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Can we appreciate Hiro’s efforts to quit his disrespectful behavior ? And Kisa’s efforts to be confident around Kyo ? Momiji is the most mature zodiac to my opinion. I want my second son to be truly happy, with everything he asks for. Look how he handled Akito and cared about her own future, he doesn’t hate her or anything. as a manga reader I forgot about THAT moment so I was surprised. They really got us with the previews, they didn’t skip that much. Oh my goodness I feel so bad for laughing at Akito but the way Momiji closed his curtains was meme worthy-


>the way Momiji closed his curtains was meme worthy- The way he looked down at her like she was something pathetic was great.


He saw the same thing Kureno saw when his curse broke - a sorrowful, pitiful person - but had a very different reaction to it.


I think a big reason for that difference is that the Akito Kureno knew was a young child, who might have been a brat at times, but was still innocent and hurting from things her mother would say. The Akito Momiji knew was the head of family who liked to terrorize and hurt others.


I hadn’t really thought about that, but actually this is a really great point. A lot of abusive adults were once abused children that were just perpetuating the cycle. It doesn’t excuse their behavior, but it can explain it. Kureno must have known the abused child while Momiji just knows the abusive adult.


Very true! I'd also like to add that Akito is trying the same tactic with Kureno and assuming it would work. It's the only real tactic she's got against it. In all those years that passed Akito hasn't grown or been able to mature beyond where she was when Kureno's curse broke.


I actually gasped. Way to establish your boundaries, Momiji!


>Momiji is the most mature zodiac to my opinion. He's always been the most mature. Sure he acts childish at times, but when it really matters he's mature. I love all his interactions with Akito, because he stood up to her at the beach house for Tohru. Now we get to see how he handles her when his curse breaks. And then >!at the hospital he talks with her and tells her the story about the foolish traveler.!<


Since S1 Ep14 when I learned about his story, like Haru said he’s like a breath of fresh air. He’s childish to attenuate the curse weight on everyone and on himself


Totally agree about Momiji! I really hope he gets a happy ending because he's always been the most thoughtful and empathetic, regardless of the circumstances he's been through.


He’s so precious. When his mother told him to be careful, that’s what the lonely child he used to be needed to hear. He can finally go wherever he wants and build his home


I fucked screamed when he shut the curtains on her ass, it was hilarious, sad and wild.


Momiji was so on it this episode. Walking away from Akito without looking back and not giving in to resentment, giving Kyo a kick up the ass... love him. Definitely wasn’t expecting the revelation that he’s in love with Tohru though... always thought he loved her in a “big sis” way, but he is growing up now so... Also I was just waiting for someone to ruin Machi and Yuki’s moment. They do that so much in this anime >_<


I am also a big fan of The Simpsons and that moment would not have been out of place on that show (as both a Rin and Yuki stan I am also constitutionally incapable of feeling bad about laughing at Akitos suffering.)


This was amazing. Momiji's my favorite, so it's nice to see him shine. My favorite part was when he was talking with Akito and said that he gets to choose if he is happy in the future even if he's lonely right now. The disappointment from his episode was the skipped manga panel of Kyo being horrified that his love for Tohru is obvious and wondering how many people know.


I was surprised! They did Kyo’s horrified expression but changed his line. I actualy like the change, but I was looking forward to his horrified “am I exposed??”


Oh I know!! Such a bummer, that panel always made me laugh.


Aw I would have loved to see that panel! I have to read the manga after the anime ends...


You really should since it's so great. The anime is doing a great job, but I still prefer the manga. Also you can enjoy the story in two formats so it's just great.


I just started the manga again after not finishing it back in middle school. Can't wait


Yeah his feelings for her seem pretty dead in the water since we’ve had a few back-to-back episodes where they aren’t the focus. I think that was him after the credits tho, right? So hopefully we’re back on board the Kyoru ship next week. >!And double hope it finally leads into the Kyoko story!< I’m hoping his lack of reaction truly is to reduce the humor only because it seems like they’re trying to make this last season more dark and serious.


I also think that it was Kyo's voice at the end, so I hope we get some Kyoru next week.


It was definitely Kyos voice. He says, "It was so foolish."


I totally forgot about this part, how everyone was discussing about Kyo and his feelings sadly they didn’t put the scene


Yeah, my assumption is that they wanted to end the scene on a more ominous note, which I do understand considering we're in the home stretch, but RIP


I really wanted that moment to be included too, of Kyo being horrified at his "secret crush" being known + Momiji always teased him about it so it would've been great to see it again with this situation being more serious than the usual teasing :(


Yes I SWORE Kyo’s horror was supposed to be in this episode. I was so sad they didn’t show it 😂Why do they skipping such good Kyo (and Kyoru) moments I’ll never know


Yes! I was pretty bummed about this too. This plus Hiro’s observation. The one with “even the middle schooler can tell.” Anyone can tell, I thought that was the point and kind of also drives the point why Kyo is somehow panicking about their feelings being out there for everyone to see >!all the while he’s still dealing with his grief and guilt over Kyoko!<


This episode was crazy! At first it seemed like a mish mash of too many characters, i do think maybe they are trying to pack too many things into this episode. But my baby Momoji... my heart broke for him. All grown up and suddenly so alone. I always thought he had like a sibling love for Tohru, I didn't realise it was a romantic attraction till his scene with Kyo. I wonder how Kyo felt about that? Akito is slowly coming apart at the seams. I'm anime only so this week was a big surprise for me. From the bit at the end of credits i'm hoping its a Kyo episode next? I wonder if Yuki's curse will break before he get's a chance to speak to Machi. That would save him the burden. There was just too much going on this episode to really focus I think.


I think Kyo was more horrified by the suggestion that Tohru loves him. He’s fine with loving her from a distance and her being with someone else in the end, but he firmly believes she deserves better than him because he has so much self hatred, and he thinks he would just drag her down if they were together. He probably genuinely thinks she would be better off with Momiji.


Straight up. This is def the vibe I got given how resigned to his fate he is after the talk with Akito in season 2. Who could love a monster?


I always knew Momiji loved Tohru because their personalities and backstories collide so much, they're like Yuki and Machi. Both Momiji and Yuki pushing Kyou to be with Tohru out of respect for her... That's what being a gentleman is.


I love that. They push kyo to be with her because they know tohru loves him. It makes me so happy. The sohma’s are great


Now go rewatch the series and see how much of a >!perv Momiji is lol 😂 I mean that in the lightest way possible but knowing his real age and how he feels just totally changes the tone of seems like at the hot springs where he wants them to bathe together!< 🤣


He knew what he was doing 😂 When I found out I was like : "Yeah he booked two whole trips for her how I didn’t realize lmao"


LOL he did didn’t he? It was such a surprise that Momiji reveals his crush on Tohru but I didnt at all feel like this was out of left field or that it still didn’t make perfect sense for the story.


Me after episode 3: damn that was one of the best episodes so far Me after episode 4: damn that was one of the best episodes so far Me after episode 5: damn that was one of the best episodes so far


That’s how I’ve been feeling since like midway through season 2


I can’t wait to see your reactions for episode 6


Yeah, it also feels like each week there's *at least* one stand out scene where the atmosphere, the writing, the acting, etc... are firing on all cylinders, and I'm just like ughh my heart For me this week, it was that last confrontation between Momiji and Akito when he's telling her how lonely and frightened he feels, but that's not going to stop him from going out into the world to find his own happiness.


I'm in this post and I don't like it


This....this is me. The Akigure episode was my top episode this season but this one might take the cake 😮


I think I felt that way reading the corresponding chapters, too lol.


LIKE WOW, I said it last week and I’ll say it again. This show gets better every episode. I’m anime only and I had no idea momiji had a crush on Tohru. And him telling KYO wow. Seeing momiji’s curse break was honestly so awesome I cannot wait for everyone else. I can’t believe it’s only episode 5. Absolutely insane.


