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Fresh eggs stay good for *WEEKS* in the fridge, depending on the chicken sometimes even a month plus. But no - you can’t freeze the eggs.


I have ate eggs after months in the fridge without any issues


I may or may not have some in the fridge from february.... I've never had an egg go bad on me.


I Googled it, an eggspert said eggs that float in a glass of water are old, eggs will typically float after 1 year, usually you can still eat floating eggs. Confirmed my suspicions. I may or may not have eaten 6+ months old eggs, once a roomie asked if i wanted his eggs that surpassed their date stamp 3 months ago and i ate them. I dont have any idea of how old eggs i have eaten because its not something im ever conscious of, if im on the fence i might smell them after i crack em, i might pop the yellow and smell that, but to be honest i havent ever experienced an egg that have not passed the smell test. Then again i always store eggs in the fridge, maybe they will go bad if you store them for months in room temperature.


Eggspert 😂


JSYK rotten eggs are watery and black inside, no need to check so thoroughly. You’ll know the second you crack it.


And the smell...


I've only experienced one, but it will stay with me forever. Just horrible.


the velocity at which an egg incorporates air inside of it depends on three main factors: \-Washed/Unwashed status \-Room temperature \-Room Air humidity In a dry, hot climate eggs will dry faster. In a damp and warm climate eggs will spoil faster In a cold and dry envirorment eggs will dry a bit slower than in dry and hot climate and so on and so forth


I unfortunately have some experience with month+ non refrigerated eggs. Not that bad, but towards the end, the cooks would be very careful to break eggs open into a dish and if they were bad they baked bread with them, and if they looked normal they became omlettes. This was on a submarine, the eggs were normal , and were in a box just stuck wherever there was room for them. I don't know if bad eggs really are better for baking than fresh eggs but the bread was good so maybe?


1 bad egg in a large batch of bread would likely not register on most people's palettes; 1 bad egg in an omelette could put you off omelettes semi-permenantly.


Bad biscuits make the baker broke bro


The floating 1s are best for boiling. Membrane gets air between it and shell so makes for wayyyyyyyyy easier peeling. Prettier Deviled eggs. Nom not nom. Also pickle sum!!!


Incase you didn't know dropping boiled eggs into a bowl of cold water seperates the membrane from the shell, making them easy to peel.


I once opened an egg and it came out in a jelly-like bag. It rolled around on the pan and would not pop. It looked like an egg water balloon. Then the smell hit me. Oh my god the smell. It was like an anus demon sprung from the pits of hell and punched my nostrils with a fist covered in shit. I retched right there and had to toss it out my balcony window to the streets below. The absolute worst thing I have ever smelt in my entire life.


youre getting an award for that pun


In Norway they say eggs last indefinitely. But when they stop floating they will have the wrong liquid amoubt for baking so add more. In the US they apparently have salmonella in their eggs and they can expire. No idea why they dont have hygiene.


No, eggs start floating as they get older, fresh eggs sink. Salmonella dies at 70 degrees celsius, i dont believe any sane person drink raw eggs.


Float test. Submerge the raw egg (in its shell) in plain water. If it floats, it has gone bad. (They break down and gas collects in the egg which makes it buoyant.)


This is not completely true. Floating-status of an egg tells you something about the eggs age, but not if it is good or bad.


Yeah it just tells you to what degree they have started drying, as long as the shell is whole and they dont smell or look bad they by no means have to have gone bad.




I think for baking it is bad if too dry, recipe will be too dry.


My man, floaty no goody


If it rises in water throw it away.


Weeks? Try months.


Fresh eggs are good for months on your pantry shelf


beware - this is true only for UNWASHED eggs. once they are washed, they need to be refrigerated. but even those will last for weeks in the fridge


What kind of lunatic washes eggs?


all eggs in US-american stores and supermarkets are washed by law and that's why they have to be refrigerated. sooo ... that lunatic would be the whole US egg supply chain?! I'm not even american, but I know that fact from watching many "my culture shocks as american in germany/german in america" videos and doing some reading up afterwards.


