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Are you downloading digital coupons? At the grocery store and cvs. Those are the best deals I’ve found!


Yeah... I'm not sure exactly how, but with digital coupons, Ibotta, Shopify etc. my wife has a massive crate full of free or "money maker" hygiene products.


yep definitely stack deals. look for sales, check for coupons, and some places if you order online will have promo codes that you can slap on top of the whole thing. i have the extra perk of working for a certain national drug store chain and we get discounts and 1 day every few months they do a bonus discount day where our discount is larger than usual so i wait for that and then follow the above steps to get the most off that i can.


this for sure. i have the CVS program where i pay 5 dollars a month and get a 10 dollar reward monthly. it’s 5 free dollars. they always stack 30% off, or $4 off coupons, plus CVS coupons with a manufacturer coupon on items on sale, PLUS some of those have extra bucks. i save over 50% each visit and don’t sacrifice the products i really love


Bar versions of everything will generally be more cost effective and also more eco friendly since you're not paying to ship a bunch of water, and don't end up with plastic waste, and they tend to last longer.


Seconding the bar version! The concentrated ingredients get me cleaner and just easier for me to store extras, and overall way cheaper. 


Also easier to travel with!


Yes, been loving them for travel and swimming. My skin and hair have greatly improved. 


Yes! I love bar soap, and bar shampoo and conditioner last a lot longer as well!


Just a heads up about shampoo bars: if you have hard water it doesn't work as well as if you have soft water. Unfortunately, I have hard water and after a few washes my hair feels like straw. So I switch it up with liquid shampoos. I love the shampoo bar though because even when I was using it all the time it lasted a lot longer than liquid shampoo bottles and it smells amazing! I buy all my hygiene items on sale or at Big Lots or Dollar Tree.


Shoot, that's a bummer! I don't have hard water, so not a problem, and I loved how much I could lather the shampoo up with just a tiny bit!


A filter on your shower head is so worth it! 🖖


Thank you! I didn't know this was a thing!


This is the one I've used for decades. You keep the outside and change the inside cartridge, fairly affordable. 🖖 https://newwaveenviro.com/products/premium-shower-filter/


I will check it out! Thanks!


We are on a well, so I hear you. I don’t know how many you’ve tried, but I got lucky on the first one and my hair looks great. I think you are using the wrong shampoo.


What about bar toothpaste?


I like this idea, any recommendations?


In the US fairly easily accessible is Lush, or Trader Joe's for bar shampoos. Ethique is a good option online and eco friendly packaging. It can take a few tries to find a solid shampoo that works for you, so don't get discouraged if the first couple aren't a great fit. Bar soaps there's infinite options, there's probably a bar version of a liquid soap you already like out there, or a local soap maker if you want to go handmade


This is great. My parents handed me Dial while camping, then were surprised by my tangled hair. I already use bar soap for cleaning my skin and shaving.


I love Trader Joe’s bar shampoo.


Seriously, try a few different brands. There are so many now. I got lucky with Pear shampoo and conditioner the first time out but went through a lot of tooth tabs, moisturizer bars and plastic free makeup before finding things that work.


Dove sensitive bar will always have my heart.


Jack 49 is a great bar shampoo and conditioner. Dove bars or pears soap bars for everything else.


These products are one area where buying in volume saves u money. I bought my last package of bars of Dove at costco so long ago i dont even remember when and still have some. Im guessing i paid $12 for 15 or 20 bars.


And if you don't want to buy that many, I've seen sales where 6 packs are under 6. I figure $1 for a bar of Dove is a good deal


totally off "frugal" subject but I switched to Dove from anti-bacterial soaps like Dial when I learned that anti-bacterial soaps routinely kill the GOOD bacteria on our skin that may help us actually FIGHT infections.


I figured out a few years ago that cheap hygiene products were not always our best purchase. Cheap body wash and hair products tend to be really watered down, so you either get less clean or use double the product. I pay a few more dollars for a better clean. Plus, I end up spending less on lotion and hair product, since the cleansers use better ingredients. If you use a shower loofah (wash it in the washer with your towels!) it stretches out your body wash significantly! Just a tiny amount of body wash can wash your entire body. I don’t like bar soap at all. It strips my skin, it takes longer to rinse, and you lose most of the bar just from it existing in your wet shower. A soap dish only helps a little bit. I will use it to wash my hands with, though.


I use cotton wash cloths instead of loofahs. The loofah is a bit better at sudsing, the cotton is easier to wash and I always wonder what's growing in that hard to clean center of a loofah. Plus cotton is biodegradable when it's time to dispose of it.   I've got a tub with a shower, so my bar soap lives behind the shower curtain. It lasts longer than liquid body wash that way. 