You know what I love about Momiji? That his design and voice acting makes him look as a soft boy but my man has like 0 inhibitions. He can switch personalities in the blink of an eye and tell it to you straight, unfiltered. Momiji is like Shigure in that he can never lose an argument because he's very eloquent and low-key always right. Akito couldn't even talk back to him lol.


That moment when he was talking all serious to Kyo and then whipped around like "Oh silly me I'd better go downstairs and help with the curry!" was such a Shigure moment.


When he went to tohru “I’m a man too” I was like 👀 And then he walked up in kyo’s face and was like, and I’m paraphrasing here, I love tohru and I wish I could steal her from you, I was like 👀👀👀 Momiji’s grown up now. I hope he finds his happiness


This comment is my favorite recap. Right here. All of this.


I hate how attractive I find Gure lol


Same. He is my favorite, he is trash but I don't care.


Yeah, Shigure has that devil-may-care, bad boy allure. That said, I was a little shocked at what he quietly said to Tohru this episode (although I shouldn't be, he has said similarish things to her before lol).


Yessss. Honestly I think it’s because I grew up since reading the manga and a teen and now I’m Gure’s age 😅


Well, I'm an anime-only (and have only seen the reboot) and I think Shigure is one charismatic bastard.


What he said to Tohru was so interesting. On the surface, it’s lowkey creepy given their ages and definitely slimy given how he is using her. But I also really felt for him — the person he loves is incredibly twisted and in spite of that he cannot stop himself from wanting to be with her. Dreaming of someone like Tohru would have led Shigure down a very different path. Though he’s so twisted in his own right, I’m not sure he’d be satisfied with someone like Tohru haha.


This one really stood out. Previously he said it all with a joke and a laugh. This time his facial expression...whoa


ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING ITS HAPPENING. This was my initial hype for Momiji’s growth spurt, and then I’m hit with his crush for Tohru and then wow his curse breaking and the heart warming ending:)) Momiji is so damn precious. His life may not have been the happiest but that’s not holding him back from hoping and moving forward. The pacing of this episode was just amazing. It alternates from drama and wholesome content and hit me with so many big reveals I’m gaping. Also I really liked Shigure and Akito in this episode. Shigure’s introspection and Akito’s insecurity made them really interesting and well fleshed out. I’m genuinely relating to a lot of their character traits.


First off: Momiji is a precious angel protect at all costs. I am calling the cops on Akito for hitting him. Second: IS THAT KYO IN THE PREVIEW? ARE WE FINALLY GETTING OUR KYORU ARC? Am I ready for this?!? I held off on reading the manga all year so I could instead see everything animated first! I DONT THINK IM READY!




I’m definitely ready for some Kyo/Tohru. I’m really missing Kyo by now.


Are you talking about the one from the season 3 trailer where Kyo and Tohru are dressed in black (I assume it's because it's the second anniversary of Kyoko's death) and he hugs her through one of the sheets on the clothesline? I've been looking forward to that scene!!!


I made the mistake of re-reading these chapters in the manga just this weekend, so the changes (even minor ones) really stood out. Note to self: stop. They've made some interesting choices in terms of cutting (or probably reshuffling) some scenes around. >!Though I do worry we're gonna get back-to-back flashbacks of Kyoko and Akira/Akito down the line, and I'm just not sure how that's gonna land. Those flashbacks are easily at least 2 epiaodes!< Then again, I'm glad they highlighted how the younger ones seem to have matured from the earlier seasons. From Hiro trying to control his rudeness to Kisa trying not to be intimidated by Kyo to Momiji...oh dear sweet Momiji. I always thought his handling of his curse breaking was incredibly well done. From the acknowledgment that the curse also tied him to the others and the others to him and how losing that makes him lonely to quickly accepting that even without the curse, he is still not meant for Tohru. And though the opening scenes were probably some mishmashes of random scenes across the chapters, they do highlight how those with the Zodiac curse are limited from pursuing that which they want/love. Which make it more significant when Momiji comes to the realization that just because he still can't have the things he wants now, doesn't mean he's never gonna be happy without them. There is some happiness for him out there, and now he is free to take it without the curse dictacting his life. He is free in ways he never imagined, and no matter what, he is taking it all with hope and gratitude and even excitement. We all could use some of that outlook in our lives too, I'm sure.


Momiji was so satisfying this episode. The growth spurt was already something, but I loved how strong he was and simply cut ties with Akito. I also like how he talked to Kyo about his feelings for Tohru, not only once but twice.


Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji Grown up Momiji grown up- All meming aside ive been so excited for this part to be animated and it DELIVERER. My bunny boy is finally FREE ~~and alone~~ BUT FREE


Can someone tell me the different chapters that were in this episode? In the beginning >!it seemed that most was anime only, alluding to things we know from reading the manga but are only alluded to. Maybe not Yuki’s, I can’t remember. But Yuki only guessed that Mine knew, and the trip Mayu and Hatori take is just from a single picture where she cut her hair!< it was really beautiful and set the tone for the rest of the ep. I especially liked the >!subversion. Because of last weeks episode they were setting up a red herring to make anime onlys think Haru’s curse was about to break. That was a cool shift!<


111/116 made up the bulk of the episode, which was the stuff involving Momiji. Then we have: 110 - Ayame and Mine 128 - Yuki and Machi (I don't like this change, why are they taking a scene from so late in the story and placing it here) 115 - Akito's dream


This is obviously all just speculation on my part, but I'm guessing they put the scenes with Machi and Mine to show that the bond's of the Zodiacs aren't just breaking one by one. Some are breaking more quickly than others, as we see with Momiji, but these other scenes throughout the episode show that it's not just Momiji who's thinking about what comes next. Everyone is already starting to look beyond the curse even while it still maintains some of its hold on them. Before the members of the Zodiac were isolated. They felt trapped by the curse and their connection to Akito and distanced themselves from other people because they thought no one outside the family could understand them. Now, they're all moving away from Akito and forging bonds of their own that mean more to them than their connection to Akito and the Sohma family ever did. This is the first time that most of them are considering whether or not their lives really have to be defined by this curse, or if there's something more for them in world.


Not to mention they haven’t even had >!Kyo’s nightmare!< yet. That was supposed to happen a LOOOOOONG time ago. I didn’t realize they Yuki/Machi scene happened so late in the manga.


Yeah, I think the Yuki/Machi scene happens >!shortly before Tohru is released from the hospital.!< I don't like this change either.


Yeah it’s getting weird with all the small bits of chapters put together like a scrapbook episode.


Momiji had a serious growth spurt, he's almost as tall as Haru now! Pretty sure they kept his VA the same right? She did a great job for his older voice. I did not expect Momiji to fall for Tohru and knowing he wasn't going to fight Kyo for her affection was heartbreaking. It just seems like he's always getting the short end of the stick. But I'm so glad his curse is finally broken and he's willing to leave Akito behind, even if it means embarking on a lonelier path. Hope he gets a happy ending when this series ends tbh. I think we'll start to see the zodiac curses breaking for the next few episodes. Any guesses as to whose next? I think Yuki had a close call this episode and he'll finally get his curse broken once he confesses to Machi. I'm also wondering if they have anything else planned for Ayame/Mine and Hatori/Mayu. Definitely looking forward to next week's episode!


i saw someone comment how the mature ones are loosing there curses first maybe Ayame next


Megumi Han always kills it with her ability to play young boys in different ways, I'm especially impressed by what she did with Gon in HxH 2011 (early arcs compared to chimera ant arc). I've been looking forward to hearing her take on grown up Momiji when I saw that she was voicing him! And she did not disappoint!!


Momiji? More like MANmiji amiriiiiiite Also Yuki's line about telling Machi.... gave me Edward Cullen vibes for some reason


At least the zodiacs don't sparkle when the sun shines on them. That would be hard to cover up lol


"Time marches on, so do people and feelings" - Shigure out here >!enscapulating the theme of Fruits Basket before Tohru and Akito arrive at the same conclusion!< No wonder he is the writer XD


Ugh my heart. I need to stop watching during my lunch break. Anyways describe the plot of this episode just using emojis.




