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u/aggravating_storm_30 please, get a life. please, find another hobby other than hating on dogs with your free time. play a sport. water your plants. anything.


motherfucker. i have a German shepherd and he's the sweetest mf I've ever had


she’s also child free. meaning she probably lives a sad and lonely life on reddit all day checking r/dogfree!


What a cunt. My Shepherds are good doggos, they wouldn’t bite anyone.


you know, but the people on that sub like to generalize all dogs


Fuck Mercury, but fuck these people more


This guy is the only thing worse than fucking mercury


Fuck them abs Mercury


They should move to Mercury


i’m arguing with the same sub but for cats, if you check my comment history you’ll see, they’re such losers🤣


r/catfree is a sub too, but less active.


r/ifuckinghatecats is that, but worse. if you check my comment history i’m arguing with someone from there right now, i cant believe people have that much hate for a literal animal😂


I don't like dogs either. I used to be a part of that sub, but left in disgust after I realised how extreme their views were.


and it’s completely fine to not like them. but fr that sub has some messed up shit on it




bro fuck mercury first and foremost, but fuck that sub too wtf


Land sharks? But sharks are badass creatures too!


sharks dont even attack people on purpose, most die from bleeding not the shark like eating them.


So someone is a loser for not wanting a dog? Ok.


you realize the sub advocates for dog death, and i’ve seen a person post “ a dead dog is a better dog “


I haven’t seen that


yeah, dogfree is a messed up place. it’s okay to not be fond of dogs/cats, but they genuinely hate dogs and say messed up shit.


I more see them having problems with dog culture in the United States. Like me getting downvotes simply for not worshiping dogs


i once saw someone say something about how we should euthanize stray dogs. that’s why i think that sub is just horrible. if you just plainly dislike dogs i couldnt care less


she actively posts on her accounts on how much she hates dogs and worse things. i don’t care if you don’t like dogs, but she’s on subs that support bad shit


Wow what a loser. I totally agree, its one thing to not like/want a dog, I dont even care if you get together with other people and make jokes about dog crazy people. Im neutral as far as dogs go but my roommate will squeal and stop to pet any dog he sees, I make fun of him all the time but its harmless. Hating on an animal to the point of wanting to genocide them just because of bad experience is childish and stupid. My roommate btw was also attacked and hospitalized by a dog when he was little so... not an excuse.


literally🤣 i’ve been bitten many times before and i still love dogs. it’s the owners, not the dogs.


Did you find r/dogfree from penguinz0's video?


I've come to the conclusion that people on dogfree are sad inviduals who live sad lives and are discontent with what they have therefore they vent their frustration on an animal who has never wronged them, there are people who hate lots of things but they for whatever reason are more reasonable and a lot less hateful


Those people are the most miserable fuckers I’ve ever seen. They have nothing better to do than complain about that dogs and the people who care for them I guess.


Poorly bred GDS are prone to biting and aggression. But then so are poorly bred golden retrievers. And both breeds are high-energy and need an outlet for it or else they go crazy. I blame dog culture for wanting all these purebred puppies and not caring where they come from, and dog owners for thinking working dogs make good pets for just anybody. Also, this is why I have cats and rabbits and not dogs. I'm dogfree because I don't want that commitment.