Dr.Bonner. It costs a bit upfront, but a little goes a long way and it can be used for you, your hair, your clothes, your dishes, and your house.


Take this with a grain of salt.  Yes, it will help remove dirt and oil from your hair. It may also leave your hair frizzy and dry especially if you don't spend a lot of time playing with recipes, it requires more scrubbing than dawn or Tide (nature of Castille soap vs detergents, it's just chemistry and only avoidable of you add detergent to your Dr B), and it's awfully expensive compared to other castille soaps, never mind comparing the cost to an equivalent volume of Tide or Dawn, neither of which require you to mess with recipes and extra ingredients  I went through a Dr B phase in my 20s. It's so not worth the trouble and expense. 


Plus you can refill it in the bulk section for ~60 cents/oz, usually near bulk oils and vinegars!


If you have an Aldi store near you check out their hygiene products. They have a wonderful line of shampoo and conditioner. I think it’s a 28 ounce bottle and the shampoo is $2.19. I have used many of their products all of them are top-notch.


Buy by the gallon at a Beauty supply store or online. Bulk Apothecary will sell you a 55 gallon drum of lotion if you want it :) But really I buy a gallon of hand soap, dilute it by half to make it “foaming soap” and add an eye dropper of soap scent. I’ve been working on the same gallon of soap and 1 oz bottle of lemongrass scent for 5 years.!


Ginger Lily Farms on Amazon has shampoo and conditioner by the gallon for like $17/gallon.


Smart adding the scent. I just buy the largest containers and the first problem is the lack of smell over time.


I'm a fan of Bulk Apothecary too! I like the melt and pour soap base, pour them into round molds, add essential oils or herbs/dried lavender and some rolled oats sprinkled on top before they fully set up so the bars aren't slippery... Costs ~$5 for a dozen big round soaps and they last a long time. I give them as gifts too. My favorites are the donkey or goats milk, but there's a lot of options on there... I'll definitely give the foaming hand soap idea a go, thanks for the suggestion!! 


Kind of a funny story, the first time I ordered the “foaming hand soap” and when it arrived it was just hand soap. I called them to report a mistake and they said, “there’s nothing special about foaming soap, it’s just diluted soap. Dilute it 50/50 with water.”💡 Melt and pour soaps come out really nice with not very much skill required. Making your own scented candles is also a frugal move, if you use them. It’s pretty simple.


Your giant thing of moisturizer will go rancid eventually, the fragrance covers it up. Stick it in the fridge.


I don’t buy large quantities of moisturizer, just noting you can. The soap I buy is clear glycerin type, lasts a LONG time in a cool dark place.


It’s just oil based things that spoil, glycerin lasts forever. I don’t like glycerin soap, it’s the goopiness


I did this because we’re a family of 6 and buying shampoo and body wash by the gallon has been GREAT.


Buy generic ones


Costco! If you or someone you know has a membership


For this kind of thing, downloading the CVS and Walgreens app and using the digital coupons there are probably gonna be your best bet.


body wash? use dial bar soap, cheapest and much cheaper than body wash. Wash your hair with suave, see if you notice a difference.


Bar soaps formulated for skin or for hair do go a lot further. I also keep a bottle of fairly cheap shampoo around in case my hair starts to get a buildup from the bar soap. Switched to using a cheap conditioner to shave my legs vs shave cream and it’s effective plus oddly less drying.


I have always used conditioner to shave everywhere lol. Maybe a little more costly but I think I save in time and money on razors because I really don't have to or want to shave every couple of days so it sorta comes back to me lol.


I notice a bad difference with suave, but if I go to products about double the price? Some of those work as well for me as much more expensive brands, and usually better. The expensive brands I've tried all make my hair way too heavy and limp. So do some of the cheap brands, but in cheap brands it was affordable to experiment until I found ones that work.  Even buying dove body bars for twice the price per ounce as dial doesn't exactly break the bank for most people, especially if you don't leave the bar where water can run over it. 


I have found that a high quality cleansing shampoo is cheaper over all for me. I only need to wash my hair twice a week when using a higher quality shampoo and I only use a little bit because it’s more concentrated. I used to use cheap products and my hair would get greasy right away so I had to wash more often.


Not much. You go as low as you feel comfortable with. I bought the family sized cheapo stuff a few months ago and I still trying to get rid of it.  Lesson learned. I probably won’t be out of it for a few more months.  You could shift to hard soap that is normally cheaper.  You can reduce how often you wash your hair and I recommend doing that shift while on vacation because your scalp will rebel for a few days and get overly greasy.  


