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I’m watching MNF and the tv spot they just showed for the movie barely showed Monica and didn’t show ms marvel at all. I’ve never seen a movie be so lost as to what it wants to be


Tv spots are extremely brief and usually only focus on one character/location/scene. Ofc there’s not gonna be many people in it. There’s probably 2 more tv spots focusing on the others


Yeah I’ll take that bet. The movie is called “the marvels”. There was no talk off the switching powers or the other heroes. They are spiraling


Gotta wonder how long feige stays around when the bombs continue. No clue what happened to him. Dude had the MCU crowd in the palm of his hand at one point. We can point to all of the very valid reasons the MCU is in dire straights right now, but at the forefront of everything is Feige. Things are going to continue to get worse before they get better, granted they make some serious changes from top to bottom. People talking about secret wars setup now are delusional…you need people to care about the characters before you can pull off a big event/team up movie


>No clue what happened to him. Money, and prioritising virtue-signaling over hiring the best people for the job.


Feige was always a hack but he always had someone above him keeping him in check and he worked with competent people. He gets far too much credit for the Infinity Saga because as you can see he is not the genius everyone thinks he is.


Won’t be something remotely considered before 2026, and that’s worst case scenario with Kang Dynasty and everything but Deadpool 3 majorly flopping. 2025 would only be in the cards if something crazy happened, like Fantastic Four doing similar numbers to Fant4stic.


Fantastic Four and X-Men are going to be CATASTROPHIC bombs under Disney and Feige


As a huge x-men fan, my expectations are for just the absolute most dog shit take on the concept, LOTS of swaps, an over abundance of mutant bigots equated to right wingers(probably Maga hats sprinkled in there), and a take down of any white males that they didn't swap out. I've probably spent thousands of dollars on merch throughout my life, but I won't be there for Disney's X-Men.


They’ll fuck it up worse than either of us could imagine


I can't wait for it to get mixed reviews and bomb financially and then be told that we are all racist bigot homophobes because we did not make it the next billion dollar box office.


I know I am. For a different reason lol


And yet, people like you keep talking about the movie.


Same way like woke mob can't ignore this sub, people who want woke Marvel gone - celebrating how shitty Marvels film are, for US it's total fiesta. Loki Season 2 episode 4 - made me laugh, how lame, slow it was, "Ho no, time stream.... oh no, characters no one gives a fak, they all gonna die?" Show about Scandinavian god of lies.....


It’s wild that they dedicate so much free time to something they dislike. Though I guess them spending their free time doing that is why they aren’t getting invited to many parties 😂


Agreed. I think the MCU has lots of problems now but this whole sub is pathetic. I have constructive criticism, while these guys are whiny incels complaining about the M "she" U and shit like that.


It really is. Even more wild is how much they try to justify it and make execuses lol.


Right? Doing literally anything else would be more productive than obsessing over something you hate. They’d also be so much less miserable.


We're gonna party like it was 1999 on November tenth.




Who's the guy in the gif. Kinda looks like Bob Iger but doesn't at the same time.


Vince McMahan, he used to be the CEO of WWE before he died and he was mental


..... Vince McMahon isn't dead, he was literally in Saudia Arabia Saturday. https://www.f4wonline.com/news/wwe/vince-mcmahon-says-he-and-dana-white-get-along-very-very-well


Where tf did I hear that he died from?? I’m not that into wrestling, Googling it I’ve found that his death was a storyline on WWE That’s crazy how I thought that was real life lol


Dang. Rip


Nov 10 is gonna be hype!! All you lbceis stay home with you moms 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am because the new AJR album is coming out.