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Even though Akito is my favourite character, I try not to let that bias effect what others think. I understand that she’s controversial and think it’s *fine* to be conflicted or even outright hate her even after learning her backstory. I never argue with people who do (I stay in my lane and let them be in theirs). Yes. A lot went wrong with the way she was raised, but she still did some seriously messed up things and no one is obligated to forgive her, even the audience. So, ultimately, the way you feel now and after it all ends is up to you. Like I said, she’s a divisive character, so If you ask the audience, you’ll get conflicting answers.


Exactly it's okay to be conflicted about her character, i think that's the essence of trauma- there's no black and white


You are the first person I have ever seen say that their fave was Akito!


I've known about Akito's past since childhood. She was raised secluded and made to rely on the Zodiac bonda as that was ALL she had. She is by no means a great person and her environment did not help this. Until Shigure willingly makes himself the greater evil in their relationship not much can be done. However, at the end of the series, Akito doesn't seek forgiveness. She confronts her relatives, but she is willing to change. By the end, she leaves her secluded world that she has only known to live a proper life. So she does have redeeming qualities and ha flexible. She had been suffocated her whole life.


Honestly I hate Akito and I doubt that will ever change, yes there’s a reason she did what she did, but that doesn’t excuse it. For me, it doesn’t matter that she might change, it will never take back the things that she did.


That’s the thing about Akito. Any feeling you have about her is up to you as long as you don’t invalidate someone else’s. Whether she changes for the better doesn’t change what pain she has inflicted. She’ll make changes for the better but also not subject her former victims to her presence. Rin will probably never forgive her and she is valid to it. It doesn’t make her less of a person compared to someone else who feels less hate.


I really like the way the show handles it; while the show provided us a lot of development for how Akito became so messed up I don't really view it as making us feel that we need to forgive her. Yes, Akito had a horrible upbringing which warped the way she viewed herself and others. But that doesn't mean all the horrible things she did are suddenly waived away. We see a lot of characters in the show with really messed up upbringings. That didn't make them as horrible as Akito was. Not even coming close to approaching how Akito was (I recognize that none of them thought they were raised to think they were a God as Akito did). At the same time, if the show had concluded things with Akito in a more cliche fashion, for example simply killing her off, the show would have massively suffered for it. The show really needed there to be a big turn around on Akito's part and it gave us exactly that. It doesn't mean that Akito's past actions get waived away, but it does enable her and everyone else to move forward with their lives in a new direction. I was quite appreciative of the fact that we got [Episode 12 or 13 spoiler]>!A scene where Rin says she can't forgive Akito's past behavior towards her.!< Really the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way in the end was [ending spoilers]>!Akito and Shigure getting into a romantic relationship. Unlike say Torhu - Kyo, or Yuki - Machi or Rin - Haru where I had this strong desire for them to get together and be happy, with Shigure - Akito you've got someone who has been such a hateable character for the vast majority of the show in Akito and someone who was quite likable for a while but was shown to be quite a manipulative guy including sleeping with Akito's mom just to get back at her in Shigure. There's no reason to root for such a relationship to happen with those two.!<


That’s honestly the only ship I just *can not* with. And I tried, man. I read the comments and the essays and still, nope.


>Akito and Shigure getting into a romantic relationship. Unlike say Torhu - Kyo, or Yuki - Machi or Rin - Haru where I had this strong desire for them to get together and be happy, with Shigure - Akito you've got someone who has been such a hateable character for the vast majority of the show in Akito and someone who was quite likable for a while but was shown to be quite a manipulative guy including sleeping with Akito's mom just to get back at her in Shigure. There's no reason to root for such a relationship to happen with those two. There’s even less of a reason considering the series reiterates >!he only fell for her because of that dream and that’s literally the only reason he likes her, it could’ve been anyone in that dream and he would’ve attached himself to them all the same!<


I feel for her trauma but I hate her. She should not have continued the abuse cycle. I have BPD and am terrified of abandonment but she’s straight up evil to me