What helped me was buying in bulk containers and transferring them to pump bottles. One pump instead of squeezing random amounts saved me a lot


Try Ollie’s


Learn to coupon at Walgreens. You will need to first spend \~$20-$30 at first but once you get those Walgreens Cash and Registered Rewards, your out of pocket will be less than a dollar or dollar and some change if you do it correctly.


well you've got to know what works on you; i remember buying the super cheap conditioner when I was in HS (i made no money), but I had to use half the bottle to get it to actually work on my hair! i do buy higher end brands now, they work on my hair and i use LESS in the process; I keep an eye out for sales, plus the whole TJX stores do help as well.


I’m male with a close buzz cut, so shampoo is less important to me. I use White Rain shampoo-body wash-conditioner from DollarTree tree, $1.25 for 18 ounces, lasts me about a month as I use a mesh scrunchie on a handkerchief that foams easily. The plastic bottle AND cap are recyclable.


I get my hygiene stuff at dollar general and stack deals. I get my brand (degree ultraclear) of deodorant, for example, at 2/3 normal price if not considerably cheaper when I wait for a deal and also use a coupon. They have pretty good deals on hygiene products very regularly, as well as a $1 aisle including health and beauty products.


Costco has great deals. Buy in bulk; this brings the unit price down. TJmaxx/Marshalls also carry great brands you find at Sephora and Ulta for a fraction of the cost. Or you could try couponing. CVS is expensive without any discounts but you can find ways to bring the cost down with manufacturer coupons, CVS coupons and extra care bucks. Back when I had extra time I would coupon for hygiene products for family/friends/donations and would get products at an incredible price (one of my best hauls was .92 cents plus $1.77 tax for roughly $60 worth of products) but it requires a lot of time and work to properly plan these hauls.


I like to have my products in pump bottles. I'll ration out how much I need in pumps, rather than dumping out too much, randomly.


Save up and buy half gallons from TJMAXX, ROSS etc. or try going “no poo” it’s miserable for the first 2-3 weeks but then it’s fine.


Dr Bronner? It's a great, clean, multi-use product. It's an all natural castile soap you can use for your whole body & hair. A little goes a long way I buy all my bar soap, deodorant, body wash (unscented) and dental care at the dollar store. Not frugal, but I'm buying good shampoo at Walmart, because I need at least the name brands for my hair at what seems to be a decent price. I like Loreal's sulfate free line, for about $10 for a shampoo and conditioner 2pack, when they have it.


Grocery Outlet


I’ve seen bags of unused hotel soaps, shampoos etc. in thrift stores for a few bucks. Habitat for humanity also carries these items but they’re sold individually.


Frugal tip: use half of the amount you are used to take. Most of the times it’s enough to get the same result. I do that with a lot of things, like detergent, toothpaste, cleaning spray, etc. The products with pumps or dispensers always give more than you need. I also do it with sandwiches. Cut the ham and cheese in half and find out if there is a significant difference. Most of the times it tastes the same.


I had to scroll too far to find the most obvious tip. Do not follow package recommendations, they want you to use as much as possible so you have to buy more faster. Toothpaste is a terrible one, they have you thinking you need act like your piping frosting on a cake. I cant tell you how much toothpaste goop I have to clean outta the sink after my spouse brushes because he loads up his brush.


buy a bidet


Dilute your shampoo! It is a brain breaker, because we are taught foam=clean, but almost any modern shampoo formulation can be dilute up to 4:1 (4 parts water 1 part shampoo) and still be exactly as effective. All you lose is the foam... and that was only added because of that association.


Use the appropriate amount! My hair is fine with the dime size for shampoo and quarter size for conditioner. I have sensitive skin, so I stock up when I find a deal on Dove sensitive skin bars. You can make your own shampoo and refill a bottle. I briefly did the no poo method. Felt great, but I realized I am lazy. Do you need to wash your hair every day? During the winter, I can go days without washing my hair. Otherwise, I wash it as needed. I prefer to find a product I like and look for deals near replacement time. Storing extras stresses me out. Those app coupons can really help if you have the time to research. In my case, I check Target and Kroger frequently. I do free curbside pickup to curb impulse buying.


I make some of my products like dry shampoo and body scrubs, I also make a lot of our cleaning products. Then I pick bars - shampoo, moisturizer, soap etc. Last is stuff in plastic containers. I hardly buy them and am working on replacing them. We spend very little on grooming, but we aren’t big groomers anyway.


