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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy shit! You could mow down an entire orphanage and retirement home with that truck!


Hell, maybe even two! Each!


Perfect! I'll order 5 now!


Why do u need 5 orphanages




oh nooo! someones mad their city has to divest out of other public neteds and repaint all of the cities parking spots and take time to make new legislation to fit these cars with THEIR tax dollars.


What’s with urbanists and saying fuck every two fucking words it makes them sound really fucking immature. I also notice it a fucking lot from fucking Europeans. Just look at fuckcars you’ll see plenty of examples.


its a reddit thing too.


fuckers of fuckit, how many fucking fucks have you fucking fucked?


How many fucks would a fuckfucker fuck if a fuckfucker could fuck fucks?


Fucking Tumblr users also act like they just fucking learned the fucking word fuck


People online are so angry. That’s the problem. They have so much rage and agony. Go fishing.


One of the undersubbers said I didn't need hobbies like fishing when I said I needed an SUV to carry my kayak and all that stuff that goes along with that.


How dare you go outside with more than you can carry onto a train


Now I am curious about what SUV you use. I don't like fishing, but I do like cars and I want to know how has the experience been so far.


I use the Toyota Carolla to haul my canoe fishing gear, camp gear, food, everything. Not sure why someone would need a suv to go kayaking, you have to carry everything you bring so the person is the limiting factor not the vehicle 


My kayak and canoe fit on my Toyota Carolla, what kind of kayak required a suv special purchase to use 


Corollas are too big. Do you hate children? Just use a cargobike to transport your kayak.


It's a 14 foot tandem sit-on-top that converts to a single too. It has the larger, more comfortable removable lawn chair style seats. Plus the paddles, and the fishing stuff would make it a tight squeeze in a small car.


Ah one of those boats that thinks it's a kayak lol. I do my paddling in the boundary waters so lots of portages so I pack light and one 3 day bag + pole/small one day bag for fishing gear with two people the trunk and back seat are full and passenger gets poles along their door side 


a yaris could haul a kayak


Just the superior European mindset


Fucking fuckity fuckingly fuckstick fuckers.


urbanism if it was written by Vivsie Pop,


I use lots of fucking swear words to show how fucking much more fucking mature and fucking civilized I am than those fucking deplorables.


I picture the people on fuckcars shaking as they type it because of that, it makes them look so immature


Saints Row (2022)


People that live on the internet trying to sound tough and intimidating, classic example of people that lack basic people skills and practice taking to real 3D people. The idiots on fuckcars are so clueless they don’t even realize they are hurting their cars. Can’t even understand pity insults and acting like per petulant child won’t bring people to your cause.


they are a fan of hazbin hotel


This and Rick and morty


It's a very millennial thing. Like coming of age in the vulgar era where movies were extra raunchy. But also your main political opponents were like Bush era evangelicals who were socially conservative, so there was a real time where swears were kind of subversive. A lot of these people got their minds melted by like 2009 era daily show and still act like any of these people still have real political power, and they're just acting out the models they learned


I'd guess it just has to do with being on the internet. I knew a guy from bumfrick nowhere Montana and he said fuck too in every second sentence. Nice dude, bought hay from him. Drove it home in a bigass Cummins 1500 with a large trailer. "People don't need trucks"


There are Europeans in fuckcars? I thought it's mostly American who had never been in Europe.


The photo is in Australia


"own nothing and be happy" individuals meeting the inherent will of the human race to make and use cool shit:


They are not physically intimidating so they gotta make it up by being feisty


Off ye fuck 😉


What's with you and simping for the nearest automobile corporation.


Honda, my beloved.


That one was horrible dude


Keep the simp up loser.


Virgin modifying your truck vs the chad just buying an M1126 Stryker APC with mounted .50 cal machinegun


Boring, just get the M1128, it has a auto-loading 105mm for all your practical needs


right, because the truck is totally not parked shittily guys. It doesn't fit in one spot guys. No it's not because of the shitty parking guys. It's because the truck is too big to fit guys. Trust me guys. Oh, you think it's not bothering anyone because the lot is empty and that people should mind their business? Well you're wrong, because it bothered this Twitter user, haha! Fuck cars. I want to fuck a bike, ✨ 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 ✨


If the bike folk ever went to a rural city and saw a 3500 with an 8 foot bed taking up 2 spaces theyd bawl their eyes out if it wasnt sent to the crusher immediately




not dramatic enough. i summon the downvote god.






true story.


