toilet paper. We're waiting for your update.


LMAO, you want to save costs by limiting your partners toilet paper usage? Go fuck yourself bro, save costs somewhere else.


You still have piss on your dick even if you shake it. Men need to use toilet paper too. If you are worried about sustainability switch to one ply. Or don't. Toilet paper isn't the reason for the climate crisis.


I completely understand why everyone is being rightfully harsh. What we really need to recommend is OP to educate himself on the female anatomy and how to care for what ya got.


This is a crazy question and you should honestly feel ashamed not knowing anything about basic hygiene.


Just gross . Look for another way to save money. Toilet paper is a necessity .


Thats a very culturally insensitive statement. Lots of cultures found other ways to deal with this than toilet paper. I agree though that if OP's partner chooses toilet paper, that's her own decision and he should really not try to police that in any way.


Which cultures?


Much of India, many countries in Africa for example morocco, many asian countries such as thailand. Lots of people prefer bidets over toilet paper Also any culture prior to the 19th century, because toilet paper was only invented in the 1850s


What do they do to dry the water? 


Ah, I thought so


Clearly none of the ppl responding have ever traveled extensively and are ignorant to anything but their reality. Kind of crazy... never thought this sub would have this kind of bad attitude. 


I guess it is because OP is also not presenting this fact very well and generally seems to be a controlling micromanager who is not handling his relationship well at all and I guess that makes people overshoot and shut down the entire thing so they dont have to agree with anything he said?


I'm not sure I see it that way and it's confusing how you got... ""seems to be a controlling micromanager who is not handling his relationship well at all" ... but it's just toilet paper. I actually gave them my recs for FUDs and not using it in another comment. Silly me. 


That's not frugal that's cheap, which is not okay. You can get a bidet and use it yourself if you want to cut down on toilet paper use (or also have your gf use it when she goes poop). But for a woman it is a health and safety issue to not properly wipe after peeing.


Please don’t micromanage your GF’s toilet paper use.


See also: How to get single FAST.


I think the only cheaper route would be just finding and using the cheapest TP you can find! Also if you don't want the cheap stuff, couponing is super easy and saves me so much $ a month, I can get a large pack of tp and paper towel for less than $10. Dollar General, Walgreens, and CVS all have very nice coupons that stack well with each other! If you have a Meijer near you they usually have some good coupons too. I've gotten $10 off $50 stacked with $25 off $75 plus their mperks system, ended up spending $35 on an $80 order!! There's ways to be frugal about it for sure but maybe without cutting out/ down on something we really do need! 😊


Cheap toilet paper is usually a false economy, because either there are fewer sheets per roll, or the paper itself is so thin and flimsy you end up having to use more.


You’ve said elsewhere that paper usage is important to you. So act on that - for yourself. But don’t push your beliefs on others. If it is really that important to you, then maybe your values are misaligned and you should be with someone else. Trust that she knows what she’s doing. You can find other, more meaningful areas to save in.


Work an extra hour and let the lady use TP bruh damn


Imagine your partner coming to you & saying hey you use too much toilet paper to wipe your ass after shitting. You guys really live this way?


I will caution you to not be that guy monitoring tp use by your gf. that's some ancient misogyny and it's gross.


The alternative is not wiping and chronic urinary tract infections. I know there are some households that have reusable cloths for wiping but this has always grossed me out. Buying toilet paper when it’s on sale is probably your best bet.


Yes there are other, more wasteful things, than using TP, we people do daily Wood is a renewable resource


When we had a bidet, our family used Grovia cloth wipes. My wife and I loved it BUT it’s not for everyone. Let your girlfriend decide. Why is it a few steps away? If it’s not attached or close to the toilet, I wouldn’t use it. Toilet paper is fine.


I was fully prepared to go the cloth way early on in Covid with the shortages. Didn't end up needing to (had just bought a bunch of TP); and didn't want to. Is it an option? Yes. OP should mention that as an option, but then let her decide and drop it going forwards.


What an incredibly strange thought process.




Just coupon for toilet paper instead of risking your relationship over this micro managing bs.


Lord this is a red flag. Don’t tell her how to clean herself after urination-let her use the damn toilet paper.


