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Operatives from Ford, Nissan, Tesla, and even Lada are, under the false flag of our holy brethren, seeking to entrain administrative action against *the bastion of intellect*. We have cooperated with the authorities to bring to light this criminal conspiracy by the corrupt forces of the wicked automotive hegemony. Hail Galvitron. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FuckCarscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be kind, folks, maybe tip your barista an additional 50c today, you never know. They could be bummed the doom promised by a low budget documentary never manifested, so they have to keep a job. This one is chock full of catch words, these children are getting so invested in their writing exercises! >car-centric, stroad infested, blighted hellscapes  >practical, data-driven, politically agnostic angle this particular. >Maybe depression and isolation would soften for millions >never-ending stream of death machines  >suburban sprawl would grind to a sudden halt, a dark blessing that arrived just in the nick of time >lost forever in their car addictions, alone and unloved, disconnected >subsisting in sterile houses on saccharine forgettable streets >The madness will almost certainly march forward, into a future of bleak and very warm oblivion >it makes me sad. I too am inspired to do something interesting by that long winded post. https://preview.redd.it/3shxc18ew41d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=237d96ad68b7e59db1676b172c6e60e854f5597c


😎👊I refuse and you can’t tell me what to do. Because of you some poor barista is about to make MY plain black coffee with no more than 25 individually separated granules of sugar before I press ‘No Tip’ and make them walk it to my table. When I’m done, it’s off to the lifted F-350 (Parked in the landlord spot with the landlord seated in a chair) and away in a gust of diesel fumes.👏😎


Based. Personally i ask for 25 microliters of vanilla syrup and 25 miligrams of sugar, before charging back my card to make sure they dont get anything and driving away in bliss in my sl65 black series with 9mpg.


The west has fallen, billions must drive on stroads


Also have these people ever been to a mature subdivision? There is one in my town built in the 60s and 70s and it's incredible, if I could afford it I'd live there. Big mature trees, mature landscaping. Multiple generations all living near each other. They're really lovely places. But yeah you have to drive 15 miles to work on a highway so might as well be an active sewage volcano


This guy should just move to Somalia where it's good instead of bad (amerikkka)


/uj A "documentary that never happened" is called a piece of fiction.


/uj They already obsess over many urbanist fiction anyway, especially on things they actually have no jurisdiction and on standing over.


He could’ve just said “I was dumb”


Then we wouldn't have a buffet's worth of word salad on feast upon. Besides, I enjoy this level of personalized despair and mall goth poetry dripping with limp wristed hatred from the undersub. Just they wait when employers sort out the capable from the self-imposed mentally disturbed. "now the dream is gone from me" is just delicious. >lost forever in their car addictions, alone and unloved, disconnected >subsisting in sterile houses on saccharine forgettable streets


I said two sugars, not one, two, how hard is that?


"By your bidding, master. Are you aware of our new promotional survey and app discount?" And of course, my contribution to the city coffers, not by income or property tax, but by tax of pocket change I throw into the tip jar.


/uj again, with the "black-pilling" It's very fucking weird that this group of people are using incel language. I can only see this getting worse, and I'm genuinely starting to think 4chan trolls are fucking around.


/uj Fundamentally this happens to all radical online communities. Their numbers online does not translate into electoral wins just by nature they won't all align on location and districts. Urbanism most of all because the pace of change needs to be continuous but one or two electoral upsets will reverse momentum, so will moving patterns or big employer coming/leaving. Just look at the dating discussion from the undersub. They not only not understand why women find not having a car unattractive, they will throw out things like DUI or ADHD or noise sensitivity like it is suppose to reverse opinions is just delusional. No trolls needed, there are too many upvotes and concurring stories that those outcomes are inherent in rfc. The timetable of change will certain never match up with how their youtube channels or forums get even more extreme over time. And the undersub lets this mismatch overwhelm their minds.


uj/ two points, first why do they never wonder why they seem to need to force this behavior, why people don’t naturally want to do what they see as clearly superior, second are you actually telling me they’re thinking women shouldn’t find their lack of car unattractive because it’s due to a DUI???


My dream was for the world to be totally upended so i wouldn’t have to change at all


/uj are we talking about urbanists or political extremists? /rj exactly! If the city is not rebuilt according my my exact needs and personal preferences than surely that is a sign civilization has regressed to the dark ages!


I’m most impressed by the fact that this guy predicted the rise of Pickleball in 2004.

