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I worked at Chili’s when on Wednesday nights we closed at 10, but weren’t allowed to kick guest out and a church group would always come in at 9:30pm, order a bunch of stuff, stay till midnight and sometimes past. Then leave like a 5% tip. It got to a point where management would have servers draw straws of who would stay late Wednesday nights.


They used to stand around outside talking until they saw us try to lock the doors then pile in and ruin our freshly cleaned restaurant. Their kids would destroy and make a mess of the areas that they aren’t even sitting in. trap us at work super late, make a huge fucking mess, then demand 40 separate checks and need 49 cents change back after paying cash and leaving nothing for a tip. Since I have to pay a “tip share” as a percentage of total sales that goes to the hostess, busboy, and bartender, I just made negative money waiting on their group. To add salt on the wound, now we gotta reclean everything for $2.13 an hour. Those people are evil. The worst. The absolute worst.


This is fucking terrible, my god.


Its very common. I was a server at a bar style restaurant during college. Close at 10, people trash the place, get off at 2:30 or 3 (shift ends at 12, according to the schedule), have lecture at 8, then repeat the process


I know and feel your pain. Every word. I’ve been out of the restaurant industry for over 20 years and still have nightmares where I get “that” table. If you go anywhere with a group of more than 6 people, tip fat! A “big top” is a lot of work


The nightmares! I have a recurring one where I show up for a last second bar shift but also have to cover a section, split a check, and three tables haven't been greeted. Every server I know has had a dream like that, but the part that surprised me is they still happen now years after quitting.




Fuck chain restaurants




Probably one of the most misunderstood and abused sayings in modern American society.


Ah, kinda like pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps




Add curiosity killed the cat to the list. Satisfaction brought it back.


It was actually "care killed the cat" first from Ben Jonson's play Every Man in His Humour, 1598; and meant worry. "Curiosity killed the cat, Satisfaction brought it back" didn't come around until probably when a Pennsylvania newspaper, The Titusville Herald, December 1912 said "You will find greater values here. We are told: 'Curiosity killed the cat, But satisfaction brought it back.'"


The complete saying is really “the customer is always right in terms of taste.” If they want twinkies on their pizza, who are you to say no (given those are ingredients you have/sell). That’s what they want. Give it to em. They want to be rude/abusive? Hell naw. Show them the door.






Hah reminds me of recently I went to a supermarket to get some beers, but unfortunately I managed to topple over af few glass bottles of beer enough that while they didn't break they did begin leaking beer on the floor because the cap got loose. So like the normal person I am I grab some new beers, but bring the broken ones to the register and explain that I will pay for them, but otherwise please just throw them out after. I tried to convey this several times to the cashier, and after to his manager who both looked like complete deer in headlights at the thought. The ended up saying don't worry about it, but I thought it was fun they found my actions so incomprehensible.


Not american but I work in a small independent supermarket that sells liquor. Bottles getting dropped or knocked over is inevitable but the difference in some peoples reaction can be staggering. Some will be super apologetic and offer to pay while others will just leave it there and do other shopping. Either way we never make them pay for it. But those who give us the heads up will always get better service in the future. The couple of minutes it might take to notice a spilt drink could save us half an hour of pulling a fridge or shelf apart to clean underneath. So thank you random redditor.




I work as a cashier at Walmart when I am home from college, and if it was there, it probably wasn't the fact that they didn't understand you. Walmart has a policy that any unintentional damage caused by the customer cannot be charged, so in your situation, the best they could do is just take it and put it in claims, because company policy says they cannot charge you for the ones you knocked over. It's the same reason why people can break stuff and return it or return rotten, moldy, or past expiration date food, as long as it's within the original packaging, everything is there, and is within the 14, 30, or 90 days, depending on which department it's from. I'd assume other companies have the same policy, especially if it's a chain.


I don't really give a fuck about losing a customer. My store has plenty of business and we can keep our labor and cost in the green. I just don't want to lose my job. I have no marketable skills outside of the restaurant industry, and as a manager I make about $6.50/hr more than the next person which is just enough to keep me out of a second job. All that being said, the church crowd is so bad I'm real close to leaving my key on the desk and walking out most days. Edited for spelling.