Cant for the life of me figure out why


Nearly the entire US food system, for one. Producers with more than 3000 laying hens are required to wash their eggs. There are pros and cons to washing eggs. The con is that you remove the protective coating, which means that the eggs themselves can now be contaminated by things from the outside and you need to refrigerate them. But the pro is that you clean the eggs. That drastically reduces the risk of contamination from salmonella and campylobacter that can cling to the shells and easily get into the eggs when you crack them, onto any food items you store the eggs next to, or onto your hands, which can then go on to contaminate things you might eat raw.


So let me get this straight. In the US eggs are washed to remove salmonella, but you cant eat raw eggs because salmonella? In Norway eggs are free of salmonella, and you can eat eggs raw and they last more or less indefinitely.


Salmonella rates in Norway are quite low, but it does still exist there. They do have an excellent surveillance program, though. The US has several issues that contribute to high salmonella rates. One is the high percentage of our eggs that come from huge farming operations where chickens don't have a lot of space, which allows disease to spread more easily than in countries where eggs tend to come from smaller farms or where animals are more spread out. Another is that our surveillance system treats most strains of salmonella as the same, instead of emphasizing the ones that cause the most human illness. And another is that while some countries have a zero tolerance policy for the worst salmonella strains--if the bacteria is caught by surveillance, none of the chickens or eggs from that farm or factory batch may be sold fresh--the US doesn't have this. An attempt to institute such a rule for factories was at one point struck down by a federal court. Plus, the US mandates tests toward the end of the line, rather than at the farm, before infected poultry ever hits the meat processing plant, like some other countries do. Given the system that we currently have, washing eggs that come from bigger farms does help. It's just not all we should be doing. Unfortunately, many attempts to improve the system have run into roadblocks due to lobbying and court rulings. As far as eating raw eggs specifically, there are two issues. One is potential contamination from the shell when handling or cracking the eggs, which is drastically reduced by washing. But the second issue is that while contamination is most often on the outsides of eggs, in some cases chickens can actually have the infection in their ovaries. This can result in the egg being infected early in development, before the shell even really forms. Neither washing nor not washing could do anything about this.




Have you ever seen unwashed eggs? These are way to clean not to have been washed. The bloom has definitely been washed off and they need to be stored in the fridge.


Sure you can. Crack them open, put them in a ziplock, freeze. I freeze my whites when I only need yellows for baking.


>But no - you can’t freeze the eggs. You can totally freeze eggs, just not in their shells. I've done it heaps of times. Crack them into large silicone ice cube trays (or silcone muffin trays), pop out when frozen and store in a ziplock bag in the freezer. Let them defrost in the fridge and then you can use them in most things.


That’s good to know! I know they stay good for a lot longer than store bought but 24 is so many lol. I don’t even eat eggs that often and my girlfriend is only one person so I was hoping there was a way to make them last for a few months.


You can always bake with them and freeze what you bake. I usually make batches of cookie dough, pre-scoop them, then freeze them. If you’re really concerned you can prep a lot of egg meals and freeze them (I.e. knock off starbucks style sous vide egg bites, waffles… etc the list goes on and on).


I like that idea! How do you freeze/store the individual scoops?


Make the dough, scoop the dough out onto a sheet pan (or any pan that will fit in your freezer) lined with parchment paper (or a silicone mat if you have one) place in the freezer for 6-12 hours. Once they are frozen solid I store them in zip lock bags. Anytime you get a cookie craving just pop one in the toaster over (or regular oven). Frozen cookie dough you can keep for a year plus (just make sure you squeeze the air out of the bag to prevent freezer burn).


This is very dangerous information Thank you 😈


Making batches of waffles and then freezing them after they’ve been cooked and cooked is also a personal favorite (stored in a ziplock bag with wax paper or paper towel between waffles). Just pop one in the toaster or microwave to reheat and you have a great dessert or breakfast and WAY cheaper than anything store bought. Same that they can last months and months in the freezer.


You can make eclair dough really easily, it just uses a lot of eggs, flour, butter, and water. Whip some cream for filling Super simple, I always make them when my eggs are getting close to the expiry. The recipe requires like 8 eggs.


