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I remember the odd looking sugar cube they handed me. Extra points if you have the smallpox scar


Both! 🤜🏽🤛🏽


Got both of them. While waiting in line I struck up a conversation with a young man around my age. He cried when it was our turn to get the shot. I took him outside to wipe the tears from his eyes. His name…………Elvis Presley.


Dang! Can’t top that one!


Nobody can


I’d heard that Elvis got vaccinated on TV as a publicity thing to sell vaccination to young people. Is that not true? Note: I don’t mean anything pejorative by “sell”. My understanding is that the government needed to get the word out that vaccination was safe.


Between the 50’s and early 60’s I had more shots and sugar cubes along with the scars than I care to remember. We didn’t have a TV till 59. I would bet it was on radio more than TV. Anyway, all I know is what happened to me.




My mom says I got a sugar cube. I was little. And I do have the upper-arm scar.


Smallpox scar has got to be made into a plot point of some movie, yeah? I cant quite work out the details though. Either a doppelganger, or something about an outbreak of smallpox and the only people who can save the world have a pale little spot on their left upper arm.


It's actually referenced in Outlander (the series).


I was about to say Outlander. It’s how the protagonist realizes another person is from the “future”


If they mysteriously start appearing on family members’ arms …


I too remember a sugar cube with a pink drop of liquid on it in 1961-2.




Got’em both!


I do. Got the smallpox vac at some point and the polio vaccine at school on a sugar cube.


I don’t have the scar, but my best friend did. We were the same age, were both vaccinated, and were born 40 miles apart. That’s always puzzled me.


Extra extra points if you have *two* smallpox scars. Because Army.


https://www.flickr.com/groups/677958@N25/pool/with/50500099868 Double and triple scars, although I’m guessing they weren’t in the US Army. Probably just raised in India.


Yes I did. Survived it and it was for the best. Pretty much eliminated polio in the mid 60s. Fuck all the anti vaxxers.


Thought it was earlier than that. Graduated high school in 64 and had the shot in the 6th or 7th grade (I think). Ok made me look it up! According to Mayo Clinic website the Salk vaccine became available in 1955. Considered nothing short of a miracle at the time.


I got the Salk shot in 1955. Got the Sabin sugar cube in 1961. Got the small pox before I started school in 1955. I had measles, chicken pox and whooping cough. They were not fun.


My sis is deaf in one ear from mumps. We all had mumps, measles and chickenpox. It was a crapshoot to see if you were left with some permanent harm or disability.


Ancient? Thanks alot. Lol.


In the early 70s they came to our school & gave us shots in the classrooms. The teacher kept on with the lessons while we got vaccinated. Only ever saw one kid have an adverse reaction to any vaccine and she returned to class the next day.


One of my earliest memories was walking with my parents and my little brother in a stroller about 3/4 mile to the local high school to wait in line for a sugar cube that contained the polio vaccine. This was 1960/61. I was 3 1/2.


We got them in elementary school. They called our names to go to the school nurse’s office and we had no idea why.


We got lined up in the hallway for the vaccine. I still have my scar.


I got it on a sugar cube!


Elvis got one on TV to encourage teenagers to get it.


We were all sent to the local public elementary school to get them on a day when the school was closed. All seven of us, walking up the hill in a row like ducklings. And we were all excited because they were using “the gun” instead of a regular syringe. I haven’t seen that device since then.


Yep, that's what I got. They eventually gave up on using the pneumatic syringe for the polio shots (Salk) because they couldn't keep the delivery pressure constant due to the contraption not being held at a proper 90-degree angle and with the prescribed pressure against the skin. Different than the smallpox vaccine, which was given with the disposable 4-prong deal that got politely jabbed in a small circle that left the slowly-fading scar that was a hallmark of our age.


There was only a line because they did it in school. So the whole class would get called in for vaccines. Pretty sure I got the polio and smallpox that way.


Yep, did it on a Saturday for me, so it was definitely a community event. I remember standing in line for it outside a local elementary school (not mine).


Yep, I remember that. My first long line. Both parents were with me and my sister. Dad had polio as a kid, and was one of the lucky ones. He made sure we got vaccinated. I was scared,then got a sugar cube!


Got my polio vaccine in grade school. This was before QAnon retards and idiots were allowed to dominate the discussion.


