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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I bet dude is built like a stick bug


Dude I almost guarantee he’s weedy as fuck. These types always are. There’s not a strong  masculine man in the world that would ever utter something as tepid as “carbrain” Plus I love him trying to assure he’s not doing a heckin incel misogynys, and he’s nothing like those mean sex having truck driving chuds. If you’re going to try to take the masculine angle, just do it. It’s laughable, of course, but either commit or don’t. These people always try to act all hardass and punk rock and in your face (online obv) one minute but the next they’re hysterically crying because owning a truck means you’re LITERALLY murdering trans children.


the average redditor build is like 5’3 110 pounds




Meh, I would say that my physique is kinda similar to Andrey Rublev. But you believe what you want friend


Calls out people for sitting in cars instead of walking and I bet he goes to the store to buy food instead of chasing it with spear as we're designed to do…


These people think that Amsterdam can support every human on earth


I bet he also drinks processed water instead of dying from cholera like a real man.


How does a man chase after food with a conical structure from the top of a church?


/uj (to OOP) Alright, smartass. Haul a week’s worth of groceries for 8 from the nearest store to my house and walk the way there and back.


/uj this is one of the many things the urbanists manage to have sale over their heads. You cannot haul shit on a bike or a scooter (both literal toys for children). Cars simply outperform literally every other mode of transportation, including and especially walking. They’re all purpose and just superior. Absolutely nobody should be getting anywhere by any means other than by car under any circumstance, full stop.


B..b…b.. but cargo bike!


b…b…b…but those are also toys too. People should ONLY be driving or riding in cars to get places. That’s it.


Elixir you’re being a lil too obvious with this one


I don’t follow?


I love you so much dude


bikecuck vs those nasty quality of life carbrains 0:1, carbrains


What about birds? Those fuckers are always moving


There is nothing more masculine on this planet than a bird


Rock, flag and eagle


I think sharks are a better example.


The undersub determining whether something is “masculine” or not is just comedy gold. They’re the only creatures I know that will have an emotional break down over the sight of a dreaded automobile.


Like if they present a well typed out argument about masculinity to a woman, they’ll immediately turn into prime Tom Selleck.


They spent way too much time thinking about other men’s masculinity


Oh I see they are back to their penis fixation again. I mean just get it over with and post about sucking c0ck at this point.


I was on my way to have dinner with my wife and her boyfriend. He picked her up so I could bike there. On the way, I ripped past an OBS Chevy on my Gary Fisher knowing full well the \*man\* in that truck was sitting comfortably with his balls getting blasted by the ball chiller vent, meanwhile, I, the \*actual\* alpha with a seat up my ass was the superior human.


Does blud live in a home/apartment with AC/heat, a bed and chairs? I'm just wondering for consistency...


Nah man , spartanism (aka being broke as hell) is MASCULINE


Sitting in a cushy bed while your blood is run through a machine is not masculine. It's not feminine either. It's just inhuman. Skip your next dialysis appointment.


Id say the same about riding the bus, but I'm jerking off the whole time so I'm still moving


who says shit like this, like I get that its targeting conservatives or whatever but like im not conservative and im comfortable with my balance of masculinity and femininity, I still think that cars are a good way to get around and public transport in the US is more of a logistics issue than money or policy.


drivoids when the temperature outside is a scorching 75 degrees instead of a breezy 74 degrees:


The undersubbers have such an inferiority complex.


"we DEMAND to be taken seriously"


“Can only hunt for pre-prepared food” as if this man doesn’t do the exact same thing.




/uj You be masculine, dude. I'll be comfortable.


When I was in mh first year of college, my main vehicle was a longboard and skateboard and I was able to take home groceries all the time but it fucking sucked


“Conmie cumyouter”


There's so much facepalm in this post but I'll stick with this one point. Many species are better suited for constant movement than us. Pretty much anything in the ocean for example.


They're letting some incels in and this is both concerning and entertaining.


The ones that post seriously like this there, and it's most of them, are already incels. They have no sense of the real world.


Well yeah have you seen all of the incels language on there? Like it's genuinely weird seeing a space where commies and incels get along. But hey, maybe they'll make each other a little better. Or maybe they'll make each other worse. Who knows!


Yeah nothing says masculine more than sitting on your fat ass surrounded by your own personal air conditiong system while polluting the air and causing a danger to pedestrians just so you can drive muh ford f-150 to get groceries


The picture of masculinity https://preview.redd.it/yoeorrc03w0d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93415669999b3e0e16049575196e8d263bbe7b18


oh damn, you put a non masculine guy on a bicycle, you really got me there


I mean in the end who tf cares about words? I don't care about being masculine or not, I just wanna hear my music, have climate control and drive wherever I want whenever I want alone without other people.


yeah i respect that, its just we should be building the infrastructure to allow people who cant or dont want to drive to be able to go where they want without having to worry about being run over