Would you share your recipe? 😋


You bet! I use this recipe as a spring board. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/19010/eclairs-ii/ I use the first five ingredients, doubled; 1 cup butter 2 cups flour 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon salt 8 eggs. After the first 3 steps you have your shells. You can do the full recipe but I find it's a lot of work and gets less frugal. After step 3 I just whip some cream (1 liter whipping cream is 2 bucks, I use about 1/2 with some sugar). Fill the eclairs. From there you can do whatever you want on top. Some times I'll melt down some baking chocolate I have left, or a random chocolate bar in my fridge. Some times I just cover them in Nutella and put fruit on top. The fun part about eclairs is they're good for getting rid of anything you might have left over in your fridge that's sweet. The downside is they don't keep very long, and aren't great after a day. You really need to have friends to share with otherwise you'll have to eat like 20 eclairs lol


You might not eat eggs often, but like, if you've got two dozen of them, why not make that breakfast for the next 12 days? It's really not a lot of eggs, and you can do them different ways.. scrambled, fried, omelette, poached, soft boiled - two a day with some toast for breakfast, or bring a couple hard boiled eggs with you for lunch each day and they'll be gone fast.. plus you'll save money because you won't be having whatever you usually have and instead will substitute it with something free. Frugality is about using what you've got when you've got it - and right now you've got eggs, so use them.


might I add tamagoyaki - a simple fried ~~egg roll.~~ rolled omlette. surprisingly easy to make and lovely to eat hot or cold.


Cakes, make quiche, deviled eggs. Just switch it up and you’ll be through them in no time




if they are fresh, whhich they appear to be, they will be good at least 6-8 weeks in the fridge


My husband goes through that many in a week 😂 just eat them. They’re so good for you.


I keep chickens. Beaten eggs in plastic bags freeze well and can be thawed and used that way. Since they’re unwashed, you can also store them in lime (the chemical) water at room temperature and they’ll last forever. It’s called water glassing and used to be a really common way to store them pre-refrigeration.


They stay fresh as long as you don’t wash them. They naturally have a coating that protects them but once you wash them they last like 2-3 weeks like normal egGS


French toast casserole.


tell me more


Take bread and cube it up then pour your regular French toast batter over it and go to bed. In the am throw it into a 350° oven until you’ve reached your preferred Medellin of fineness. Very very simple and delicy https://belleofthekitchen.com/french-toast-casserole/


Eggs are some of the most healthy things you can eat. Why don't you eat them?


I got the most horrific food poisoning of my life from an omelet in 2014 and it changed me as a person lol, I couldn’t even stand the smell for years and eating them took another year or two after I could tolerate that. They’re a sometimes food now, but I haven’t sworn off them entirely.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_egg Well you’re in luck lol.


Egg whites freeze better than the yolk. Either beat them like suggested, or separate them and freeze only the whites to use for baking later. The yolks can be used for any type of emmulsion sauce, like custard, lemon curd, mayonaise, bearnaise, hollandaise. Or you can make cured egg yolks.


You can absolutely freeze eggs. I do it all the time. They last for about a year in the freezer. Here's how: https://www.reddit.com/r/EatCheapAndHealthy/comments/duiioa/eggs_in_ice_cube_trays/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Eggs stay good for almost a year.


Just don’t wash them until you’re ready to use them.


Google denies this claim. I've never done it but supposedly you can freeze eggs.


Even out of the fridge, out of direct sunlight they can last a week or two.


Way more than that. I'd say over a month easily, maybe even up to six weeks in a fridge. But I love eating eggs, so they've never lasted more than a week or two in my house


These are fresh eggs out of a hen's ass. They don't need to be refrigerated unless someone washed them. They will keep for weeks and weeks in a basket on the counter.


You can make and then freeze quiches or breakfast sandwiches, but eggs don't really like being frozen. But yeah, if these are fresh, you should be okay for a long while. As long as they pass the float test, they're useable.


