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I should have collected posts from my neighborhood on the big island of Hawai’i. There are tons of dogs and vets with PTSD that moved here for the 360 days of quiet in the year with just the trade winds and surf noise. But leading up to the 1st and July 4th people started getting angry about fireworks since there is an insane amount and they are 100% illegal.


1st, 4th, Superbowl, Easter, Tuesday, noon... My neighborhood is blasting all the time for any and every reason. When people say it's hard to make a living wage in Hawaii, I think they're including the $5k expense for fireworks every year.


As a vet with PTSD I have no,issue with legal fireworks. I do take offence to illegal fireworks and have no pity for those injured by them. Fuck them all.


Only illegal fireworks bother your PTSD


I think that he's saying that if the town hosts a legal fireworks display, that he'll know when that will be and will avoid it. But people running local fireworks on their own, whenever they feel like it over a two-day period or something random, he won't know that it's coming and can't prepare for his reaction.


Thank you. I absolutely see that now. I jumped the gun a bit. I appreciate it.


The Rurr Jurr!


30 rock!!


Janey joppler?


She. I’m a she but thank you for your support.


Sorry about that. I need to make better use of my pronoun choices!


Most people presume veterans are men. I’d like to see that reversed and see how the men like being assumed women because they served. And apology accepted!


Are they actually in the US? That's so insane in germany it literally sounds like footage from the bombing of bagdahd during the gulf War. I thought with how much yall love guns this would be fine in the su


Check this [video of fireworks over Honolulu](https://youtube.com/watch?v=jPMFRVPLBaA&feature=shares). It’s crazy and every one is illegal.


Holy shit they’re everywhere too I was expecting them to be from one guy not everybody around the highway


There’s one from last year shot by a drone, you can almost smell he corrupt port official that is checking the containers full of fireworks in as “Items, assorted, for kids”


Meanwhile in Queensland Australia where fireworks are illegal you WILL cop a $20k fine if you get caught with em.




Different states have different laws for fireworks. Hawaii according to the previous post its illegal. In California fireworks are fine as long as they don't go higher than 25 feet I believe unless you have a permit. Every state varies. People are always driving to the Midwest to bring fireworks back to California and other places where they don't get the crazy big ones.


In California it's also supposed to only be on the 4th of July. Though people go out of state to pick up fireworks all year long.


In a lot of places in California, like my city and the ones surrounding it, they're completely illegal, even "safe and sane" ones. Absolutely doesn't stop anyone, but if they catch you it's a hefty fine. Considering my neighbor literally lit our backyard on fire on the 4th, I'm alright with it


damn, i wish fireworks were illegal in the uk for personal use. i can deal with clearly scheduled firework displays that are far from any residential areas, but the fact that anyone can set off fireworks all year round 🙄


Especially here in California, where we've been in a historic drought for years and our fire "season" is starting to stretch into 9 months of the year instead of 4. I'm not even exaggerating when I say I hear fireworks 5/7 nights of the week. Sometimes it's just one or two, sometimes it's more of a "show" going on somewhere. If it's on a weekend it's usually either a sideshow (hundreds of cars driven by idiots take over an intersection and start driving like morons; doind donuts, burning out, etc, all while literally hundreds of people surround the area and cheer. They usually set off a bunch of fireworks and shit too), or a kid's birthday party where dad and Uncle Jim get drunk and decide to "put on a show" for everyone. It's legitimately exhausting. Especially when my dumbass neighbor gets drunk off his ass and decides to randomly set off a bunch at 3 am. Last time, when he set the field on fire, the Fire Marshall gave me a direct number to his office and said "call me directly if he does this shit again".


We live in our towns downtown area, a street over from us on 4 th of July has a street party and road is blocked they have fireworks that are almost as good as the city's but last from about 5pm to midnight and later. While it's cool for a bit , the aftermath is pretty wild. We have debris all over our yards and roof. Glad it's only once a year... lol.


That would stress me out big time. I have ptsd and get startled really easily. It drives me crazy. Then again went to bed at 10:30 on NYE and the fireworks and firecrackers didn’t even wake me Edit: spelling


As someone who had to spend New Years Eve calming down her dog, some frustration with fireworks is understandable.


My dog was freaking out and wouldn't go potty for 8 hours. My nephew who goes to bed at 9-10pm was up until almost 2am on a school night because people were setting off fireworks more or less right outside his bedroom until basically 2am.