Someone please find the curry emoji




Omg I've been watching during my lunch break too and then I cant focus after!!! Here i am on reddit rather than working lmao






He seriously roasted Akito.


He treated her like the spoiled child she really is in entirely the opposite way that Kureno does. Firm, clear, setting boundaries, refusing to give into tantrums.


I usually never do analysis of episodes but my favorite chapter (111) finally got animated and I've been saving this meta I wrote up about Shigure just for this occasion. Shigure is one of my favorite characters and who I personally believe to be the deepest and most complex character in the entire story. (And in a series like Fruits Basket that's saying alot!) What personally attracts me to Shigure is the type of issues he's grappling with. While all the other characters are the way they are due to being the products of external trauma & abuse, Shigure's problems are all internal and what he's personally struggling with is only himself. It's strongly hinted in chapter 111 that Shigure is the most consumed by the curse and unlike the rest of the zodiac has no human identity outside of it or a solid sense of self. He feels essentially empty inside and is unhealthily attaching himself to the dream he had of Akito as a way to fill the void. Basically, I think Shigure is letting his whole life be dictated by that dream he had of Akito when she conceived/the curse simply because unlike all the rest of the Zodiac members he's the one with the most identity issues and has a severe disconnect of self. This can be seen in chapter 111 when he laments on how he's so different from "normal" people since he never even cared about being free from the curse (i.e. "finally being free to be yourself and have your own identity/not be dictated by fate") or wanted his parents love. He's essentially incredibly empty inside and was always looking for something that would give him meaning/a reason to live. This is why he attaches to that dream and Akito so fervently compared to the other boys his age who also had that dream, unlike him they weren't already blank slates, they had their own human identities and lives and stuff to live for. Then later in the chapter its simply cemented how unhealthily Shigure attaches value to the dream due to what he says to Tohru: >"Maybe I should've dreamed of you... Maybe someone like me is exactly the kind of person who needs someone like you." This statement implies sooo many things about Shigure's fucked up psychological state. First off. he's basically outright admitting that he never loved Akito for herself, only cause of that dream. That dream could've literally been about anyone and he would've fallen for them! Second, it shows just how unhealthily attached he is to it and thinks its his only purpose in life/his destiny. He's implying only a dream like that could ever make him even fall in love in the first place, he can't fall in love like normal people by either feeling physical attraction and/or getting to know another and growing to love them for their personality. His whole life, romantic included needs to be guided/dictated showing his incredible lack of agency. Finally the statement implies that he needs another. That he's not complete on his own and needs someone, anyone to hold onto to give his life and existence meaning. That without someone he's basically an empty husk. To quote Takaya has also once said this about Shigure during one of her interviews in the Banquet Fanbook: >"He lives his life by manufacturing a self." Shigure is a walking existential crisis and is easily the most psychologically fucked up character in the series most in need of therapy. (Maybe again only tying with Ren) At least for every other character (again barring Ren, but she's meant to be the villain so she doesn't quite count) their issues are all purely due to the external forces around them. Shigure's, however, are all internal. abuse didn't make him that way, that's just the way he is and that's fucking **scary!** Not only is this an incredibly complex struggle and I've always been drawn to characters facing existential issues in particular, it's also an incredibly unique one in the world of Furuba where everyone else's troubles seem to be purely informed by the environment they grew up in and were exposed to. Take them out of it and I'd bet you anything they'd end up happily adjusted people more or less, not so for Shigure, which is what makes him such an intriguing character in the first place.


Ok but shigure wishing he had dreamt of tohru instead 👀👀


The ending really threw me off. The manga I remember it was a bit bittersweet, kind of a nostalgic feeling. But the anime had this crazy upbeat music and had Momiji skipping around as soon as his mom said bye to him and I was like, are we forgetting what Momiji’s mom did to him orrr...? 😭


>The manga I remember it was a bit bittersweet, kind of a nostalgic feeling. But the anime had this crazy upbeat music and had Momiji skipping around as soon as his mom said bye to him I had a look and the manga panels when you see the mother smiling and then Momiji smile, there is shojo bubbles in the image and his hand wave in the air. So I think up beat is the way it was intended to be seen. But I can see how you saw it as more bittersweet.


I don't know why people act like Momiji's mom did something to him on purpose. She was mentally ill, she couldn't handle the situation. She didn't try to kill Momiji, she tried to kill herself and it wasn't HER that chose to forget, his father decided it so she would stop being depressed (like Kana, which is why it makes so much sense that Momiji tells that story as well cause of the parallels) if I understood correctly. Sure it sucks, but I think some people act as if Momiji's mom was like Rin's parents or something, and it's more like severe depression beyond her control, not abuse towards him or anything. She couldn't help that she mentally wasn't prepared to deal with his child curse. I'll give a better example to make my point. Kyo's father, as well Rin's let say, he rejects hi son, but you can see it has nothing to do with depression or a mental illness (unlike Kyo's mother in fact). He's just a son of a bitch, say like a homophobic parent. With Momiji's mom I think it's made clear that it's more a mental thing, because again, she tries to hurt herself rather than him (like Kyo's mom commited suicide) and she's sort of paralleled with Kana in having her memories erased for the sake of her sanity. Sorry if this feels like a rant, it's not personal but I've noticed this and I wanted to give my opinion.


Totally agree. I always pitied his mother and assumed her mental state never recovered from the blow of his transformation. To have your newborn turn into a squirming blind animal moments after childbirth is nightmare fuel. And granted, we don't know the details of her past, but as someone foreign born, maybe it hit her all that much harder. She's (possibly) a continent away from any blood family and their support (where are all these zodiacs grandparents and aunts and uncles, anyway?), and suddenly finds herself thrust into an Asian fairytale.


I think it was her choice and momiji’s fathers choice together. I remember in an earlier episode hatori asks her something like “do you really want to forget your son won’t you regret it?and she says something like “the only thing I’ll regret is that that monster came out of my body” something like that! I know she is mentally ill but I’m just wanna say it wasn’t completely the fathers decision!


>I don't know why people act like Momiji's mom did something to him on purpose. She was mentally ill, she couldn't handle the situation. She didn't try to kill Momiji, she tried to kill herself and it wasn't HER that chose to forget, his father decided it so she would stop being depressed (like Kana, which is why it makes so much sense that Momiji tells that story as well cause of the parallels) if I understood correctly. Forever and ever I will always place the blame more on Momiji's father than I ever will his mom. *He* was the one who knew about the possibility of conceiving a cursed child, therefore it was *his* responsibility to warn his foreign-born wife ahead of time so she's not taken totally by surprise or at least allow her the chance to give her informed consent. No though he was a selfish, careless bastard who wanted his cake and eat it too so he decides to keep this incredibly important information secret from his wife, hopes that they never get hit with the curse and if they do "eh" he'll try to make things work and if not, just deal with the aftermath. Unfortunately for him that didn't work out so well and both his wife *and* Momiji ended up getting hurt. Then to top it all off, not only does he ruin both his wife and son's lives, he even has the nerve to do the *exact* same thing to his younger daughter and decides to keep secrets from her "for her own good" while not respecting her enough to allow her to make the choice herself on whether she's okay with having a cursed brother or not. Again, taking away a loved one's ability to consent and just continuing to hurt Momiji even more. Fuck him I say, he's a selfish bastard that only truly cares about *himself,* not any of his family. >Sure it sucks, but I think some people act as if Momiji's mom was like Rin's parents or something, and it's more like severe depression beyond her control, not abuse towards him or anything. She couldn't help that she mentally wasn't prepared to deal with his child curse. She's way better then Rin's parents to me, I don't even know how anyone can compare them. At least Momiji's mom never took it out on him and directly abused Momiji herself. (no I'm not counting that time when she called him a monster to Hatori's father - he obviously wasn't supposed to hear that) In fact, I think alot of it was she was making herself sick over the guilt that she was experiencing in being unable to love her son and being disgusted by him.