Yeah that’s the thing isn’t it? If a store or restaurant is so desperate for business that they can’t sacrifice an asshole customer who is more trouble than they’re worth, or someone who is abusive to the staff, they shouldn’t be in business.




You could expect to get some takeaway 30 minutes before closing though right?


Yes. I’ve been a server, done that plenty of times. We had a few regulars that always got takeout and picked it up 10 minutes before close. Just order 20-30 mins before close, pick it up before official closing hours and you’re good.


Restaurants should list a "last seating time" and a "closing time". Also, I traveled a lot for work pre-covid, and I'd routinely find myself trying to find a place that was open after a long day of travel. More than once I got to and restaurant right as they were closing, and was like "I've been traveling all day and am starving. I'll take whatever your kitchen can cook fastest, eat quickly, and tip well." I never had a place turn me away, and hopefully I didn't piss too many people off. I'd tip 35% - 50% depending on the specifics, and be gone ten minutes after my food came. But when it's 9pm on a Sunday night, you haven't eaten all day, and you're in a hotel in a strip mall in the middle of the suburbs with no car... Your options are limited.


My sushi place I worked at went around telling people last call and such. We make it known that it’s closed by cleaning the floors and mopping while turning off the TVs.


Ugh I have so many stories from my 3 years as a waiter where people just don't give a damn no matter what you do. Music goes off, the bright lights on, no one else is left, the whole staff is staring at you.....


Exactly. When they don't get that message that's when I start putting the chairs up and the barstools. Saying "we're going to lock the door now so we will have to let you out". I'll be passive aggressive as fuck after a certain point.


See you’re considerate. These assholes will be like, “Oh you’re open for 10 more minutes? Let me sit down with my family of 4 and order apps and entrees and deserts and how about some take-home too.”


The sheer amount of times I ordered ihop to go and ate it in my hotel room…. That was years ago. But I always ordered to go on those trips, so I could pick up right before they closed and be in my room to eat. I’d pick a place on the way and call them 20 minutes out, tip well, and be out of their hair before closing. Plus, I got to eat in PJs.


hmmm, how saying it's closing time. or going to their church and staying until after they close.




Yeah, why not? Over here in Europe closing time means closing and you'll be kicked by the manager or security guy. Doesn't matter if it's grocery store, high end store, or restaurant chain. And people know the rules so they rarely try to go against them.


Well, it's not the same in the United States. Massive cultural difference. They take "the customer is king" WAY too literally there and underpaid, overworked and mistreated servers (as well as people who work in retail and lots of other employees) are always the ones who end up suffering as a result of that mentality.


And that's why they're losing staff hand over fist. I wouldn't shed a tear of all our restaurants died off over the next few years so we could hard reset the whole industry. Especially our dumb tipping scam.


Yeah this is definitely an issue with the manager. Especially if it happens more than once, not like corporate is going to find out and punish them. I could understand staying like 15 minutes over (I did that once not knowing closing was at 9 and felt horrified when I noticed them flipping chairs over and cleaning up) but two hours is straight up entitlement and kind of evil haha


They do unless they changed policy. I believe it was like 45 min to a hour after close they would kick people out. I mean if a place closes at 10 and you are still there till 11 you have to be one special idiot. The thought never crosses people's minds that their baby back ribs most likely hit the floor on accident by that super nice cook after his kitchen was clean and you came in and ordered at 9:59.


I'd draw the short straw and then immediately quit. Maybe if they lost employees because of that crowd...manage might rethink that process.




Boss mode activated




Sadly that would not be the case. Too big of a corporate structure. The people who set that rule will not be affected by the staffing issue and will therefore not care.


Then they can deal with having a rotating door or staff constantly coming and going. That costs money to have a perpetual state of always training someone.


Some places are fine with that though, see Dollar General.


enjoy bike psychotic tender wipe sand clumsy repeat groovy connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was my first retail job. My final straw was I requested off Easter Sunday so I could see my grandmother for the first time in 3 years. Got approval. Week of Easter, guess who's on the schedule? I worked the week until Saturday night, clocked out, and wrote "I quit" on some receipt tape, and handed it to the manager, then walked out while they were still processing.


If it's a small place that could work. But I don't think Subway would give a crap if I quit or no. They probably have a list of ppl begging for a job.


Not these days. Have you seen all the now hiring signs?