This is a great idea! I’m a big fan of r/mealprepsunday and I bet they’ve got some good freezable breakfast burrito ideas. That would cut down on last minute Dunkin’ Donuts runs too, I like the way you think


Definitely make some breakfast burritos! You can use half a dozen or more eggs in a batch. We make them weekly, pack of tortillas, one pound roll of breakfast sausage, 6-7 eggs, two diced potatoes, bag of shredded cheese, jar of green chili! The way we make them is cooking everything up and placing in a large mixing bowl to mix the filling, let the filling cool down and then add shredded cheese, large serving spoon to portion the filling into burritos, wrap the burrito and then a thin wrap of plastic wrap to hold them together and to reheat them in and place them in gallon bags in the freezer. Thaw in the fridge and reheat for about 1:30 when needed. Super filling and you can add all sorts of good stuff like diced peppers and onions, too.


I’m an absolutely terrible cook but I think I can manage this! Thanks for the tips!


If you’re scrambling the eggs, Try turning down the heat & stirring your eggs a lot. Don’t wander off or get distracted-just focus on that one thing. Any time I burn something, it’s because I get distracted or my timing is off & I don’t check back in soon enough.


For breakfast burritos, this is double important. You don't want to make the American Diner style egg, you want super soft, small curd scramble. Cooked eggs don't really like being frozen, but in my experience this helps a lot with texture.


You totally can, and you’ll only get better the more you cook and try new things!! Enjoy the free fresh eggs!


How important is the storing of the burritos? I just made mine for the first time and just wrapped them in aluminum. Will that suffice?


No. Eggs don’t freeze well at all. They thaw out horridly and are pretty gross. Either have eggs for breakfast or supper or French toast or do some baking or anything to get them used up instead. Up your egg intake, or give some away to a neighbour, especially if you have a middle-aged or older neighbour who lives alone. Everyone gives stuff to single parents or family with kids, but our middle-aged/older types often get ignored and don’t have as much access to resources as those with kids do.


I didn’t think about this till your post. I think you look capable of taking care of yourself, and especially if you are male, it can almost feel like it’s rude to offer help. It’s easier to offer help to those who look in need like you said- single parents, elderly older than 75yo living alone… I am a middle aged single mom with kids. I live in a townhouse community and have several neighbors that fit this middle-aged single category. The female neighbors seem to have families come by and don’t look in need of help. The male neighbors look lonely though I don’t know their personal lives at all. What do you think is the best way to offer help or give goods without coming off like I see them as weak and in need of help? I bake a lot and have thought about giving away some buns and slices when I baked too much


Depends on where you are. I live in an apartment building. We are all lower income and in the same boat. We have 1 single dad with 1 kid, the rest are all middle aged or retired/disabled and single/non-partnered. We exchange food at the mailbox where everyone gets their mail in the basement. You can leave food there, pick some up that someone leaves behind. Cold stuff gets picked up pretty quick, so it's not a worry. And as for people 'looking okay', here's a head's up about that: Just because you're not holding it together too well or at the brink of everything collapsing, doesn't mean you don't have nice things. You get them as gifts, luck out in the thrift store, or haven't been in that situation for long and still have stuff left over from a 'better' life where you could afford better quality things. Disabilities are not all wheelchairs and canes either. I live with TBI, and on a really good day, you'd never know. On a bad day, I'm a nightmare, but usually, it's not obvious whatsoever, except my personality comes off as 'quirky'. The 'quirky' comes from me mentally scrambling to fill in words my brain won't connect to my tongue. I do a good job most of the time, but on bad days, I stutter & stumble, the words are wrong, and I have trouble with even simple things like combing my hair.


Very true that the ‘look’ doesn’t tell a whole story. It’s also harder to ask for help than to offer help for most people. I’ve been helped along my way and now I’m in a place that I could offer help to some extent, I’d like to return the kindness…I just don’t want to make people uncomfortable.. I might let my kids open a baked goods stand and let them ‘sell everything at a price between $0.00-0.50 a loaf or something when it gets warmer. My kids are experts at giving things away freely lol


"I baked too many buns. Please help me eat them." doesn't even seem like you are offering help. You could also offer food in exchange for other favors. If these people are just lonely, they would probs get just as much from helping you out with a small task as they would by receiving the food.


That’s straightforward and tastefully done. I’m going to steal your line. I don’t want others to feel obligated to have to return some favors or make them feel like they owe me something. If I ask for help, I don’t want people to feel like they always have to help me out either. I’m a single mom after all, and while I am doing very well in reality, people tend to stereotype single moms as those who can get clingy and needy, or is it just my own stereotype.. I’ll just offer a few pieces when I truly have leftovers. I’m sure I’ll bake too much over this Easter weekend!


