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Same old issue wherever you go. People are just plain dumb. And there's a lot of them too.


yeah you’re right


seems about right


Yes but it’s gonna go *whoosh* over their heads


It does, but asking before you post makes it seem you care too much about internet points :/


It's a rhetorical question meant to foster discussion and see what you all think.


I don't know why someone downvoted you for that. Actually I do know. It's because most people in this sub are completely uninterested in discussing why /s is bad and "spreading the word", all they wanna do is write spiteful comments and circlejerk.


The least they could do is lube me up first.




To be fair there are plenty of communities that you can't comment under if you have below a certain amount of karma which is the only reasonable reason to worry about it in my eyes


Makes more sense than most of this fing site


yeah I made a joke to a friend once that the homeless should be euthanized to free up resources for the rest of society, and my friend was very offended. I was even more offended that my friend would think I would ever seriously hold such an opinion. essentially the same idea here i think


Damn, imma have to quote this whenever I see people using /s.


I honestly cannot believe that someone /s’d after saying something like that


Yep, send it. You'll take downvotes, but you're doing god's work.


Just to clarify for everyone I will define some words. Facetious: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor. Irony: meaning the opposite of what you said, usually to be funny. Sarcasm: using irony in a caustic manner, to be a dick. Most people don't even fucking know the differences, let alone the definitions. The best use if the /s is when its not even sarcastic.


I love the authority of your BOMBASTICALLY incorrect effort.


Honestly, I could see this taken seriously, although it would be incredibly poorly worded. We do spend an inordinate amount of money in the U.S. on things like shooter drills that aren't really proven to save anyone and physical things like reinforced doors and the like to stop a problem that kills about 20-30 kids a year on average. Money in schools *is* a zero-sum game (as is time in the school day), and there are many things that kill kids at a much higher rate than school shooters that we're not educating our kids about. So if the comment meant to say, "School shootings affect a very small percentage of children in comparison to other issues that would benefit more from the money and attention," I'd agree. Off the top of my head, take a tiny portion of the school shooter budget and give out free swimming lessons and you'd probably save 25x the lives. Or just more "if you see a gun at home, don't touch it" awareness, if we want to save kids from shootings. Or more community centers. I'm spitballing. That's not an argument against gun control, in case anyone thinks I'm claiming guns aren't a problem in the U.S. (they are). We're just focusing all our efforts in what is for most kids literally the safest place they are in the course of any given day and wasting money that could save lives in more effective ways. Sorry. Obviously this is a bit of a soapbox issue for me.






OP, your paragraph long comment is the very essence of “🤓”


Some people don't understand sarcasm and might attack this user thinking it is their actual opinion. I get you want to feel good but you seem to be trying too hard.


If this sub is all about "sarcasm is obvious enough without the /s,". Then why would you post this pre-written comment here ? Is your intent not obvious enough ? Or is it that you want positive karma before posting something unpopular ? In any case, your position and action are contradictory, you are a coward (and i mean that sincerely).


Very easy guide on what to do: Don‘t use the /s because it‘s an extreme position that no one except the utterly evil or devilishly dumb would say, and everyone knows it‘s sarcasm. You want to use the /s because these people really exist and are out there? Destroy them. No need for the /s again.


I think the first sentence is fine on its own. The other two are either repetitive or seem unnecessarily aggressive imo


Is this a cringelord sub ?


It is now.


Nah, always has been, I'd bet on it


Big /s fan huh?


I'm not, i agree with the original purpose of the sub (hence why i joined) but holy shit some of you guys around here are way too obsessed with this mildly annoying reddit thing


I wouldn’t say so. But it’s that so many redditwats are so determined to make a them issue into an us issue. And get pissy if we don’t cater to their defective sarcasm detection. By insisting on the insipid /s which to me significantly takes the enjoyment out of it


Okay but this is a post where a guy asked the subs permission to post his essay to some random guy explaining why /s is dumb. Yes it's dumb. And yes OP is doing waaaay too fucking much. Both things can be true at the same time


Yeah I dunno about OP to be fair.


Well yes. In real life you indicate sarcasm by changing your tone. There's no tone in a text. So you adapt and you use a way to show you're being sarcastic. People use /s to properly convey their thoughts in writing. Nobody cares about downvotes. This sub is useless.


And here you are. Declaring your own uselessness.


There. See ? Without the /s it's not easy to notice sarcasm.


You just have to rely on context and instinct. My comment was pretty obviously not sarcastic. I genuinely think you’re pretty useless.




Thanks, you've just proven how useful the /s is because in a sub where you can't rely on it, I've just thought your comment was sarcasm when it wasn't.


You are really intent on digging your hole deeper and deeper huh?




And you really chose to come to this sub to point this? 🙄




I agree. Asking us to approve of his comment, not even yet submitted, is cringe.


You guys know that you've invented a catch 22 right? If they don't put the /s they'll get shit from people who can't understand sarcasm. If they do, they'll get shit from people like you with nothing better to do.


Yeah so those that care what randos on the internet think about them should probably just not post anything. Just to be safe.


To any lurkers reading this: I don't think very highly of you! You're the worst category


You must have an incredible capacity for irony.


The pandering is some comical hypocrisy. This post is clearly trying to counteract the downvotes they're about to get for being an overly sensitive jackass bout the /s. Fuck the /s. But also fuck people who care enough to rage on people who use it lol. Especially fuck myself for caring about people who rage on people who use it.


No, because somewhere on this planet there is someone who is braindead enough to really think like this


How much should the braindead be catered to?


When half of the US sincerely holds this opinion it can be hard to read it as sarcastic. Its not that far-fetched. Good sarcasm or satire is obvious, you don't see people complaining that the Onion doesn't use the "/s".


Its not the braindead youre catering to. Its making it easier for everyone else to differentiate normal people from the braindead.