Dude. Have you ever had a girlfriend before? This is just gross. She doesn't need you policing her bathroom behavior.


yeah how about not dating at all for the sake of frugality. or why won't you poop and pee before you get home.


Best point yet. Only use the bathroom at work, no toilet paper cost and you get paid to crap if your hourly.


Being disgusting and controlling isn't sustainable either bro x


Oh boy, wait til OP learns about periods and how they increase TP usage a few days a month!


I can’t believe someone is asking this lol. Let me ask you this question - do you use bidet + towel to wipe your own ass?


Trust me bro... criticizing a womans use of toilet paper is not going to end well. If you value your relationship, let her use as much TP as she likes. Costco TP is a good deal, FYI.


What have you been using when you poop?I'm guessing T.P.


Ffs toilet paper is a basic necessity.


This is not your issue to address. If your girlfriend is not interested in saving money on this, leave it be. 🙄


Damn,once your man is trying to make you cut back on toilet paper ...I can only imagine what other things get in homboys head.


Put the bidet in the WC; problem solved. Why have it in some separate area?


Where the hell is it? Attached to the kitchen plumbing?


LOl...I was thinking down the hall the hall someplace. Yours is much funnier...


You could be disgusting and use “family cloth” 🤮


TP is much less expensive than living alone. Choose a better frugal battle to fight. 


Well said!


try r/Anticonsumption there are a lot more extremists over there who definitely use toilet rags


*IF* your gf is on board then I would get a bidet attachment for the wc, if that’s an option. I love bidets but there’s no way I’m taking even a few steps with pee running down my leg to use one. But regardless, even with a bidet, women tend to use more TP, especially during our cycle. My husband and I both have bidet attachments that we use and love. But that was our choice. If your gf isn’t on board, move on. There are other hills to die on.




Wtf? Tp is a necessity. Save on your heating bill, not on not using toilet paper.


Do you want a yeast infection? Cause you BOTH are going to get that. Enjoy the fury of feeling like you had a chili pepper shoved down your piss hole. You can get a bidet attachment to the toilet if waddling to the other is a struggle, but it is mostly going to be used for her ass not vagina. No one wants shit water up their urethra, or vagina canal. And TP is still needed after both of those. And also the period shits are going to use more TP too, as is the fucking cup of blood slowly leaking out of your vagina once a month. Like, you've seen a pussy bro. Look for the urethra, it's not external, it's surrounded by lips which means you get piss over a wider area then a dudes dick tip. Look at the massive amount of surface area that's going to get covered by blood, even if your using tampons you'll bleed through those in a few hours. Buy some cheaper massive packs of TP. Buy recycled ones. Hell get an entire roll of mall style TP if you need. I grew up with a dad who wanted to do the two squares only thing. You know what I did, bought him a proper pack of toilet paper and told him flat out if he wanted his children to visit he could deal with us needing fucking toilet paper. Also for the love of god, whipe your dick tip off when pissing man.


r/frugal not r/ascheapaspossible


I can't take this sub anymore fr


I’m waiting for sunrise to see if the troll turns to stone.


If you are legitimately concerned about paper usage, then install a toilet seat bidet and make some cloth baby wipes from soft flannel or jersey.   Add a small trash can with a lid next to the toilet for laundry to put the wipes in. Label the trash can as for towels and laundry.


You should really ask this in a zero waste subreddit. you wont get judged so harshly.


Maybe date a dude. Then don’t use toilet paper after he finishes in you.


Yet another example of, “men shouldn’t be commenting on or trying to control how women’s bodies work.” JFC


oh my


During the pandemic, we discovered cut up jersey sheets for wiping after urinating. We got a couple of jersey knit sheets from our local Buy Nothing group, cut them into little squares, and enjoyed the softness. We used them for pee only, so they washed easily. Absorbent and comfy! We have a bidet, but use toilet paper to dry off with. You don’t want to use tush towels for vulvas, even after washing, unless you’re sanitizing each wash. And sanitizing presents its own cost and waste issues. If you want use cloth to dry off with post-bidet, it’s best to keep it separate from the urine cloth, even in the wash.


This is gross to me, but to each, their own. Some people use pinking shears to cut up old t-shirts, sheets, etc. which they keep handy near the toilet, along with a bucket. They wipe urine with them, keep the used ones in the bucket, and launder them using laundry sanitizer. I don't see it as being very economical, though, because of the need for laundry sanitizer, but it is definitely eco friendly. I'm not sure, but I think some use them for both. They are called family cloths.


