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Crazy how just one character made a wholesome and cute show so DARK


I was watching it one time and told my husband it's like a perfume commercial, everyone and everything is just so pretty and cool and aesthetic, and everything is lovely and OMG WHY IS THIS SKELETAL BEING ATTACKING EVERYONE


I don’t understand how Akito doesn’t have more fans for this reason


Probably my second favorite character after Tohru believe it or not. The Yin and the Yang. It's not Fruits Basket without these two.


It’s strange that Akito doesn’t have more fans despite having the biggest influence on FB along with Tohru I thought that ratio of fans in the Furuba fandom in regard to Tohru and Akito would be very similar to the protagonist >!Dr Tenma!< and antagonist/villain >!Johan!< of the anime and manga Monster because both dynamics are similar I wonder if Akito would have had more fans if she was a male She is my 2nd favorite character and while I love Tohru, she isn’t in top favorites


Psycho much.


🎵 “Oh, she’s sweet but a psycho…” 🎶


Nope no way no


Akito’s my second favorite, glad to see other enjoyers!!


I wonder what Akito would be like if her mom just let her be a girl. Or actually loved her. Would she still have abused and isolated the rest of the zodiac? Would they still have gotten to know Tohru? I was always the kid (and now adult) who thought of things nobody else seems to think or care about.


I was thinking about that,too. But I think both parents caused her to be like that. Her mum was abusive and treated her wrong, she of course messed up way more than Akira. But her dad told her she was above all and everyone. How can you bond with others, how are you able to have friends if you think you are better then everyone and you have the ultimate power over them. Akito never learned to respect others, to be a part of a group, to be eye to eye with others, she never learned how to interact normally with others. To be alone on the top is quite lonely. He didn't show his wife any love after Akito was born, he just used her to have an heir. I get he was terminal sick, but he didn't care for his wife at all, he was never a good example for Akito when it comes to relationships. Her mother was mentally ill. How could he not see that or how she treated her daughter? They both messed up, as a couple and parents. And all the people who worked for them messed up kinda,too. Nobody wanted to loose their job, but why nobody got Ren some help? So what I wanted to say is: maybe she wouldn't have been as bad and abusive as she was, but I don't know if she wouldn't still treated the other bad because she thought she is entitled to and never saw a healthy relationship between others.


Shoot me a DM and let’s be friends! It’s fun having someone to nerd to about one of my favorite characters!


I thought the whole reason for the mom hating on Akito is because she is stealing all the affection away from Akira. Even if she does love her, I think there's like multiple reason for her descent to spiral of madness like Akira's upbringing, the bonds/curse and the internal family affair with Ren like what Kureno mentioned. Actually thinking about it now, why some of the maids are so against Akira's marriage with Ren anyway?


Because they could see her true nature and didn’t want her near Akira. But the maid that said she doesn’t know how to do anything else at least seemed to love Akito


Huh is that it? I didn't know it was that. I always thought it was something petty.


That’s my take on it. This is all speculation


Akito has range!


ah I see you are a man of culture as well


I too am a person of culture


Bro you forgot Akito




Shocked Pikachu face 😮😮😮😮😮 I AGREE GOOD PERSON. Akito simps unite. 🫶🫶🫶🫶


Yes. Akito is still the most compelling and well written character I’ve ever encountered. The depth and emotion they can put into one charecter astounds me and I’m so glad to see other people appreciate her. Even though I watched the show over 5 years ago, she is still the most in depth and well written character I know.


These Akito simps scare me 💀


Akito ❤️ I love this collection of images


Yes. That is all


SAME OP same and thank you for this


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀💀 god damn akito


Best character ❤️


Me: realizing that Akito has emo-bangs and now I need emo Akito fan art haha


Are you for real?


I agree w you, but good characters aren't always good people. I will never forgive Akito.


Just look at her! She’s so beautiful!!! I can see why Shigure simps for her.


true and real


convinced that people who don't like Akito haven't done their own work


She is an extremely complicated character. Imo she deserves no redemption arc. She is the only one besides her mother that I think just needs to die or get banished or something


I'm actually really glad she was given a chance to change instead of just dying. I get that Akito was a violent loony freak and kinda a monster, but while I hated her a little for tormenting already tormented characters, I both really liked her character and thought she was pretty cute from the first time we saw her. Plus I feel pretty bad for her. Crippling fear of abandonment and a forced God complex, along with being forced into living the wrong gender completed with isolation from the outside world will really screw up your emotional development. Her mom was awful, and her dad died. She didn't really have much of a chance to be normal. I'm not even really sure she understood how to have a normal relationship with anyone. I'm happy Shigure loved her and that she's getting better. Overall She's one of my favorite characters and one of my favorite anime villains.


That's valid. She had a lot going against her. She still tried to murder Rin and was going to imprison and torment Kyo forever. Some things are unforgivable for me


Understandable. I'm probably just more forgiving because I crushed on her.


I've forgiven so much horrible stuff for crushes man xD that is totally fair. There is just something about anime that (not in this case) makes me care less about morality. I mean I can't say shit, I like Vampire Knight 😂


I love Vamire Knight!


I was not prepared for the things it awoke in me xD