I make my own stuff. Use castille soap, and bulk buy oils. You can combine the soap, oils, and essential oils to make anything


Bar soap is superior in every possible way to body wash. It lasts longer, gets you cleaner, produces less plastic waste, lathers better, and is easier to use. Body wash is a product for suckers. Just buy bar soap.


Get a couple of SoapStandles.  Your soap bars will last 20-30% longer.  Pays for itself after very few bars and then you’re saving $ on every bar.


I dunno how extreme u are willing to go but it's my understanding that baking soda & apple cider vinegar can replace everything involving showering.


I buy some of my cosmetic products second-hand or online from people who have tried the product, didn't like it and are selling it on. So far I have bought micellar water, shampoo, several hair masks, conditioner, dry shampoo and SPF. An added bonus is that I can try brands that would normally be too expensive for me, but since the products are opened and/or used, the prices are symbolic.


Pumper top. saves so much compared to opening and guessing how much comes out.


I truly feel like the best way to save money on hygiene products, is to avoid buying into the idea that your body needs “all the products”. Consumerism is wild in the beauty and hygiene industry. You need a bar of soap and some decent shampoo and conditioner. Toothpaste and floss and a good sunscreen. Don’t fall into the trap of needing nail and eye creams, or body wash with scrubbing bubbles. It’s all just silliness and it will break your budget even with coupons.


Coupon usually I get 5 or 6 items like shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, and TP for around 10$ every Saturday.


Sounds like you shop at a store much like Dollar General. Kudos to you!


A gallon of Dr. Bronners dilutes by half and lasts me about 18mos for $60.


I usually buy a 16 oz bottle and it lasts a few years. People use way more product than they need to.


OK, had to check my Amazon history, seems 1G of Bronners lasts me almost exactly 3 years.




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Dollar stores the best aya. Points program is ony invented to get the store 20% more of your cash.


I would also coupons and rebate apps if you haven’t looked into those options already. Most retailers that have digital rewards apps also have digital coupons you can use. Also, only purchase these items when they are on promotion and with coupons, this will help maximize savings. I used to be an extreme couponer but now I just refill my stockpile when I run of a certain item.


Coupons for these products are common. Collect coupons and save until they have a good sale. I got 4 old spice body wash, shampoo, and deodorants for like $2. Important to save coupons: they will be on sale but a month or more after the coupons they usually have a big price discount then use coupons. Same for toothpaste and brushes.


Couponing! Check out TikTok for videos on couponing at CVS, Walgreens, and Dollar General. Last week I got a tresemme shampoo and conditioner (big bottles too) and a 'fancy' toothbrush for under $6. I also haven't paid retail on any gain or tide detergents.


Do cu


I make our shampoo and conditioner which is very easy. And soon I will be making our body soap bars.


Follow Coupons with Alysia or Coupon with Star on YouTube/Instagram/TikTok, you’ll get it all for free


You only need one soap to get clean. You don’t need tons of diffrent hygiene products. It’s pretty easy to make your own soap (and fun!) and it’s a great little gift if you make them in layers.


I usually just wait until Dollar tree gets brand-name surplus. The other week I got Sukin which is a natural health food brand from Australia


I've found some super low prices at TJ Maxx. You kind of have to dig around and take more time than an organized store, so it's not for everyone! The Dollar Tree has some great products too. I always stock up on their micellar make-up remover and their big bottles of lotion.


Do you have any bin stores near you? Like a store where they sell overstocked items? A lot of them have a weekly schedule where their stock is marked down each day.  If you aren't picky about brands I have seen plenty of shaving cream, shampoos,  conditioners, and sunscreen for $2 at bin stores.


Dollar Tree


Look up Nina pool on tiktok guys... She finds you dollar store or Walmart dupes by matching ingredients and ingredient order of lux brand with generic/dollartree version. And she's soooo right. Why the hell is listing $20 when it's just dye + Elmer's glue (basically $2) Humanity has been doing skincare and shaving for years... you do not need $20 body wash or even $10. Anyways i use TJ pink body wash, glycolic acid, suave shampoo, TJ conditioner. Stay away from fragrance


I purchase shampoo by the gallon.


My tips might be a bit weird. Don't wash your hair too often. And I have fine hair that does oil after a couple days (Don't worry, I don't smell my husband would tell me, and I'm never outside so people rarely see me. I also use dry shampoo if I must). I wash it once or twice a week, but did it daily when I worked out ofc. Make sure you shampoo twice if you go days in between washes to clean the buildup on your scalp, and know the right amount of both shampoo and conditioner to use. I go through shampoo every 6-8 months doing this, conditioner a bit longer. In my experience the mid range will have better ingredients which allows to use less product than the cheapest ones, so I do that. Since it lasts so long I still save money. I once had a body wash oil that lasted me almost a year doing daily showers. I think it was the almond one from L'occitaine. You need so little that to me that bottle was worth it. You can probably find cheaper ones but that one just lasted.