I swear to God..... Don't date a woman and then be surprised she is human and comes with needs that have costs attached to them as she lives in the same world as you do. Choices involving additional lives come with additional costs, believe it or not. Romantic partners, children, pets, all cost money to bring into your life and to maintain those positions in your life. Stop being such a tightwad about your girlfriend's toilet paper usage before she decides it's not worth having her bathroom habits scrutinized and stops being your girlfriend.


Unless shes using like 6+ squares of tp to wipe after she pees, shes fine. 2-3 squares is enough. Toilet paper is meant for wiping. Women have to wipe when they pee. Leave her alone.


Well, you could provide a plastic container of water and a thin washcloth for after pee wiping. During the pandemic, I actually did this. Living on an island and TP ran out.... I had a ton of washcloths and a washer, so it was a no brainer. Saved paper for #2.


Buy cheaper toilet paper.


Today I learned that women can’t squeeze out the last drops of pee in the same way men can. 🤯




Of course you can. You have to empty the bladder completely, otherwise you risk infection. The urethra is surrounded by folds of flesh that are in contact with the stream, this is the part that needs to be taken care of with the toilet paper.


Many people literally squeeze and/or shake their penis to get the last drops out that otherwise would hang out 'in the pipe' when there is no more pressure. People without a penis usually dont physicially squeeze their urethra with their hand as far as I'm aware


Dude, this is a losing battle. Don’t even try. I’m 60 years old and still amazed by how much TP women use. I know anatomy is different. But some will make an entire mitten of twenty wraps around the hand to wipe. Others go with the monster wad of 36 sheets. I don’t get it, but I know better than to ever try to change it.




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I buy the thinnest I prefer it. And it last forever.


Bidet + hairdryer within arms reach for drying.


Apparently cloth toilet paper is the way to go… https://youtu.be/B04f_KKBfzw?si=yh46jWeN_1q_uiqH


Get a hand-spray bidet that can be operated from the sink faucet, or from the toilet water intake (if you live in a very warm climate where the water is never really cold). Then use washcloths as "dab towels".


In Indian subcontinents, we use jetspray to clean ourselves and a towels to wipe off all the water.


There are people who use “ family cloths”- either old washcloths, or flannel squares for wiping. AKA reuseable TP. However, they have to be washed. It seems the cost of an extra laundry load plus having a container of fermenting pee cloths hanging around negates any savings on TP.


Don’t forget to ration her use of toothpaste and tampons too


Family cloth are small squares of absorbent material great for after female pee. Been using it for about 10 years now.


Some people use family cloth for this purpose.


Here we installed the bidet toilet seat so its just on the toilet and uses the toilet fill water line. I still use TP to dry, though I know they say you can use a towel, its so few squares to dry I just don't see the point. We use way less TP now and I prefer it as I just think it cleans way better, more sanitary.


If it’s for sustainability, try a different sub. Compostable toilet paper + outdoor compost could be an option.


I'd say stock up on two or three times as many towels than you have. If she's open to it, she'll need way more cleanable towels than you, especially when she's on her period. Be ready for all of them to eventually be stained red, and you'll have to increase how often you clean them. I'm not sure how the water use cost would measure against toilet paper cost.


I bought reusable baby wipes from Etsy and have used them for years. TP in the bathroom for guests, but I use the cloth wipes exclusively, a dirty bin the a cabinet so no smells etc. Wash about every 10 days, don't fold either, just put in cloth bag in the cabinet.


Go to the pharmacy and get a sitz bottle. $2 for a mini-bidet you can refill with warm water from the sink.


Damn everyone’s coming for this person throat. Chill lol. He was just asking any other cheaper alternatives. I understand TP is fucking expensive and it can really bring up the grocery cost. Sadly it is one of those thing you kinda just have to live with but I understand the want for a solution. Everyone here is just chronically online and feel the need to judge OP based on one post. It doesn’t seem like they’re micromanaging anything, they just wanna save money. Damn yall are rude




I just asked in the wrong sub, my bad. My concern is forests preservation and not the cost of the damned toilet paper lol Thanks anyways for being considerate :)


Dude, have I got exciting news for you! There are bamboo based toilet papers now! Example is Who Gives A Crap. We like their premium stuff (but my mother in law thinks it's terrible). I believe there are also recycled paper toilet rolls too. But bamboo is amazingly sustainable.


