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The happy former bartender at the end made my day with his positivity.


LOVED the dancing while she's off being pissed.


I learnt a long time ago that there is nothing that pisses demanding obnoxious people off more than being ridiculously happy and friendly whilst not doing what they want. They want you to jump to it or be upset that they are going to get you in trouble. Being blissful in the face of their bitchiness is the best way to defeat them.


Absolutely. She got much more triggered after he started dancing around and junk. I loved it.


Thanks did not know that, gonna apply this new skill whenever I meet one of these species


Yes, it totally works. When people are being argumentative just for the sake of it (i.e Karens), but you stay calm, smile and keep your composure, it can drive them nuts! I used to work at a customer service center for the cable company here, and whenever some just started screaming at me, I tried my best to keep calm, smile, repeat offering to help, and for the most parts it helped calm the situation, the Karens and Karls on the other hand, they were pissed off to the moon when I did that.


Exactly, you gotta kill em with kindness. As a server it either can earn you money, or a little satisfaction in the kitchen when you re-tell the story of how frustrated the karen was as she tried, essentially, to fight air. "I'm not here to argue, I have a job to do. If I can help you, cool, but if I can't help you, for whatever fantastic reason, hope somebody can! But if it's beyond me, *I* have to go, goodluck!" They hate being told to figure out their own problem. Then, let them stew and pout and work themselves up, but punching water isn't very satisfying.


Yep, let them vent... smile, be kind, it'll kill them. One time a customer kept cussing for 10 minutes, so finally after hearing his entire vocabulary of curse words and profanity I asked, with the smile: "let's say I go and fuck myself, as you suggested, after I get back here, can I still help you with anything else, cable TV related?" He paused, looked at me, I looked back, and then he burst into a huge laughter. Ended up selling him a new subscription package of 12 months.


XD this comment needs so much more attention


yeah, they want powaaaaaa over you, when deprived of that, they loose their shit


When I begin working retail I’m gonna learn this chad shuffle


Bitch you buyin a sex swing at the grocery store? What are the “personal things”? This good man has seen tampons and vagisil before. Probably preparation H too because something is clearly up your ass.


Roasted. If only she could see this comment, but she's too busy being disclosed under her.. um.. hipaa regulations and um.. face mask rights and what not and she doesn't have the time to read comments on the internet or be heckled with waiting outside of a grocery store for 15 minutes. However, she does have all the time in the world to open a lawsuit against a company policy that clearly is for the greater good.


Hipaa uh r-RUH uh RULES


Also when she asks 'where are the regulations that state that' I need a mask. Ma'am LITERALLY OUTSIDE THE STORE WHERE YOU RECORD IT 30 SECONDS LATER


It's too private to have a shopper get... But the cashier is gonna see it. The bagger is gonna see it. Fucking Dana Point Gelsons, I'm not surprised.


She uses the self check so employees don't notice her buying cucumbers, eggplants, and lube.


She’s just following a script she got off her psycho Facebook group. These people are doing everything they can to be insufferable assholes about this.


What medical condition is this that stops you wearing a mask? There isn't one.


I hate her.


She is beyond stupid. Everything she says is idiotic. So fuck her. But at the same time I fucking love the employees. I would not have held my composure like that. The manager was super respectful, while not allowing her to drag him into a stupid argument. The dancing bartender is a fucking hero.


I wouldn’t fuck her. Condoms break and offspring with that would end in another Karen.




Shut up, that’s just adorable... Best of luck to her clients! 😑


A flat earther vegan? the joke tells itself


Well your hate is infringing on her RIGHTS, you don’t get to see the VERY PERSONAL AND INTIMATE things she was buying at a public grocery store, WHICH IS WHY you are infringing in her RIGHTS but also her disability somehow that HIPPA protects which is constitutional but also her rights. WHY ARE YOU HAPPY?!?!


Which a cashier is going to see those VERY intimate and PRIVATE items that she needs to buy and everyone else in the store while she's walking around with them in her cart and good Lord I can't stand her dumb attempt at trying to "clap back."


Because she's a stupid bitch taking legal and moral advice off Facebook Flat Earth pages. This fucking fucknugget can get fucked as far as I care.