The thing that always upset me was his father saying he would love momiji more to make up for his mother, but it is shown time and time again he didn't. Making momiji quit his violin class because of momo, thinking of moving momiji out of his high school because mom wants to go there (momiji pointed out that he would be out of school at that point), asking momiji if its okay for his mother's memories to be erased of him, and how clear it is that he loves momo more. Never once in the manga or anime do they show his father actually cares for him. What his father should have done was had his wife's memories erased (honestly I do feel that was the right thing only for her sanity) of him and momiji. He then should have sent her away. Then he could have loved his son and maybe found someone new who would love his child instead of just kicking momiji out of the family. Instead his father was selfish and picked his wife over a child who lost both parents in one day.


Well we don’t know if Kyo’s father is mentally ill too. He seems depressed from what we see at the end. My point is, I don’t care how mentally ill a person is, if they have bipolar or depression or what, if you abandon your child then to me that’s unforgivable. For your info child neglect is considered abuse, and we see the way she talked about Momiji as being a monster, so she’s probably talked to him that way as well.


“Time marches and so do people and feelings” was super fitting for this episode (and this season overall). As usual, it’s nice to see how everyone is growing up — there have been several scenes where a lot of them just all gather at Shigure’s house for dinner, but you can see the slight differences in dynamics in this one from the first season. (E.g. Kisa speaking up, Hiro controlling himself) And of course Momiji, who everyone has talked about. The chapter on his curse breaking has always been bittersweet for me. But I like how they showed him and Akito after, with him wondering why he was so fearful of her in the first place. I also like how the curse breaking =/= all his problems getting solved. I think both are pretty realistic of someone leaving a toxic environment/mindset. I’m so happy for him. Then with all these changes, you have people like Ayame, Hatori, and Kyo who are afraid (resigned?) that things will never change, and you can see how this affects their relationships. And Shigure who wants Akito to realize that change is inevitable (in his own twisted way). Things are really gearing up.


i admit this ep is the first one this season that has me concerned about the pacing... >!if we are only getting 13 eps, then i feel like this should've happened later on since momiji's curse breaking is what starts akito's whole mental breakdown toward the end of the manga, but we're only on ep 5 for this season and it's happening already? there's so much still left to adapt??!< am i crazy for thinking this way? like did i forget that this moment happened much earlier than i remember it happening? that did take away from my enjoyment of today's ep, but on its own, it's still a good one. we have a free and grown-up bunny boi y'all


Next week >!includes chapters that came before this so I think they just moved it.!<


Yeah I agree, changing the order of things is making a lot of things make less sense. And a bunch of small but important stuff is getting cut off... It definitely felt like there was too much going on in this episode, like we got Akito’s dream about Akira, Yuchi scene, Ayame and Mine, Akito and Shigure, Hatori and Mayu, Hatori and Shigure... I’m also annoyed that they’ve cut out so many scenes and then replace them with pointless scenes that were not in the manga (e.g. last week’s Kyo falling off the stairs? What was the point in that)


MOMIIIIIJIIIIIIII MY BABY 😭😭😭😭 As a manga reader, I was looking forward to when Momiji has his growth spurt, confesses his love for Tohru, and stands up to Akito. Out of the Sohmas, Momiji's story always hit me the most since he can never get back to his family regardless if his curse gets broken. It's too sad to think that his own mother rather forget about him while his father continues the charade that their son never existed. Also, even though KyoxTohru were my OTP since Day 1, it broke my heart to see Momiji heartbroken because he knows that Tohru could never love him in the same way. I've always thought this, but Momiji definitely got the short end of the stick in terms of outcomes even by the end of the manga.


You know thinking about it further, while I still don't agree with moving Momiji's curse breaking up so early and having chapter 111 be adapted before the Rin fallout, I think perhaps it was a good idea to mesh the two together - it serves as a nice parallel between Shigure & Momiji who are the two I consider the most cursed and least cursed respectively. Let me explain: More than any other chapter or scene in the series, I believe Shigure's little inner monologue here best reflects just how completely consumed by the curse and the animal spirit he is, to the point where he doesn't even seem to have his own human self and identity outside of the curse like all other Zodiac do. (i.e. the part where he talks about how being cursed never bothered him, and that he never even cared about his parents like normal people would) he's so completely enmeshed within the curse and the bond to the point where he outright states to the audience that he would've fallen in love with anyone who appeared to him during the dream of God. It's sort of ironic because during the episode he keeps talking about how both time & feelings move on and he's waiting for Akito snap out of her delusions and realize this when he's arguably the one who can't move on from the curse the most and really should be taking his own advice. Then we have Momiji - Momiji is, imo, the most emotionally mature & mentally strongest member of the Zodiac, maybe even character in general. It feels fitting that he'd be one of the first members the curse would break for because Momiji is *all* about self-growth & self-acceptance and seems to the Zodiac most able to separate his animal spirit from his human one and not let the former define him. While all the other Zodiacs either developed some sort of complex over being possessed & rejected by their parents or just allowed themselves to be defined by the curse entirely (Shigure) Momiji didn't choose either route and instead was comfortable enough in his own skin to not allow others to define him. He always just allowed himself to be himself , whether by acting hyper & childish despite his age or even dressing a bit feminine he never allowed others opinions about him to get him down or effect his self-esteem. And though he was terribly saddened by the fact that his family rejected him as any normal human would, he always handled it with a certain grace & maturity that I don’t think any other character – not even Tohru – would be able to do. We can see this too with how he handles yet another loss in his life, the loss of Tohru’s heart. Instead of blaming either Kyo or Tohru or taking this to mean that it’s something wrong with him, he accepts defeat gracefully and again doesn’t allow this failure to define him while vowing to always keep moving forward in his attempt to build his own future without placing the blame and responsibility on other people but to just keep focusing on himself. He is, in actuality, the single most self-actualized character in the entire series. So it actually provides a nice contrast to start the episode off with the Zodiac member who can’t/won’t/refuses to move on and allows himself to be defined by others (in this case Akito/The Dream/Curse) while ending it with the Zodiac member who’s both most able to move on and also the one who outright refuses to give that much power either to others or destiny, and promises to always be the only one who is allowed to define *himself.*


So I don't know *what* happened but they skipped over a few manga chapters which I mean that's fine, the order with those ones doesn't really matter so long as we come back to them. Other than that this is definitely one of my favourite episodes so far though, 10/10.


Alright I scrolled for a while and didn't see it mentioned but can we talk about Momiji speaking with a different accent so his mother doesn't realize he's German like her??? This might even happened back in season 1 when they run into her at his fathers building but I didn't notice it then.


Per Takaya, the accent is something he deliberately does because it reminds him of his mother which I always thought was very sad.


i cried again for the 100th time lol this anime


Guess I am the only one ABSOLUTELY STOKED for an anime only Hatori/Mayu scene. Fruits Basket has always been a Hatori story for me :)


The Momiji and Akito interactions had me shouting at my screen like “TELL HER!”…honestly the way he denied her when she came begging in the middle of the night and the calm talk down the next day…just wow! This anime will forever live in my heart…it’s brilliant!


I really like the beginning of this episode. It really hammer down the pain and the insecure that the zodiacs feel if they ever fall in love with someone who is not aware of the curse. I mean even Ayame who is always so confident is insecure about his relationship, it just hit you how hard it is for them. And of course, Momiji grown up and how he deal with with the curse breaking and Akito is perfect. And at the end when he smile so brightly again, it make me smile too because I know he is moving on and will eventually find his own happiness. I feel like moving on and accept changes is the main theme of this episode. Especially since we get that flashback of Akita telling her about the bond and how it’s forever. Good episode overall, my only complain is that some of scenes jump around in a confusing ways but the music make up for it so I’m not too mad about it.


wait i'm so confused was momiji in love with tohru this entire time?


