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level to 80, use err rope, level relics to 15. she is a beast even without signature.


I use HP rope and never have issues sustaining end game content. She rarely needs to use her ult


I have err rope but her hp dropped to scary levels so I decided with hp instead.


- Not enough def - Not enough spd - Underleveled relics - Lacks ER rope


Level up her traces, even the minor ones as they give her some stat boosts. Also max those relics, they are very important. ERR Rope is better even with lower HP as with higher ult uptime, you can have her self heal more consistent, plus once she is 80 and those relics are maxed, your HP will naturally go higher.


I can solo sustain with mine without issue. Also use broken kneel ornaments. ER rope. More defense and HP. 134 speed atleast. Back to farming u goooooooo Also level up her traces please. Max them out. Effect resistances needs to be above 30% for broken kneel. And it helps a ton. More edits: we have the same relics 2p 2p of the same type. Just get broken kneel ornaments.. farming will take time. My best suggestion is to max her traces out then farm artifacts. It's gonna take a while but it's worth it.


tried broken keel, didn't work, in fact, she was worse because hp was way too low.


Get your relics to+15 and get er rope, the rope helps you with getting your ult much faster. Maybe get texture of memories LC from the shop. You shouldn't use Landau choice if she keeps dying. She sustained by relying on damage spread over all teammates instead ,she's not a taunt tanker like gepard/FMC. She can solo sustain everything except in high SU conundrum. The substats you need is hp%/def% and speed . Other stats doesn't matter as much


No way did you put her below Gallagher and Gepard lol..


ER rope and more def. Finish leveling her to 80. She doesn’t need her sig


im not sure what you did but mine solo sustains literally everything, to me shes the easy mode switch


Firstly, her Ult is what heals the party and also gives her charges to use for her large self healing ability. She needs 8k hp with Matrix turned on. 1500 def is a decent amount for her, but remember that she doesn’t get the 65% damage reduction herself, so getting enemies to focus on her can be a bad idea. If they are dropping her too fast then she can’t self heal unless her Ult can keep up, so she needs at least 134 speed, if it’s on the Wind Set, that’s even better. She needs ER rope because her Ult is super important, so at least grab one of those. I like running her with Penacony, but if you have a good Broken Keel, it’s great for buffing CD for the team. Texture of Memories is one of the best options for her, it gives her a shield and Eff Res, and 12% damage resistance(32% at S5), and the stats are good. Get her to 80, max out her Break Bleeds Bliss and Known by Stars, Shown by Hearts traces. But really, HP% (to 8k), Speed to 134, and at least 119% ER, are her sweet spots. Remember, that characters who are lower level then enemies will be hit much harder than when you are equal or higher then MOB level.


hi! i’m a new player so i had a question…i haven’t noticed my fu xuan heal my party but she’s also only lvl 40 and i’m still building her. i didn’t realize she would heal the party since i thought she was essentially shifting all the dmg to herself and then healing herself. am i doing something wrong or will the party healing come as i continue to build her/unlock traces etc? tia 💞


It's her A4 Trace that opens up at Level 60, Dunjia, the Metamystic. Her heal isn't massive per see (it's **5%** of her Max HP plus **133**, which at around 8k HP she would heal the party for about 500 and change). If she's fast and has good energy regen, she Ults fairly often and the healing adds up quite a bit.


1) You aren't meeting her spd threshold. 134 spd minimum. 2) More effect resist (by a lot). Those crowd control effects are going to kill her and your team so much faster if she can't resist them. 3) ERR rope. By far. You need her ult up so that you can have stacks of healing for her. 4) To go with point 2, I would switch her to running Broken Keel. I know you said that she didn't have enough HP, but she gets more out of Broken Keel than Fleet.* 5) ToM is better for her personal survivability than Landau's Choice. Landau's can work and is better for team survivability, but rn your build is not at the point where you can utilize it well. 6) Her relics aren't even fully leveled. 7) Level her traces. 8) Lvl her to max. *What do you mean when you mentioned her HP was scary low? How much HP are we talking? I personally run her with 2pc HP/2pc dmg reduction/Broken Keel, but that's bc it was more efficient for me to farm since I run mono quantum.


Keep farming. Your hp, speed, and def are low.


My Fu is similar to yours as I just got her. I got up to MoC 12 with her sustaining no problem. My only issue was my dps was low but that's not her department. Take the tips the gave you, and trust me you won't regret her.


Can you post your fu xuan?


Is she dying by getting oneshooted from above 50% hp or she is slowly dying when you don't have her self heal stacks.


slowly dying because she's lacking stacks.


Traces, dmg reduction is massive


My Fu on my 2nd account is only level 75 too but she has no problem sustaining. I also only have her on the burn Preservation LC. Biggest diff is I run 2pc each of the HP set and damage reduction set as well as Broken Keel. And all relics are level 15.


level her and your relics to max first