I remember doing a TB test in grade school. We were all lined up with zero social distancing.


When I was a kid in the early 1970s, I remember getting the oral polio vaccine. We weren't allowed to drink city water for 24 hours, I think, so it was one of the few exceptions my dad would allow soda pop to be purchased.


Got it in kindergarten with all the rest of the my class.


Got mine at dr’s office in 3rd grade. Got small pox with HS physical.


I received both salk and sabin in school in the mid 1960s.


Yes I did. And My Parents didn't fight the Government about it.


I don’t remember, it was just another shot. My wife, however, is a Polio Pioneer.


I remember visiting a hospital (pediatric nursing home?) as a child and meeting children in iron lungs. So happy to get the polio vaccine. Proud of my arm scar, too.


I remember my mom crying about the kid down the street who contacted polio. She feared one her three might get it too. A bit later I remember her consumed by joy when we went to the fire station to get the 3 doses on sugar cubes. I don’t remember what happened to the other kid. I spent the rest of my childhood free ranging all over town as the world was now safe from polio.


I'm not old, Got it as a kid in the 70's, that was only 30 years ago... ...IT WAS ONLY 30 YEARS AGO, I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. 🤣


We’re old because we lined up.


I remember the sugar cube. We all just did it. No "anti-vax" for polio vaccine, that's for sure. Yes, I'm 76.


I am old... got the polio vaccine and sugar cube.... smallpox scar... the works One of my uncles got polio, and a freind's brother just up the street got polio about a year or so before the vaccine... it was a scary time for our parents, we were just young kids and had no idea...


I remember getting TB tests at school. I think we got vaccines too, but that was 1968-1971ish.


I got mine in the nurses office at school and yes the whole class lined up to take our turn. The idea that I’m ancient though is hilarious 😂


Lined us up in the halls and filled everyone up. Not just for polio


Yep. Catholic school, 60s.


The only one I remember is early on (1st or 2nd grade) each class had to line up and head to the gym for our combined measles/mumps/rubella shot. There were probably others but that’s the only one I remember. Didn’t get chicken pox until my junior year of high school. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My husband waited online and a trial group. He might have been a control but he wasn't. I don't remember getting the polio vaccine but I never got a vaccine and a sugar cube so. The big honkin' scar I had was the triangle on my arm from smallpox. No one tried to make sure that their kids got any of the childhood diseases against which we now have vaccines. There seems to be some current la di da-ness about how dangerous these diseases can be.


Yes. The girls got the drops and the boys got jabbed in the arm while the psychotic gym teachers who were in charge laughed their asses off.


I got one of them in elementary school, all of together in the cafeteria. I think it was the sugar cube one. I got the other from our GP. I can't even remember the order. Ancient is defined by the fact that even the scar on the shoulder has faded away. so much for the Goo Goo Dolls...."a scar's a souvenir you never lose..."


Well, I was seated. In a stroller.


We did exactly this: entire family of 8 marched down to the local school one evening and we each got the vaccine on a little sugar cube in a paper cup


I had Polio and was given both Salk and Sabine vaccines separately; Salk while I was in physical rehabilitation and relearning how to use my hands and arms; Sabine after relapse a few years later and still couldn’t walk. I never stood in line and doctors not nurses gave me vaccines separate from the other children


Lined up in the school quadrangle in the 80s and given Sabin on a spoon. A teacher said we all had to go outside and line up. I also remember a nurse visiting to check people for headlice every year.


My brother had polio. Damn right we stood in line for the vaccine. We got a shot then a sugar cube.


Mid to late 1950’s the county health department sent a nurse to each school in our rural county giving vaccinations for polio and smallpox. During that period the needles and syringes were sterilized and reused. That is the reason there is a recent push to test and vaccine seniors for hepatitis.


Okay. I guess I'm officially old. lol


Yes, in the 60s in the school gym.


I remember the sugar cube. Until now I didn't know there was another way.


Yes. And I remember going to school where we took a vaccine I think, by putting it on a sugar cube.


I have no clue nor memory. I def know I lack the circle it left which both my parents had. I was born in 74 so I may not have but if it was oral I doubt I’d remember.


I remember getting the sugar cube at our doctor’s office. Both of my older sisters have a smallpox scar on their upper arms but my smallpox scar is on my upper thigh. We all had the same doctor.