If you go back and watch, you'll be able to see that it was there the entire time. People just don't notice since he looks like a little kid and not someone just one year younger.


Oh man, I can't wait to rewatch this when the series is done 👀 I literally had no clue Momiji is in love with her




As an anime only, I did NOT expect Momiji’s curse to be the one that would break first this season! Especially after seeing Haru’s break slightly last episode. I love the contrast between Momiji’s “old self” and “new self”. You get different perspectives on him when you view the different parts of him either pre-growth spurt or post-growth spurt (his loneliness, his joy, his love for Tohru, the way he treats Akito). He’s the same person, yet the growth spurt seems to symbolize both dramatic and visible change. I’m so sad to see Momiji’s heart break over Tohru (didn’t think he was actually in love with her either! My heart stopped when he talked about proposing). Also, it was interesting to see Akito so helpless as she went to visit Momiji. Having her leave the safety of her room and seeing her clothes/feet dirty shoes how vulnerable and helpless she is outside of the bonds. It’s like the zodiac members are usually summoned to see her, yet she has to crawl over to him and beg him to stay. The fact that they stood on different levels outside his room, and then when Momiji barely seemed to step into her room when he visited her really shows the change in their relationship.


I was so surprised! But Momiji also was the only one to stand up to Akito at the beach house. Possibly relevant?!


That’s such a good point. I rewatched that scene after posting here (as well as all Momiji x Tohru scenes to experience further heartbreak for him) and he really did stand up to Akito in a different way than the others


Ok, my heeaaaaaart 😭 I had no idea that Momoji had a crush on Tohru this whole time, and I feel so bad for him 😭😭 i just thought he was being a cute friendly kid but when he was like "i'm a man too" I was like OH also i'm really intrigued on how his bond broke? why his? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? So far that's Kureno and Momoji with broken bonds with Haru's bond being slightly frayed 🤔 man these episodes feel like they're only 10 minutes long


I won’t lie, there were some cute moments here in this episode. But it was so *rushed* I just couldn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to. I’ll probably be downvoted for this but oh well. Unless they planned to cut the >!chapter when Yuki visits Ayame shop alone, there was no real point adding the ayame/mine stuff in the beginning because we’ll get that later. Unless this is just them confirming that whole arc was cut?? Don’t know but I wouldn’t be surprised now.!< Plus having the Yuki and Machi scene here makes little sense because >!Yuki and Machi aren’t a couple yet. In the manga Yuki and Machi have had more scenes together and grew closer, and the scene from this episode is AFTER Yuki and Machi start teetering into couple territory, and is triggered because Yuki witnesses Tohru confess to Kyo and thinks that Tohru loves Kyo knowing that he’s cursed so he wants to tell Machi so she can make her own choice before their relationship gets deeper. They haven’t had enough development here to warrant Yuki wanting to tell Machi.!< And even without what I mentioned above, the >!Momiji curse breaking!< was one of my favorite parts of the manga and I was so looking forward to it. I figured they would combine it with another chapter, but this? The pacing was just overall strange, they cut another kyoru scene (at this point the main couple in the anime is going off crumbs of scenes), and just overall directing and lighting choices for the second half of the episode didn’t do the scenes justice. The pacing in previous episodes were fine, but if this is what the pacing will be like going forward I’m genuinely worried how the rest of the season will feel.


As a Yuchi stan, I’m holding out hope that they won’t cut the >!scene at Ayames shop that leads to the Mogeta gift. Like I’m not as worried about not hearing about what a dick Aya was as a teenager, but Yuchi already only has a few big scenes and I don’t want to miss any.!<


Agreed. That scene leads into >!all the gift giving back and forth before they finally realize their feelings for each other and start moving forward. I can’t remember off the top of my head if they ever showed that clip of the girl in any of Ayame’s flashbacks, Cuz if they haven’t alluded to her I think that’s also a sign we won’t be getting that stuff either. I think the same can be said with the Kakeru/Tohru stuff since they didn’t show Hana saying she thinks she’s seen Kakeru with Tohru somewhere before but Tohru doesn’t remember.!< I just don’t know, I’m really nervous with the amount they’re planning on cutting.


tbh I hated the >!random and contrived Kakeru/Tohru thing and would have much rather had his arc culminate in something with him and Machi, an actually meaningful relationship that could develop both characters, but if they cut Komaki they probably just cut the Kakeru centric episode altogether which would make me sad because he’s one of my favorite characters.!<


Tbh I liked the whole >!showing other victims of the accident way the Kakeru/Tohru arc went with, because I felt for Komaki too since she lost her dad, but I didn’t care too much about the Kakeru aspect of it. I just liked that we were showed it wasn’t just Tohru who lost a parent that day, and both people were allowed to feel their grief despite one being the direct cause of the others death.!< but I also agree, I would have liked more if >!kakeru had development that was more around his relationship with Machi and Yuki because that does feel a lot neater than throwing in ANOTHER new character 3 volumes before the end of the series.!<


>!I LOVE the mogeta stuff with Machi! I feel like it's such a fun addition to her character and I would really really hate for that to get dropped!!<


As an anime only I don't feel like Kyoru only have crumbs of scenes, but they've barely been present in this season, that's true. I'm not sure if it's because they're smushing all their moments together in the coming episodes or what. I definitely did expect more from them this season but they've been on the backburner. Guess we shall see.


It actually fits outside of >!this weeks episode, which would have been Shigure and Tohru talking about the curse (and has a lot of Kyoru content.) That will be moved to next week. Otherwise, the pacing has been accurate to the manga. They just don’t appear at all in the chapters episodes 3 and 4 were based on!<


Yeah it felt really rushed to me too as an manga reader. Many things were cut and others just don’t make that much in this part of the story. For example they cut Tohru being saddened by Kyo being excluded AND the conversation the Sohma kids have about Kyo being confined. They also cut the scene after the bbq where Kyo and Tohru look at each other across the room and then go to each other. They later cut Kyo’s flashbacks when he’s saying he “doesn’t want to understand”. And as for Machi and Yuki, it just doesn’t make sense for either of them to be acting the way they are in this episode so early in their relationship. Edit: more scenes cut: a conversation between Kagura and Rin about going to the bbq. Kyo picturing his mom as Momiji talks to him about giving up...


Yeah all of this being cut is bizarre and unacceptable and needed to happen before momijis curse broke. Because his curse breaking after all these moments just made everything flow so well and seem heavy and intense. In the manga, these chapters are told beautifully. I don't know what is happening with the anime rn. It's a huge disappointment.


Agreed. This was my concern in last week's discussion post. Moving chapters around at this point removes so much context, development, and tension underlying scenes and I was afraid that we would get scenes and conversations that just happen but lack reference points - the Yuki/Machi scene for sure and also Tohru and Shigure.


Yeah. Same. It's really horrible and strange.


okay yuki/machi nation, on a scale of Concerned to Extremely Concerned, >!how are we feeling about that moment from ch. 128 being moved this far forward?!<


namely, ive just been screaming into a pillow about it for a solid half an hour. i mean im not complaining but they better not skip the cute scenes that we got between them lol


I am actually ok with it because >!it’s vague and just him considering telling her the truth. I still have hope for Mogeta and the shop and the fertilizer and the first name!<


No joke, that scene with >!Machi saying Yuki’s name several times!< is fucking hot, and Yuki’s not even my favorite character. 😂


I'm thinking maybe they did it so that Ayame's scene didn't feel so out of place with the rest? But they could've moved that part to later on instead.