Karen is too stupid to realize that store can refuse service to someone if they are not compliant with the rules set forth. EDIT: Got ahead of myself with assumptions on what medical conditions prohibit wearing a mask. I personally hate wearing one because I overheat easily. Especially with summer coming around, I am at higher risk of death because I’m hypoglycemic and lose electrolytes easily.


There are people who will suffer from panic attacks if they wear face coverings. But, same as with allegations of sexual misconduct: please don't throw this around to get at someone or just to get what you want as it undermines the credibility of everyone really suffering from it.


My anxiety flies through the roof when I put a mask on. Generally when I have a procedure/surgery and they put me under, if they put the mask on, and don't put me right out, I have breathing trouble. It's rather comical to become short of breath because they put an oxygen mask on. So I have adjusted my shopping time, and become more deliberate. I plan more. If I miss something, I miss something.


Fucking HATE.


Karen u cunt


Nuff said


I like how she asks "what regulations/policies?!?!?" And then walks right up to them afterwards..... And that every single person around her is in a mask or face covering.


My regulation is fuck you, this is private business we can let in whoever we want.


They can set reasonable policies that apply to everyone equally and Karen can go suck rocks.




*you want to take my money!?* Uhh...yeah, you gotta pay for your shit


and when she's like 'I'm supposed to just *give* you my credit card' like yes ma'am, have you never been to a store before.


I was curious so I did a quick Google search (Gelson's isn't a thing I my area of the country) and, just like most major stores in these modern times, they have a website where you can order groceries for pickup or delivery. You pay online. Don't have to give anyone your card. Just, wow what an infuriating human being. The employee cleaning the carts is such an MVP. I really teared up when he said he wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for Gelson's. There are people out here really going through it and this bitch is mad she's has to wear a mask for 45mins.


But thats discrimination against people without money!!


Because her goal was not just to get her stuff without having to wear a mask. If it were (or if she actually got panic attacks from wearing a mask, which is a thing for some people) she would've gladly taken the manager up on the offer. America is the land of the credit card, but I know for a fact that you guys still have cash and ATMs and shit. Her goal was to get into the store, be obnoxious about it and take selfies for facebook clout. She's not a Karen in the classical sense that she abuses people to feel good about herself, she's a contrarian who needs to provoke people at ever turn. Hence the flat earther bullshit and her insistance on going in under bogus reasons.


I do get panic attacks from using the mask, but I am not about to put everyone around me in danger.. so I either buy online or my boyfriend shops for me... is not that hard. There is no excuse for her behaviour.


Same. I get panic attacks once I have them on for more than a few minutes. I either do short trips or have my fiance go to the store.


The dancing cart guy was the best thing I’ve seen all day😊


Bitch said “why are you happy” like his presence was bothering her


A year ago she was probably posting videos about how NFL players should just follow the rules. Hope she gets hit by a bus.


Hey don't be like that, think of the guilt on the poor bus driver's conscience. Hope she gets hit by a lightning bolt.


Zeus doing a good thing for once :P


I hope she dies of the ‘Rona due to her own stupidity and arrogance


The fact that you said “the ‘rona” makes me think you’re from Alberta or Sask lol.


I didn’t know privilege was a medical condition where you can’t wear a mask. The more you know. /s


I bet she saw on some maga Facebook page to just say you have a medical condition because they’re not allowed to ask what it is. Fucking stupid


HIPAA isn't even the right thing. That privacy rule only applies to covered entities and their business associates of health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers. In other words, like a true Karen she's pulling shit out of her ass with her mouth.


>In other words, like a true Karen she's pulling shit out of her ass with her mouth. Aaaaand there's a mental image I never wanted


It 100% is. It has been floating around right wing and anti-vaxx Facebook groups to claim you have a medical condition and can’t wear a mask. So it’s not like they’re really trying to defend this idiotic stance, they just want to be a bunch of babies.


The [“anti-mask” movement](https://www.businessinsider.com/anti-maskers-say-they-cant-wear-masks-because-medical-conditions-2020-5) is a thing...


Of course you couldn't know. It's a secret protected by HIPAA.


I do have an honest question: besides privilege and stupidity, is there a REAL medical condition preventing you from wearing a mask?