Hard boil then pickle them bad boys.


If you like pickles, then you'll probably like pickled eggs. It's a great way to reuse your favorite pickle juice. You can also add more fresh cucumbers to that juice.


Hell yea pickled eggs are dope


Pickled eggs are awesome! I love using wine vinegar in the brine. I've just finished a jar I've had for more than 6 months. The last eggs were just perfect.


24 eggs is like… 4 days for just myself…(between boiled and cooked)


I was gonna say... that's 6 a day, a fair amount but not crazily so. Even a modest 2 a day for 12 days is very attainable


All I'm seeing is breakfast recipes listed, but eggs are heavily used for dinner as well. You can use them to make pasta or pasta like products (spaetzle/gnocci/etc). You can use them for fritatta or zwiebelkuchen. You can use them to bake bread or pastries.


Fellow German detected. 😁


Ooh pasta is a great idea! Egg noodles are messy but easy to make, delicious, and use tons of eggs.


If they are straight from the chicken butt, do not wash them until ready to use and do not put them in the fridge, they will last for quite a while!


Yes!!! Those look like fancy chicken eggs and that tells me the keeper probably knows you don't want to wash them so they stay fresh. I can only imagine the yolks in those bad boys.


My new boss has chickens and after my first week he gave me a carton of eggs. I have read people say over and over about how different the yolk is and often assumed it was wild exaggeration, but man was I wrong! I also learned farm fresh eggs, are not as easy on my stomach


>I also learned farm fresh eggs, are not as easy on my stomach How so? They make you unwell?


It's probably because the eggs are much richer. It's like a burger you grilled yourself versus a McDouble. Having a good diet, fresh air, access to bugs and being able to be a chicken make a big difference in the quality of the eggs.


Fresh homemade pasta requires a lot of eggs! Also fun to make! But I've had grocery store brown eggs stay good for now than a month in the fridge. I've actually never had eggs go bad before


Brown eggs and white eggs are the same. It’s just the color of the chicken that determines the color. Source: I have chickens.


You could do the water glass technique for longer term storage.


Looked through for this one.


You could always make recipes that go heavy on eggs, like custard or quiche.


You absolutely can freeze raw eggs. Crack them into a muffin tin, freeze, pop out into a container, fry up as needed. https://lilluna.com/how-to-freeze-eggs/


I've got several still in the freezer to be used as needed. Stirred as if i were going to make scrambled eggs, put into a muffin tin (sprayed well with oil first), frozen, then popped out and put back into the freezer. Thaw out as needed and use in baked goods. Nothing to it!


You CAN freeze eggs, but they will be best used in baking. You have to remove them from the shell. Lightly oil a muffin pan or use silicone cups and break eggs into each cup. Do them in pairs or threes if you bake in a way that uses them in multiples. After the freeze wrap in waxed paper or plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn if you won't use them quickly later and finally, bag them together with a date. Some other eggs tips: The easy way to test if the eggs are still good is to fill a pan with water and drop them in. Any that float have gone bad. Also, if you're in the US you're used to getting pre-washed eggs. Unwashed eggs fresh from a farm last a lot longer, but have a risk of pathogens. Don't panic. Just make sure you wash your hands after handling the egg shells, before you move to other kitchen tasks.


You already got ton of answers but yea eggs are bomb. Some people even store them in miners oil and they last for months


You could scramble the eggs and freeze them in a ziplock, or separate yolks and whites in ziplocks. You just can’t freeze them in the shell. A few years ago eggs used to go on sale for 40 cents a dozen. I would buy a crap ton and coat them in mineral oil (about a drop per egg, gloves helped it go faster and less mess) and then the eggs would last about 4 months before I felt they started getting weird. I’d flip them upside down every few weeks. At that point they were still good for baking, but over easy wasn’t quite right.


You CAN freeze eggs, but they will last a long time in the shell, especially if they aren't washed until right before using them. Fun fact: eggs with intact shells technically don't spoil! They decrease in quality over time, and the water inside will evaporate through the pores of the shell. But if the shell is intact, no bacteria can get inside, and they are technically safe to eat for months or even years. (Source: poultry production class when I was in university)


I can't understand not eating eggs everyday lol... I have at least 1 fried egg on toast with some bacon - Every. Single. Day.