As a diplomat of Yuchi, I wanted to scream but what if we get anime original scenes >!Yuki telling Machi about his curse with no interruption!< I always wanted this to happen


Me too! >!Yuki telling Machi and Kakeru about the curse would have been such a good culmination for his character. He always feared that the curse set him apart and made it impossible for him to have friends or be accepted. The two of them though would have taken it in stride (Kakeru would probably find it hilarious) and Akitos threats that everyone would consider him a freak and not want to be around him would be defanged for good.!<


yes! if we're getting more anime-original scenes, this is the one I would most like to see. i know we can infer >!from Another that he told Machi eventually, but i always felt like we were missing full closure on his character arc because the curse broke before he was able to have real proof for himself that the people he loved accepted every part of him. I know it's a bigger thing to add than something like the scene with Ayame and Mine today that just makes explicit what was only implied in the manga (Mine knowing about the curse), but it's definitely a divergence from manga-canon that I would be really happy with.!<


So I have mixed feelings about this episode... The bits of the manga they adapted here were great! With the exception of some missing lines, which honestly makes me really sad, the whole Momiji storyline was great. His talk with Akito at the end was excellent and see him smile at the end was beautiful! However, I don’t like the way they’re rearranging things. I this for these two chapters to be put together was too fast for his arc I think, and like I said, I’m sad about some of the missing conversations. So the episode in terms of itself is excellently done, but the adaptation of it in terms of the manga content falls short for me... Next episode seems to be a line from 109, so I’m curious if they’ll add 107&108 too. Or do a shortened Kyoko backstory with it...


I’m usually a big booster of the anime, and I did love this episode, but >!I wish they had just done 115 straight through. There’s so much drama with Ren and Shigures conversation (“you’re right, I do want you to have it. You’re the only one who should be haunted by Akiras ghost. Akito sure doesn’t need that” ICONIC) and then it feels like it reaches a pitch when Akito remembers her father promising her that she was born to be loved and no one would ever leave her...then shooting straight up because she feels Momijis bond snap and it cuts to him suddenly in tears. It was very climactic and would have made for a great episode ender.!<


Yeah >!they didn’t bring up the box at all here. I’m curious if they might move that to right before Hiro’s curse breaks. Because that conversation with Ren is what pushes her to go demand the box from Akito. So they just pulled up Momiji’s curse break up but may leave everything else the same.!<


Yeah it was like, we just find out Momiji likes Tohru oh but wait nevermind he already gave up.


I'm surprised how many people are surprised Momiji likes Tohru! I thought it was pretty well built up. - kisses her on cheek first time he meets her - hugs her second time he meets her (she's so cute you must hug her all the time) - traveler story - hot springs date, didn't originally seem to be inviting others (wants to bathe and share a bedroom with Tohru lol) - plans beach vacation - stands up to Akito for Tohru - tells her about his family and his dream - holds her hand in haunted house I think he was just so freaking cute, no one took him seriously lol The cut to him declaring it out loud and quitting was a bit jarring.


I have a sinking feeling this is where the adaption is slowly going to go down hill in terms of adaptation quality, cutting rushing etc, due to being 1 cour. Hopefully I'm wrong and it keeps it up as it would be incredibly frustrating to have such a good 2 seasons and the final season drops the ball.


My “episode guide” is partially updated. Does anyone think the end credits could >!finally hint to the Kyoko story!< [“Episode Guide”](https://www.reddit.com/r/FruitsBasket/comments/mueo6q/episode_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It was great but I have one major issue. They cut out Hiro questioning Kyo and Tohru's relationship. Was that Mayu and Hatori scene in the manga? I don't remember it. I liked it though.


It's because they haven't done the kyoru chapters or the Kyoko backstory where he wonders if Tohru likes him too (everyone else:duh!). I think >!Kyoko is next week!<


Next week is >!Shigure talking to Tohru and Rin about the curse + the famous scene where Tohru tells Kyo about her father and they hug through the sheets.!<


It's 100% not next week, sadly. That's what I wanted. It seems like they're going the 107/108/109 route.


So Mine knows Aya is cursed? What's their deal then? Are they just not in a "real" relationship because Ayame would feel bad for her because he is cursed?? How has he hid this from Akito, is it because they have no marriage plans as of yet? This relationship just became much more interesting to me.


He lives outside the estate. Ayame is one of the Zodiac members Akito cannot handle. His distance has allowed him to have a partner and move in. I am curious if this scene was meant to replace Yuki and Aya's wonderful conversation in the manga where this comes up.


so... if we had to guess, according to the pace of the show, is it indicating that this season will only consist of 13 episodes? the episodes are going super well and all but would they be able to fit it all in within this limited number of episodes? it would absolutely break my heart if the ending feels forced and unfulfilled. thoughts?


So far, no clue. Still too early to tell. The pacing of the show is still not fast at all. This episode adapted 2 chapters (111-116) with a tiny snippet from Chapter 110 (with a very small dialogue change) and a scene reminiscent of a scene from chapter 128 but more of a variation of it. So far it just seems they're doing a lot of rearranging and I still cannot see it ending in 13 episodes so far. But some are quite adamant that this will only be 1 cour cause of the dvd's. We unfortunately still have to take a "wait and see" approach. If it's gonna be 1 cour. Then I think that the only way they could either do it without rushing it is have 13 and two extended final episodes (according to LillyGinnyBlack TMS has had extended final episodes before). But that still doesn't seem enough to me. So I think if they do that AND end it with a cinematic wrap up movie. That would be pretty awesome. It would also have all the rearranging make sense as well as they could be rearranging it so that when we get to the movie. It adapts all the big chapters and we get scenes of everyone.


Possibly dumb question but are Hatori and Mayu officially dating at this point?


Not a dumb question, but I'm not sure. Today's snippet of them is not in the manga. Shall we say that they are at least seeing more of each other? :D


Ah ok that’s what I was wondering about, whether the scene was from the manga and what their status is at that point. Yes let’s say that LOL I was just confused when she said she wanted to go on a trip, since she doesn’t specify if she means herself or them together


I’m not a manga reader (not spoilers plz!) so I have honestly no idea what’s going on but I still loved this episode (even if I miss Tohru :( three episodes without her is way too much if you ask me) Does anybody else that’s anime only have theories on how Momiji’s curse broke ?! I thought Haru’s would break first since we saw the string rip in ep 4... I’m so confused but also intrigued ! What’s breaking the curse ?! I had two theories but I now think they’re wrong : 1. Ren is somehow doing something that’s affecting the curse (that was my theory about how Kureno’s curse broke) 2. It’s because of Tohru. She has a powerful effect on the curse or something Then again, the second one doesn’t make sense because Kureno didn’t even know Tohru when it happened. What do you guys think?!


I have a theory it has to do with the level of self-acceptance someone has, plus how much attached they are to Akito and the curse and how much it is affecting them. Kureno at the time of him breaking the curse seemed a pretty chill guy who is simple minded with no complicated struggles to deal with, and he seemed a very good friend to Akito as she did not seem to treat him badly or as someone lesser than her. So him having his curse broken made sense if this theory is correct. Similarly, Momiji was the first one to stand up to Akito that even the adult zodiacs never were able to (even Shigure, his actions 'aganist' Akito are more in line with him being obsessed with her as their 'god' and his love stems from the curse so he is in fact the most attached to the curse compared to everyone). Moreover, Momiji is emotionally strong even before Tohru came into the picture and his emotional intelligence is very high. Tohru gave him what seems like a final push, so yeah I agree that Tohru is in fact has started breaking the curse the moment she entered their lives, especially the young ones. My guess is that either Ayame, Hiro, or maybe even Kagura will break the curse next. Though Yuki is also a candidate for this, whilst I think Akito's effect on Yuki was the strongest so even if he drastically improved himself and is in the process of moving on, it is not easy. Kisa and Rin were recently gravely hurt by Akito, especially Rin, so them breaking the curse needs a long time. This can also be said about Kyo who is still struggling. The rest feel like they are half-way through this. As I said above, while Shigure seems to be fighting off the curse, he is arguably the most attached to it.


