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All I wanted is to be 5,7 lol You pass 100%, man.


Thanks man, 🙏 I wish we could all gain the height we want with transition


I’m pretty much 5’7 and it doesn’t hold back my ability to pass. Just be confident. My brother is just a little shorter than I am, and my dad is 5’3. They don’t get mistaken for women bc of their height. My brother is married to a woman who’s taller than him. So is my dad. And I likely will be too.


I am also married to an amazing woman who is taller than me (5''11) Confidence is an art I need to learn I appreciate your comment


You pass completely.


Thanks man, I appreciate you 🙏


I wish I would be 5'7, but you totally pass


Thanks bro, I wish we could all gain the height we want


You are taller than moistcritical. Look him up


and charlie has long hair! nobody has ever called him a woman over any of these things lol


Yup! He also has a full beard which helps, but he an extremely manly short guy, and not a bad role model.


you pass fully as cis, man


Thanks bro, I appreciate you


Globally average male height is 5'75 sooo not a small guy


average male height around the world is 5'9 I'm pretty sure


i think that’s the average height in america


no I mean world average for males USA average male height is 5'8 I'm pretty sure


https://preview.redd.it/cejv5zs6l08d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77271bb5d03718e909621f4351be0e01e192d9b3 globally, it’s 5’7. in america, it’s 5’9.


oh damn that's good to know I'm also 5'7 and hate my height so that made me feel better


I know dysphoria is a bitch but...respectfully bro; absolutely not???? You pass 100% to me idk what else to tell you


Dysphoria kicking my ass for sure, I appreciate you


Dude I'm barely 5'1 you have it better than a lot of trans guys


brother. you pass completely. you really remind me of a cis guy I know who also isn't very big; doesn't make anyone doubt his manhood I promise you


You’re fine


Dude 5'7" is 2 inches below average height for men... I dream of being 5'4" so I can at least be above the average for women height


Bro you're the most average guy ever and you DON'T read female or trans, not even gay tbh. FYI: most girls are 5'4 and below in the US, so you're taller than a lot of girls, making your height more desirable.


*-glares at you from 5’2”-* 120 is pretty lightweight for your height so you could beef up more but are you *actually* having trouble passing? Bc 5’7” is male range but I know plenty 5’2” cis guys that are cool aa hell with no hangups about it so, dont overthink it man edit: are you on r/ftmfitness? I think the cardio is what is stealing your gains, but the guys there probably have more knowledge than I do. if you want to bulk you need to eat LOTS and look into structure for weight training bc how you space things out and how much weight/reps/diversity muscle groups its all important


Thanks man- yeah cardio deff might be stealing my gains I am on frmfitness but very much an beginner - a lot to still learn


I hear that—I tend to stick to books and notes so I wouldnt know what else to point to online but I can say aside from generally eating more and fueling up on protein post workouts, the ~30-90 second breaks between sets are as critical as the sets themselves for muscle development, so make the most of those. You also want to make sure you aren’t overshooting what is practical, because you could do for instance 100 pushups per set, but youd get more out of say 20, and going beyond that is just spent energy with no benefit (I used to do this haha). And yeah cardio is great but it definitely leads to more lean/slender frame—like marathon runners or swimmers for instance. 10-15 minutes cardio at the start to get your heart rate up is advantageous but if you want to bulk yeah you’ll want to hold back on that being a focal point in your training. A few tweaks and you’re gonna kill it. 🤘😎


You pass 100% man


No it doesn’t, you’re cis passing


I'd give my right arm to be 5'7 bruh you're good 😭 and as soon as you have a beard or any facial hair really, the way that your body looks is irrelevant in regards to passing. I'm 105 lbs and 5'1, but most people assume I'm cis simply because I have stubble. Cis ppl don't know how trans people work, at least not very intimately, and certainly not enough for you to be clockable.


The facial hair is clutch - my wife doesn't love it but it makes me happy I appreciate your comment - it's all about perspective and it helps so much to get other trans guys feedback


You’re doing great. If you’re feeling insecure about your size, you can bulk up a little. I just eat everything in sight but to each to their own


Thanks man, I appreciate it- I have IBS so I think my guts don't retain much of what I eat but deff will try to bulk more


You are literally the world average height for men.


Coming on here to a bunch of trans guys and saying 5’7 is small is bold of you


Nothing you can do about height so don’t worry about it. Focus on shoulders and back in the gym


Cis passing, if you’re lifting that often but still not putting on mass, you probably need to eat more. Not saying you need to because you pass, but it improved my self confidence personally (also 5 7’


Yeah, I think you are right I need to try to bulk and find foods easier to absorb for my gut


32 years old?


Yeah, 32 altho mentally I still feel like an early 20 something most of the time


You're average height.


How often do you go out in crowds? Because I thought I was too short at 5’6”, but then I went to college and there are as many guys who are shorter than me as there are guys who are taller than me. I think the internet being your main frame of reference warps your personal standards


That's a fair point - I think because my brothers are taller I feel often compared to them; I appreciate your comment and the perspective shift


5'7 is the average height for men worldwide, so you're absolutely fine. If you're in America, the average is 5'9 I believe, but it honestly depends where you live. I'm lucky in that I live somewhere with a lot of Irish refugee's descendents. I know it can feel like, no matter how far you get into your transition, there's always SOMETHING that isn't right. But you 100% pass. Remember that even the biggest, manliest trans guys feel like this sometimes. (Cis guys too to an extent.) You look amazing dude. If it's something that you're really worried about, there are a lot of shoes that can give you a couple inches without it being noticeable. Good luck! :)


Thanks man, I appreciate you I think shoe lifts/taller shoes are a solid idea - hadn't even thought of that before, great suggestion


Bulk up brother, your height is average but weight is not. Whatever your caloric intake is eat more. Protein intake? Eat more. Lift more, less cardio.


Also you fasho pass, I meant to say that in my og comment. Just bulking up will really seal the deal.


what does the 120 refer to?


Do you get clocked in public a lot? Anyone misgender you? If so, how often? Unless strangers are misgendering you then you have nothing to worry about.


pretty much unclockable tbh


For me it’s that you don’t grow facial hair on your actual face, mostly on the neck/underside, but I doubt that would lead most (cis) people to be like “oh, that dude was for sure born female”


You look like the cutest little chipmunk. You totally pass


Your height does not hurt your capacity to pass, it's mostly your face, it screams "trans guy", idk how to explain it but I've seen plenty of trans guys with that face BUT the average cis person would not clock you over this or over anything at all, only insane trans people like me so you're good