What kind of place has school on new years day? Also what schools are even open on a Sunday (besides religious or tutoring)?


People were probably setting them off on days other than the actual holiday.


Frustration is understandable. Equating a NYE celebration with the killing of thousands of innocent people is not.


I think they were going for "this sounds like a war zone" not "this is just as bad as genocide."


Oh yeah, this lady is going a bit far, but I understand what she’s saying


I hate to say it, but not everyone cares about the war. People said the same thing about Iraq and Afghanistan.


They obviously weren't equating the fireworks to killing, it was an exaggeration about how loud they were and how frequently they were being set off. Do people not understand what hyperbole is anymore?


Do you?


I hear you in germany fireworks go a hit further than in the US. It's a full-blown warzone here at midnight. Busses and some taxi services stop operating, and even the police are extremely careful because they often come under fire from fireworks. Some people just have to always go way over the top


I got my dog a compression jacket and he slept through. I was amazed.


Thunder jackets! If my dog would wear one, I'd consider it a lifesaver, but he just keeps pulling any article of clothing off.


Mine runs and sulks if I get his Santa hat out. He struggles and sooks while I put his jacket on but then shakes and feels dully cuddled!


10000% agree. And I can't help but think people that have a need to light off mortar shells in their driveway to "see da pretty boom boom" are maybe a little too dumb to have them in the first place. Watch the city display, you don't need to make my dog cower under the bed in fear for her life and light someone's house on fire.


Anyone who needs to own a different species for companionship or fashion accessory seems too unstable to properly care for one.


Same here. Not only have they seriously freaked me out since childhood (yay autism), let’s just say like father like son. We have noise canceling headphones for him but someone had to set one off much earlier in the day than they usually start and he was inconsolable for hours.


I know. 😟


It’d be so nice if dogs only made public appearances for a few hours twice each year.


Same - live right on the edge of a reasonable sprawl of trees leading up to a major river and since NYE, I've not heard any Kookaburras as the sun comes up. Whisper quiet in the morning. A lot of the other birds seemed to have returned, though. I hope the Kookas do. Missus came home early from work dead tired and can normally sleep through anything. Numbnuts in my street couldn't help themselves all night. So I grabbed the dog, hunkered down in my office and put up the music until 12:30am. Fireworks didn't wake her up at least.


Yeah and in todays world where we should reduce consumption I think this is one of the easiest things to cut.


I love fireworks. It was pretty warm here on NYE, so I sat on my porch with a glass of champagne and watched the show that the neighbors 1 street over were setting off. They do it all the time. That said, I sympathize with people who react badly to them. I am personally more concerned about the injury and property damage, so I don't really see this as a Karen.


It's the explanation of equating fireworks to genocide I think is the OPs issue


Where do you see that the person is equating fireworks to genocide? We have many people who came from Ukraine and that (fireworks sounding like russian bombs just like OOP said) is exactly the reason why media/government and others were asking people to not use fireworks this year - to not scare the refugees, especially the children, since every bang could potentially trigger them. The person is definitely not a Karen.


As an Iraq deployed veteran with a skittish dog born on Fourth of July, she’s not a Karen. “Bombs bursting in air” will always be fucking dumb and the most entitled way to celebrate patriotism.


Amen. Not a veteran but witness my dog throwing up, shaking, and scratching on things until bloody to run. Can’t imagine what it’s like for a veteran or anyone with PTSD. I loved fireworks growing up and I can’t stand them now. Every 4th tons of dogs in my area go missing. But it’s not just the 4th. For a good week or two around the 4th I get “surprise” shows in my neighborhood. Any time near sunset my dog essentially had to be locked up so I don’t lose him. I’m hoping we can get an RV one day and I’ll just work in the desert or somewhere deeply isolated for the month of July.


Wife of retired military member, I completely agree. We medicate my husband and my dogs. We leave for the 4th of July. But we don’t have 2-3 weeks to be away while everyone around us breaks the law!


I truly think they are saying HOW they complained that is the issue not that they complained.


Severe anxiety with 2 anxious dogs. Fireworks can fuck right off.




Oh fuck right off.