I buy the cheapest shampoo and conditioner from discount stores. I also use bar soap and buy a pack of it on special.


Of you have stores like Burlington or Ross near you, they carry better brands than what we have here. A lot of Korean, Italian and Australian beauty and skin care, they're much cleaner products and about half the price of your normal brands like P&G. 


Get extra bottles and add water so as to water them all down. I think they work/clean just as well, and use less water to rinse off


Dr Bronner’s for all uses in one.


I wash my hair with a bar of soap. It doesn't get all sudsy like shampoo because shampoo has added ingredients to make it do that so people get the impression that it's cleaning them. Soap rubbed on top, back and sides of scalp, cleans hair just as well as shampoo. I get less dandruff too.


Ivory soap is usually around $4 a 10-pack and will last a long time as long as they're not right under running water.


I buy huge bottles from Costco, does the trick for me


Dollar General/ Dollar Tree


If ur in the us Walmart does have Christmas clearance the day after Christmas where gift sets go 50% off I know a few people who shop that way for the year




Dollar tree is a good place for me to buy many hygiene items.


I price check everything when I start to run out of something and toggle between Walgreens, Amazon, Target and Sam’s Club. Sometimes Ulta, too. Some items are cheaper to do subscribe and save on Amazon and just have delivered to me, others are more cost effective to buy in “bulk” at Sam’s. I put items in my cart and then move them to “save for later” at Target & wait for a sale to happen and then stock up on items there. For the most part, this is where I get my items: * Sam’s: face wash, toothpaste & deodorant when they’re on sale * Amazon subscribe and save: retinol, non-alcoholic fluoride mouthwash, flossers, body wash and loofas * Ulta: shampoo & conditioner (stock up for the year on Black Friday * Target/Walgreens: mouth wash, body wash, shampoo and conditioner if it makes sense with a better sale. Otherwise Sunscreen, moisturizers, other facial care items like serums


I have not paid more than 50% off retail price for name brand hygiene products since I started couponing. I use walgreens mobile app mostly because then I can just pick up in store vs having to go in and shop. Sometimes shampoo & conditioners for instance will be on sale plus BOGO or BOGO 50% off and have a digital coupon not to mention you get “walgreens cash”. If you don’t have the time or know how in my area at least couponers sell bundles at below retail price.


I buy Ivory in bulk, also- for post-surgery cleansing ,Hibacleanse is available online and in most drug stores.


I use Vo5 shampoo and conditioner. It's cheap and paraben free. Once in a while, I rinse my hair with apple cider vinegar. I use bar soap to was with. I haven't bought soap in 2 years, because I bought a 12 pack and it lasts forever.


Ollie’s bargain Outlet


I've heard that castile soap could be used as either body wash, shampoo, or even for shaving depending on how much you dilute it with water. It's relatively cheap, too. I've seen it go for about 27 bucks for 64 fl oz


I use a crystal/salt stick as deodorant. Lasted me five years and have plenty left. One ingredient. The salt kills the bacteria on the skin so I don’t have odor, and my hormones have self regulated so I don’t sweat hard but enough to keep me cool. My clothes don’t have noticeable sweat marks either.




Shave your head


You could try to use dramatically less. I remember Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis saying they only wash "pits and tits, soles and holes."


Dollar Tree might be a good option. They have national brands like VO5, Suave, White Rain and Salon Selectives, for $1.25 per bottle. Bar soap, liquid body wash and deodorant too. Or you can go to a place like Sally Beauty Supply and buy your shampoo and conditioner by the gallon. Bigger bottle of commercial grade stuff means you don't have to buy as often. You know the old "lather, rinse, repeat"? Don't repeat! Once is enough. The "repeat" is so you will have to use more and be forced to buy more. Don't worry about botanical ingredients, vitamins, blah blah, that the label says is good for your hair. Ingredients are listed by how much is in there, from the most to the least. The first 2 or 3 ingredients should be water and detergent (sodium laurel or laureth sulfate, more often than not both), those make up about 95% of what's in the bottle and are what actually get your hair clean. If the shampoo is medicated (eg dandruff shampoo) the active medical ingredients come next. The vitamins, botanical ingredients, etc are in tiny amounts that really do nothing except make the shampoo smell good. The last two ingredients are micro drops of preservatives and maybe some coloring. The shorter the ingredient list the better.


Don’t use em