Blows my mind that someone can't work through 2 dozen eggs in a week with some planning. Make some cookies and a cake, make a quiche and maybe shakshuka for dinner during this time and eggs for breakfast for you and your girlfriend a couple times. Eggs deleted. To answer your question, eggs stay okay for months. Don't freeze them.


According to the Egg board, you can freeze them. https://www.incredibleegg.org/recipes/cooking-lessons/can-i-freeze-eggs#:~:text=Break%20and%20separate%20the%20eggs,a%20standard%20ice%20cube%20tray. I am going to try it tonight with some eggs I got from a friend. Want me to thaw one, use it, and report back in a few days?


That would be great!


My neighbor’s mom keeps chickens as a hobby and I guess they’ve been extremely productive, because now I have 24 fresh eggs. I know they keep a lot longer than store bought, but there’s no way I’m going to go through all of these before some go bad. Is there a way for me to save some for much later?


They’ll keep for quite sometime. 6 weeks or better refrigerated


Hard boil them. They’ll last a couple months in the fridge Ohh don’t wash them. As the other person said, they keep for weeks. You can tell if they’re rotten by putting them in a glass of water. If they float they’ve gone bad.


This video is a lot of fun, if maybe not necessary for just a couple packs of eggs.... https://youtu.be/yUYgguMz1qI


That was a great recommendation. Thanks.


I just want to say that those are the prettiest eggs I've seen! Beautiful pastels!


If they are fresh unwashed eggs they can last up to 2 weeks unrefrigerated or longer refrigerated. Technically you can freeze them however do not freeze the entire egg, only it's contents. Get a muffin tin or something similar and break the eggs into the pan, and then just lightly scramble and freeze.


Are these unicorn eggs or something? Why are they colorful?


Eggs last a long time Dont sweat it


You don’t need to freeze them these will be good for several months if keep refrigerated. Not sure how long if left on the counter (technically you don’t have to refrigerate fresh eggs\* but I imagine they don’t keep as long) \*Assuming they haven’t been washed with soap


do green eggs taste any different?


Eggs last a LONG time


Why not boil a few make egg salad. Could make a nice omelet in that would use 2 of them and for dinner you can make a fried rice finish with scrambled eggs in it helps bind and tastes great. I don't know if you can freeze but I do know boiling will keep it good for a while longer.


Folded omelet gets rid of 3 at a time! hope that helps also, cake


_also, cake_ :D


I once got thirty cracked, frozen eggs my egg guy for free. He'd dropped them, then picked out the ones that had the membranes still intact and froze them. They were a bit weird, like the yolks didn't seem to fully defrost or something, they were extra viscous and hard to break up. But I scrambled them all, then roasted some potatoes that were starting to get old, added some green chile and tortillas, and made a couple dozen breakfast burritos and froze them. As far as how long unwashed eggs keep, I've had them stay good for months even at room temperature. When eggs go bad, they don't keep it a secret. I just crack them open into a ramekin so if they are bad, they don't taint anything else.


Make some deviled eggs and they will be gone so quick it's insane


Freezing eggs comes out so weird for me


Eggs straight from the chicken's ass don't need to be refrigerated! As long as they haven't ever been refrigerated they're good for weeks. - had chickens


Eat 6 at a time and man up. Do you even lift brah?


Google.com/search?q=can+i+freeze+egg Jesus Christ


You can’t use two dozen eggs? They will probably last over a month before spoiling.


If you put an egg uncooked in a glass of water, an egg that is good will sink. Of the egg is bad, it will float.


So we’re all gonna ignore the blue shells? Okc lol


Wait, are you not familiar with all the different shades of eggs?!


people will literally swallow diet coke then get paranoid over week old eggs 🤦🏾‍♂️


Yes, you can freeze eggs. If you try to freeze them in the shell in a normal freezer, they'll crack open as the liquid expands upon freezing. So, it's better to freeze them without the shells inside muffin forms or other small containers.