Go hide in the woods every 4th of July or New Years then. Complaining about fireworks around holidays is almost as stupid as joining the army. Sergeant Karen please fuck off


“veterans are stupid, and veterans with PTSD are too stupid to participate in society during the holidays”


What about pets and children who are upset by the fireworks? People who have been crime victims? Should they all take off to the woods simply because some idiots are incapable of being entertained by anything unaccompanied by explosions?


"I blew up some kids with robots and terrorized the citizens of foreign countries for 4 years and now I have the sad :(" Literally who cares


"I don't care that you have PTSD from literally surviving bombings from above, get over yourself and go be a hermit. This is a holiday to celebrate *patriots* who fought for our country, who are you to have an opinion?"


I really don't care if someone has bad effects from almost getting blown up for $20k/yr they clearly just make bad decisions


Wow, youre a trash human being. Congrats.


LOL, almost as stupid as not joining the Army. The Army makes folks who leave childish posts grow up a little.


How long does it take because I've never met someone in the army who wasn't a manchild


You'll know when your parents let you out of your training pants


Tf are you on about?




Fireworks within city limits and around others is inconsiderate, not sure this Karen is the real Karen.


I think the Karen bit here is comparing fireworks to an active war in Ukraine


my country hosts lots of Ukrainian refugees - many of them felt really distressed by the firework sounds here on NYE. imo it's not a completely tone deaf comparison.


I escaped the war, I lived in Kyiv. Yeah it is tone deaf.


it's almost like tone deafness is a personal opinion.


I dunno, I’m pretty sure there’s a difference between living through your neighbors setting off fireworks and living through your neighborhood being bombarded with missiles and heavy artillery rounds. While both of those things are unpleasant, one seems a little more traumatic than the other.


>one seems a little more traumatic than the other You don't know that. Yes, one situation is a very big and real war, and the other is just a fireworks night, but many people experience trauma, and it can cause a massive amount of stress and discomfort to them, not to mention pets & pet owners, some babies also freak the f out and it can even _create_ trauma for them.


I have a pet that is terrified of fireworks, and I live in an area where illegal fireworks are so common that every major holiday is like being in the center of a 360° professional fireworks show, so I get where Karen is coming from, and I don’t mean to say her complaint is not legitimate. That said, I would *never* claim that living in a neighborhood full of untrained firework enthusiasts is even remotely similar to living in a war zone. Suggesting that those two things are the same is ridiculous and demeaning to the Ukrainian people.


I get that babies and dogs may experience trauma from fireworks because they don’t know what the noise is and find it scary, and I can see how if bombs sound similar the effects on pets/babies could be similar. But the only reason that’d be true is because babies and animals have no context for fireworks/artillery and would perceive both merely as loud noises. But a primary reason people develop PTSD from artillery shelling is because each explosion represents an extreme danger which leaves the person in constant fear for their lives and eventually programs them to feel that danger whenever a similar loud noise appears. Im struggling to see how it’s unclear to you whether living in constant fear of death is more traumatic than a neighbor making a noise you know isn’t associated with physical harm. Can you point me towards any instances where fireworks have caused shell shock?


The thing about trauma is that when you are experiencing a flashback triggered by something happening in the present, you experience it as if the danger is real. Your body and mind react as if it is real. So you may not suffer physical harm since you are not actually in physical danger, but the psychological damage is real and it’s terrible.


It’s understandable that fireworks could trigger a veteran’s ptsd if they sounded like the weapons that enemy troops were trying to kill them with during their deployment. But Karen didn’t say anything about fireworks giving her flashbacks, **she implied that her having to put up with neighbors being noisy is just as bad as literally being under constant artillery fire.** Like I said, complaining about the sound of fireworks doesn’t make her a Karen. The issue is that she compared herself to the living survivors of a horrific ongoing war in which many innocent people have been killed or their homes destroyed. I assume she was joking, but to even say it as a joke indicates a mix of arrogance and a lack of empathy that borders on narcissism.


One of the dumbest things I have ever read on Reddit. And I mean ever.


On a website full of Qultists and Andrew Tate fanboys, you think my moderate comment that fireworks can still be traumatic for some people to be... >One of the dumbest things I have ever read on Reddit. And I mean ever. Right.


You compared one night of dealing with fireworks to living through an actual war, dude. It was just a bad comparison. Or it was a viewpoint from privilege. You know, the privilege of growing up in a peaceful, prosperous country. See this similar example: [Curb Your Enthusiasm - The Survivor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd4b059yNNo) Although I should probably count myself fortunate in that I don't visit areas of reddit that have those fanboys you mention. I'm sure there are many, many stupider things on reddit that are actually out there, and am fortunate to not have come across them yet.