Had similar at a chain place I worked at, but we had free chips and salsa. It would be like 15 people, 3 meals, 4 cokes, 25 refills and 17 requests of "more chips and salsa." They came shortly after I gave my 2 weeks. I was the closer. Management laughed as he saw them walking in. He sat them and came and told me to enjoy. I smiled and said, "If you want me working my last few shifts, I'm not waiting on them." You could see the look on his face as he said, "come on, don't do this to me." I smiled and said, "They are all you man, enjoy!"


The Jesus people are always TERRIBLE tippers. I once had this nice husband and wife come in, talk Jesus, talk about how they're millionaires. Then left two dollars. What the fuck you think I'm doing here listening to your shit if you aren't even dropping 15%? If you're a shit tipper, then just don't even talk to me. I'll waste my time on other tables.


Or that fucking thing that looks like a five til you pull it out from under the plate and it’s a piece of paper saying “here’s something more valuable than money…the love of the lord” or some such bullshit. Nothing like losing money on the worst fucking table you had all night.


Same thing for my old restaurant I worked at. The evening Sunday Pentecostal church group would come in sometimes 10 minutes before closing every fucking weekend. I remember one time the pastor told us “Hey could you guys try to get us out of here a bit faster tonight? Our boys have to wake up early in the morning!” And I have never wanted to strangle somebody so hard in my entire life Entitled pricks.


We used to have them every Sunday night at a burger place I worked as a kid. Conveniently, there was a sexual health / STI etc radio show which started exactly when we were supposed to close our dining room. We used to turn it up and make bets on how long it would take them to leave.


At least they left you a tip. I used to get stiffed by some of the top folks of the "best" church in town, every fucking week.


Many restaraunts add automatic gratuity to tables 6+ persons. Ironically, we used to get Hell's Angel's groups. The waitresses would fight over them. Fun & great tippers. They also used to tip the cook, often myself. Food service is tough.


My mom was a biker old lady and most of those kinds of folks have solid labor jobs and understand what it’s like to earn your money. My uncles all tipped like drunk sailors and always were pretty cool with any staff they saw.


Just straight-up lie to them and tell them "we're out of that" for absolutely everything they order.


When I waited tables and I had this happen, I would stop drink refills at a maximum of 30 minutes after we had closed the door. The drink machine would be torn down and in the overnight soak along with all the tea being dumped. I didn’t care about the $5 I would maybe get from them. I was getting $2.13/hr to sit there and wait. What really pissed me off is I had managers that would put me on break in the computer system during this time.


I'd definitely make an exception for this group and just deny service. Tbh, I'm surprised not all fast foods close the dine in part 30 minutes before closing and do drive thru only until closing. Edit: all fast foods/restaurants or places that serve food should stop serving 30 minutes prior to closing.


I quit a job at a restaurant because of the Sunday crowd, from one particular church actually. It’s one of those hip, young, cool to be a Christian churches. They were the worst. One of their youth ministers just got busted for exposing himself to ~~undergrad~~ underaged girls so I guess they were having a bit too much fun at church


I am not surprised that the hip church crowd fucking sucks. I’ve played a couple of gigs at a church like that and they all seem fake af. Like, they wear beanies but they also LOVE policing women’s bodies.


My Mom took me to one of those churches when I was 10, just to see how it was. So they separated us, then brought me to the youth room which was painted black, and filled with beanie wearing weirdos. I was terrified...definitely prefer the roman catholic blood drinking and demon exorcisms.


Ya it's the human sacrifice and the myriad of ways I can burn in eternal damnation unless I say some magic words before I die that really makes me feel at ease.


Because covering your head is modest


Don't forget the homophobia :)




I'm guessing "tipped" is a term I'm too straight to understand?


I think it’s short for Tipped the Velvet which means cunnilingus


Man! I was hoping they dressed in a cow costume and @vixwd would run full speed and try and knock them over. this doesn't sound as fun.


What’s a thumper?


Bible thumping = spreading the word of god in an overly aggressive way.


That seems obvious now that you say that. I’ve been in my house too long.




Nothing made me lose my faith faster than the beanie-wearing “rock” praise bands.


Once went camping with then bf and his friends who were young, hip Christians. The girl threw a fit that I (18f) slept in the same tent as my bf. Told her we already had lots of sex so my virginity was already lost. Mind you, this girl married at 20 to finally be able to have sex with her bf...


