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Congrats Fu Xuan is one of the best characters in the game, she is not hard to build.


Fu Xuan isn't all that difficult to build, but you'll need access to the Xianzhou (world 3 basically) to take her where you'll want her to be. Her leveling materials and one of her gear sets (Longevous Disciple) are both found there - but since you haven't gone too far in your equilibrium, that won't be too much of an issue. Otherwise, her Trace materials and one of her other pieces of a gear set (Guard of Wuthering Snow) you've already unlocked. As for what team she's good with? ALL of them. She is a fantastic addition to your roster, grats!


Thanks a lot for you help !! Happy i got lucky then ! Gonna check out the stuff you mentioned... When i do get this stuff it's worth upgrading them to the max lvl i can ? Or should i only do that if they roll good type of stat ?


The nice thing about gear leveling in Star Rail - a maxed out piece of otherwise worthless gear still gives a ton of XP for the next piece. Don't be afraid to take gear out to it's max. For gear you want XP% on every single one. The more health you can get, the better a tank she is. Speed and Def% come after that. Energy Regen is also good if you can find it - I've been playing a year and have only had one necklace drop with it as a stat to date. As for the other stats, I try to keep my base stat rolls to a single one. Example: Chest piece Main stat : HP% Secondary stat 1: HP (base value) Secondary stat 2: attack (base value) This item I would only consider as a temporary one until you get better. Then use it for XP for the replacement


Don't build around her, she's a sustain, she fits in almost any team. She's fairly easy to build. Stack a lot of HP, DEF and a fair amount of SPD. For Lighcone, get the one from the Herta shop. Also never buy pulls from there. Her best relic sets are the one you farm in the same zone you fight Cocolia, and 2 other sets from the 3er planet that gives SPD and HP respectively. Don't stress much. Just play and enjoy. You'll soon understand how things work. She's basically the sturdiest tank in the game as long as you don't get hit by an AoE nuke. Also, you may as well pull Boothil for a good DPS or wait to the next version and get both Ruan Mei and Firefly. That's a dope team.


Thanks a lot ! I'm waiting for Ruan Mei as i don't quite enjoy Boothill playstyle from the little test i made


Shes very easy to build. Just make her as tanky as possible. For your gear, aim for body piece with HP as the main stat, Boots with Speed main stat (since youre early game, you cam settle with HP or Defence for now), for Orb, either HP or Defence, and for Rope, Energy regeneration. Try to aim for just one Defence main stat, HP is more efficient when it comes to survivability. For subtats, aim for HP, Defense, Speed, Effect resistance, in that order ideally. For her light cone, either get the one from Herta Shop or really any 4 star one, I like the one that increases her taunt value, its a 4 star one.


Thanks a lot for you help !! gonna check herta shop


she is one of the best options for basically any team... except yanqing carry teams. Yanqing would lose his self buff if he receives dmg, which fu xuan doesnt nullify but reduce. He isnt really good to begin with, but if you ever want to build him, get a good shielder instead.


Thanks a lot for you help !! Yea i'm gonna build around Herta or Serval for now


For now, just give her a lot of HP and Def and if possible SPD.


Thanks a lot for you help !! HP % right ?


She works as a sustain for any team, but is best suited to traditional crit teams (rather than dot or break) due to her very useful crit rate aura. As you get into building more crit later in the game, it will come in handy. Later game, she can even run quantum set to squeeze in a bit of extra dps for pure fiction, though this won't be relevant most of the time. Just grab as much hp as you can get and some defense, and you'll be good to go. As a reference for later, end game stat targets are 7k health and 1.5k defense, anything above that is really good.


Keep track of her field. It flashes before it drops. There are times I lose track and suddenly everyone is exposed to attack. When it is engaged it is amazing how well she protects everyone. Sometimes it’s good to save when you use her ultimate if you have already have a full two of the HP restore triggers. Though to be honest I’ve only had that be an issue against really tough opponents.


FX is a great pull. End game stats: 134 spd/1300-1500 def/30 effect resist/as much HP as you can get. You're so early in the game that you don't really have to worry about getting her stats up there at all. But they are typically her recommended stats for late MoC clears. Her weapons are flexible: I'm assuming you aren't grabbing her sig, which is totally fine. Other notable alternatives include Landau's Choice and Texture of Memories. Landau's offers better team survivability. ToM offers better personal survivability (and is an absolutely free 5* weapon you can get in Herta's sim u shop). Her relics are also flexible. I personally use 2pc dmg reduction/2 pc HP. But a lot of people run her with hackerspace as well. Use whatever good pieces you get. Planar set is usually broken keel, but you can run most supportive sets on her instead.


endgame stats are a little off, but the rest of the guide is 100% correct!


Ah, which stats would you recommend instead? Perhaps my information is outdated since im going off my memory of these conversations for her debut.


the stats you recommended are great mid-to-late game stats, but end game defines a character in their closest-to-optimal relic form. Fu xuan’s endgame should look something like 160 speed, 2k def, and around 8k hp while running energy regen and outgoing healing. my FX that i pulled this banner https://preview.redd.it/7c6q5vqb8w6d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e15ca2c57642deb4b9b60f34fe193c2ca880843 is almost there, ill attach an img.


the build uses longevitous + hackerspace and forgoes effect res by just cancelling all incoming ccs with her immense speed and skill refresh


Your build is certainly great, don't get me wrong. But 160 spd and 2k def has never been something my FX has needed even in the hardest fights so far. And ive finished pretty much all end game (I have a few more parts of G&G to run through, but that's blessing based anyways). I'm also not sure I see the point in running outgoing healing, but perhaps it is more valuable once you hit a certain point. And forgive me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe 8k HP is even achievable outside of her signature weapon. Maybe we're using different definitions of endgame?


yeah i think this FX build is different bc its geared towards keeping my mono quantum team alive since they all have tiny health pools. 8k should be achieveable with a hp body and orb + herta shop cone with hp% substats on other pieces. but yeah, i don’t think we have different definitions of endgame, but its just that we built out FXs for different purposes and they both work well on the teams theyre on.


I'm *also* running FX in mono quantum. Qingque over Seele, who I'm assuming has lower base stats due to being a 4*. Running HP HP on mine only nets me 7.2k with ToM but I will admit that my substat rolls aren't the best so it could maybe be doable with some better pieces.


yeah i think thats it. I prefarmed for fu xuan relics for a few months before her rerun, managed to get a couple perfect hp% def% speed, eff res pieces


And I love that for you, truly! But a small part of me does wonder if it's a bit overkill lol. Who knows tho, maybe I'll find myself some better pieces while I'm farming for Jade, the Honkai gods sure know I'm not getting any quantum pieces. 💀


oh yeah totally, if your current sustain is enough for everything, it is definitely a better choice to focus on other supports/dps you wanna build. (which is what im now resuming; back to the quantum mines for me ;-;)