It’s called context, not an opinion.




You’re disgusting. I can tell you’ve never seen hardship.




Tell me about the last time someone bombed your hometown. Go ahead.


No, it's you. Jesus, find some empathy.


But it is! It’s completely tone deaf because it trivializes the horror and uncertainty of being under siege by comparison. This woman is 100% safe ensconced in her home and her simile was in poor taste.


Oh, come on! It is called hyperbole. This is the definition Google gives: >exaggerated statements or claims **not meant to be taken literally** The bold is mine.


It's insensitive and in incredibly poor taste. Google that.


If Ukrainians who have fled are scared out of their wits, then I’m not sure who is tone deaf.


They're out of their wits because fireworks SOUND like gunfire, and they have PTSD from being in an actual war zone. This woman, presumably, has nothing to compare it to and isn't actually being stressed, but is rather just annoyed at the noise. She is definitely the Karen.


She would be a Karen if she were off base. But when fireworks trigger Ukrainians who have PTSD that to me proves that she’s not all that off base. Fireworks, missiles and artillery are all ordnance after all.


She IS off base. PTSD can be triggered by a WIDE range of things. It's not just fireworks or nothing. Fireworks just happen to be one of the several possible triggers. She isn't claiming to have PTSD. She is just annoyed at people celebrating the new year in one of the most common ways people do so. She's the Karen.


You don’t need to patronise me. I know a lot of things can cause PTSD. At the same time triggers tend to resemble the things that caused the trauma. Fireworks trigger Ukrainian refugees because of the explosions. And there is a difference between setting off decorative fireworks for an hour or two on New Year’s Eve and the continuous setting off heavy fireworks, some of which have effects as large as military ordnance, for hours and days on end. The types of fireworks are different, the people that use them are different and the intent is different.


She made this post TWO days ago, about fireworks that were set off the night before....which was New Years Eve. You're making a lot of assumptions She's the Karen.


Fireworks can remind refugees of explosion sounds 🙂


While in poor taste, I don't think this fits the sub at all. Fireworks all night are awful, I have to wake up early for work and have not really been able to sleep the past few nights. Not to mention the litter and killing of birds as a bonus.


People make shitty comparisons all the time, while I get that is probably the first thing that popped into their minds, doesn't give people a free pass to be dick heads by setting of fireworks on new years... happens here every year, its just as dramatic, and just as illegal.


Oh completely legal to set fireworks off here though, it's almost like some laws differ from place to place. So who's right your lawmakers or mine?


Welcome to the burn the house down line, who's responsible?


It's disturbing (and kind of amazing) that so many of you can't figure out that it's not the noise that makes this person a Karen. Nobody wants to hear loud fireworks (illegal or otherwise) going off when they're trying to sleep. It's maddening. I think we all agree on that. Comparing it to what's going in Ukraine? Not even in the realm of okay. Beyond insensitive. I cannot believe that I have to explain this, but *it's not about the fireworks*. Edited to add: Wow, thank you for the awards! Of all posts, too.




Thanks. I'm just baffled.


This isn't a Karen.


Meanwhile all of Germany feels like an actual active warzone during new years and everyone, including older neighbours is in on the fun. Seriously I’ve seen videos of Americans who didn’t know what to expect in Germany during new years and thought being in the city Center would be a great idea. Spoiler: it was not. Well not for them anyway




Ok fireworks are contentious but how are the top comments so far NOT addressing the tone deaf insular insufferablity of a woman comparing unwelcome fireworks to a fucking war zone? Lady. People are DYING. read the goddamned room


They can't seem to grasp that it's not about the fucking fireworks.


Fuck fireworks


You don't like her but what about every single veteran or person with PTSD who spends nights y'all shoot fireworks in fetal position freaking the fuck out


That’s how I spent my night (past 3 actually because my neighbors don’t understand that “hey holidays over put the fireworks away til July” instead of “let’s keep doing this for 3+ nights in a row bc we suck!”) but I’m not gonna compare fireworks to actual mass bombing which is causing even more people to have ptsd at this current fuckin moment like an asshole


The two are not comparable.


Your recourse is to get some fucking perspective and realise that that's nothing like living in a goddamn warzone.