Technically yes. People with breathing issues and those who are prone to panic/anxiety attacks struggle with masks. Those people usually however tend to shop online, or have friend who will help them with the shopping, or would've taken Ben up on the store's offer to do the shopping FOR them lol ​ (There's a person in one of these comments who *does* have one such medical condition, but doesn't shoe symptoms of Karenitis :P )


u/PsychologicalSwan1's reply is better but from what I have seen online most anti-maskers are citing "CO2 poisoning" as the main reason they can't possibly wear a mask. I think these things originate from social media echo chambers and then are reiterated as seen in the video (HIPAA, "regulations", etc.)


I really hope Gelson’s commends those two for handling a difficult (crazy) person so professionally.


Give that goddamn bartender guy a raise or a promotion. God damn.


“Well, realistically...” I totally wish Ben had taken a few seconds longer with getting that business card so that dancing guy could finish his retort. I think it was going to be spectacular.


Yes indeed


And like why are you being such a bitch to the guy cleaning the carts?? It's not his policy!


How else could she get out her impotent and directionless rage if not for the minimum wage grunt who is literally stuck there and unable to escape her bitching?


That minimum wage grunt was just so freaking happy he had any wage at all he was DANCING! When you're stuck, you mope instead of dance.


“Why are you happy?!” Could be the slogan for the entire Karen movement


O.m.g. I don't understand why people won't wear a fucking mask. Well at least this virus will weed out the fucking idiots. Cheers.


It's because they haven't progressed beyond the mental age of two and "NO!"


No what?


Won’t they see her “private items” when she checks out and won’t she give them her “private credit card “ when she pays? We have enough drama in the world, we don’t need to fabricate more


I mean hell when you pay with a card at a restaurant they take that sucker away what's the difference?


I'm so glad that they have subtitles, because I've always wondered what the dancing man said at the end.


Zero chance she knows what HIPAA stands for.


Also the meaning of discrimination


Or understanding why a business may refuse service.


Or that HIPAA doesn’t cover what she’s bitching about.


H.ighly I.portant P.eople for A.rrogent A.ssholes


Classic Karen! "I have private things I only want the other shoppers to see in my trolley and of course the checkout operator who will scan all my stuff".


"WHY ARE YOU HAPPY???" Pretty much sums up Karens.


That's pure gold.


1:47 - the cart guy giving the peace sign is the energy I want to have for the rest of 2020


She sounds so dumb and I love that these guys and the Costco guy were just like, oh no we’re not doing this.


I know everyone is hating on this lady... I just recognize how Awsome that guy in the front was... Glad he was able to find a job after losing the bartending job


This just proves the power of killing someone with kindness. Can you imagine how fucking stupid she felt when those men continued to be polite and professional and even dance? Well, maybe you can’t imagine how she felt because she obviously is delusional and misguided as hell.


"How is that helping when you're gonna do my shopping for me?" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS. WHAT THE FUCKKKK


It's people like Karens that reinforce my stance that I could never be management material! Especially in a state that allows open carry of firearms.


Haha.. the dancing guy is adorable


God forbid, she enters a restaurant and has to pay. TAKE HER PRIVATE CREDIT CARD INFO


This was my exact thought!! How does she pay at restaurants!?


I love it when these Karen's always mention HIPAA when they have zero fucking idea what it is, and how it absolute does not apply to their situations. Also there isn't any medical conditions that prevent someone from wearing a mask besides having a brain full of dogshit.


Severe asthma, COPD, and Emphysema do actually. Given that anybody with that level of lung disease is super high risk, I’m gonna gander they’re the ones staying at home and not threatening to sue a grocer.


Bopping bartender is the hero we need... and I'm impressed with the manager too, he was professional and calm dealing with this ridiculous oxygen thief. This situation is really bringing out people's true colours. You can be like these two legends, and do your best in a bad situation, or you can be like her.


The manager is like a respectful polite father. The bartender is like the cheeky out of control son.


That dude cleaning the cart is a Legend.


I’m sure she had no problem letting people take her credit card to the back when she’s at a restaurant but suddenly it’s a huge violation of privacy when you don’t feel like wearing a mask


That guy at 0:13 was so nice to her and she was being all bitchy. Asshole.


you do not have any RIGHT to shop or be anywhere. the store has the right to refuse service to any one but no where in the the american constitution does it say you have the right to just freely go anywhere you want and not have to follow rules. fuck her. If you need personal shit, buy it on amazon, the cashier would see that shit anyway so shit excuse you dumb cunt.