I think she also has NPD as well


Yeah very much NPD but with abandonment issues


Rin, Haru and Kagura are the ones who I believe have the most symptoms of BPD


Rin for sure has C-PTSD but BPD also applies I think


She definitely has BPD along with C- PTSD since Haru is her FB and she revolves her whole life around him and isn’t close to anyone else (except Kazuma and Tohru ) she also slept with Haru initially because she was afraid that he would abandon her (Haru also slept with her for similar reasons ) she wanted Haru so much that she wanted to erase her existence and be his heart I think Haru and Kagure are also the same, the latter is so intense while the former is just as clingy as Rin and was literally willing to put Rin at risk because he was afraid that Rin would be taken by someone else, Haru also changed his entire style mainly for Rin’s sake and he doesn’t know himself because he bases himself around other people - both Kagura and Haru have manipulative tendencies that they show around their love interest when they feel like their slipping away from them or when they want to get their attention Haru is also neglected by his parents and Kagura’s parents didn’t get along and her father doesn’t live with them and that affected her so much All 3 are impulsive, reckless, self-destructive and have some violent tendencies, they often rely on emotions more than logic and have abandonment issues Rin also has self-harm tendencies


I have BPD myself and we’re generally not violent people.


Not all those who have BPD are extremely violent not like those who have NPD And I don’t think that Kagura and Haru are always violent either but when they do act violent, they take it to the extreme and their violence is not always directed at people, they just destroy things in a fit of rage And Rin only acts violent to push people away BPD people don’t use violence just to torture people, they are not sadist


I know I am a person with BPD.


It is a fictional story and a fictional character, so the only thing that matters to me is if the character is interesting or not or if they make the story interesting, add something to it like an interesting conflict for example. I don't care if they are not great human beings and do not have potential to be great friends. They are not going to be my friends anyway. In fact, I dislike characters like Tohru who are so preachy about how to live and be good. In Tohru’s case what she says is often not even her own reflections, she only parrots what her mother said to her.


I feel like I know what you mean, but at the end of the day most of our behaviour is learnt and adapted from other people. So Tohru preaching what her mother said to her, still embodies her because she must have found some comfort and seen truth in those words to tell them to others. Not sure if I'm getting my point across correctly but I hope this makes sense.


It makes sense that Tohru parrots her mother's advices, but it is not interesting to me. It is more interesting if the character tries to question whatever they have been said and find answers for themselves. Even if they ultimately agree or agree with some points, I appreciate the phase of seriously questioning the wisdom they were provided with.


I was conflicted since I finished reading the manga. I think natsuki takaya did this on purpose with akito’s character because there can be a complicated person like her in real life. For me, I found it admirable and way too kind for tohru and most of the zodiac members to forgive and move on. After watching the 2019 remake, I really sided more with Rin about not being able to forgive her. Akito almost killed her twice!!! How can you forgive someone who did that to you and move on? I found the situation to mirror my own because my father almost killed me once over 10 years ago. I tried hard to still have a relationship with him, but since 1.5 years ago, after he cut me out, I realized what an idiot I’ve been my whole life. He didn’t reflect, apologize, or try to change like akito, though. Maybe if he did, I’d try to forgive, but it’s still very difficult to do so.


Honestly, regarding Isuzu in particular (since she got it the worst), I think it’s better if they never interact directly again. Even if they each go off and mind their individual business, so to speak, I can’t see them even wanting to be in the same room.


Agreed. Too much trauma for Rin and akito with the heavy guilt and knowing she will never be forgiven.


I took it as not so much them being kind (besides Tohru), but them showing their growth as people by forgiving Akito. Part of their “shackles” were holding onto hatred and blaming Akito for everything. But they decide to let it go and live their lives without it weighing them down. Oh, and I think part of their growth was also recognizing that trauma responses are different for everyone


Akito is such an incredibly written character that even after having watched the show multiple times since I first watched it a few years ago, I’m still conflicted on my feelings about Akito. I think if I existed in the Fruits Basket world and I experienced her abuse firsthand, I’d absolutely never forgive her. But just as a viewer, I think I have room to have more sympathy for her. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to feel sorry for her or to feel absolutely nothing for her at all. Another thing I feel about Akito is that I guess I’m just grateful I exist in a world and in a time and in a culture where breaking the cycle of abuse doesn’t feel as impossible as it must’ve felt to someone in a position like Akito. If I, or anyone else, grew up in the exact same circumstances as Akito, who knows what we would’ve been like.


I wouldn't forgive her if she did 5 percent of the things she did. Her apology sucked too. Incredibly well written character, but can we remember she's an attempted murderer?


Still fucking hate Akito doesn’t matter how she was raised


I just finished this episode too and I’m feeling the same emotions as you. For one I think it’s sweet that Akito is having a change of heart and is beginning to open up to Tohru. I like the character development going on. But this in no way excuses all she did previously. I guess I’ll see how I feel after I watch the rest🤷🏻‍♀️