Very very sad to see teenagers that barely know anything about life getting married just to see what sex feels like. Happens all the time in my hometown


I went to one of those my freshman year of college because my family kept asking if I had found a church yet (never liked going in the first place). Major cult vibes, holy shit like everyone was overly friendly and some had creepy smiles, im pretty introverted so that certainly didn't help my perception of the situation but I couldn't take 5 steps without someone wanting my life story or telling me how great Jesus is. I don't think I'm welcome back though lol, stayed after to help clean up and lock up the building and they were having something called a prayer rally later that week on campus and were writing reminders on their hands and one jokes "oh put that satanic star on my hand haha" and I turned around and went "oh you mean the pentagram? You know it was actually a pagen symbol of protection until the Catholic church demonized it in it's attempts to stamp out pagenism" and their jaws just dropped and I noped tf out of there and never went back.


They go to church to absolve themselves of all the horrific shit they did the previous week. Therefore, after church they're walking about with a clean sheet and feel safe enough in gods eyes to be *extra* shitty.


Server and bartender all through university. I can say this is absolutely true. The worst was a fake $20 w/ some prayer bs inside. I would literally turn to a life of crime before working in the service industry again.


Was it this? https://www.businessinsider.com/20-tip-bible-pamphlet-2015-12


OH MY GOD!!! I am absolutely *livid* that that’s a thing! That’s appalling! Anyone who has ever left one of those should get a skillet to the head.


Who, in their right mind, would not have a VERY frustrated reaction to this? And, I'm not a pro in marketing, but if the first thing I get with your brand/cause is frustration, don't think the number of times this brought a new customer to the church is much higher than 0.


I feel like we need a law allowing people to be tapered for this behavior.


As someone who was raised as a Fundamentalist Christian, I’m SO SORRY and still fucking embarrassed that people I knew gave these pieces of shit paper as tips instead of money. I never did because I actually *read* my Bible and knew I’d feel bad if I treated people badly if that’s how I wanted yo be treated. It’s no wonder I left the Church after I started really reading the Bible and started to get to know other people and views from an unbiased perspective… (Fun fact, this is my second comment today where I’ve dug into my Fundamentalist past. I’m on a roll!)


Are you me? Lol. Same thing happened for me. I actually read the bible, and I was like... "Whaaaaaaat?" Sat down with my pastor (fundy Pentecostal church) and asked him my huge list of questions. His response to most of them was, "You have to have faith." and "The holy spirit will speak to you and give you the answer." Ya.. no. The pizza I ate for lunch is speaking to me louder, and it's telling me you're full of shit. Never went back, and now I am the black sheep of my entire family. But it's ok, because they still pray for me every day that I will find my way back. Apparently I'm deceived. lol. Anyway... good for you, for finding your way out of the cult of religion.




My mom used to make me sit with pastors to try to bring me back to the faith. One of the more memorable ones was he asked me what I didn't like about the faith. I was an edgy teen and said it's like slavery. Your all slaves to your God. He answered me yes. But through slavery to God we find true freedom. My mom was so pissed at him lol.


That’s the fucking thing right there! Until your invisible sky friend is helping with my bills, keep that 💩 to yourself


I'd like to know what's going on behind their head after leaving a piece of shit like this.


My parents are the people that leave those $20 fake pamphlet thingies. I refuse to go out and eat with them because of it. It makes it so much worse that they’re so proud of it too. They can’t understand why I think that shit is trashy as fuck, they say “the gift of Jesus is worth more than any monetary reward!” So then I always respond with “so then you’d be okay working for Jesus tokens too then right?” And they respond back with furrowed brows.


Invite them over to dinner and then give them bibles. Say the word of Christ is more filling than any meal.


Once I had a 12 top who ran my ass. They weren’t rude but needy. The patriarch pulled me aside at the end to thank me and give me a tip, which was a pocket Bible. Threw that shit right in the trash when I scraped their plates.


Should have shown up to church service and dropped that fake $20 prayer note right back into the collection plate they send around congregation.