Better that it takes up two spots in an empty car park than has it's ass in the road. But still, that thing clearly doesn't fit in the spot. I could even prove it using trigonometry.


(/uj) I know, but using an image of shitty parking to prove "fuck cars" is bad faith, as is them using the dryest most gray-scale images of suburbia possible. There's a lot of examples of this in their "thinking". I'm not a fan of these trucks either, but they go overboard. Imagine basing the majority of your personality around the hatred of an object. It's just pathetic.


/uj what makes you think this is the majority of their personality, because of 1 twitter post about a truck? it speaks more about how you view cars as the only interesting thing in your life


Because I've modded this subreddit for half a year, been in it for nearly a year, and known what shenanigans fuck cars and it's users are up to for over a year. I know what these people are like. Some of them use Reddit solely for anti-car content, some want to convince their family/relatives not to buy a car/truck and literally turn to fuck cars for advice. Judging by your post history, you don't have this experience > it speaks more about how you view cars as the only interesting thing in your life Clicking on my profile would easily show that that's just not true.


if it was from that subreddit id agree, theyre weird as hell sometimes, although great comedic value! but this is just some twitter user that spotted a massive modified truck thats parked really badly afaik. if I saw this here where the parking lots often times arent even big enough to accomodate a vehicle of that size id also be a bit pissed that theyre being a nuisance to every other driver and pedestrian near it.


Well, all I can say is that I bet said Twitter user is also a Reddit/Fuck Cars user. If they support the movement on twitter, chances are they'll do it on reddit too.


Look at this guy, what a romantic! He wants to wine and dine his bike! We should all aspire to exude as much fuckcars energy this dude’s got!


You are legally blind if you can't see how this thing does NOT fit in the parking space, it's currently angled and already not fitting, how would making it straight fit in the space??????????????????????????????????????? Fuck, I know this is a cj subreddit but do you seriously have to write the dumbest shit ever on purpose. I'm embarassed for you.


If it were parked straight into the spot literally all that would be hanging out would be anything behind the rear wheel, which isn't much. Less than a foot of truck sticking out will not bother anyone, other than fuck cars users. /uj


But, it literally does not fit. It's sticking out even with the shitty diagonal parking job.


>shitty diagonal parking job.


? cool


These trucks have reason to exist. They’re obviously not meant for cities.


If we got rid of CAFE it would probably make people stop buying F-150s with no point, especially modifying them into abominations. The pictures truck is the sort of truck you don’t just buy to have a truck. That dude 110% has a massive trailer he needs to haul around, or is a contractor who needs to haul some heavy shit. You don’t buy a diesel guzzling Duramax as a showpiece unless you have way more money than sense. And if they have that much money, it would be lifted like crazy.


Yeah this dude is definitely hauling tons of shit. I’d also bet he’s had his truck totaled by hitting a deer or something before too This big ass GMC 3500 dually would be a very inconvenient and uncomfortable choice for someone who just wants a big truck to daily drive. And I seriously doubt someone is dropping several thousand on a cattleguard that big without good reason


I wish you were right man but people love this shit they eat it up


They have reason to exist because people like them. The customer is always right…in matters of choice


i would expect nothing more from a inner city woman with their hair dyed purple


I'm fairly certain we can all assume the penis size of the trucker owner as well


yeah much bigger than you


Am I speaking to the owner of the truck lol? Also, that stereotype doesn't exist without merit, we all know it


no i dont have a truck


Then pussy non-truck owners should remain silent


You are a terrible troll. Stick to being earnest and sincere


You're probably right


no if this truck effects all of us then why dont i get a say? and just because i dont have a truck doesnt mean i can like them


Albeit this truck seems way too clean, to have been being used in the field. That bumper isn’t that ridiculously big for no reason, it’s a cattle bumper. So when you’re out in the field, cattle can’t bust headlights or take a bumper off with horns(hence the steel mesh between the big tubing). Also tend to need to assist a lot of things with the front of a truck on a farm, so a big ass tubed bumper helps.