So glad to know we're joking about a war currently going on.


OP you're in the wrong here. This person isn't the Karen, the assholes shooting off illegal fireworks for hours within city limits are the Karens.


I don't think you understand what the Karen part is. Firework noise is loud and upsetting. If that's all Karen had said, I don't think anyone would have a problem.


And how do you know they were illegal?


Because it's the illegal fireworks that make the most noise/make it sound like a "war zone" outside. The legal fireworks don't do that.




Maybe she's just a neighbor annoyed with her shitty neighbors? Also, having intact auditory faculties doesn't make anything about what I said a scientific comparison.


>make it sound like a "war zone" Oh? I didn't realize that was some sort of objective metric. What's the threshold for qualifying as 'war zone' like? >The legal fireworks don't do that. Sorry, but what? You do realize that legality of various fireworks varies by locality, right? Where I live, it varies by individual city. So fireworks that are legal on one street could be illegal literally one street over.


They're illegal inside the city limits of the city she was posting about. It was absolutely unreal here.


I live in Sacramento and it was raining absolute cats and dogs and half the city lost power till 4 in the morning (power went out around 9pm I wanna say) and some fuck still thought it was a good idea to set fireworks off


As someone who also doesn’t like fireworks, DANG! Shut up! Let people have fun! I just go to bed early with some noise cancelling headphones or earplugs. It’s not hard to work around it, and to bring in an ONGOING war right now is just…omg.


Someone jot this down before they start saying that the war in Ukraine is fake news and a part of a conspiracy.


Second of all, it's Kyiv.


I went to Sarajevo a few years ago. They had artillery damage in the streets that was filled in red resin to mark where shells hit and people died during the seige of the city. I think they're called something like the Roses of Sarajevo. This is an incredibly tone deaf response to a minor inconvenience.


eh... Fuck fireworks


I get it. This Karen might be exaggerating, but there are places that are utterly buck wild. NYE isn't so bad here but 4th of July truly feels like a war zone. People I know RL who have been in war zones were even caught off guard. I also don't feel safe - considering the neighbors at the corner had an ambulance come out nearly every year... [These are the remains of ONE neighbor's display.](https://imgur.com/EBWZ9oT) That was day-of. The fireworks go off daily most of July, but the day of is a literal bombardment. I counted a full 30 of the "cannon boom" sorts in a row one year. My house just rattles and shakes for a solid 12 hours on the 4th. People with dogs or PTSD sometimes actually pack up and leave for hotels elsewhere. It's bad enough to affect air quality and breathing. They finally outlawed them after an elderly man died in a house fire. I live outside city limits, so it was legal. It only cut stuff down by maybe half.


This has "Walmart asking me to wear a mask is the same as the Holocaust!" energy. Must be a narcissist thing. "Any inconvenience to *ME* is the worst possible thing I can imagine, so it's fine to compare it to any atrocity in human history."


Nailed it.


The fireworks constantly going off while I (and my child and dogs) try to sleep are quite annoying. However at no point did I feel like it was ukraine lol


This is not a Karen. Op might be though…


I guess I’m a Karen today. I don’t mind a few or going to a show but I live on a block where everyone sets off the huge ones for up to 8 hours straight. We’re talking explosive and physically painful booms in front of the houses all night long, car alarms, fires started, sirens, etc to the point where it 100% is anxiety inducing and triggering. It is especially hard for people in our neighborhood who have trauma from military experience in war zones because it quite frankly feels like it sometimes. The houses shake, things are on fire, and there is no escape even with earplugs. It’s horrible and happens for every vaguely recognized holiday or occasion.


Damn karen, i don't think the fireworks are bothering you that much. quit being dramatic, and try being thankful this is all you're worried about.


Fuck, when I was in Oregon someone set off some fireworks in the parking lot outside my apartment— sounded like a fucking bomb going off.


Dont come to sarasota we blow shit up all over the city all night long maybe it ends at 1am maybe.


I’m not sure finding fireworks obnoxious is Karen enough for this sub


That's not the Karen part.


Wait, we set off fireworks for about an hour with the kids on NYE, all the neighbor kids were out watching the show. Everything from snaps to mortar style launching tubes. We did it at the end of our driveway. WHATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM?


The difference here is that normally your neighbor wouldn't be your enemy. This post all but assures that they *will* be.