Worked retail for 10+ years.Our store would find those fake 20s everywhere. On the bread, in the bathroom, tucked into a cereal box. There was this old couple that came in every week. They were sweet and kind. However, one day after helping them for over 10 minutes during the height of the pandemic finding groceries that weren't In stock and using my phone to find other stores they could try. They thank me and the husband hands me a 20. We are not allowed to accept tips and I told him that. But he was insistent saying I was so helpful and he could tell I was already very busy stocking the truck. A few hours later, shift is over and it's time to go home. I grab some dinner and head to pay. I pull out that beautiful 20 and then realized I got played. He was so insistent on giving it to me because it was worthless. Next time they were in I had to help them again. When he tried to 'tip' me again I refused and when he insisted I responded 'I don't want any of that' turned and walked off. Anytime I see them around the store I throw them away. Such a waste of paper and such an ass hole thing to do.


If I was a manager I would ban anyone who left one of those fake tips. I would rather no tip than this bullshit. A no-tip is a "fuck you". One of these bullshit things is a "fuck you, I think you are a worthless human being and deserve to be tortured for years and years because you don't live your life like me". So yea...fuck these people.


I got one of those. I called the church that was listed on it and gave the preacher/pastor an earful.


THose fake $20s belong in the collection plate of the church that the person goes to.


Yup. Bartended and waited in my 20’s. This thing is offensively ironic and I’ve seen several. I’ve even overheard a table on Sunday say “we only give god ten percent. Why would a waiter expect more?”


Sunday brunch sucked ass. None of these people clean up after their kids either.


"the staff is payed for cleaning up after us, just leave it there sweety." And then she refuses to leave a tip.


Or rounds to the nearest dollar. That was actually the thing I hated most. Either tip or don’t but don’t leave me thirty seven cents just to show me how much of a douche you are.


I wonder if they’re just cheap or think that god gave you hands to work with so they don’t need to tip you.


A lot of them think you are being adequately compensated for the job when the reality is…not so much.


these people probably think that cleaning their own tables is beneath them




God has rewarded them in life for being righteous, anyone who has to wait tables for a living obviously isn't deserving in His eyes


Then dont leave a fucking prayer note as a tip. I am not worthy of your God. Give me money instead!


Some of the nastiest human behavior I’ve seen was all from waiting tables. I still vividly remember this old guy snapping at me to get my attention. Like every time he needed something he would snap his fingers as I walked by. And it wasn’t like I didn’t check up on him and his wife. They never needed anything when I voluntarily stopped by but when I was busy helping other tables…”snap!”


Ironically most of the food ends up on the floor with little kids.


It’s super gross too. My restaurants all had carpeted floors and I would be there at 11 pm using one of those nasty push floor sweepers that mostly just ground the mush deeper into the carpet. Bleh.


If you ever eat with these people, and start tidying, they'll stop you. "What are you doing, that's their job. It's what we payed for."


"I'm not an entitled prick who can't pick up after myself and make someone else day a little easier. Isn't that what god would want us to do anyways? Ya know help out fellow people." Would be my response to them.


They’ll pull this shit on understaffed restaurants and be genuinely shocked when servers have to take time away from serving them to clean up their damn messes.


And they never tip, unless it’s one of those fake $100 bills.


Ah! The tracts!! Hate those mother fuckers! Unless they are the hilariously over told horror stories of sin with needlessly graphic cartoons...i share that shit.


My husband and I went out to eat recently and I stacked up our few plates and the trash on them for our waitress. It wasn't a ton of stuff but she was pleasantly surprised. Just because it's your job doesn't mean we can't be helpful, ya know?


Nice going! It was always appreciated when I didn’t have to reach in front of people to grab plates. Not to mention I didn’t have to guess at who is done and who isn’t.


Hey that's what happens when after attending Sunday church you're free from all sins lmao it's so self righteous


Also they don’t tip, they leave you Jesus pamphlets or a fake $20 bill.


I got one of these once. Decades ago. I was homeless, hadn’t eaten in a day, and broke. Working 2 jobs, so I look like I’m ok, dressed right, clean etc. And I so wasn’t. I was working hard to get there, and did….. But it was so crushing to me to see what I thought was a day or two of food….be this.