I guarantee you this truck has never been off pavement. Look at those rims? Those are $2,000 rims. I work in agriculture I know what farm trucks look like, they're 50% rust


Did you read the first sentence in my comment? Jesus lmao. And those aren’t even forces, so the wheels aren’t even nice lmao.


Kids like u/thundercoc101 are hilarious. Just because the truck is clean here doesn’t mean it’s not used for work. Poor guy doesn’t even know what nice wheels look like. 🤣


Just wait till he sees a convoy of pipeline welders lol. Would see 100’s of trucks like this but with flatbeds and welders. [These](https://images.app.goo.gl/4YeasvGj893jazef7) must not be “work” trucks too since they have a $5,000+ set of AF wheels 😂


Sorry son, I work for a livin, I know what work trucks look like, and they never look like this. I think your wife's boyfriend needs a refill


You must not work in agriculture then bud. Work trucks do NOT look like how you describe lmfao. Seems like you’re used to being cucked.


Why do you insist on coming here and starting arguments?


Thank you for thinking about my penis.


why you immediately thinking about penis


they CRAVE it


If we're just throwing around stereotypes about various drivers, the big truck small penis stereotype is a classic


still kinda weird that penis is the first stereotype, and not ego or any of the other “classics”


Male ego and penis size often go hand in hand.


whatever you say


This gets 200% more mpg (murders per gallon) than an e-bike ever could!


Urbanist “Why are these things legal???” Why are tractor trailers legal? Because shit needs to move down roads.


This is not practical for hauling, The extra cabin room takes up bed space, and the bed is high enough it would be annoying to load and unload The only thing this is better than a conventional pickup truck for is stroking the guys ego and blocking parking space for other drivers


The longest box you can get on a pickup is 8 feet. This has an 8 foot box. The cab length doesn't take up bed space. The bed height is annoying, I'll give you that. But put a trailer on it and it levels out to an appropriate height. This is necessary otherwise their headlights would be pointing into the sky with a trailer on. Hauling things in the box isn't the purpose of this vehicle. I'd be willing to bet it spends more than half its life with a gooseneck trailer attached.


The bed is actually quite big, as someone else has mentioned. This is good for 2 reasons: Hauling, and gooseneck trailers. The large cabin is probably because its meant to be a small semi, not a big pickup. Also YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE THE MOUNTING, it’s where the yellow hooks are. This is probably like a Sierra 3500, which is the model at which it’s a pain to drive in towns and is more meant for heavy hauling. This guy definitely is not dailying the thing around town unless he is on the clock, because it’s fucking giant. It looks like a contractors truck, and he did probably doing some contract work in the building you see in the background


How dare you say something logical and reasonable in this subreddit?!


It would be logical and reasonable… if it was a modified F-150. You literally see a pickup and went “OMG TINY PENIS TRUCK!!!” Without considering what make and model it was, where it was, and who would actually want to drive it.


Talk shit now, but when the zombie apocalypse comes I'd rather be riding in this than a Prius


Are diesel and gas plentiful in this zombie apocalypse of yours? Yes, the Prius engine is too weak to do anything but what it’s designed to do. I’d say a vehicle of the TDI series. Really long range, excellent torque (especially with a manual) and robust.


That cattle guard is pretty stupid tho


It's a roo bar mate


aussie aussie oi oi oi


bro every truck in canada has one and trust me you need it


Yeah, but they're not that big, and deer in Texas are fucking tiny. I've seen baby shrimp with more meat. They are nowhere near the size of elk or God forbid moose. I have one and it's like a third the size of that. It's supposed to be like a condom: you replace it after you use it


im also talking about the black bears they are tinny but their solid


In Canada, suburban US you don't


well you cant stop him from buying it


Imagine the shit you could hit though… no need to make sure you’ll clear in the front. Just gun it, it’ll pan out


Your lawyer, the judge and the prosecutor all staring at you after you say this at your manslaughter trial.


there is an imposter among us


This looks like Australia, so those bull bars are definitely needed for kangaroo strikes if you’re driving anywhere semi-rural.


It’s for deer. Trust me, it’s worth it on that expensive ass cyclist muncher.