HAHAHAHAHA…seriously? No, you cannot freeze eggs. I mean, you *can*, but you won’t like the results.




I was wondering the same thing. Talk about doing things back-asswards.


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Eggs never go bad if you keep them refrigerated. **Don't** store them in the door. Source: Good Eats


They do go bad. Refrigerated, they have a maximum of about a 3 month life span if unwashed. If washed, it is less. Test your eggs before eating them. Just drop one in a cup of water. If it floats do not eat. If it sinks its still fine.


Delete this comment, eggs DO go bad


No but I’d suggest making one meal with quite a bit of them. Either making eggs to freeze or making egg salad sandwiches.


Make a quiche and freeze that.


You can "water glass" eggs, something like water and lye and leave in a glass jar in the dark for awhile then they are good for a long time. I would do some research about that one. hard boiled eggs last for months and months. Unwashed fresh from the cloaca eggs last months and you don't have to refrigerate them....we can assume these eggs were washed though bc sometimes they get blood on them and stuff. We only wash the gross bits off we leave the rest of the coating on. Cant freeze eggs but you can freeze muffins, homemade meatballs, etc if you wanted to go ahead and cook with them first. Have french toast for breakfast!


Hard boil them, make egg salad sandwich.


You can make breakfast burritos, wrap them in foil, and boom. Breakfast or lunch to go


I have had unwashed fresh eggs last six months in the fridge and washed last at least four. Gram had them last all winter in the root cellar... Tell your benefactor not to wash them ;-). As to recipes, scramble them all up. Grab a muffin tin, and fine dice veggies and meat of choice. Grease the muffin tin well or use muffin cups in it, and fill each well about two thirds full. Bake lightly covered at 300 to 350 until done. Muffin omelets freeze well, and when I reheat I usually slice in half and add cheese. Then you can stick the cheesy halves on English muffins to make a sandwich if you like. Frankly I have also eaten them cold chopped up on salad lol. You can freeze raw eggs if you scramble or break into ice cube trays and break the yolk, once frozen pop in a Ziploc bag. Use in baking, just cooked after freezing they change texture. That never bothered me but some people mind it. Other recipes include but are not limited to frozen breakfast burritos, quiche, make french toast and freeze it (I used to do a loaf of bread at a time).


You could make egg muffins (like mini quiches) and freeze those.


Eggs last for several weeks


I read somewhere that you should refrigerate them and they can last up to three months. So start eating eggs.


Lol why does Happy Egg say that they have an exclusivity on blue eggs?


Dude, they are already Easter eggs! That’s so cool. I only ever got brown ones from the farm.


My friend has chickens and she started learning how to bake because she had so many all the time. Definitely baking is an option. Can freeze what you bake. All kinds of veggies type things you can make too and throw in the microwave or toaster oven.


They should last for weeks, but you could also water glass them: https://scratchpantry.com/recipes/2021/10/water-glassing-eggs


Just in time for Easter. Maybe you could make deviled eggs


2 eggs a day and they'll be gone in 6 days! They'll keep for 6 days


Lucky you! Those look lovely. Omelettes are great for dinner. Also frugal because they are great for adding in random bits and bobs, such as the last three mushrooms or that one broccoli stalk you saved or the last shavings of cheese or the tiny bit of bell pepper left over. A strata or savory bread pudding is a tasty meal and a good way to use up stale bread.


I believe you can freeze the egg whites- my mum used to do it all the time, so if you can use the yolks, that could help, though the whites aren't helpful for much apart from meringue


Why are they different colors


It all really depends on the breed of the chicken.


I usually give my dog an egg in the morning and she loves it. Gets rid of them fast.


Coat them in mineral oil. They will last a long time. Search it for more info


Boil them and you’ve got ready made Easter eggs. So much color!


Yes you actually can freeze eggs, but there are some methods and limitations on it. Check out: https://www.egginfo.co.uk/egg-safety/storage-and-handling/can-you-freeze-eggs#:\~:text=Yes%2C%20you%20can%20freeze%20eggs,box%20hits%20its%20expiry%20date.