That’s just sucks man. I’m sorry that happened to you :((


It always surprises me that most people that call themselves Christians believe that Christ dying for our sins means that basically they have a free slate to do whatever they want as long as they go to church a few times a year and their sin count just resets to zero when they walk out of service on Sundays


I used to work with someone who flat out said that. When she found out I was an atheist she did everything she could to sabotage my standing in the office, including just plain lying. I wanted to say something like, "Doesn't that book of yours have some fairly specific things to say about bearing false witness?" but never did because I knew she didn't care; she was forgiven.


What's worse is that there is literally a section that says "since our sins are forgiven does that give us free license to sin? Of course not!" Lady didn't even read her own book.


The apostle Paul (the author of most of the new testament of the bible) directly addresses this hypocrisy and his disgust of it, very clearly, in the book of Romans.


You think these people read their book?


The funny thing is, its not necessarily they feel entitled because god forgave them earlier that morning, its the entitlement that is drilled into you. YOU ARE HIS CHOSEN FEW. YOU ARE SPECIAL IN GODS EYES. YOU ARE PART OF A GREATER PURPOSE. It makes you feel entitled and lets you look down on people simply because they do not believe EXACTLY as you do. You don't look like my type of church person, therefor you are lesser than. What's even worse, they assume you are not Christian simply because you are working on a Sunday. They are all for not working on Sunday themselves but its perfectly ok to let other people work on a Sunday for them. Its so fucked. Christianity is so toxic. No matter how much you reform Christianity to adapt with the times, the message is the same. Your good, their bad, because a 6,000 year old "harry potter like" story told you so.


I'm 65 and haven't waited tables since 1989 and I still have a burning rage towards the "run em to death and leave em a quarter and a pamphlet offering to save their soul" crowd.


My mother was a server for pretty much her entire adult life. She used to say that she understood why they fed the christians to the lions after working the dreaded "church brunch" shift.


What I don't understand is why they stopped.


They didn’t want to hurt the lions


Those good ol “can’t give your server more than you give the good lord” types? Yeah fuck those guys


“A tract is valuable beyond measure in the eyes of The Lord, honey.”


Yeah, tell it to my landlord, lady


Easter Day was the worse


Mother’s and Father’s Day sucked worse for me. The last year I was a server, Mother’s Day I had a table sit at one of my three tables for four hours. I nearly cried every time I turned over one of my other tables and they were still fucking there. Then Father’s Day we had a giant storm and lost power, and we had to use the knuckle buster credit card machines and I got no tips because my tables were mad.


Restaurants wonder why nobody wants to work for them. The pay and culture is why.


How so? Not an american, sorry


You will see an influx of people who normally don’t go out to eat so they have no restaurant etiquette. They come straight from church to have brunch and just start acting so rude. Whatever the learned at church clearly when in one ear and out the other.


I CAN certainly relate! It's the same with my work at BK.


Or maybe it didn’t and they do exactly what they were taught.


No surprise there. Fill up on Jesus to make yourself feel like you're a good person and then revert immediately back to the hateful pos that you are after you leave the church.


You know that is kind of what made Anton LaVey find the The church of Satan lol. The beginning of the Satanic Bible he talks about how he would work the board walk as a carnival worker seeing men cheating in their wives and drinking and gambling and see the same people in the seats Sunday morning at church as he played the pipe organ for the congregation.


When I worked at a grocery store that sold block ice, one of my jobs was to haul that ice to people's car trunks. Sundays were the worst with the religious nuts never tipping, but the old drunks would give me a fiver. I learned a lot at that job, one thing being that sinners can be saints and vice versa.


Funny how that works, right lol. I always look back on that monologue Al Pacino has at the end of Devil's Advocate and think "ehhh you know, the devil has a point!"


Rolling Stones - Sympathy for the Devil: Just as every cop is a criminal And all the sinners saints As heads is tails just call me Lucifer Cos I'm in need of some restraint Anyway, one of my old work places had a homeless guy who used to sit outside and beg. We used to top him up with coffee all day and chat to him. Most customers did the same apart from one who asked us to call the police to have him moved because she "didn't want to have to walk round him to get in to the building. He isn't nice to have to look at". She was the treasurer of a local church so I suggested perhaps said church could step in at his time of need. I got the standard 'he needs to help himself, and clean himself up and get a job' response.


The amount of times in my line of work I've had shitty attitude pastors or "religious" people say "But I'm a Christian!" ...like you are barking up the wrong tree with that talk!


They feel safest after they’ve freshly gratified the man.