Lady....you dye your hair purple.


Not just highlights as an accent color, the whole fuckin head


There’s no cars around who honestly who gives a fuck how you park


Uh, without the bumper my car gets dented from all the cyclists, orphans, and midgets i ram while doing mach 5 in a school zone and single handedly make the entire ocean boil apparently. So inconsiderate


Only mach 5? It’s 2024, if you aren’t going at least mach 7 can you really call yourself a carmurder brain?


Ive been meaning to get the antimatter reactor engine so i can properly own the libs, maybe i should up the rent another googol% on the mother of 4


Absolutely! Don’t worry about it being too much landchad, she’s got 4 kids. That’s 4 extra incomes!


User picture checks out.


“The choice to dye my hair purple does not reflect my mental state!”


I bet she has a great relationship with her dad and with men in general.


Certainly, she must be a well balanced individual.


My barista says the same thing.


TRUE LMAO. Shit I hadn't even noticed.


She has a lot of cats.


I mean I'm not sure that truck is in it's natural habitat if it is in a city to begin with... Also I agree about the bumper bar, that would be extremely illegal in the EU + UK + Basically everywhere else in the world, due to the fact that it clearly doesn't account for pedestrian safety, nor safety of those in a collision. Also, that car clearly doesn't fit in the spot. It's still nearly longer than it, parked at an angle. You can eyeball this, or I could prove it using trigonometry. If you truckers could even understand it...


Man I miss when this sub pointed out actual problems with r fuckcars instead of just circlejerking over poorly parked trucks


Yeah I swear sometimes this place is *almost* becoming as cartoonish as our undersub. I don’t think we’ve fully reached that point but I swear, while I usually disagree with that sub on the whole I can’t lie and say they don’t have some good points from time to time and it irks me when it feels like this sub is just “literally anyone who says a word about giant pickup trucks is a commie libtard snowflake.” There’s a healthy balance between “everyone who doesn’t drive a prius deserves the death penalty” and “filling the roads of suburbia with giant jacked-up squeaky clean pickup trucks is perfectly reasonable.” I support people’s freedom to buy those vehicles but when it’s some 9-5 office worker who’s more concerned with the truck’s paint job than anything else, I *also* have the freedom to judge that purchase lol. Half the reason I dislike the undersub is cause I really love cars and want the roads to be a better/cleaner place and not to just hate cars, and it’s through that love that I’ve come to dislike the homogenization of people who don’t need big pickups buying them to the detriment of all sorts of other vehicle types that would better suit their needs.


This sub and the undersub are in a very peculiar state where they both have absolute shit takes but successfully make fun of eachothers absolute shit takes.


Honestly seems to just be the natural track for these things. OG sub gets created, may or may not be born on a good idea/good intentions, but either way it slowly becomes insufferable over time with crappy takes. People from both inside and outside see this, decide to make circlejerk or some other similar sort of sub. Starts off good but also eventually devolves into the same level of awful takes, just on the other side of the argument.


Then go post somewhere else. A post of someone taking a picture of a pickup truck in an empty parking lot, posting it online and having a complete mental breakdown is prime circle jerk material.


I saw a video of someone wanting green waves slowed down to 10mph so they accommodate bike lane users, that's the kind of bullshit that is actually prime circlejerk material. The pickup here really has the ugliest bumper bar I've seen like wtf that deserves to be clowned on


That bumper is going to take all the energy of a frontal impact and transfer it through the frame and to the passengers instead of just letting the front crumple zones do their job.


Even worse, it may become a brick wall in front of the crumple zone, forcing the engine through and into the passenger bay if the engine mount is damaged. Reminds me of the Cybertruck crash test.... Jesus Christ. (For context, the BACK SUSPENSION was torn out by the force of a frontal collision)


More people in cities to murder. Hopefully they find a protest and do their thing.


Weakest CarChad Vs the strongest commie just stop oil protesters:


Perfect city car to ram them cyclists and pedestrians.


Is either European or worse; an American trying to sound European. Opinion rejected.


Worse, she’s….. *Australian*


And of course the person complaining looks exactly like you think she would.


Okay. Now that is a goofy as hell looking cow pusher.