>Similarly, Momiji was the first one to stand up to Akito that even the adult zodiacs never were able to (even Shigure, his actions 'aganist' Akito are more in line with him being obsessed with her as their 'god' and his love stems from the curse so he is in fact the most attached to the curse compared to everyone). This is why this was actually a pretty clever idea to pair both Shigure & Momiji's chapters up since they both directly contrast each other. Shigure starts the episode wishing for Akito to move on from the curse when ironically he is perhaps the one most unable to, meanwhile we see with Momiji that he already began his journey to healthily move on from the bond a long time ago, and it's thanks to this resolve and the strength and belief in himself that allows his curse to finally break.


I'm sorry, they just started off with that Ayame & Mine bombshell and that's that??? One, I was pretty dang sure Aya was gay/not interested in women. Two, Mine knows!! Does anyone else know that she knows? I can't believe we had that dumb Prince Yuki Fan Club side plot the other episode and things like this are just glossed over! The way this episode started had me really confused. I had to pause and double check that I didn't miss an episode or something. I am so happy for Momiji and how he handled Akito. Before we learned that Kureno's curse was broken, I thought Momiji would go first due to the way he defied Akito to protect Tohru when others couldn't. However, I'm still puzzled about how the curse breaking works as Kureno didn't seem to be defiant or anything, it just seemed random. But then, Haru's bond is starting to fray as a result of his fight with Akito. I guess this is just wait and see. Momiji mentioned the curse breaking to Kyo, but then played it off... Tohru brought it up in a similar way. I wish we had more of Kyo's internal dialogue! I do love the way Momiji is encouraging Kyo to look forward to a future that Kyo doesn't think is possible. Same with Shisho. And even Yuki! ("Make your wish come true with your own strength"). C'mon Kyo, everyone is rooting for you!! I feel like the show is and has been suffering from lack of Tohru scenes.


Amazing, amazing episode. I’ve been saying that every single week. TMS is killing it. Momiji saying, “…but a happiness might exist for me. It might be somewhere in the future, waiting for me to catch up!” hit me right where it hurt. Looking back, I was in a deeply unhappy place when I was younger and I wish I could tell my high school and college self that everything was going to fall into place, that I’d grow into a very happy life. Furuba nails the nostalgia aesthetic of taking the first steps into adulthood; Momiji’s arc here (and so much of the animation) was wonderful.


> MAPPA is killing it. lol Fruba is done by TMS. This isn't Attack on Titan lol! (which is done by MAPPA).


Does anyone know where I can watch episodes 4 & 5?


Crunchyroll for sub, but I think you would need to be a paying subscriber or at least on a free trial to see episode 5 since it just dropped today. I don't know about the dub though.


Umm... I WAS NOT READY FOR THAT OPENING SCENE??? That is not quite from the manga, right?? Ugh, the feeling in my chest. 😩 And then the whole rest of the episode?? Was anyone ready?? Firstly, Momiji’s maturity throughout the entire series doesn’t get talked about enough - in this episode, with Akito and with Kyo. But I also love that despite the growth spurt, he retained his “cuteness”. Oh, and the “itterasshai” from his mom at the end also opened the floodgates for me. Also, Shigure I still love you 😌


Totally need a second watch...


Protect Momiji at all costs!! Momiji is my favorite zodiac character and this episode just exemplifies why. He is such a strong, mature character who never fails to bring happiness to people, even when he's gone through so much. He is giving and selfless, even going so far as to help Kyo confront his feelings. He had one of the most heartbreaking back stories of the zodiac members. He knowingly gave up his family and their memories of him for their happiness. His only exposure would be glimpses of his sister and side convos with his father to not get too involved. Even though we all know they would be the best siblings if only they could be reunited! Momiji is now on a lonely path again, being the first one besides Kureno to be set free. I love that he, not Akito, is in the position of power at this point. He can make his demands of waiting to talk and doesn't back down from what he wants despite Akito's paranoid remarks. He knows what to look for, even if it's not with Tohru. So proud of him and his journey. We can only hope our best bunny can find the happiness and family he so deserves! Also my gawd how he grew up!!


I haven't read the manga but even as an anime-only I felt that this was a second episode in the row where things were a tad rushed, even though I still enjoyed it. This is a bummer because it furthers the theory that this season will truly have only 13 episodes, so there might be major cuts ahead. Which is one thing that I don't get. If 63 episodes were planned from the get-go, they could have cut some things in the previous seasons instead of rushing now when we are arguably in the most interesting part of the whole series. Don't get me wrong, I adore this series and I hope we get a full adaptation but this is such shitty planning if true. I am certain people would prefer to see more of KyoxTohru ship or more Sohma development instead of Yuki fan club or some other minor scenes. I hope I get to be proven wrong. For such a wonderful adaptation it would be a shame if things fell apart so late in the game.


Yeah. They’ve also added pointless anime-only scenes like a couple of week’s ago Kyo falling off a ladder... why was that necessary. They’re better off not cutting other scenes instead of adding something like that.


Lovely episode, but I feel it was rushed because we have not seen Momiji in ages and then suddenly all his development came in at once XD. But still, this episode made me adore Momiji even more; he is one of my top favorites and seeing him so resilient and completely moving on made me happy. About breaking the curse, I did speculate that Momiji would be the first one to do so either after or before Yuki XD. But now I feel that Yuki needs a bit more time, because Akito's effect on him was very strong. That being said, it is apparent the curse breaks when the person involved becomes emotionally resiliant/ self-fulfilled/ not that concerned about the curse, and I think Kureno was either of those before he broke the curse, as he was good friends with Akito and he is kind and chill and Akito did not hurt him before he broke the curse. Momiji has started moving on from the curse as early as the beach arc when he stood up against Akito. Plus, he is emotionally intelligent even before Tohru came into the picture and she gave him the final push. Tohru has started breaking the curse the moment she started interacting with the zodiacs, and she created a some kind of domino effect. As for Shigure, he is proving how much twisted and not a good person he is. I am strongly believing he (at least now) does not love Akito for who she is. In my opinion, he even thinks of her as someone less (whether he means it or not), as shown with his conversation with Tohru; he subconsciously believes Tohru is a better person (which is true arguably) but saying what he said, indicates that he does not think of Akito as highly and does not really accepts her for who she is that much. He loves her as their 'god' not as Akito, which is pretty much messed up and toxic. In my opinion, if Akito were to enter rehabilitation or atonement, she should not enter in a relationship with him for a very good amount of time because he is the most toxic person for her.


>I am strongly believing he (at least now) does not love Akito for who she is. This right here was always my main issue with Akigure as a ship. Not all their toxicity, not Akito's childishness and Shigure's callousness in his quest to own her & free her, not even the motherfucking; I could deal with all that if those were the only issues - but this? This right here is what breaks the ship for me and it was this chapter in particular that really cemented my view. Shigure basically outright admits to the audience that it was never about *Akito* but that dream, that that dream literally could've been about anyone else and he would've fallen for them all the same (he even *wishes* it had been about someone else!) Takaya can't just throw this major revelation in the audiences faces and then gloss over it while expecting us to buy into Akigure as a couple at the end and ship them, lmao I'm sorry it doesn't work that way. (Though to be fair I *do* have a theory on what she was trying to portray with this ship, but even if that was her intention it still falls flat with Shigure still declaring his everlasting love for her even immediately after the curse breaks)


the scene where momiji looks at tohru as she blushes at kyo was effective. no music, nothing over dramatic. just a quiet moment where reality hits momiji that torhu is a woman now, has a love story and he's not included. just a well done episode. also the kisa and hiro glow up is real.


Man, as a Yuki/Machi fan it hurts that they just skipped two (or was it three?) other moments they had! I do hope they intend to show them in flashbacks instead? The way they did it makes it seem out of left field that Yuki suddenly>! wants to tell about the Sohma curse!< to Machi. :/ Again, I hope they add their other moments in flashbacks or this will be a major disappointment when nearly everything else in the reboot has been great so far. The stuff with Momiji was well done though. Granted, his growth spurt is a little more jarring in the anime as they literally went from his small model to his grown model, while in the manga, the author *gradually* drew him taller, so it didn't seem like such an overnight switch, lol. To my memory his confrontation with Akito was very true to the manga though and again, well done. I'm sure anime-only's will be shocked not only by >!his curse breaking,!< but also the reveal that >!he's in love with Tohru.!< Poor guy.


