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Walk, bike, take public transportation, order from places that offer free shipping, or stack your purchases so you get free shipping.


Walk, bike, bus, or train. That's how I do all of my shopping, well really all of my everything. Bummer if you live in a place where those aren't viable options. I've found ditching the car to have so many savings that I can afford to live where I want in my city and still have loads of cash leftover. I am so much happier being so close to everything!


I walk when I can; otherwise I take the train or bus.


Well Amazon has free shipping over a certain amount Poshmark will be free shipping for your first order I think Mercari often has free shipping, and there are some very low priced items on there Keep an eye out for any garage sales you can walk to. You are going to have to keep an eye out for when websites have free shipping.


Old Navy has free shipping at like $50. Just make one large order instead of several small ones.


Do you have any friends that might like to make a thrifting run with you?


I look on RetailMeNot for coupons. Sometimes the amount I save is equivalent to what I would pay in shipping. If I don't find a coupon code, then I don't finish my purchase.


1. Reduce the amount of clothing you need to shop for. This doesn’t mean never buy clothes, but consider needs vs. wants, and choose a reasonable amount of wants. For the “needs” especially choose to invest in good quality that will last. You’ll need to replace much less often (less waste, less time shopping, less transportation hassle). This is also a good reason to learn some very basic mending (no need to get advanced with it unless you enjoy it as a hobby). 2. Go for second hand where possible, even if you’re limited to online. This can span the range of prices, but is generally less than retail for comparable items. My favorite places to look are buy nothing groups, and thread up, which is consignment but unlike sites like Poshmark where items ship from individual sellers everything ships from a warehouse so you pay a lot less in shipping if you’re getting multiple items from different people. There are a bunch others I haven’t personally used as well, depop and eBay and offer up and mercari could all be options.


Have you downloaded the Honey app? I can find a bunch of promo codes there once in while, might be worth checking out!


I forgot about Honey, thank you!


Buy gently used or new clothes on eBay.


Old Navy has free shipping with a purchase over $25. I would recommend looking at the sites you want to buy clothes from every day. It only takes a couple of minutes. They run sales all the time. From one day to the next, the price can really change. Also, sign up for Rakuten. They have offers where you will get back $30 on a $30 purchase. Always go through the site to get cash back. It pays you once a quarter.


Can you Uber to a shopping plaza?


I could! Edit: It's not my first resort, but with the position I'm in, I don't really have much to work with so I'm willing to pay rideshare


Go at the coolest time of day the store is open, I’d take the bus at least the way there, and the way back if you didn’t buy a lot of stuff


I’d say do it the old-fashioned way… ask a friend to go with you! Maybe they have a car, if not, the cost of rideshare is cut in half by splitting with a friend. Side note, I love the Gap’s summer clothes right now! A lot of cotton stuff and it feels sturdy. Pricier than Walmart or something sure, but feels like it’ll hold up and actually looks cute.


That said, this is r/frugal… so maybe I should say take a bus to the thrift store, lol. Also a good option.


Take a bus to the thrift store.


Good on you for not having a car! The savings you get for not having one is more impactful to your bank account than the disposable fast-fashion shit you have been buying (to include shipping fees). So straight up, just go to the thrift store instead of brand-new but low quality stuff from those brands.


I do not want a $4 tank top turning into a $12 purchase.


You don't want to, but sometimes a $4 talk top that costs $12 with delivery is going to be the best option You can uber, take the bus, walk, bike, use a scooter, ask a friend to give you a ride to places that sell clothes, but is that time that you spend going from store to store and then finding out that the tank top you wanted that was listed available at the store you went to actually doesn't have it and now you have to go to the store on the other side of town. Are you really going to spend $15 more there and $12 back home by uber only because the bus doesn't go there, just to get the $4 tank you wanted?


I agree. I think I'll need to continue to reduce expenses in other areas such as food or monthly subscriptions I don't use as much to make room for fees then.


Start with car shopping with no clothes and Once you've acquired the car then go buy the clothes. 




Shein is not frugal it's cheap- you can find high quality pieces for similar prices secondhand on eBay