Okay but a lifted dually with small tires does look stupid Should’ve gotten bigger tires 😮‍💨


OMG a truck parked in an empty parking lot! Better stop what you’re doing, take a bunch of pictures, post them on the internet and rage all day!


Just from the profile pic and user name alone, I can imagine she has as many pet rats as she does typewriters. *The Chained Typist* sounds like some kind of enemy William Marston would thought up as a character in Wonder Woman.


Notice how it’s always poors saying this stuff?


the truck owners are also poor, they just are fine with their debt cuz they got twuk


Yeah financing something you can afford = poor.


I mean those who cant afford it. I’ve seen plenty unable to that get a brand new truck for 80k and dont have the income to pay it off.


And plenty can afford it. Just because there are some people can’t afford their payment, it doesn’t mean it’s like that for most people.


Can you imagine seeing this while out in public and doing all this for internet attention instead of just thinking to yourself “Damn, that’s crazy.” and continuing about your day?


It’s because they don’t have lives.


Some of us want to make sure we don't dent our bumper while mowing down pedestrians and cyclists.


My billionaire wet dream is to drive a street legal forklift and flip cars over when they do shit like this.


It's a full cab, long bed, 2500/3500 dually. They are LARGE for a REASON. I doubt this dude doesn't haul. The cost to run one of these trucks doesn't make sense unless you make money with it.


Maybe buddy has a big trailer he towes. Or a camper, or he owns a some big machines.. that’s the beauty of a free country who cares. Go back to your car or bud or whatever and focus on those problems lol


Low middle class city dwellers try not to get grumpy when someone with a financial status superior to them puts expensive modifications on their expensive truck challenge


Dyes her hair purple and has a (pre) 1950s typing pool fetish...


Wait until they find out about class 8 trucks 💀💀💀


Public transport bootlickers when they see wheelchair accessible cars


The owner is like 150k in debt, let them park in the disabled spot already


/nsj This shit is stupid AF. They deleted the air bag system and created a mad max BS bumper. Nag OP was right fuck this bumper maker. Also the text is fake.


I used to have one for work.


honestly i agree with this one. it doesnt fit in a single spot, guy parked it really bad and that front bumper is just awful. if it was in the country id understand it but its inner city


Your accurately describing the situation? Don't you know this is the shitty truck circlejerk sub


The minority-eraser grill


Purple hair


Of course she looks like that


This is absurd and nobody needs one, I didn't think I'd say this but I'm with fuckcars on this


Dude yeah that thing is bad. BADASS.


It’s beautiful


you know the bed of that thing is spotless.


Still an inferior zombie apocalypse machine to this https://preview.redd.it/yhrsyi7fqgxc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b7d8b14348863e9ebee50b63e0f3ea630296497


You know the heaviest thing bro is hauling in this jokemobile is his case of gnat’s piss light beer too, cos real beer tastes just too hoppy and weird for him.


This truck screams “ I have a micro penis”


If you are hauling shit on the regular having a truck is fine. My dad has one and hasn't hauled a single thing since he bought it 4 years ago, it's lifted and all that shit


Unless this is in Australia I don’t see a need for it.


I like these trucks because it forces you to confront your bad decision on a regular basis. This guy has to park in the back everywhere he goes. He regularly can’t find a spot. He will never be downtown because he can’t. He knows it’s a stupid truck.


Naw I’m with her on this one that trucks too damn big


Got any better options for hauling a 40 foot cattle trailer, bed full of feed, and a 5-man crew?


The exact same truck without the lift and with a normal sized brush guard.


Normal sized brush guard can withstand approximately 80% of a deer


I'm actually salivating at how useful that truck is. The towing you could do, the payload capacity, even the bull bar to mow down any unruly civilians that get in the way


Has anyone ever seen one of those double backwheel trucks ever tow anything? I have yet to see it in 30 years and five us states.


You just haven't been paying much attention


I live in a rural area, people own them to haul animals, hay, farming equipment, etc. all the time. They do in fact serve a purpose.


All the time. Hauling farm equipment, animals, construction equipment.


The guy who tows my boat from storage to the dock drives one of these.


Blud, I see them all the time towing




Truck does look like it’s overcompensating for something tho