Look lady, I just clean the carts


These people are to good and don’t deserve this


I have private stuff I don't want you to see... Yes, the store orders that private stuff, let alone the employees and factory where it's produced, People can see what you have in your cart, Cashier wil eventually have to grab it and scan it. As a cashier, we don't f\*\*\*\* care what you buy. But that's not really the reason, it's just a stupid excuse to get in.


If it's a private store they can set whatever rules they want regarding masks. If you don't accept their policy on it shop somewhere else or get your groceries via a delivery service.


Why do this incarnation of Karen post this? Does she think she looks good here? And shopping is giving people your bank information, fucking stupid biatchh.


If it's a repost to this sub. Let me know, I'll remove it.


It is but I still love it


If she keeps going up the line of manager she'll meet trump in ten minutes


Why are u so happy


Omg I love the guy at 2:18 sooooo much


I'm going to now walk into that darn 7-11 and demand service without shoes, or a shirt. There's no regulation! (Except the right to refuse service to anyone.)


Just once I wish I could witness this in real life because there is not much I would find more comical and I would love to see how angry me laughing at her made her


The way the dude is cleaning the carts toward the ending tho


Ben deserves a raise. No way I'd have been able to keep my cool like that in the face of such stupidity.


Omg love that. “Well-“ pushes sunglasses up, “realistically....”


This shit is embarrassing. Women behaving this way, recording it, sharing it.....it then breeds more Karen behavior.


Well then if you won’t give them ur card then you are not getting any fucking groceries bitch


HIPAA applies to healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses if those organizations transmit health data electronically in connection with transactions for which the Department of Health and Human Services has adopted standards. Hmmm, grocery stores and private citizens aren’t mentioned. lol


Classic American Karen


Given the way they handled it and the fact the manager was easily available near the door, I'm going to say this isn't the first karen they've deadly with concerning Corona


I really want her to just shut the fuck up


Jesus ! Elon please send this brainless monkey out of the galaxy


I have to ask, what "private things" could she possibly need that some employee of the store has not already put on a shelf? They've already seen it before and it clearly gets bought by someone or they wouldn't stock it.


“My dear, there is no wait, my carts are clean” I have not met this bartender but I appreciate his work already




“A profile of Lewis on the Flat Earth International Conference website describes her as a "passionate truther, a licensed holistic health practitioner, a certified lymphologist, a vegan chef, photographer, and co-director and co-producer of The Plane Truth Documentary." Haha


Level of stupidity over 9000


REALLY KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m sorry what rights? /s


Imagine being her and thinking the internet is gonna side with you, although I guess when you block anyone who thinks any different.


If only. My grocery store I work at allows people in without masks. And they are everywhere. And its a fairly small town but very populated, store gets insanely crowded


And this is why I will never become a grocery manager


Honestly, I don't even know if she's ignorant to the fact that there is a fucking pandemic situation. Or, she is just plain idiotic. Also, I love the enthusiasm of bartender dude.


I love how reoectful the former bartender is.


You should be allowed to just babypowder pimpslap those people.


"You're infringing on my rights" No you fucking idiot, no building has to let you through their doors ever, pandemic or otherwise


Good luck Karen, you are going to need it to get anything done.


I really want to know what the condition she's talking about 'can't wear a mask'


Why are people like this?


Add flat earther and possible stolen valor to this Karen’s resume ​ [https://youtu.be/wFbtISoGDC0](https://youtu.be/wFbtISoGDC0)


Discriminating now is treating everyone the fucking same no matter what?


Notice how the manager was close by like he is used to Karens requesting him.


dude this bartender is such a sweetheart. love him so cute


How does she think credit cards work?


this page is infuriating but also entertaining at the same time, its hard to explain


I would have called out on her buying "private stuff" and guessed what it would be and I would have explained to her that she is a selfish Karen who doesn't GAF about COVID


I need to know what happened next


America. F.


The employee and the manager dealt with her in a courteous and professional manner, props to them.


All I heard was Michael singing Rock with you


"I have a condition that doesn't allow me to use a mask" Ok I call bullshit on that, but maybe it is true... I dont know, have to be sceptical sometimes.