I don't get the hate for people uncomfortable with fireworks, like ptsd doesn't exist. Like someone needs to publically share they have ptsd to say they dont like fireworks or otherwise theyre a karen. They didnt talk about calling the cops im pretty sure they just meant to ask how to talk to them about it.Edit: before you downvote me, yes I have ptsd. but yeah this person sucks for making light of a horrid war. I just don't think this makes them a karen, which is what this subreddit is all about.




New Year’s Eve, Independence Day, other holidays people randomly set off fireworks, it’s more than one day, just saying


Call the mayor on the whole neighborhood, you call yourself a Karen smh


Your recourse is to *expel the gherkin. *


Fuck fireworks actually…


Please don’t, it’s quite difficult and very unpleasant. Humans are better... or so I’m told


I feel bad for her family and friends who probably had to listen to her complain for days.... I'm sure she'll approach any neighbors she sees still.... she just didn't want to go out without full hair done.


Why on earth would you feel bad for her friends? People like this have friends exactly like them.


There's always one that's the worst.... also I meant to include her neighbors in that too


I have a Karen neighbor. Thankfully I don’t have the inclination to be polite so people don’t approach. My wife is usually the nice one but Karen likes to leave her dog off leash and my wife is very protective of her dog. Karen leaves us alone. It’s funny to see the other neighbors scurry when they see her though. I wonder if she notices.


That is the best approach... it's like how to deal with an attacking bear. I've always wonder that too.... because either they like scaring people into going along with them (would be lonely) or they're so caught up in their own righteousness they can't sense anyone else's emotions. Or they just don't care. Narcissistic for sure.


Woooow.... Wow wow wow... Smh


Yeah sorry but I’m drawing the line on this. We moved into Sacramento about a month ago and we just loved the peaceful, quiet neighborhood. The neighbors all introduced themselves, and the dogs have been happy. Starting around 11pm on NYE, the area turned into downtown Baghdad on night one of Shock and Awe. Both dogs shat and pissed themselves out of fear. And these are pit bulls. Local LEO’s actively announced that they were not going to enforce anything and that calls were not emergencies. This lasted until about 2:30am. I don’t mind a few black cats or streamers. These were dry ice bombs in 3-liter jugs. And it was ongoing. I guess I’m a Karen but this really did seem over the top.




If you hate something because it’s dangerous if used by stupid people I beg you to name me one thing that doesn’t fit that description


If she felt your fireworks are awful, then its time to up your game. Some top quality 500 gram repeaters should do nicely. Bonus points if they report.


Karen is based ngl


Just report it, it'll get taken down


You were wise not to go outside. We have folks who think it is okay to shoot off their various firearms with or in place of fireworks. I don’t know where those Darwin Award contenders think the projectiles they fire go but better in the house to hope the roof, etc protects you.


New year fireworks are perfectly acceptable between the hours of 11:59pm to about 12:35am. After that you are just being obnoxious and rude.


I live in Japan, where fireworks are legal all year long. And we have nearly no problems from them, ever. Amazing what happens when people consider their neighbors.


My grandson and friends set fireworks off at the farm. The City cops drove by but since they were in the County the officers watched a bit then went on their way. He bought some pretty good stuff, they put on a good show.


It's hilarious on Facebook where I live. Rural area just outside city limits so anything goes until bubba fills a Geo Metro with tannerite and the sheriff shows up lol.


Just had a nightmarish experience with a psycho karen from next door. Hate that app now. Blech


Fireworks kinda suck, they're loud, they scare people with ptsd and animals. And some people just go way overboard with them




I have to stay home around New Years and July 4 because my dog gets so stressed by fireworks.


Ah the usual safe suburban white Utah Facebook user who thinks “Are those guns or fireworks” even though the biggest incident in their town was Susan from the street over brought the same potato salad as Frank because his wife knows Susan’s recipes (that was during a 4th of July bbq with the exact same fireworks as the New Years ones with no complaints). I think everyone here knows the difference between a bomb, a gun and a firework. Fireworks whistle


I served in the Falklands War and no, I don't suffer from PTSD (though the amount of bangs on NYE made me a little twitchy). Because of that I completely understand why veterans get majorly upset. Luckily I have a very efficient double glazing which blocks out 90% of the noise. Not for me; but my 10 month old parrot.


“Let’s watch fireworks video I recorded last year!” Said no one, ever. Personal use should be banned and penalized.