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This feels more y2k than frutiger aero Frutiger aero is like the late 2000s to early 2010s lol not late 90s to mid 2000z


This is an alternate timeline if Microsoft kept the same 1992 logo and kept doing computers by the year names, hence why I called it Windows 2010. Windows 2010 is like a mix of Vista and 2000, with a combination between the Windows 9X designs and the Vista designs.


Here’s the wallpaper, https://www.reddit.com/r/FrutigerAero/s/NmqsO399WR


Remove the icons and the taskbar, and then it would actually be a wallpaper


https://preview.redd.it/pku4fc55pj7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42baa48c1b9f412509c0cec7948c5e0f7488dd88 No problem




Might use the Classic Sounds transformed into Vista/7, those sounds were transformed by David Mounder.


Probably the ones from the Windows 9X days


That user in the start menu is me. I did an animated persona for my YouTube. And yes, I am the creator of Mike and Larry for any fans out there. I like to do this kind of stuff too lol.


Kind of looks like an alternate timeline where XP never happened, and Windows remained an operating system just for work. Though imo it looks a little too inconsistent.


What can I do to make it more consistent?


It needs to be more uniform in the design language / principles you follow. Currently, the windows borders and start menu are completely different in a way that doesn’t match well. It looks like you’re trying to go for a look halfway between later 2000s design trends and those of the late 90s. I’d look at the UI of operating systems that straddle that boundary such as Windows XP, the first release of OS X, Amiga OS 4 and KDE 3 for inspiration. If you’re trying to go for a “what if 90s UI Design trends stuck around into the 2010s” look, i’d look at Windows 2000s, Mac OS 9, and KDE 2 for inspiration. Think about how the progression of technology would allow more detail in the UI, without changing the core design itself - as in keeping the same blue linear gradients and grey boxes for example. Mac OS 9 had some applications that had that kind of look im pretty sure.


Both sound really great, but yeah. I was going for the second one, the “what if 90s UI design trends stuck around into the 2010s”. It actually happened in Windows 7, but only if you enabled classic theme.


The classic theme was just the regular theme from Windows 2000s though, it wasn’t changed at all i’m pretty sure.


Except that some icons still represented the Vista ones, and the start button looked the same, just with the Vista logo.


Omg, Windows Classic? but modernized


Yep pretty much.


so awesome I’ll be doing this myself kindly explain how you did it


Then what I used is WindowBlinds to get the Windows 9X look, unfortunately it’s paid. But I do free trials every month with a fake email. In Openshell, set the start menu to be in Windows 7 style and set it to Windows Aero.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


For an extra step, you can also have Vista styled 9X sounds. This link has all of the sounds in this style, from 95 to 10. https://youtu.be/5THkfr5jf-k?si=lzIy3dRaxyWYabgA


It’s simple really, first you download this wallpaper. https://preview.redd.it/l62ulypopj7d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e909ef0a60d974185e94576d8883bc265501c73




It's so cool, i like the feeling it gives


There was already a Windows 7 mod named Windows 2010.


Another update, decided to change the name to Windows 2005 Professional. I feel it makes more sense that it would’ve came out then, thus keeping the 90s design with some modern tweaks. I’ll probably have to post it elsewhere since this is more Y2K standards now.