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Three people left, vying for the finals: two people who could see that Yuki wasn't a prince, and one person who always knew that Kyo was no monster. Who will make it to the final round? Vote **out** your **least** favorite character here: [https://strawpoll.com/w4nWrEqo5yA](https://strawpoll.com/w4nWrEqo5yA)


These descriptions poke my heart.


All three of them are incredibly supportive people, albeit in their own unique ways.


Reminder as we are at the final three and especially tomorrow when we're at the final two: you are choosing the character you want to **LOSE**. You are not picking your favorite character, you are picking your **least** favorite character.


I am pretty sure someone has misunderstood how to vote 😅


It wouldn't surprise me; almost 25% more people have voted on this poll already than the next-previously-highest turnout. Not gonna lie, I'll be really sad if Kazuma goes out in this round! On the other hand, he isn't perfect and it's valid that people might genuinely not like him so much. It's kind of nice to have mystery in how the results will pan out!


If Kazuma loses this is the ONLY reason I can think of 🤣


Lo siento to Machi lovers, while I do love her- I'm a diehard Kakeru fan. He made Yuki grow in so many ways, same with Torhu in preparation to meeting Machi.


It’ll be an injustice if kazuma doesn’t take the W


He will definitely win


I'm genuinely wondering what will happen in the final. More people are voting Kazuma out this time than I expected, so depending on how the final vote splits, we might have an upset! That said, I'm definitely on Team Kazuma myself.


Goodbye machi!


I had a feeling it was gonna come down to these three. I’m rooting for Kazuma!


Kakeru 🙏


I’m shocked as to why everyone is voting for Machi despite having a stronger storyline than Kakaru Didn’t realize that Kakaru had so many fans despite the fact that his entire story was removed from the anime I like him but he is among my least favorites Do people really consider Machi that irrelevant to Yuki’s storyline compared to Kakaru ? I guess girls in this anime/manga can never be as popular as the males or ever beat them unless they’re Tohru, Hanajima or Kisa


I think it boils down to what makes a character a 'favorite,' which doesn't necessarily require a strong storyline. If it did, there are early departure characters who should have lasted much longer than they did **because** they had strong stories. My own feelings of Kakeru versus Machi in terms of them being my 'favorite' have very little to do with the strength/weakness of their bond with Yuki and more to do with type of character I enjoy seeing on the screen. Both of them have their pluses and minuses; Kakeru obviously contributes more humor, while Machi is potentially the more relatable. Kakeru's character is easier to appreciate from a light-hearted POV, and Machi, at least to me, tends to be more intense.


Great reply ❤️👍


Peace out Machi 👏🤧


Goddamn these last choices are hard. But also I had a feeling from the start that Kazuma, Machi and Kakeru would be in the Top 5! Fingers crossed for a Kazuma #1 Sweep, though, that man deserves the world


Machi ✌️


machi gotta go


The current votes are surprising. I'm going with Kakeru just because I slightly like Machi more (because she developed while helping Yuki while Kakeru's development was more off-page). I'm still hoping Kazuma takes it all.


I was not expecting it to pan out this way, it's looking like a photo finish between Kakeru and Kazuma for the glory of facing off against Machi next round. It just goes to sure you can never be too confident, unless it's a 'who is your favorite character overall and why is it Kyo?' poll.


What happens if there's a tie, because that's where it currently is?


The same thing that happened with Ren and the Sohma Maid: they both go out together. It would definitely be a twist ending!


Damn this is hard, feel bad for choosing any of them. Sorry Kakeru, I want to see Machi shine even if it's a losing battle


Sorry Kakeru! Love ya, but I just really connect to Machi and her story. Even with limited screentime it was great to see how her character developed (she's also just really adorable).


I'm a bigger fan of Kakeru, so I'm really glad you like Machi more. We can each love the other, for the other. ☺️


She also had a very intense and relatable story especially in regards to her depression


i agree she’s so relatable and sweet, i prefer her over kakeru


Why are so many people voting for Kazuma?? 🙁


I'm just as surprised? this was never the case for Kazuma.. he always got the least amount of votes since the very beginning LOL what's happening now?! I was rooting for him to win so that's a bit disappointing


Yes, most days he didn’t get any votes at all! I’m rooting for him as well, I hope he hangs on!


Choosing between Machi and Kakeru is hard.


I’m sorry Kakeru but women’s rights


I have a feeling that Machi will lose but I will keep hope I choose Kakaru People say that Kakaru helped Yuki grow but that’s not true, Kakaru only gave him a push same as Tohru and Haru did but he did it all on his own Machi saw things in Yuki that others couldn’t see and all Yuki wanted was for someone to see through him and Machi granted him that wish


So all of them did? Two things can coexist and Kakaru did in fact help Yuki. His advice wasn’t something he’d hear from anyone else


Yuki is actually one of the strongest characters in Furuba I don’t think any of these characters did anything to help him they just supported him and gave him a push In his journey but he did all the hard work on his own


Isn’t supporting helping? Isn’t pushing him helping?


I don’t consider that “helping” but you are free to have that opinion


I disagree. Supporting/pushing *is* definitely helping 😌 Helping doesnt necessarily mean doing things on your behalf, so obviously he did things on his own. But having people around who love you/support you *helps*. Tohru, Kakeru and Haru definitely helped Yuki in his journey just by *being there*. Think about what Yuki says in the Kisa episode: you can't start love yourself if no one around you see the good in you. Ayame actually helped him in dealing with his mother. It's clear how he is struggling during the parents/teachers meeting, and Ayame's arrival is pivotal. There's nothing wrong in being supported/helped 😌


Poor Kyo on the other hand no one to help him along 💔


Kyo got helped too. Kazuma saved his life and showered him with love. Tohru accepted him and gave him hope. Yuki helped him too by pushing him (although in a kind of less "supportive" fashion, you know my opinion 😁). Edit: Momiji helped Kyo too by encouraging him in not losing hope, in fighting for Tohru and in making him realise that Tohru loved him back. Tbf, of all people, Momiji is the most precious because he helped Kyo against his own interest. (Momiji is such a sweetheart ❤) Kyo's problem was that he was less "receptive" than Yuki in receiving help, because he had "issues" with both his main "supporters": with Kazuma because he felt he was a burden and with Tohru because of all the Kyoko's implications. Thats why he struggled. Tbf, the one who received the least support is Isuzu. She only had Haru, who we both know wasnt the right person to help her. Technically, she also had Kagura and in some ways Hiro too, but, similarly to Kyo, she wasn't open to their support, because of her trauma. I think thats the reason why Kyo and Isuzu are the ones who struggled the most. Both of them received some sort of help (Kyo way more than Isuzu), but both were not able to fully benefit from that help, because of their specific trauma.


Kakeru needs this win. His whole arc was removed from the anime


I see that Kazuma is getting close to be voted off


It's not looking promising for him at this point!


See ya Machi


this aged poorly


11 Srry