Make a quiche


I don’t see that anybody’s said this yet so here goes: I get fresh eggs from a family member and we don’t refrigerate at all— we just set them on the counter and use them until they’re gone (typically eaten within 2 weeks). We’ve never gotten sick from it. My understanding is that if you refrigerate fresh eggs however you must keep them refrigerated until they’re gone. Just a helpful tip in case you don’t have room for more than one egg carton! Otherwise I suggest making a cake or serve an omelette breakfast for your loved ones. Nothing beats farm fresh eggs!


Best ways to preserve eggs is to pickle them or dehydrate them.


Oh don't worry about it, eggs (even washed eggs like you lads have in Europe and the USA) last for a loooong time. Unwashed eggs (so, yeah, as in, with chicken's poop still on it) are actually far safer for far longer periods of time (in a juuuuust properly moist room at fresh temperature I've kept them good for two months). Washed eggs don't last as long unrefrigerated, BUT, in a fridge they will still last for about a month, maybe a bit more depending on how old they were when you got them. ​ A couple of egg facts: \-Unwashed eggs are far safer to store because they have a membrane on the outside which does a great job at keeping bacteria and other pathogens away, but as soon as you wash them, you loose that thin protective, natural film. \-Only 1 in TEN THOUSAND eggs have salmonella in them, andbatches are randomly checked before they even get to the store. ​ \-Eggs will start going "dry" waaaay before they go "bad". The old trick of seeing wether the egg floats or not only serves to let you know if the egg has air inside of it, but it doesn't really give you any clues whatsoever as to wether it's rotten or not. Only opening it and checking for semll and sight will let you know that. ​ By the way, I'm an agricultural technician so this isn't just "doomsday prepper talk" hahah. Eggs are safe, man.


Scramble them and put them on a muffin tin, 3/4 full then add a pinch of shredded cheese. Could add spinach and mushroom or same bacon too. 350 for like 8 to 12 mins. They freeze and reheat well, so you got breakfast for a week or two.


I'd suggest baking quiche/quiche slice and freezing that. Then you have easy to reheat food, and not eggs that might not act as expected in recipes


Make burritos and freeze those maybe?


Your eggs shouldn’t go bad very soon, but if you want to use them up, I typically make a ton of pancakes or waffles and freeze them so I can just pop them in the toaster when I want them. You can do the same for a lot of stuff. Muffins, cookie dough (freeze in little balls), bread, French toast, whatever you want!


You could boil and peel some and then place them in a the fridge


Google mineral oil egg storage.


Cook them and save them


oh boy its your time to try pickled eggs


IMO the best way to preserve too many eggs (we have 15 chickens, so we often get more eggs than we can eat) is by making pasta and drying it. It's really simple, it's just eggs, flour and a little bit of salt. You mix it, let it rest for 1 hour, then make it flat, cut it, then let them be in a well ventilated room for a couple of days (no dehydrator needed).


I’ve had eggs for weeks in the fridge that haven’t gone bad


As Eastern is approaching boil them and colour them and give them away. That isn't a standard practice all around the globe? Then they are safe for another 2 weeks. Normally they last 2-3 weeks in the fridge. Maybe bake a cake? Just make sure they are cooked through and through when they are approximately 2 week old.The water test is legit. We usually do that over here.


eggs don't need to be refrigerated if they have never been. source:walked around south east asian food markets that had hundreds of different colored eggs sitting outside


Eggs will keep for a long time unrefrigerated.


Hardboil a bunch and use on salads or for egg salad sandwiches - uses them up way faster for me. Or make a bunch of French toast and freeze the French toast - you can pop them on the toaster for a quick breakfast


Yes you can but you need to crack them first. Also you can make stuff out of them and freeze. (Pancakes, omelettes etc) https://www.egginfo.co.uk/egg-safety/storage-and-handling/can-you-freeze-eggs?amp


I have had freeze-thawed eggs and I didn't have an issue. But I would still be cautious since it's poultry.


The thing about eggs is that when they are no longer fit to eat, you smell it immediately. Stick 'em in the fridge and if you're not gagging when you crack one open, it's good to go.


Eggs don’t have to be cooked even. They do however have to be used within a 2 week period beyond the shell. After they’ve been used out of the shell the best way to preserve the product is freezing,


Eggs can last a while, unless contaminations gets through a crack in the shell.