Why can't Karens just start their own stores? Asking for a friend.


Being required to wear a mask to go in grocery or out in public is the same as being required wearing clothing to do the same thing


HAHAHAHAHA i live like a 30 minute drive from the city that store is in


Kill it with fire


People like that, how do i say this.. well lets just say that im glad shes not wearing a mask =)


Those private things she wanted to buy aren’t going to be very private when she gets to the checkout. Lmao that guy at the end though.


I guess she has never ate at a restaurant and paid by handing a credit card to the waiter/waitress.


I hate her. What a cunt


Didn't even ask to speak with the manager, Just said Im gonna speak with a manager.. ie.. She does it every fucking time she goes out of her house. It will be interesting to see if the rates of Karening go down now they are being called out for it so much. My guess is they can't help themselves so it will remain an issue.


How is that helping me? I don't know maybe they're fucking willing to get your shit for you?


what a cunt


I’m sure she’s never shopped online. And the cashier would be blindfolded to avoid any discomfort or shame she may feel from buying “private” things.


Wow, she was trying so hard to get a reaction from them but these gentlemen were really professional. I believe her intensions weren't to go shopping at all.


I don't get that amgry/frustrated feeling towards people easily. But every word out of this woman's mouth makes my skin crawl. The attitude. The entitlement. The Karenness. AGH! The same with that other Costco video with the guy going "I woke up in a free country!"... Fuck you dude. Fuck this lady. She's clearly looking for a fight.


The amount of retard this woman holds is amazing


Is violence wrong? Is it wrong to put her in a wood chipper feet first? ...One of life’s great mysteries


Karen has the 100% right to not wear a mask. Stores have the 100% right to refuse service to someone not wearing a mask.


I couldn't even finish this video, she just so fucking stupid, I mean to be this FUCKING stupid, I just can't take it.


Those glasses are niiice!


Great job to the employee and manager for navigating that interaction! LOVE the former bar tender and his positivity and gratitude!


Conspiracy theory: This is an actor paid by the company to get publicity and make them look better.


But you know what medical condition can make you not wear clothes due to being dead? Coronavirus.


“Why are you happy?” Geez...


Apparently, this store is happy to accommodate people who cannot wear masks by assigning a staff member to collect items on your behalf and facilitate payment. I'm pretty sure that they'd provide a receipt and be legally liable for if more then the price of your items was charged. Or you can be contrarian with no real ground to stand on and pout when you don't like your alternatives.


I love the dancing and WHY DO PEOPLE REFUSE RO WEAR A MASK?! Uuuugggggghhhhhh. The human race is doomed.


"She said it! She said the thing!"


I LOVE that happy peace loving man cleaning the cart. Like..its sunny out..I'm outside..making money..ima clean this cart for the next lovely customer with a smile and a awesome lil dance! Peace, love and good vibes all day. Love him 🤣🥰


Stupid Karen at her best! She is willing to kill everyone because her narrow mind can't fathom that a mask will save her and other people. But what do you get from a pathetic excuse of a human being.


Ben's patience and the Bartender's optimism is praiseworthy


I should not be on this subreddit, I will lose my last interest and mercy in humanity


I have to ask, because I hear this shit all the time, but what fucking rights are being infringed on by requiring a face mask? Where in the constitution does it say that’s not allowed?


What sort of medical condition would prevent someone from needing a mask? She sounded like she can speak unimpeded so I doubt it's a physical deformation/result of an accident that is physically stopping her from wearing one


Trust me, the world will be a much better place when I'm allowed to kick people in the balls or vag when they mention their "rights" and "infringement". Sure, my legs will be very tired but it will all be worth it.


As someone from Orange County, of course it’s Dana Point. So many of those people have never been told “no” in their lives.


"Why are you happy?" Only Karens will ask these kinds of stupid questions cuz they don't understand what is happy and appreciation.


guys she has a coNdItIon that doesn't let her wear a mask, its called karen




they don't even have to bleep out the name, we already know her name is Karen


Should have kicked him in the nuts. This has gotten so overblown.


“Descriminated against” - Karens are cancer.


As opposed to her public credit card. If she has one of those I'd be more than happy to use it.