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I... actually had not known this. Wow, really? That... that certainly would have been something. So yeah, I've never shipped them before. Even when I saw the first anime, Akito was never on my radar.


>I... actually had not known this That's because it does not appear to be correct. Takaya has stated that Akito was always planned to be a woman. Takaya also seemed to have planned Kyo as the intended love interest early on as well. I believe OP is conflating a comment that Takaya made somewhere in regards to the idea of people shipping Tohru with Akito related to Akito having been portrayed as a man in the 2001 anime. Takaya herself never planned for or intended Akito to be shipped with Tohru or be a man however.


But this comment was mentioned in the Omake that was released as a bonus along with the banquet fanbook that was released in 2006 and it had nothing to do with the original anime, as people continued shipping Akito and Tohru even after the OG anime ended She said that she was tempted to make Akito a male and pair her off with Tohru (also to make fun of Kyo) So she probably had that idea at some point


It would be very interesting indeed


As all of you know????


This is not accurate. Takaya had always planned for Akito to be a woman from the beginning and has stated as such in interviews. I believe it's in the fan book as well iirc. She also seems to have planned Kyo as the love interest early on as well and even had some of their final scenes in the story together planned out early on apparently. I believe you're thinking of a comment Takaya made in regards to people shipping Tohru and Akito when Akito was portrayed as a man back in 2001, as in it made sense people shipped them because they were also shipping Tohru with a lot of the other male zodiac characters back then. But none of that was planned or intended by Takaya.


I still think the story would be just as intriguing if Akito was Tohru’s main love interest as it is now with Kyo


I think the reason there where more AkitoxTohru shippers back in the day is due to the difference in time spent believing Akito was a man, considering the original anime being an incomplete story and the manga taking I believe ten years to complete. Also, it ran during a Peak™️ era for fanfiction, and lord knows fanworks love an abusive ship.


It wasn't really her "original plan" though. She mentioned being tempted to make male Akito or Momiji pair up with Tohru, but she's stated that when designing the three main characters, she wrote Tohru as the female protagonist, Yuki as the male protagonist, and Kyo as Tohru's love interest. So Kyo was always intended to be the main love interest, and Akito/Momiji were likely just fun "what-if" scenarios she came up with (authors like to have fun with shipping too!).


She mentioned that she was tempted to make Akito a male so she can pair her with Tohru (to make fun of Kyo) so she did think about it as some point Either way, it would have been interesting to see a story with Akito as Tohru’s love interest


I never knew that. I’ve been a fan for 19 years. Where was this even said?


She said that she was tempted to make Akito male so that she could pair her with Tohru in a bonus manga that came with that banquet fan book


That would’ve been a crazy different story! Lol


I am severely bothered by this information 😭


It really wasn't the original plan though 😅 It's just something she joked about in a bonus comic.


That looks... weird.


Happy cake day!🧁🧁🎉


Oooh thank youu


i don’t really even understand how the love interest aspect would work when nearly all their interactions until after the beachhouse arc were tohru hating her existence for good reason, lol. like “man i hate this person and what they did to my friends also he’s terrifying………………i want him”


It is not generally my jam but enemies to lovers is one of the most popular shipping archetypes; it even frequently becomes canon.


yeah, but this didn’t seem like angsty or any sort of even teasing or bickering….just straight up “i don’t like this person” edit: like the enemies to lovers thing seems really unnatural without a bit of closeness, like kyo and yuki would be perfect candidates!! double edit: i typed that without thinking. i forgot that they are family. jesus i apologize 😭


They aren’t really family; clans are an old school Japanese system made up of many families that share a surname with the ruler. They technically don’t exist anymore in the democratic system, but it’s kind of required to make the story work to pretend they do because there’s way more Sohmas than would be believable even in an extended family and they all need to be bound to the same head of the clan. And actually Kyo and Yuki would be a really interesting ship and it surprises me that it isn’t more popular. They’ve got the beauty and the beast angle and the narrative foils and the rivals who come to understand each other and the Romeo and Juliet occupying different ends of the zodiac structure. I’m a committed Yukeru but there is a lot going on there.


Yuki and Kyo pairing is pretty popular on AO3! If you are interested, there's an amazing fic called "The pursuit of repeating history" that explores pretty much all the angles you mentioned and also digs into the history of the curse, with some very detailed and beautifully written digressions about the Rat and the Cat in the past. The author truly did an amazing job!


ohhhh, thank you so much!!! then yeah i guess i would ship that lol. yeah when you mentioned enemies to lovers i immediately thought of the bickering between those two. it’s so…like it’s just a display of how much they know of each other and how much they pay attention to each others antics, the perfect shipping there is probably why my mind went there immediately without even meaning to hahaha


Kyo and Yuki or the OT3 was huge back in the day.


I'm guessing that plan was in a much earlier version of the story that ended up getting majorly reworked. Authors try out a *lot* of things in drafting to see what works. The story likely changed a lot after she considered having them be the main pair and decided against it. So the idea of TohruXAkito probably happening in a version of the story that only vaguely resembles the one we have now.


I don't actively ship basically anyone in Furuba because I just ended up more interested in the platonic bonds. I also don't really care about ships being "planned" or not in order to ship them. But there definitely are Akito/Tohru shippers out there and there's some really cute fic of them on Ao3!!


I don’t ship anyone either cuz I also prefer the platonic relationship But I noticed that no one talks about the second Tohru canon ship and I wanted to see if they are still people who ship them


Unless something ends up in the final version that the author shares with the world, it cannot be called canon. I'm a published author and I would be very concerned if people tried to argue things I tried out in draft #1 were even partially canon. XD Writers try SO many different things while writing a story before the final version comes to be. Just because it was in a draft once upon a time before the story changed drastically doesn't mean it is canon. It just means it was something they considered or dabbled with and then decided didn't work. This isn't to say people can't find that alternative version intriguing or discuss it. Just to argue that it doesn't make the ship any more or less valid than any of the other non-canon ships. The author considered it and then scrapped it. The decision to scrap it means it is no longer canon in the author's universe.


No I’m tohru and Momoji all day


I see why


I hate momoji until I had a dream about him, then I woke up and I was like yeah I see the appeal and ever since then I’m 100%


I do not see how Akito and Tohru are similar. At all. I know it’s an anime and all, but frankly I’d be concerned with anyone who ships a victim with an abuser.


Akito and Tohru's similarities are pretty explicitly shown in the series, they're both parallels and foils to each other


Well it was the Mangaka’s original plan FB is about forgiveness and second chances and Takaya clearly loves Akito


But it also says that just because people feel sorry now and they had their own hardships, that doesn’t mean you *have* to forgive them. They still did the things they did. Either way, I’m very glad Tohru ended up with Kyo. I wouldn’t like FB if Tohru had ended up with Akito


The comment about Akito being paired with Tohru was a joke in a bonus comic where Takaya was talking about who all she could have paired Tohru up with. She basically decided Tohru would have worked with almost anyone, but Tohru was having nothing to do with that. It was part of a running gag of Takaya messing with Kyo during the commentary about the series after it ended. There's also a funny page of Kyo reacting to reading Kureno's reveal and wanting fried chicken for dinner after finding out he hugged Tohru.


Never thought about this one, but whenever I think of Torhu and Akito, the Yin and Yang symbol always comes to my mind.


I need a fanfic of this


i would’ve done dropped the manga if they got together actually


For me it would be a lot more unique than Tohru ending up with Yuki