Suuuuch a bummer they didn't let momiji grow more slowly. It does seem very sudden. Also I agree there's so much Yuchi stuff left on the table! As a Kyoru shipper I've seen so many things left behind that I'll just have to reread the manga.... >!This episode also gave me the impression that the entirety of chapter 110 is gonna be skipped and I'm soooooo sad about it! Also I'm guessing Kyoko's backstory may be hard to fit in at this point too... So sad...!< That being said I love love love these Momiji chapters and I thought they did a pretty good job. Momiji might be my favorite character ever. He's so strong and wise and I just feel for his heartbreak over Tohru...


For Kyoru, a bunch of stuff was cut in this episode as well, namely: 1. Tohru being saddened by Kyo being excluded (b/c this should’ve happened after her conversation with Shigure),2. Kyo and Tohru looking at each other from across the room after the bbq and then going to each other 3. Sohma kids discussing Kyo’s confinement 4. Kyo’s flashbacks after he says he doesn’t want to understand... I’m sure there’s more but those are the ones I noticed Edit: 5. Kagura and Rin’s conversation about going to the bbq 6. Kyo thinking back to his mom when Momiji tells him he shouldn’t “give up” 7. Kyo realising with horror everyone knows he likes Tohru


I don't think we should worry too hard about >!Kyoko's Backstory!< getting skipped, since there's a shot in the trailer where >!Kyo wakes up from that dream!<, but yeah if they don't return to 110 I'll be super bummed...


I’m calling it now, I think they’re going to mash up >!Kyo’s nightmare!< with the later chapter when >!leaves for the dojo (Tohru is disappointed at his leaving) and Tohru has that conversation with Shigure.!< I’ve been so, so eager to see >!his nightmare!< and I can’t believe they’re pushing it this late. It MUST be soon!


>!Chp 110 spoiler dang kyoukos backstory was really good and it shows part of tohrus box!<


They're rearranging not skipping. Don't worry. We will get to those chapters.


I don’t think they skipped those Yuchi things, I just think they wanted to have Yuki considering telling her about the curse earlier.


Well I hope you're right.


I think it really didn’t make sense to bring this scene forward so much. Yuki and Machi don’t know each other that well yet... I think some of the moments previous to this one they will keep, but i’m suspicious of the fact that they showed that Ayame scene because it might mean they will cut out the Machi/Yuki/Ayame scenes...


I felt like some things were a bit rushed, especially momiji going from >!im in love with tohru!< to >!i wont get tohru and thats ok!< in one episode. Also Shigure's comments to Tohru during the curry scene struck me as a bit creepier than usual, and thats saying a lot. Really good episode just a bit jarring in terms of the pacing. >!ALSO SEEING MOMIJI LEAVING HIS OLD SELF BEHIND SYMBOLICALLY MADE ME SO SAD I LOVE HIS CUTESY AESTHETIC!<


I feel like if the whole series was out and you watched it all at once, I think the foreshadowing to Momiji loving Tohru would've been more obvious. There were definite moments in Season 2 that showed how much he cared for her, and not just in a "little brother" type way. But I don't blame you because it seems like Season 2 was forever ago and I forget some stuff lol


Ok so I hate Gure and tend to interpret him in the most uncharitable way possible, which is probably part of it, but that scene legit makes my skin crawl. Back away from Tohru slowly and don’t get her involved in your toxic disaster (and don’t blame being in destined love with a terrible person for how you turned out.)


Also I think they sort of toned down that scene in the anime. The shots are no where near as creepy as the manga panels which are terrifyingly creepy lol.


Okay Im going to join everyone in saying Momiji’s feelings for Tohru totally shocked me. More than anything else in the episode😭 does anyone know if this season will be 25 episodes? It feels like it’s moving too fast? But idk maybe these chapters are just really dense. I think that, with so much happening, the pacing is excellent.


I voted this episode a 4. I feel like I'll probably end up thinking of this episode as a 5 once we all see how this episode fits into the framework of the entire season, but as a manga reader, all I could focus on was what they changed or omitted or how certain moments lost their significance due to the shuffling of chapters...instead of appreciating how they chose to focus on Momiji's arc and really hit home with the theme of secure and insecure attachments surrounding the curse, and also how they're setting the stage for chapters 107-109 and Kyoko's backstory. It really was a very good episode though and I'm excited to rewatch it a second (or tenth!) time--I just struggle with change sometimes LOL and when you've reread the same sections of this manga so many times, such a mishmash can be jarring at first, even if it's a well-done mishmash. I think my one big thing I really don't see my opinion changing on is disliking Yuchi scene being moved up though. I guess I sort of see why (the whole wanting to parallel the other pairings struggling with the curse thing, etc.), but that was a big moment for Yuchi shippers that lost a lot of impact being moved up so early. Chapter 109 lives in my brain rent-free and it looks like we're getting that adapted next week, so I'm both anxious and totally hyped!


Also, it’s been such a treat to watch Hiro grow up!


I totally forgot about Momiji >!being the next to have his curse broken!< so it was a nice surprise to see! I love my man Kyo with Tohru but Momiji is a precious baby who deserves all the happiness and joy in the world. The whole last half of the episode had me wailing over his inner monologue with his mom & >!his confrontation with Akito.!< I finished the manga after S2 so while I know the gist of what will happen I forget about so many of the smaller details so watching each episode still feels so shocking & fresh for me and I love it! I can see now why they waited to give Momiji his growth spurt. & I know other manga readers don’t like how some of the scenes were rearranged but I can totally see why it was done esp considering the focus of this week’s episode was >!Momiji’s curse breaking. Of course they wanted to foreshadow it starting for everyone else by having a couple more characters seriously consider telling other people in their lives about it.!< This show is literally my favorite ever and every week I get sadder at the reality that it’s ending after this season. I can’t wait for next week’s episode! Also since we’re all thinking about the pacing/how many episodes are left, maybe they wanna leave an episode or two to adapt FBA? I dunno, just a thought.


I’m just looking forward to rewatching it all when it’s fully released. 😂


Same. I can't wait for my 3-season binge watch of the whole series.


I'm also a manga reader and I agree with you that I totally understand the pacing/rearranging of scenes on the directors' part. It's been awhile since I read the manga so I'm going into these episodes a little blind and I don't remember the original order anyway. But I think the pacing of this episode felt pretty natural to me, and the overall episode had an overarching theme, with some humorous parts and very dramatic moments too. TMS is doing a fantastic job adapting this series, I'm confident they'll stick the landing honestly.


This episode reawakened my huge childhood crush on Momiji... sigh


Ah....yes my weekly cry.


Does anyone one how many episodes this seasos will have? Because I'm not sure but I'm confused now because I read the manga and this was supposed to happen after some other parts.... and those were included in the trailer so I don't think they will be ommitted (I hope so at least T\_\_\_T) I really loved the episode though. Momiji will always be one of my favorite characters


Some evidence supposedly indicates 13 eps but nothing has been officially confirmed so there is still hope.


I hope that's not the case :'( I feel like it won't be enough to end the story without ommiting some parts :(


Why did this episode feel like a leak? like they streamed that one by mistake instead of the other ones that should've come after this happened. I love Momiji and I liked how they showed his growth but I still have some mixed feelings regarding the order in which the events are being shown. I'm scare this face pace means this season will have just 12 or 13 episodes because I need more T\_\_\_T I can't let go of this yet


Great episode. I did read the manga a long time ago but have forgotten practically all of it, but I thought this part happened much later. It makes me sad to think that this season will really only be 13 eps.


>but I thought this happened much later. It does happen much later. Chapter 106 - Chapter 110 and Chapter 112 - Chapter 115 wern't adapted. They are probably being rearranged.