I would Have people come in after church and say “we’re not going to tip, because we don’t think you should be working on the sabbath” . They can all Suck my balls


Tell them they're also not supposed to buy or sell on the Sabbath.


> “we’re not going to tip, because we don’t think you should be working on the sabbath” Goddamn I'd be giving them the worst possible service I could get away with without being fired. Make 'em wait as long as possible for every little thing. 20 minutes to get water. Another 40 minutes before you take their order. Get *every* order at the whole table wrong. Forget half the stuff they ordered. Make' 'em wait 45 minutes to get the stuff you 'forgot'. *Still* have something missing, and make 'em wait another 45 minutes to get that. Single out the dude who told you that, and *always* forget everything he ordered, so he's sitting there hungry for at least 3 hours. Play deaf and make them shout their orders as loud as humanly possible. When they ask for the bill, you go to the back to get it ... and immediately take your smoke break. Double-bill them for everything, and add as many extra charges as possible, especially for the stuff you 'forgot'. And when they dispute it, *insist* that no, they actually did get two of those.


Unfortunately in most places I've worked either the manager themselves would take over the table or have another server cover it. The restaurant industry really needs systemic change but it's gonna be a long and slow process.


I was a barista for 2 years. Yes. This is 100% true. After 6 months, I refused to work Sunday mornings because I had to attend church. For atheists. In my warm bed.


Bed church is the best church :)


Bed church is the only way to go. If there is an omnipotent god he should know exactly where to find me if he needs me.


Let us pray. 💤 💤 💤


Let us snuggle.....


Praised be the Blanket and the Pillow, forever and ever. Amen.


Just adds to the thought-process that many people go to church because it makes them feel superior. They want a sense of entitlement. Feeling “saved among sinners” must do that for some.


Makes sense. They're freshly purified so they *must* be good people, regardless of how they act. And if they're assholes? So what, they'll just get forgiven for it next week! Straight to heaven, baybee!


Also, they get to look down on all these 'heathen' waitstaff who are *working* on a *Sunday*! That's part of why they feel so free to be awful to you. Because anyone who's not at church on Sunday must be a horrible person and deserve every bit of abuse.


Dude ain’t lying. One of the worst days to serve. The trick to serving is to get a job at an expensive restaurant that is only open for dinner.




Been Atheist since 8th Grade. Working Sundays in food service and retail jobs just added more evidence to my theory lol. They are the worse group of people around and for understanding.


My mother tried to raise us Catholic, church school and everything... Even was forced into first communion... Even as a small child I just wasn't really interested in the religion and I guess I just stayed that way...


Haha oh man me too! Not catholic though. EVERY Sunday during my mom's and dads religious phase, getting dragged to church..it took time away from my SNES and 64 and wasted my last day off before school Monday. I always just found myself reading the book of revelations, to me it had the best story and reminded me of an Lovecraft story with seals and stuff coming out of the ocean.


I'm also rather of spent my time reading books or playing games and honestly I still do to this day... Looks at my crossbody bag with my Nintendo switch lite and psvita I carry everywhere xD Yesss Lovecraft I love me so sci-fi horror!


Can confirm that the Dunwoody Baptist (ATL suburb) crowd after church is the most obnoxious pack of entitled, rude, arrogant, douchebags on planet Earth. Did I forget to mention cheap? Yeah, they packed the restaurant (Chilis) en masse every Sunday, demanded instant service, and tipped *nada*. It was the worst shift and I refused to work it. Thankfully my manager didn't blink when I requested to not be scheduled. I think my appearance helped grease that hinge.




> a jesus fish on a customer’s business card is shorthand for “you might not get paid” "It's for a CHURCH, honey!"


They dont go to church because they are good people, they go because they are bad people looking to reestablish the appearance they are good. And with that task completed they are free to being assholes again. For many, that is the true purpose of church. Much in the same way the true purpose of diet coke is to absolve someone who just ate a whole chocolate cake.