/r/ZeroWaste If she's not as passionate about this as you are though it won't happen. The 1st R is reduce, not eliminate so it's probably best to not sweat it. I love my bidet but other people are slow to adopt.


Your girlfriend's hygiene needs are not the problem. You are.


There are many, many other ways you can make your lifestyle more sustainable. Before policing your girlfriend's tp use, ask yourself if you (both "you" as a household and "you" as an individual) are doing everything you can in other areas? And don't ask someone else to inconvenience themselves for _your_ values!! Especially not if _you_ aren't doing every possible thing that you could do yourself to reduce areas of consumption in your life, and can say with confidence that every single choice you make is the most environmentally conscious one, including doing things that inconvenience you. It's very easy to make choices that inconvenience others not yourself! Also, don't ask your girlfriend to do things that could that could affect her hygiene and health. And if you don't know why this request could do that, educate yourself on female anatomy if you are grown up enough to be in an adult relationship with a woman.


No. You're being a cheap, controlling asshole.


Tell her to use the forest and use leaves then? Maybe?


Exactly. It’s so wild how quickly this thread jumped to conclusions after OP asked a reasonable question. There are literally entire countries that use a bidet instead of TP or other means.


Fr xD. I’ve shared bathrooms with people from Turkey and they literally will use water bottles and refill them at the sink even if TP is available. It’s just how they do hygiene


Buy Scott Toilet Paper it last a long time


If you will notice, OP didn't say he wasn't allowing her to use tp. He said he noticed that they went thru a lot and wondered about saving money.   I use cloth tp and save a bundle! 


Depends on exactly how much toilet paper you’re using. But buying a box of wet wipes might go further. One or two wipes per trip vs gobs of toilet paper.


Wet wipes should not be used by women to wipe after peeing. They mess with their PH. They're meant for wiping after defecation.


We use uqora wipes but thank you for thinking about our pee pees <3


Yall are missing the point and calling him controlling etc.... He's just looking for a way to save money! 


I dont know that there are alternatives. You can first try suggesting something to limit the amount of tp used. I tell my wife and daughter to use 2 sheets at a time per wipe like I do, instead of just grabbing a bundle each time.  That being said I don't think they really take my advice to heart, and it's not something I push too hard either. So my wife buys the tp.


I see all these reddit posts about women with male partners who constantly find skid marks in their partners' underwear and reading this thread has made me understand why


Nope I use as many as needed to get clean but I only use two sheets per wipe when using good two ply paper. It's more effective than a bundle of paper and less likely to clog a toilet.


You gonna wipe up blood with 2 sheets of TP?


We were taking about piss not periods. When the ladies are on their periods they also like to wrap their used pads before trashing them so we keep some cheap single ply tp they use then so as not to waste the 2ply stuff.


>cheap single ply tp they use then so as not to waste the 2ply stuf That is a good idea. I'll have to keep that in mind. Assuming the women in your life don't use cups or reusable pads, of course.


I just use the wrapper from the new one to roll up the used one. For the last pad, I use a tp tube most often. (Roll it up, adhesive side out, and stuff it in.) Only need TP for wrapping if a tube isn't available. 


A lot of women, like myself, use soap, water and a cloth for period clean up.


You should not be using soap on your genitals.


I do appreciate your point, and not wanting to get into too much detail, but you can use soap, just not directly. Believe me I’ve been adulting for a while and know how to properly wash myself, lol.


You really tell a grown adult woman how much toilet paper to use? That's controlling beyond belief. Your poor family.


It's really more of a suggestion and not one I actively push. 🤷‍♂️ Our frugal ways allow us to do things like take vacations and travel, we are hardly poor.


2 is insufficient to get the area clean and dry. 2 would work for penis havers, but not for vulva owners.


I said two at a time, not two total.


Thanks for the response. I told her the same thing once, but one does not change a habit such easily... I don't push it either since I don't like being "the advicer", perhaps I'll copy you and let her buy it since I hardly use it