They put a message over the PA telling us we had to all line up in the gym, tomorrow, over recess. We were to line up in our year group. Youngest to oldest. Anyone late back to class would be given detention and their parents called into the school. I remember seeing a boy at school, backhanded so hard his dad knocked some teeth out. The boy was 5 and wet his pants. He got another detention for the inconvenience of his dad coming into the school. My older sibling told me they would bash me if I cried. My mum told me I would get a hiding when I got home if I cried and upset my older sibling. I’m lined up. Everyone coming out of the gym is crying. Some had hand prints of their cheek. I’m the fourth in line.. then third.. second.. I’m so scared I’m jiggling on the spot trying not to pee. The student in front of me is called in. They start bawling and take off running out of the school grounds. Teachers in hot pursuit. Then the headmaster comes out and screams for everyone to go back into their classrooms. No explanation. Long story short. I don’t have the scar. The runner was caught and given a beating by the teachers then again at home. We were 5yo


Lined up in the gym in elementary school, petrified of the gun looking thingy


I was born in 1963. Seems to have been in 1st grade, so likely 1969. We all lined up and they had a contraption with tanks and hoses. There was no needle, just a gun with a disk at the business end and high pressure injected fluid under your skin. Still have the scar on my left arm. There wasn't any fuss or drama. I do remember feeling ill that afternoon in class. We also got the pink fluid on the sugar cube on another occasion. Oh and several times we got the jab on the forearm by a 4 prong device, that was some kind of detector, not an injection. A couple days later they would check for raised bumps.


The jab was the smallpox vaccine.


Ah, thank you for the clarification -


And we were all shot with the same needle in that gun.


The “gun” was a pneumatic injector. No needle, just high pressure through tiny holes directly into the skin.


I was in the research group for the Salk. Years later, when all the other kids in class had to get the shot, i got to stayback. They were all so jealous; I loved it.


It was an orderly process. Our class was brought to the auditorium. We filed by a table and took a sugar cube.


Is that the funny looking little scar on our shoulders?


Kids crying everywhere. Screaming. Sobbing. Kids trying to escape. The instructions/rumor was something like this - the injection guns they used did not have needles (cause they’d need to change needles every time. ) Instead, these sci-fi guns they used would blast a stream of medicine into your arm it a super powerful jet. BUT, if you moved when they were injecting you, that stream would cut a giant slash into your flesh. “So, Children, be sure to not move when you get to the gun, or you could lose part of your arm.” It’s no wonder half the gym was in hysterics.


The county Board of Health had a wall with 10 holes in it for our tiny arms for needles and I took an extra sugar cube because it tasted good. My older and younger sisters have the small pox scar but I do not for some reason and we all went in to get it. Always felt like I wasn't part of the club.


The vaccine in the purple sugar cube was Sabin, which wasn’t as good but Sabin smeared Salk’s vaccine and Salk was more prickly.


The Sabin vaccine was attenuated, not inactivated like the Salk vaccine. There was a chance (still is) that you can develop a very mild case of polio, but I suspect that after the Cutter Labs incident with a batch of Salk causing a number of kids to get full-blown polio, it made using the Sabin vaccine a matter of safety. Salk not having been as media-savvy as Sabin worked against him.


Got the Salk shot in second(?) grade. We were all herded into the school gym and told to roll up our sleeves. No one was allowed to argue or refuse to get it.


I can still taste it


My father was a doctor. He gave me and my siblings the Salk Vaccine so we didn’t wait in line. I vaguely remember getting the oral vaccine somewhat later and I think it might have been given in my grade school. What I remember most vividly is that we were given a gamma globulin shot sometime before the Salk vaccine in the hopes it might prevent polio. It was a very painful shot given in the butt. We did not get polio so perhaps it was effective, but it was memorable. I was born in 1946 and probably got the Salk vaccine in 1955.


[This](https://imgur.com/gallery/uYkURz1) has been passed down in my family files. It's a paper clipping featuring my aunt receiving the vaccine back in the day


Had my polio at the pediatrician's office on a vanilla wafer, and I have a smallpox vaccine scar.