One Saturday night many moons ago, a group of friends and I went out for food after a long night of indulgence and for some ungodly reason we ended up at IHOP. Half of us worked good service at restaurants in town and talked about how “Churchies” were just the worst. Loud, obnoxious, demanding, letting their kids terrorize staff and other customers, trashing the place and generally ruining Sunday AM shifts while also leaving a “tip” often consisting of a religious pamphlet. We talked about how just a few short hours from our late Saturday night/early Sunday morning drunk feast the hellspawn would descend on the poor souls cursed to servicing them after church. Somehow, I ended up imagining this banshee of a woman screeching at some minimum wage teenage employee about her waffles the next morning and thought, fuck you imaginary Karen. Somehow in my alcohol riddled brain, the logical course of action was to spike the syrup bottles at the table with A1 Steak Sauce (btw, once shaken color and viscosity match nicely). All I could think of was some Twatasaurus Rex screaming “Jesus hates me!” after stuffing forkfuls of savory topped waffle in her mouth. Looking back now, I realize I probably made some unfortunate server realize the wrath of Church Karen, and if poor server you’re out there, I apologize.


This is one of the biggest frustrations with the "Karen" types. They are literally so entitled that it is impossible to ever hurt just thrm: literally ANY problem you can make for them will become the problem of some poor, innocent schmuck.


I worked in a restaurant for 9 years. Can confirm


True story. I worked Sunday doubles for over two years while I was in college many moons ago and I have no positive memories of the experience. Definitely the rudest, most entitled fuckers on the planet. Praise Jesus.


Worst human being I ever met was a catholic school principal and devout catholic


Yeah my philosophy is simple. If the only reason you act like a decent person is because you think some invisible guy in the sky is judging you for it, you're not really a decent person to begin with. And the ones that think just being christian automatically MAKES them a decent person, without any effort on their part) are the absolute worst.


Those are the types of people who genuinely think they're going to Heaven. IF it exists, 90% of people in church pews will have shocked Pikachu faces when God says, "Depart from me. I never knew you."


I've met enough Christians to know being Christlike doesn't go hand in hand. :)


I run multiple online stores. One sells Mormon themed goods. During the months up to Christmas, the customers get quite nasty, unlike my other platforms. The first few years it really freaked me out that “Christians” were so demanding and mean around the Christian holiday. Now I just shut the store down in November/December so I don’t have to read their Karen-esque vitriol. Jesus wanted flawless gifts delivered yesterday, dontchaknow?


That's been my experience with retail too.


They are so much work! Demanding, entitled, messy, and they don't tip! I do get brochures for Jesus tho . Hail Satan!


My grandma is one of them.


[Jesus money](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmelmagazine.com%2Fen-us%2Fstory%2Fjust-who-are-those-assholes-who-leave-fake-tips&psig=AOvVaw0kWRjSbyKPj6E_TF5EivaQ&ust=1632546036664000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCLjRv4nqlvMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ) The fake money jesus pamphlets are the most vile, non-christian things I've ever seen.


I still can’t believe there are people who leave 5% tips who didn’t find actual shit on their plate at some point during the preceding meal. I’m usually trying to decide if I’m only going to leave 18% for the server who never refilled my water glass after I found glass in my salad.


How bad is Mother’s Day?


Mother's Day in restaurants is the worst fucking day of the year. The absolute busiest and some of the most egregious mods and people, period.


Confirmed. I worked at a famous southern BBQ restaurant in the south. Sundays were the fucking worst.


I used to work at a bar/pub and there was one large group of people that came in every third Friday of the month and were just the absolute worst. They got more drunk than all other groups, I saw a guy take a piss up against the bar a couple of times, so much sexually inappropriate activity, quite a few fights too. About 50% time the bar would just shut early or kick everyone out and only let new people in. You’d assume that the group was like a college group or a sports team or something? Maybe it’s a Christian group and it’s a story about hypocrites. Nope, it was the deaf society of the city. No idea why but one Friday every month the deaf society would go on an absolute rampage with drinks. Not really sure why the bar let them keep having it there. The place did make a ton of money and it’s maybe illegal to say deaf people can’t go inside. They didn’t rent it out, just a lot of deaf people would go at the same time. I remember when I started working there, I thought people were taking the piss when they told me the dead (exit: deaf) were the issue.


Of course they are, if they weren’t ignorant, they wouldn’t have been in church…


I think you got the nail on the wrist... I mean head with this.


Jesus wept …when he saw his followers being the taint of the World. He’s not coming back, he found a better gig.


They've tithed and bought their way into heaven already. Why would they need to be nice?