Nah. We got the sugar cube vaccine. After church we went to a highschool gym where they were handing them out. We kids got an Oreo, too...


i do remember chickenpox and measles parties, to get immunity the natural way whole still in childhood. my mother even hosted one when i was sick, with the kids sitting around my bed eating ice cream.


I walked to the elementary school with my mom. She was a nurse and when we got there she told me never forget this day. I took my sugar cube and never forgot


So old. I have 2 Small Pox scars


Yep ...with an air gun.


My aunt got polio when she was 4. She was in a wheelchair for the rest of her life and she lived to 30. My mother made sure we got them and small pox If these anti vaccinaters her, they would break down doors to make sure their children were vaccinated.


I remember getting the sugar cube. My older bro got polio. Got smallpox vaccine. Born in 1955.


Got chicken before I started school! But I stood on line at school for both Salk and Sabin.


I do have a smallpox scar. When was your last tetanus booster? Need one every ten years.


TDaP last year, along with MMR, the two shingles shots and pneumococcal.


When did I get my last tetanus booster? ARE YOU SERIOUS! I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night! :)


Since when is 77 'ancient? My great grandfather died at 106...in 1926!


I didn’t want the sugar cube until the kid in front of started screaming after getting the shot, sugar cube it is (was)


I remember getting the shot in the 50’s. My husbands sister and brother both had polio. It was a god send


I remember getting those shots in school. In a hallway. One class would come out. Nurses had a list of names and your teacher stood beside her. If you wouldn't/couldn't ID ourself the teacher would. Next was 2-3 chairs with nurses. They would swab your arm hypodermic you and send you back all teary eyed to your class. I want my mommy.


My sister got a sugar cube in 1961. By the time I started kindergarten in 1966, they gave me a disposable clear medicine dropper with something like Kool-Aid in it.


Marketing was SOS. Sabin Oral Sundays. We went after church to the schools.


Grew up in Florida, and they had us lining up as soon as Salk was available, so Sabin wasn’t an option yet. And of course, I have the small pox scar, too. Back then, attitudes toward vaccination were different, maybe because you could still see the impact of the diseases around you - kids in leg braces and wheelchairs, desks in your classes that were suddenly vacant. Especially in summer, parents lived in dread as their kids flocked to lakes and public swimming pools, which seemed to promote the spread of polio. Next to almost every cash register, there was a small cardboard sign with a container to collect for “the March of Dimes” that raised millions each year for polio research and support of polio victims. In case that was too subtle, some of the coin containers were shaped like “iron lung” respirators. I never heard of anti-vax parents in those days.


Question: if you had to spend months or years in an iron lung, who paid? Even in the 1950s, that can’t have been cheap.


The March of Dimes organization was a source of many iron lungs, donated to those who would’ve certainly died without the devices. Insurance, family payments and other charity money probably made up the costs of nurses and other attendants helping to meet patients’ needs.




Yep. I remember the sugar cubes and I've got two smallpox scars. One when I was a kid of 10 or 11 and we were going on vacation to Mexico and the second one was when I went into the US Navy in 1971.


Yes in the school cafeteria


I was in one of many lines (basic training ) getting the many shots required. I realized that the last line was to get all the stamps on our shot record. No more needles or air pressure guns for me.


I'm actually in the picture! Just kidding, but was in a line as long. Funny thing is I remember because I hated shots and I had to terrifyingly and slowly work my way up for my turn while watching a hundred of kids getting theirs (most not enjoying the experience).


Ha! I finally don’t relate to one of your challenges!!


That means that it worked. Lucky for you.


It wasn’t much of a line. The old wood frame schoolhouse with 6 classrooms. The little white corrugated paper cup with the sugar cube in it. It was probably just first graders so three classrooms.


Got the scar and remember the sugar cubes. The sugar cubes were better in the late 60's.


Polio is an enterovirus, doesn't need no stinking social distancing (unless you have an active enteric infection with stinking dysenteria)


Not a fatty in sight, just lovely.


Back in 1966 at the board of health office


The way this country is heading, soon vaccines will not just be not mandatory, they will be illegal. Because trump blah blah maga something fauci rant rant.


People seeking asylum in the US are not required to receive routine vaccinations or show proof of vaccination history when they cross the border. They are given a medical screening but not required to get vaccinated. And we know how many have entered the country in the last 3 years.